By AnneClinton

16.9K 376 300

Meet Hailey McAdams, a star student known for her sharp mind and bold words. She never guessed that her quiet... More

1|¡See You Again¡
2|¡New Destinations¡
3|¡Oh Boy! Karma Is A Bitch¡
4|¡Devil As A Teacher¡
5|¡You're Impossible¡
6|¡I Wanna Be Yours¡
7|¡The Fault In My Stars¡
8|¡Not Again, Ugh!¡
9|¡When Did I Say I Hated You?¡
10|¡I'm Sorry¡
11|¡Cloudy With A Chance Of Rain¡
12|¡Trouble In Paradise?¡
15|¡I Like Your Smile¡
16|¡She's Back¡
18|¡A Forbidden Temptation¡
20|¡Dawn's Secret:Silent Glances&Untold Vows¡
21|¡Melodies Of Longing¡
22|¡Whispers In The Rain¡
23|¡Hearts On Fire¡
24|¡Whispers Of Tomorrow¡
25|¡"Your passion for..."¡
26|¡The Weight Of Words¡
27|¡Tangled Webs¡
29|¡Confessions and Promises¡
30|¡Schrodinger's Spark¡
32|¡A Psychopath Ex¡

19|¡Whispers Of Desire¡

509 13 4
By AnneClinton

"You're Taking my breath away" - Tatiana Manaois

Chapter Theme Song : Still Falling ( Tatiana Manaois )


I groggily open my eyes, the remnants of the dream still clinging to my thoughts. Mr Torres' face lingers in my mind, his touch almost tangible. It takes a moment for reality to settle in, and I realize it was just a dream. But what a dream it was.

Shaking off the haze of sleep, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and rub my temples, trying to hold on to the fading fragments of the dream.

And as the sun peeks through my bedroom window, I slowly stir awake, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. I stretch, trying to shake off the remnants of my dream, but it clings to me like a stubborn cloud.

With a sigh, I roll out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to wake myself up. The mirror reflects a tired girl, but I put on a brave face, determined to keep my emotions hidden.

In my closet, I carefully select my school outfit for the day, choosing to pull of something that strikes the balance between casual and put-together. I want to give off an air of confidence, even if I don't quite feel it.

Downstairs, my parents are already at the breakfast table, engrossed in conversation. I greet them with a smile, trying to act nonchalant, but my heart races as my dad casually mentions the dinner plans - tonight with the Torres' . Mr Torres' name hangs in the air, and my stomach churns with a mix of excitement and nerves.

After a quick breakfast and bidding my parents farewell, I hop into my car and drive to school. The familiar route offers a temporary distraction, but my mind keeps circling back to the impending dinner. What will I say? How will I act?

Finally, I arrive at school and spot Chase waiting by the entrance. Relief washes over me as we exchange greetings and fall into step together. We navigate the crowded hallways, making our way to our first class.

The minutes tick by, but I can't focus on the teacher's lecture. I'm too consumed by thoughts of my teacher - no, no, it sounds wrong coming out this way. Mr Torres, or perhaps Maximiliano, and the evening ahead.
Classes drag on, and I'm scribbling notes that look more like abstract art than actual words. My mind's on a loop, replaying every possible scenario for tonight. But when lunch comes around, and I'm finally sitting across from Chase, it's like I can breathe again.

At lunch, Chase and I find a quiet corner of the cafeteria to sit - across from each other. With a deep breath, I opened up to Chase, sharing my fears and insecurities. I lay bare my feelings, exposing the vulnerability that's been simmering beneath my composed exterior.

"You should follow your heart" Chase told me, I searched through his eyes - a sign that he was kidding, but he wasn't. He was dead serious.

Heaving an exasperated sigh, "As if it were that easy. How sure are we he feels anything - we both know him. I can't handle his rejection" there is no need burying my inkling.

"Oh my dearest, sweet baby, you'll be fine. I'm here for you - we in this together " he came over to me to wrathe his arms around me.

Laying my head on his shoulder, squeezing his sides ; "I love you, you always know the right things to say. I'll forever Bless the day we met"

We went back to our next classes, which unfortunately was cancelled last minute. The teacher taking that course couldn't make it, and so, Chase who told me of an impending task at home bid his goodbye, leaving me in front of the library. As I sat in the library, surrounded by towering shelves filled with books of knowledge, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. This was my sanctuary, where the complexities of the world melted away, and I could immerse myself in the comfort of facts and figures.

But today was different. Today, he was here - by him you know who. I don't know what he was doing here or why he chose to be here exactly the same time as me. And every time he entered the room, it was as if the very air changed, charged with a palpable energy that seemed to crackle between us. The equations and laws of motion that usually governed my thoughts dissolved into nothingness as he approached, his presence commanding my attention in a way no textbook ever could.

Mr Torres had a way of speaking that was both captivating and disarming, effortlessly blending intellect with charm. He might start discussing the physics of light, weaving intricate metaphors that illuminated the complexities of human perception. It was smart, it was subtle, and it was so Mr Torres -using physics to navigate the delicate dance of our shared connection without ever acknowledging its existence.

I tried to keep up, to engage him in conversation with measured responses that showcased my intelligence and understanding. But beneath the facade of scholarly discourse, I was acutely aware of the man behind the teacher, the enigma that lurked beneath his composed exterior.I watched as he spoke, noting the subtle shifts in his expressions, the intensity in his eyes that seemed to burn with a fire I couldn't quite decipher.

"Uhm sir, did you need something?"looking anywhere but his face - I don't trust myself around him.

"I found what I was looking for. You're doing a good job, keep it up" with that he left, in a puddle of hot raging mess.

My brain refused to concentrate after battling with it to focus on the book in front of me - hence, I gave up, packing up and heading out to get it moving. I couldn't afford to be late, this dinner's important to my Dad, I wasn't going to allow my untainted notion disappoint him.

The evening air was tinged with the scent of jasmine as I stepped out of the car, the soft fabric of my dress brushing against my legs. My parents, ever the embodiment of grace and poise, flanked me as we approached the grand entrance of La Lumière, the five-star restaurant where the dinner was to be held. The maître d' greeted us with a practiced smile, leading us through the opulent foyer adorned with crystal chandeliers and walls that whispered of old-world elegance.

As we were escorted to our reserved table, I could feel the weight of the evening ahead, a mingling of anticipation and a fluttering anxiety that seemed to nestle itself deep within my chest. The restaurant was a symphony of clinking glasses and subdued conversations, each table a vignette into the lives of the city's elite.

Then, I saw him.

Mr Torres stood there, the embodiment of sophistication in a tailored charcoal suit that seemed to accentuate the breadth of his shoulders and the lean cut of his frame. The subtle sheen of his silk tie caught the light, a deep shade of burgundy that hinted at a depth of character yet to be explored. His hair, always a rebellious tangle, was now styled with a care that spoke of effort, and his eyes-those piercing orbs-found mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Our families exchanged pleasantries, the air filled with the light laughter and the soft chime of greeting. I watched as Maximiliano's parents enveloped mine in warm embraces, the familiarity of their interactions painting a picture of shared history and mutual respect. His mother's eyes sparkled with a kindness that was almost disarming, and his father's firm handshake was a testament to his character.

Maxine, swept me into an embrace that was as genuine as it was unexpected. "You look absolutely stunning," she whispered, her compliment a soothing balm to my nerves.

"Thank you Maxine, so do you" I responded.

Then, there approached Trevor, the elder brother whose reputation as a charmer was as well-known as his striking good looks. His approach was marked by a confident stride, his compliment to me delivered with a sultry undertone that promised mischief. "A vision of loveliness," he said, his gaze lingering just a moment too long.

It was then that he stepped in, his voice a low rumble of protective authority. "Trevor, I believe you're making our guest uncomfortable," he chided, the steel in his tone belying the calmness of his demeanor. The air shifted, charged with unspoken tensions and the complexities of family dynamics.

"Atta boy! It's only a compliment, nothing to fret about" his voice sounded teasing, tapping his brother's back.

As we took our seats, the conversation flowed as freely as the wine being poured into our glasses. I found myself caught in the ebb and flow of dialogue, each topic a dance I was still learning the steps to. Mr Torres' presence was a constant pull, his every gesture, every glance, a thread that wove itself into the fabric of my thoughts.

The evening unfolded like a carefully choreographed ballet, each course served with precision and artistry, the flavors a testament to the chef's skill. But even as I savored each bite, my mind was elsewhere, tangled in the whispers of desire that seemed to emanate from the man in front of me.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as our families gathered around the ornate table, the soft glow of the chandeliers above casting a warm light on the faces before me. The chatter was lively, a symphony of familial ties, when suddenly, the room seemed to quieten at the sound of Mr Torres' father's voice.

"I believe it's time we discuss Hailey's future," he began, his voice commanding yet warm, as all eyes turned to me. "After her graduation, Abraham and I've arranged for Maximiliano to mentor her in the business."

I felt a flutter of nerves as I glanced at the man who seemed to consume my every thought, his expression unreadable. The significance of what was being offered wasn't lost on me-the knowledge and insight into a world I was about to inherit.

"Our families have always shared a bond, and this mentorship is a continuation of that legacy," my father added, his approval evident in his steady gaze.

The conversation ebbed and flowed, with both fathers detailing the expectations, the commitment. I listened intently, the weight of the opportunity settling on my shoulders like a cloak. I was to learn from the best, to be shaped into a leader, and all under the tutelage of the enigmatic Maximiliano Torres - my physics teacher, the very person I'm trying my best to avoid being alone with.

As I excused myself, the clinking of cutlery and murmur of conversations faded behind me. The cool solitude of the washroom was a brief respite from the evening's revelations. Steeling myself, I stepped back into the grandeur of the hallway, only to halt abruptly as I nearly collided with Mr Torres.

"Mr..Torres, sorry...I didn't see you" I fumbled to say.

Words stumbled from my lips, a feeble attempt at casual conversation, while my gaze stubbornly traced the intricate patterns on the marble floor. It was easier to hide my confusion, my inner conflict from the safety of this lowered gaze.

Then, with a gentleness that contradicted his usual stern demeanor, Mr Torres reached out, his hand coaxing my chin upward until I had no choice but to meet his eyes. "Hailey," he began, his voice a soft inquiry, "why do you divert your eyes from mine?" "And you can call me Maximiliano, we're not in class".

Caught in his gaze, I was a deer in headlights, the intensity of his stare paralyzing. It was a question I wasn't prepared to answer, not when his proximity sent a jolt of awareness through me, not when every instinct screamed to look away and preserve the walls I'd built around my heart. But there I was, exposed under his scrutiny, searching for words that wouldn't betray the storm within.

Maximiliano's eyes searched mine, a silent challenge. "You always seem to look away. Is there a reason?"

My defenses rallied, a mixture of pride and vulnerability sharpening my words. "It's nothing personal, Maximiliano. It's just... how I am."

A knowing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Just 'how you are,' or how you're choosing to be with me?" His voice was a low thrum that seemed to resonate within the quiet space between us.

I swallowed hard, the air charged with an unspoken tension. "Maybe it's a bit of both," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's not easy to hold your gaze when there's so much... uncertainty." I didn't just say that - oh God! Bury me alive.

He stepped closer, his presence enveloping. "Uncertainty can be a beginning, not just an obstacle. Perhaps it's time to confront it, Hailey."

My heart hammered against my ribs, his words igniting a spark of daring within me. Could I confront the tangle of emotions he stirred in me? Could I risk the vulnerability of truly being seen?



A/N : I humbly request y'all to support me in this operation - that is, 4K Reads, at least 500votes, 200followers. Can we meet the target? I'd be flattered and honored if we do! 🫶🏼💜

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