The Last Light Keeper

By LaiGrey18

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Hello, this is a fantasy novel I've been working on for almost a year now! I'm really proud of it. I know it'... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: Cauldron Chaos
Chapter 3: Friendly Fire
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 5: Tom-ay-toe, Tom-ah-toe
Chapter 6: Picking a Fight
Chapter 7: The Deal
Chapter 8: Amara Crest
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 10: Progress
Chapter 11: Reoccurring Dreams
Chapter 12: Fortis Arbor
Chapter 14: Do Not Come Back
Chapter 15: More Questions
Chapter 16: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 17: Friends
Chapter 18: Make Me

Chapter 13: Discovery

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By LaiGrey18

The next two months passed quickly. Aster spent most of her free time catching up on her studies or practicing her magic in the Cellar. She spent most of her weekends visiting Evania with Sebastian and sometimes Huck would come, too. She provided a lot of relief to Amara, but they still feared that all she was doing was prolonging the inevitable. If they could only just figure out what was making Amara sick, then maybe they could cure her.

  Aster's dream never subsided. They only grew more intense as time went on. Most of them were passive, the same large tree brimming with magic. Sometimes her name was called. The nightmares were very seldom, but when they did come they were almost traumatizing. Aster woke up one morning completely paralyzed with fear, and had to miss class to visit Miss Perrie in order for her to get calmed down. The plan for Aster and Sebastian to visit the Fortis Arbor was still on, Aster just didn't feel ready yet.

  Aster hadn't received any messages from the Faery that she knew about. The more time went on, the less she was convinced that the Faery she met was the one attempting to reach her. The Faery could've easily gone about it in many other ways. Huck eventually became convinced it wasn't the Faery either, but he was still very wary about the situation. Sebastian had told Aster it's best to keep their plan between the two of them for now.

  Eventually, Sebastian's sixteenth birthday was rolling around the corner. Fortunately, it fell on the first day of the weekend, so he could spend it in Evania with his mother. He invited Huck and Aster of course, who were both thrilled to attend.

  By this time, the three Keepers figured out the best bus schedule so they never had to squash into one seat together. The seasons had changed and the days were a bit more brisk in weather. As soon as they pulled to Evania, the air seemed even more nippy than back at the Academy.

  "I swear it has to do with the Greenwood," said Sebastian. "I think it lets off magic to keep it warm enough so the plants don't ever die there."

  The moment they entered the door to Sebastian's cottage, Aster's nose was hit with a wonderful aroma. There was a fresh baked cake sitting on the table in the kitchen, topped with sixteen candles. The outer layer was a bright pink with dark red words that read: HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY SEBBY!

  Amara was sitting at the table, looking the best Aster had seen her yet. "Come here my sweet boy. Happy birthday!"

  Sebastian walked right into Amara's arms. She squeezed tightly and planted his cheeks with a dozen kisses. He finally broke away, wiping his face but grinning.

  "Did you make this?"

  Amara nodded. "I did. Thanks to Aster, I had the strength. I'm a little worn down now, so don't expect me to be too much of a party animal."

  "Mum, you shouldn't have."

  "You deserve it. I have one more present for you."

  Amara reached below the table and pulled out a wrapped package. Sebastian ripped into it and pulled off the lid of a brown box. Aster and Huck peered over his shoulder to reveal the gift. It was an elegant suit, dark in color. The material was silk and had a handsome shine to it. Sebastian's mouth gaped open.

  "Where in the galaxy did you get this?" He asked.

  "I've been saving up. I sent Roger to Jobbleville to buy it from a tailor there. I want you to look your very best for the Solstice Ball coming up."

  Sebstian's expression softened. "Mum, I told you. I don't want to go to that if you can't come."

  The Solstice Ball was to take place a month later. It was a special event at the end of the season where the students and parents all attended together. It was the time where parents could visit and catch up with their children and Professors.

  "Sebastian, you are going. You're going to be the most dashing boy there, and you're going to have a wonderful time," Amara ordered.

  "I love it, mum, I love it so much. It's brilliant. I can't say thank you enough."

  "Don't mention it, sweetheart," Amara was beaming. She then opened her arms for hugs from Huck and Aster. "Now come here, you two. Then we can sing happy birthday."

  Sebastian's face turned scarlet during the Happy Birthday song, followed by him blowing out his candles. They all ate cake together, which was one of the best baked goods Aster had ever eaten. Finally, Huck pulled out his own present for Sebastian.

  It was a book that belonged to his father. It was very old and had information regarding the elements and how to tap into your energy to control them all.

  Sebastian beamed. "Man, I'd hug you right now if you didn't hate them."

  Amara giggled. "He lets me hug him."

  Finally, it was Aster's turn. She pulled out the tiny wrapped package from her sack of things. It was something she picked out in Jobbleville, accompanied by Sorbit and Matty. She picked it out herself and used the rest of her spending money that Nelly had sent with her.

  Sebastian ripped open the package to reveal a one of a kind, pocket watch. It had a long chain that matched the outside color, a beautiful gold. It clicked open to reveal the time and was decorated with jewels. Sebastian was speechless.

  "Isn't that just the most handsome thing you have ever seen," Amara was shocked.

  Sebastian looked up at Aster, searching for the right words. "I-I don't even know what to say. Aster, this is brilliant. I didn't expect..."

  Aster shrugged. "I'm sorry if it's too much. It's the first birthday present I've ever bought for anyone. So I just picked out the best thing I saw."

  Huck laughed. "Only you would apologize for buying someone a gift."

  Sebastian softened his gaze. He opened his arms and wrapped Aster tightly. He allowed the gesture to portray the words he couldn't find.

  After a few seconds Amara laughed and said, "Well don't squeeze the life out of her."

  Sebastian pulled back, face bright red as he looked at his dear friend. "Thank you, Aster. This is one of the best presents I've ever received."

  Aster was just as red. "I'm glad. You're welcome."

  Roger came home not too long after and began making dinner. Huck offered to help, which Amara encouraged, considering Huck was the best cook in the house. They made a roast with garlic potatoes and steamed greens from the garden. Everybody sat down at the table together and enjoyed the small feast, everyone eating more than they could stomach.

  Once the weekend was over and they made it back to the Academy, Aster decided to write to Nelly.

  She wasn't sure how long it would take her letter to get there, since Nelly hadn't been writing back, so she wanted to send it as soon as possible. The Solstice Ball was in a month and she was hoping Nelly would attend. She knew it was a long shot, Nelly didn't want to be anywhere near the Academy, but she missed her dearly and would love to introduce her friends to her. Besides, Nelly was the only family she had, besides the one she made here at the Academy.


  Aster still hadn't heard from Nelly and the Ball was in a week. She was very upset and even a little bit worried. She knew Nelly was polite enough to at least send a letter of decline. She decided to see Miss Madeleine, and ask if she knew anything.

  Aster stayed over after 7th hour on the day before the weekend began.

  "So what's going on?" Miss Madeleine asked.

  "I wrote to Nelly almost a month ago asking if she would attend the Solstice Ball," said Aster. "I never heard back."

  "I'm sorry, Aster. I wrote to her as well, informing her of the date and everything a few months back," said Miss Madeleine. "I think the whole idea is still a little scary for her."

  "Isn't it weird she never at least gave us an answer? I haven't received any letters back from her since I got here."

  Miss Madeleine's expression changed. "Oh?"

  "I haven't written too often, but enough. I know she didn't want me attending the Academy, but I thought she would at least send something."

  "Right... don't worry about it, Aster. I am going to check in on it." Miss Madeleine could see the worry creep over Aster's eyes. She knew she needed to ease her mind. "I am going to personally visit her. So do not fret. Speaking, have you figured out what you're going to wear?"

  Aster's eyes widened. "Oh cripes, I haven't even thought about that."

  Miss Madeleine laughed. "I have something for you. Come with me."

  She followed Miss Madeleine up to the Professors' Dormitory. It was a part of the Academy that Aster had never seen before. It looks relatively the same as her own dormitory, but something about being in the Professors' dorms made her feel a little special.

  Miss Madeleine's room was just as Aster would've expected. It was filled with bright colors and decorations. There seemed to be a few plants, probably gifts from Professor Ara. Miss Madeleine walked to a chest that laid in the corner, and pulled out a key to unlock it.

  "I should've brought you here long ago," said Miss Madeleine. "I wanted to save it for your sixteenth birthday, but you need it now more than ever."

  Aster became intrigued. She peered over Miss Madeleine's shoulder into the chest. She could make out a few packages, all zipped up tightly. Miss Madeleine pulled out a large one that was sitting right on top then closed the chest.

  "In here I have a lot of items from your mother. There are some other things I want to go through with you, but like I said I'm saving it for your birthday. Even though the surprise is already spoiled. I'm sure you can wait three more months can't you?"

  Aster nodded earnestly.

  Miss Madeleine unzipped the package she held and pulled out a long white gown. "This is the exact dress your mother wore to our Solstice Ball I'm sure it'll fit you very well. Let's try it on."

  Aster was beaming as she pulled the dress up over her body. It was just a tad long, but other than that it fit over her curves and breasts just great. The white was very radiant, against her dark skin. She wasn't sure if it would clash, but when she looked in the mirror she was taken aback with the beauty. She almost didn't recognize herself.

  Miss Madeleine stood with her mouth gaped, a tear trickling over her cheek. "I've never seen anyone more beautiful."

  Aster couldn't stop the tears welling in her own eyes. She turned to give Miss Madeleine a big hug. "Thank you, oh thank you so much!"

  "Don't thank me, it's your birthright," Miss Madeliene smiled. "I'm so happy to see it fits you."

  Miss Madeleine helped Aster get the dress back to her room and hung it up so that it would be ready for the Solstice Ball in a week. She promised Aster she would make a visit to Nelly personally, and to not worry. Aster asked if she should come with her, but Miss Madeleine didn't think it was a rather good idea. She knew Aster would be safest at the Academy for now.

With the Solstice Ball approaching, Miss Madeleine allowed one day to spend her class hour practicing ballroom dancer rather than magic casts. Though there was music and a dance floor, dancing wasn't typically something the students did at the Solstice Ball. Though Miss Madeleine knew it was probably due to the fact that none of the students wanted to dance with another classmate in front of their parents, she thought perhaps allowing the students a chance to practice will make them more inclined to dance at the ball.

Nobody seemed exactly thrilled over the idea when Miss Madeleine announced their assignment for the day. There were some groans, mostly from the male students. Some of the females excitedly whispered into each others' ears. Aster felt nervous, and her face reddened at the thought of dancing with another student. Her first instinct was to partner with Sorbit, but Miss Madeleine instructed everyone to find a partner of opposite sex if possible, and informed them they would be switching partners every song.

Aster was partnered with Alfie at first, which turned out better than she thought. Aster had absolutely no experience when it came to any type of dancing, let alone ballroom dancing, but Alfie seemed to have some idea on what to do.

"My mum made me take classes before the ball last year," he told Aster with a chuckle. "I never put what I learned to use until today."

Aster then found her way to Marshall, who even though was much larger than Alfie, danced with more grace. He seemed very shy and timid, so Aster made sure to compliment him every chance she got.

Eventually, after a few different partners, Aster's nerves fluttered away. After dancing with Leeroy Tooks, a boy Aster knew from not only homeroom but also Potions, it was time to change partners again. Aster began to head towards Matty, to trade with her, but stopped dead in her tracks when she realized Matty had been dancing with Kale Maverick. Aster immediately turned and frantically searched for a different partner.

Unfortunately, everyone partnered up quickly, and there were only two left. Aster's heart sank as she began to accept her fate to be stuck with Kale, but suddenly she saw Kale had been partnered with another girl from their class. Aster felt on cloud nine as she turned around, not worried about who she'd been partnered with now, until she realized it was none other than Zilla.

She felt half tempted to go find one of her friends and switch partners, but she knew it wasn't an appropriate thing to do. At least it's not Kale, she told herself.

Zilla wore a tight expression as Aster approached. Without any words, she placed her hand on Aster's shoulder, and they entwined their free hands together. Aster cautiously placed her other hand on Zilla's side and they began to move with the music.

Aster thought that this could be her chance to talk to Zilla, attempt to at least become acquaintances. It took nearly the entire song for her to muster up the courage.

"You're quite good at this," said Aster.

Zilla only hummed in response.

Aster thought perhaps it was best to drop it, but for some reason decided to try again.

"Is your family coming for the ball?" she asked.

For a moment, Aster thought Zilla had blatantly ignored her. She didn't seem to make any type of signal that she had actually heard Aster. Aster was ready to be swallowed up by the floor due to sheer embarrassment when Zilla finally responded.


It was short and simple. She didn't seem to want to offer any more explanation, and Aster didn't dare ask. She decided that was enough conversation with Zilla to last her lifetime.

Finally, Miss Madeleine instructed to switch partners one last time. Aster spun around quickly, both eager to get away from Zilla and to find the first partner who wasn't Kale Maverick, and came face to face with Sebastian. They both instantly broke into a grin.

"Be my partner?" Aster asked quickly.

"Of course," Sebastian nodded.

Aster wasn't quite sure why, but she felt her stomach tingle when she fell into position with Sebastian. She wasn't a stranger to physical touch when it came to him, he was someone who was physically affectionate with the people he cared about, even Huck who was the compete opposite. Besides, she hadn't felt this way with the other boys in her class that she danced with. She chalked it up to her anxiety after dancing with Zilla.

"So I'm assuming you and Zilla had a lively conversation," said Sebastian, the hint of sarcasm only noted due to Aster being around him so much.

She rolled her eyes. "If you call me talking and basically getting ignored a lively conversation, then by all means."

Sebastian snickered. "Don't let it bother you. She's just bitter. Probably jealous of your magic or hair or something stupid."

"Definitely not my hair," said Aster. "I mean, have you seen her hair? It's like black silk, she's so pretty."

"Okay then your magic," said Sebastian with a laugh. "Either way she's probably just insecure. Not your problem."

"I don't think she likes me," said Aster. "I've never done anything to her."

  "Who cares?" Sebastian continued. "Not everybody is going to like you, Aster. My mum always said that if somebody dislikes you for no apparent reason, it's got more to do with them than it does you."

  Aster nodded, and smiled at Sebastian. He returned the smile, but seemed to tense up and Aster wasn't sure why. They continued dancing together in silence, up until Aster felt a weight upon her toes.
  "Ouch," she yipped, pulling her foot back.

  Sebastian cursed under his breath and tensed up even more. "I'm sorry."

  Aster giggled after realizing what had happened. "It's okay, I suppose that's why we're practicing, right?"

  Sebastian nervously smiled. "I don't plan on dancing at this stupid ball anyways. I wouldn't even be going if mum hadn't bought me that suit."

  "It'll be fun, Seb."

  Sebastian shrugged. "You're going for sure, then?"

  "I suppose so," said Aster. "I'm quite excited to meet everybody's family."

  "Yeah, that part is pretty interesting," he said.

They fell back into a comfortable silence as they finished the dance. The music began to end when Aster noticed Sorbit across the hall, face beaming as she was partnered with Huck. Sorbit made eye contact with Aster, and instantly broke into a grin. Aster returned it, but her smile turned to a grunt as she felt a pressure coming down on her toes again.
"Ow, Seb," she gasped.

"Gaia's arse!" Sebastian cursed.

"What does Gaia's pretty behind have to do with your lousy dancing?" Alfie smirked next to them, partnered with Matty.

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he took a step back from Aster, the music coming to a halt. "I'm sorry for crushing your toes."

"I'm okay," Aster smiled, in an attempt to reassure him.

"Well!" Miss Madeleine exclaimed with a clap, her voice raised an octave. "You all certainly...did your best!"

Sebastian seemed to sulk as they began to clear the classroom. Once in the hallway, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and, though he didn't think it possible, his dark mood grew once he faced Alfie's mischievous grin.

"Don't worry about it, Sebastian," Alfie began, "if Aster wants a real dance at the ball, I'll be there!"

Sebastian's face was permanently glowered the rest of the day.


  That weekend, Aster went with Sebastian alone to visit his mother. She had planned to give her as much energy as possible with her healing magic, in hope that she would be able to attend the ball the following week.

  Once they got there, it wasn't good news. Amara looked significantly worse than just the week prior. She was pale, and was laying in the bed resting. Roger was home as well, not wanting to leave when she wasn't doing so well.

  "What happened?" Sebastian asked the moment they walked in the door.

  "It happened halfway through the week," Roger explained. "She started not feeling well again, and has been bed bound since."

  "Did she do anything before it happened? Like overexerting herself?" Aster asked.

  "Not that I know of," said Roger.

  "You shouldn't have been gone so much," Sebastian quickly snapped. "You should've been helping take care of her, so she didn't exert so much energy. She may have been feeling better, but she's still sick. Now look at her!"

  Roger's face grew cold. "I have been here. She insists I go out and have a life of my own. I shouldn't have to be here all the time."

  "Yes you should! You married her, you signed up for this!"

  "P-please," Amara barely whispered. "No fighting."

  Sebastian's expression softened. "I'm sorry, mum." He walked closer and placed her hands inside his. "I'm here now. It's okay."

  Aster walked closer too. Amara really did look bad. She looked about the way she did the first time she ever saw her. She couldn't understand this drastic change. The only thing she could imagine was her illness was taking over even more.

  Aster tapped Sebastian's shoulder. "May I?"

  He looked at her with a pleading expression. He was powerless against his mother's illness and he knew it. All he could do was nod and step back.

  Aster stepped closer to Amara and cupped her face in both of her hands. She closed her eyes and focused her magic. She began to draw energy into Amara. It started well, she could tell Amara's body was depleted and she knew she was helping. But eventually she came across an eerie sensation. Her hands began to tingle, which soon spread up her arms. She fought the sensation best she could, until it turned into pain, as if needles were jarring into her skin. She gritted her teeth and pushed through it. Eventually, her whole body was a beacon of pain. Aster couldn't understand the sensation, until she felt a familiar stir. Her first thought was Dark Magic.

  Aster fought against the pain as long as she could. Eventually, she was on the brink of passing out. She didn't have the strength to hold her arms up, and she eventually faltered. The last thing she remembered was feeling a warm pair of arms prevent her from smacking to the ground.


  When Aster came to, she was in Sebastian's bed. There wasn't anybody around, but the door was propped open. She sat up, and felt a pang of discomfort fill her stomach. She had to move slowly, but eventually the pain subsided. She looked down at her hands. The palm of her hands stretching up to her fingers were a raw red, as if she had latched onto a burning pan and didn't let go.

  What in the galaxy was that? Aster thought to herself.

  There was a glass of water next to the bed, which she gulped down before attempting to stand. Slowly, she made her way to the living space. She peeked out to see Sebastian sitting next to his mother's bed. His brow was creased and his full concentration was on his mother.

  "How is she?" Aster whispered as she propped herself against the door frame.

  Sebastian startled as his expression changed to surprise. He jumped up and raced to Aster. He put his arms out, unsure whether he should help steady her or not. "She's fine. A lot better, thanks to you. She's just sleeping now. How are you?"

  Aster shrugged. "Okay, I think."

  "You were unconscious for a few hours," Sebastian told her. "Your hands were smoking like they got burned, let me see them."

  Aster pulled her hands forward and Sebastian studied them.

  "They look better, I figured they would since you heal quick and all," said Sebastian. "I was still worried. What the hell happened?"

  Aster shrugged. "Is Roger here?"

  "No, I told him I wanted alone time with my mother. I think he'll be gone until tomorrow."

  Aster peered over at Amara, who appeared to be sleeping, but Aster didn't wanna risk any chance of her overhearing. "I think I need some fresh air. Will you help me?"

  Sebastian tucked himself under Aster's arms to help guide her to the door. She felt pretty okay, but she still appreciated the extra support. Once they made it outside, Aster pressed her back to the house and slid down to the ground. Sebastian sat opposite of her, staring with guilt ridden eyes.

  "I need to tell you something," said Aster.

  Sebastian didn't speak, he just kept the stare and waited for the words to come.

  "I'm pretty positive I just came into contact with F Dark Magic. It must be growing inside of her."

  Sebastian's face went blank. "W-what do we do?"

  "We have to figure out what she could be sick with. What kind of Dark Magic could cause this. There has to be something out there that can help us."

  Sebastian placed his face in his hands. "It could be too late."

  Aster grabbed his hands and pulled them into hers. "It may be. But that doesn't mean we're not going to try."

  Sebastian couldn't stop the stray tears that leaked down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, that you got hurt. I'm so sorry, Aster."

  Aster pulled her friend into a hug. "Please don't apologize."

  "I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I couldn't stand it if something ever happened to you. Especially if it were because of me," he choked.

  "I'm tougher than I look, I thought you knew that," Aster attempted a smile. "I'll be okay, Sebastian. I promise. Save all your worry for your mom."

  Sebastian pulled away and looked at Aster with desperate eyes. "I don't deserve a friend like you."

  "Yes, you do. I told you, what I do with my magic is my choice. And I choose to do everything in my power to save your mom."

  "Aster, if you can't save her, just know it'll never change the way I feel about you."

  "I know."

  "You've done more than what I ever could've hoped for already. Even if she doesn't survive, you made the last few months of her life bearable. You helped ease her pain and give her a better quality of life. I'll never be able to repay you."

  "You don't ever have to repay me or feel guilty. Please, Sebastian."

  He nodded and wiped his cheeks dry. "Are you feeling okay?"

  "Yes, I'm all right. Are you ready to go inside?"

  "Not yet I don't think."

  The two friends sat pressed against the cottage and gazed at the stars. Sebastian explained the constellations to Aster, something she had been interested in since their first day together in the Astronomy room. They weren't sure how much time had passed before the two of them kept consecutively yawning.

  Sebastian helped Aster to her feet, in which she assured him she was feeling okay. He brought her inside and made her a peanut-butter sandwich, in which he forced her to eat. She only complied when he agreed to eat one himself.

  Eventually, Amara woke up for a little while and the two friends sat with her and drank some tea. She assured them she was feeling much better, just tired. Aster chalked it up to the spell she performed earlier. It seemed Amara's body had been fighting the illness just as much, which took a toll.

  Eventually, Amara decided it was time for everyone to go to bed. She knew Aster was exhausted and Sebastian seemed run down with worry. She couldn't stand to see her own son watch her deteriorate like this. Not when they were both so young.

  "You two kids sleep well," Amara said. "I love you both."

  Sebastian pulled Amara into a tight embrace. Amara looked at Aster over his shoulder and stretched her hand out to her. Aster took it and was pulled into the hug. She was squashed between them, like a sandwich, but it was such a comforting feeling. She never wanted the moment to end.

  Once they finally did pull away, Aster noticed Amara had tears streaked down her face. She glanced at Sebastian who looked just as distraught. The only thing Aster wanted in that moment was to take away their pain. The pain she knew all too well. Loss and longing.

  Amara placed one hand on each of their cheeks. "I'm serious, you kids get rest."

  "I can sleep out here with you," said Sebastian.

  Amara couldn't help but chuckle. "You better not, just in case Roger does come home tonight. I promise I feel a hundred times better now."

  Once in the bedroom, Aster watched Sebastian begin to make his cot on the floor. She couldn't help but feel guilty.

  "I'm sleeping on the cot tonight," she said.

  Sebastian looked at her with a bewildered gaze.

  "By myself I mean," she quickly added. "You can sleep in the bed."

  Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle. "No way. My mum would kick my arse anyway if I made you sleep on the floor."

  "This is your house and every time you have to sleep on the floor."

  "I promise it's comfortable."

  "Then let me sleep on it if it's comfortable."

  "Aster, I swear to the heavens I will duct tape you to that bed."

  Aster couldn't help but laugh. "Ugh, you're so stubborn."

  "Uh, have you met yourself? I think you're the only person I know who's more stubborn than me."

  Aster rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go get ready."

  By the time she came back in her night clothes, Sebastian had the cot all comfortable and ready. He headed off to the washroom to get ready himself. By the time he came back, Aster had completed her plan of laying herself comfortable under the covers of the cot. He couldn't help but laugh.

  "You brat," he grinned.

  Aster didn't have time to respond before he ripped the covers off and lifted her up off the floor like a baby , then tossed her into his bed, followed by him tucking the blankets around her tightly.

  Aster was trying to stifle her laughs, so she didn't disrupt Amara but she couldn't contain herself.

  "There, I get the last laugh," he claimed.

  "Cripes, Huck was right. You are obstinate."

  "Damn right," Sebastian replied. Then he turned off the light and threw himself in the cot. "Goodnight, Aster."

  "Goodnight, butthead."

  The both of them snickered some more before finally finding sleep.

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