games operations | jamie drys...

Por musicsports

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falling in love with my ohl crush was not on my radar. coming with him to the nhl was even further away. Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

339 5 0
Por musicsports

(i apologize for what is about to happen)

"Whatcha doin?" Trevor asked me as he came into the kitchen. I was wearing sweatpants and a sports bra and my hair was in a super messy braid with strands falling out everywhere, it looked like I just woke up. Not to mention I had spilt at least 3 cups of flour all over myself. I guess the two boys had just gotten home from the first game of the season in LA last night.

"Baking." I replied dryly. 

"Whatcha bakin?" He asked again. 

"3 types of cookies, coffee cake, banana bread, and cinnamon rolls." I replied, wiping my forehead with my sleeve just to leave some flour in its place. 

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I need to bring something for the first pre-season game for the Lady Ducks, bring something to the office for the staff, something for the new game crew, something for the maintenance staff, and for the hockey staff." I told him.

"Nothing for the team?" Trevor asked. 

"Why so many questions Trev? And no, I'm apparently not allowed to bring any for the team. Ask your coach why because I don't know." I told him.

"Well, it's a good thing I live here. But hey, also, why do you have to bring that stuff?" 

"I don't have to, I just want to, to be nice." I said. 

"Jamie!" Trevor yelled. 

"What do you want?" Jamie asked as he came into the kitchen. "Oh no." He simply said before walking over to me and sliding his arms around my waist. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing's wrong, why would you think something's wrong?"

"Because you only bake when you're either stressed or upset, and this is a lot of baking." Jamie said, turning my body around to face him as he hugged me tighter. 

"I'm fine, I'm all good. There's nothing wrong." I said as I bit the inside of my cheek, if I didn't I knew I was going to start crying and I did not want that. I didn't want him to know something was wrong. 

"No you're not. Baby, I know you pretty damn well by now, what is going on? Please tell me." Jamie said. His eyes were soft and kind, and I knew he was worried. 

"I'm just so stressed." I said, my knees wobbling and I felt like I was about to fall to the ground. The timer on the oven went off and I tried to get out of Jamie's grip to take the cookies out before they burn, but he wouldn't let me go.

"Trev." He simply said, and the timer turned off in seconds. "Come here." He said again and started leading me towards the living room, sitting me down on the couch. "What's going on, love?"

"I don't know. I think with everything going on, school, the job, wedding planning. There's just so much and I feel like I have so many things to do and responsibilities that I can't finish and get done. I'm just scared I'm failing everyone and everything I do. The amount of rules bent for me and I'm just not doing good enough." I said, I could barely hear my own voice.

"Baby, we had the most fan engagement at games ever last season, and that was all thanks to you. We can push the wedding if we need to, plus I'm sure there's a plethora of people who would be willing to help plan if we needed. School just started yesterday for you, you have so much time to catch up and get everything done. People wouldn't have bent those rules if they didn't have full confidence in you. I am so proud of you, and you could never fail. You're doing amazingly, and I am so, so proud of you. Only one year left, you graduate in May. Keep working towards it, and I will help you with anything you need." Jamie said, leaning my head against his chest and holding me ever so tightly. 

"I love you." Was all I could manage to get out. I was still trying to fight the tears from falling but it kept getting harder.

"I love you most. Do you want to go back to baking. Trevor and I can help you with whatever you need. Or we can finish it and you can go relax. Or we can ignore it all together." Jamie said, giving me too many options. I wanted to finish it, I wanted to get it all done. I love to bake, it gets the stress out. 

"I wanna keep doing it." I replied, running my fingers underneath my eyes to catch the droplets. 

"Okay, we'll come help you then, it could be fun." Trevor said, cutting into the conversation. I smiled up at him and nodded. 

"Thanks guys." I said, even though it was a fake smile it did the trick. Jamie stood up from the couch and reached his hand out to grab mine, pulling me up with some strength and I partially jumped into the air. His smile is so contagious, it's hard to look at him with that look on his face and not feel any happiness whatsoever. He's just such a happy person in general. We walked into the kitchen and Trevor started cleaning up a little bit of the mess I had accumulated throughout the day. 

"What do we have to do, boss lady?" He asked me, hands on his hips and chin held high. I chuckled a little bit and handed him the roll of parchment paper to put on the trays. 

"One of you can roll the cookies out onto a tray and put them in the oven." I said.

"Dibs!" Trevor yelled, immediately taking one very, very large step to the cupboard with the oven trays in it. I laughed and shook my head a little bit. 

"What do you need me to do, pretty girl?" Jamie asked, his voice was so soft and gentle. 

"You can put the cinnamon sugar layer into the dough and roll it up tightly." I said. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, so I picked up the bowl with the cinnamon sugar mixture and showed him how to do it in a corner. 

"Got it." He said and began to finish it off. I finished the banana bread batter and put it in a loaf pan, and right into the oven, before dunking the mixing bowl into the sink to wash. I had borrowed a mixer from Dani so I also had the coffee cake batter done, and put that one in a pan, topping it off with more of the cinnamon sugar layer and the streusel topping, putting that into the oven too. "Baby?" Jamie asked me.


"How do I roll it up?" He asked. I shook my head a little bit with a small smile playing on my lips as I walked over to him and started to roll the dough tightly. "Okay, okay, I got it now." He said, basically pushing me aside. I grabbed a piece of string that would be long enough and waited for him to be done. "What now?"

"We're going to cut it up." I said.

"Why do you have string to cut it up?" Jamie asked.

"Because a knife makes it squish and it doesn't stay in a roll, this does." I said, showing him how to do it. He took the string out of my hands after I showed him one.

"Skyler?" Trevor asked from the kitchen table.


"You have to look for this to make sense." He said, clearly annoyed that I wasn't looking in his direction. I turned around and started laughing immediately.

"What are you doing?" I asked him through laughter. He had somehow gotten half of melted butterscotch chips all over his face, and was using some of the cookie dough to wipe it off and eat it. 

"Just having a snack." He replied, giggling like a little girl.

"That's so nasty, Trev." I said, laughing. Jamie had taken a look at the scene Trevor was putting on and started to laugh too. 

"Get a grip, dude." Jamie said, laughing.

"Hey, I'm just trying to get our girl in a better mood!" Trevor yelled. He walked over and grabbed a piece of paper towel, wiping his face down and tossing the bit of cookie dough into his mouth. He cleaned his face off and went back to rolling the dough out before putting it into the oven a couple minutes later. Everything was in, or done. I could sit, and not do anything. 

"Let us clean up, baby, you go relax. You deserve it." Jamie told me as I took the now finished tray of cookies out of the oven.

"It's okay, I have to make dinner anyways." I said as I grabbed a cloth from the sink and started to wipe the counters down. Jamie walked over to me and took both of my wrists in one of his hands, taking the cloth in the process. 

"No you don't, we can order takeout, or Trevor and I will make something." He said. I let out a deep and shaky breath, just standing in that position for a minute, until I looped my arms around Jamie's torso, hugging him tightly. I was unbelievably happy that he was here. Our home opener was in three days, so I at least had him for a little bit. Only two out of the next nine games were at home, so I'd be without him a lot this month. After being together almost every day for the past five months, the next little bit is going to be hard, at least on me. I finally let the tears fall. I couldn't stop them anymore, and now that I didn't need to do anything or focus on anything I could feel what I needed to feel. 

"Sky, we're always here for you, no matter what." Trevor said, coming back into the room from properly washing his face upstairs. 

"I know." I replied quietly. 

"I'll clean up, Jimmy, you two go upstairs and get her to feel better." Trevor said, he was being very nice. Not even being a pain in the ass at all like usual. One thing I absolutely love about Trevor is that he is never okay with anyone being upset. He'll do everything he can to make whoever it is feel better. He truly is a great guy. 

"I appreciate you both, more than you could ever know." I said. I didn't want to get all sappy but I was already there. 

"We appreciate you, more than you could know, Sky." Trevor said, and Jamie squeezed me a little bit tighter. I let go of him and walked over to Trevor, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and started rubbing my back, resting his chin on top of my head. "I love you, kiddo." He whispered.

"You're a year older than me, Trev." I rolled my eyes. "But, I love you too, old man." I said, now smiling against his chest. I let go and walked back over to Jamie as he handed Trevor the cloth and we walked upstairs to our room. 

"Want to watch a movie?" Jamie asked as he closed our bedroom door. I nodded and started to change out of my flour covered pants and sports bra. I put on basically another version of the same outfit, just another pair of sweatpants and another sports bra, before getting into the bed with Jamie, pulling the blanket over me. Knowing Jamie, he was probably too warm for the covers. He was my own personal heater, it was great. Jamie put on Beauty and the Beast for me, knowing it was definitely something I needed today. 

"You know me so well." I said as he clicked the button to start the movie.

"Well, I have lived with you for the past two and a half years, I've learned a thing or two about you." He said, putting an arm out for me to lay on him, which I gladly obliged. 

"You have? That's so strange I haven't learned a thing about you. Who are you again?" I asked. 

"You don't know it yet, but I am your murderer, so sorry to keep it from you for so long but I really had to get you to trust me before I could kill you." Jamie said, laughing a little bit. 

"Alright, well now that I know, can you just take me out now?" I asked him. He tightened his arms around my torso just a little bit, enough to feel it but not enough to hurt at all. 

"Yep, say your last words now." He laughed out, rocking me side to side.

"Tell my my dog that he's cute." I said, laughing too.

"Not even that you love him? Just that he's cute?" He asked, as he stopped moving me back and forth.

"Yep, precisely." I replied. We laughed and talked a little bit more, before Trevor knocked on the door.

"Come on in, buddy." Jamie said.

"You're not naked right?" Trevor asked, opening the door with one hand covering his eyes.

"Yep, ass out." I told him sarcastically. 

"Alright sounds good. What do you guys want to eat?" He asked, throwing his phone over to the bed. We scrolled through Door Dash and tried to find something good landing on some restaurant Jamie and Trevor like. Trevor cam and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you doing, kiddo?" Trevor asked, putting a hand on my shin underneath the blanket. 

"I'm good, hungry though." I replied, giving him a soft smile. He nodded and laid down on the foot of the bed.

"What are we watching?" He asked.

"Beauty and the Beast." Jamie replied.

"Oh sweet, love that movie. I hope it's okay I'm going to cuddle by myself down here and watch it with you. You honestly don't have a choice either way, it's happening." Trevor said, turning and looking at us before looking back at the screen, with a proud smile on his face. Jamie and I just laughed at him. 

"You're always welcome to cuddle with us, Trev." I said. These two really knew how to make me feel better so easily. After about 40 minutes the food got to the house and we all went downstairs to sit on the couch and eat so we didn't make a mess of the bed. We put on another Disney movie, this time it was Princess and the Frog. We stayed on the couch for the night, having a Disney movie marathon, before all three of us fell asleep on the couch. 

Jamie and Trevor had been gone for just over a week, todays only home game number two of the season. I'm more stressed about this game than the Home Opener for some reason, but not a big deal either way. 

"Okay, let's get going guys, you know your jobs. Text me if you need anything. I'm going to meet with production. If you are lost please refer to Sean, Alex and Brendan, they know what goes on around here." I said before leaving the room. I walked upstairs to the production booth to go through the game with them and make sure they also knew what was going on. I came back downstairs and walked down to the dressing rooms to get my headset for the game. 

"Hey, Skyler." Kevin said as I walked past him.

"Hey Kevin, how are you?" I asked.

"Great, how are you?" He asked me I smiled as I walked into the headset room.

"I'm good thanks." I said happily. That was the end of the conversation. I grabbed me headset and walked back out through the area again, saying some hello's to a couple other players. I walked back up to the production booth and got ready for pre-game. Overall throughout the game on our side it went really smoothly, I had no bumps in the road with my team or the production team. The Ducks lost 4-2 against the Lightning, so when the two guys got home they were a little upset, Trevor scored though so he was a little bit happier than Jamie was. 

"Hey, baby, how are you doing?" I asked him as he walked into our room. When they got home I was in our washroom taking my makeup off. He walked over behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"I'm tired, annoyed, upset. Can we go to bed?" He asked. I nodded as I turned my head and kissed his temple, the only place I could reach on that angle. 

"Yeah, let's go to bed, my love." I replied, turning around in his arms and putting my makeup remover down on the counter. 

"You can finish up here, I have to brush my teeth and everything still." He said. We pulled away from the hug and he gave me a quick kiss before grabbing his tooth brush. I walked back into our room and turned the TV on, changing into my pyjamas and messily made the bed nice enough so we could get into bed. I turned the light off as Jamie came out from the washroom and immediately threw his dress shirt and pants into the dirty laundry pile in the corner of the room. 

"What do you want to watch tonight?" I asked him as he threw the covers over the both of us. 

"Doesn't matter to me, whatever you want." He replied, already closing his eyes and cuddling into me. I put on The Proposal on Disney+ and set the remote on my bedside table, picking up my water bottle and chugging it a little bit. 

"When do you leave for Las Vegas?" I asked him as I curled back onto his chest. 

"Tomorrow morning." He replied, his tone was dry. 

"So early." I said, trying to cheer him up a little bit.

"You should come. I'll buy you a plane ticket and put you up in a hotel." He said. I looked up at him and there was now a small smile starting to show. 

"I would love to but I have classes tomorrow. Plus you're coming back Thursday night anyway, I'll see you a few hours later." I said. I really wanted to go, I really wanted to be with him, but for such a short trip there was truly no point. 

"Yeah, I guess that's true." He replied, leaning his head on top of mine again. We fell asleep pretty soon after that.

 "Skyler! So glad you could join us for the game!" Carley Carrick said as I walked into the private room at the restaurant the girls had booked for us all to watch the game tonight.

"Hi, ladies!" I greeted happily as I sat down beside Danielle and Alice. There was a bunch of shareable food already on the table, I had gotten there a little bit late, the second period was just about to start, and the guys were losing 1-0. I was starving though, so I already started putting food on my plate and eating. There was a little bit of casual chit chat that was going on, not that I was ignoring it, but it all seemed a little bit more 'advanced' than me let's call it. 

"How's school going, Sky?" Alexa, Max Jones' girlfriend, asked. 

"It's good, it's a little confusing still with the times zones being different, but grades are good and professors are good this semester so far." I replied. 

"When do you graduate again?" Taylor asked.

"In May." I replied.

"So before you change your name then?" Dani asked.

"Yeah, I'm still so worried though, like I'm not going to make it or something." I said.

"You'll make it, you'll graduate with flying colours, girl." Alexa said. 

"I hope so, I know I already have a job but it's still conditional as long as I get good grades when I graduate." I said, I continued to shove my face full of food while the girls changed the subject to something that was going down in Cassandra's office. The game started again and I stared at the TV screen. When hockey's on and I'm not supposed to be actively doing something or working, I can't take my eyes off the screen. One minute goes by and nothing happens. Three minutes go by and nothing. Five minutes and there's still nothing. Six minutes and 30 seconds in a play starts. Jamie has the puck and skates behind the net, and gets pushed into the boards. Clean hit, but Jamie was down. The mozzarella stick in my hand dropped to my plate, and my mouth gaped open, I was sure that the bit I had chewed would fall out.

My heart stopped. He wasn't getting up quickly. 

"No." I said quietly. I don't think any of the girls were paying attention to the game, so when they heard me speak they all stopped and looked at me.

"Sky? Are you okay?" Dani asked, all the girls had a very concerned look on their face. I shook my head, still not taking my eyes off the screen. 

"Skyler?" Paige asked. I couldn't say anything yet, I just pointed at the screen as they escorted Jamie off the ice and into the dressing room. 

"This can't be happening." I said quietly, my voice was barely above a whisper. I couldn't breathe, it didn't look good. I've never seen him look like he's in that much pain. 

"Sky, Skyler, it's okay, he's going to be okay. Probably just going to the dressing room to check out the injury. It'll be okay." Dani said, putting an arm on my shoulder.

"I need some air." I said as I stood up abruptly from the table and grabbed my phone, running outside. I immediately texted Jamie. I don't think he'd answer right away but I needed to hear from him.

are you okay???

you didn't look good are you okay???

I knew he wouldn't answer right away but I was stressing, I couldn't breathe and I was hyperventilating all at the same time. My heart was racing. I crouched down on the sidewalk, putting my head in my hands. 

"Skyler?" Paige said as she came out of the building to see me on the ground after about 15 minutes. I couldn't move.

"He's not answering me." I said to her, looking up and I could feel the mascara had dripped all down my cheeks. 

"Baby, it's okay. He's going to be okay sweetie." She said. I let in a shaky breath as my phone started ringing. 


"Are you okay? What's going on?" I asked into the phone without a second to waste. 

"Hi, Skyler, it's not Jamie. It's Chad, the trainer." Chad said.

"What's going on, Chad. I can't breathe I need to know what's happening." I said, the tears starting to get heavier as soon as I knew it wasn't Jamie on the other end. 

"He's going to the hospital. It's his shoulder, it's not good. We don't really know what's happening. It's a muscle issue, he has no movement in his shoulder whatsoever." He said. 

"Excuse me one second." I said, taking the phone away from my ear and covering the microphone. "FUCK!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

"Here, give me the phone, sweetie." Paige said, gently taking the phone out of my hand and putting it up to hear ear. "Hi, this is Paige, Ryan's wife, she's not okay, what's going on?" She asked. I couldn't hear anything, the world was spinning around me and there was no air in my lungs. It looked like everyone walking around had frozen, other than the city spinning around me there was no movement, there was nothing. No breeze, no sun, it was pitch black. Without saying anything Paige ran inside and left me alone on the street. I didn't know if I wanted to be alone or if I didn't want her to leave. 

"Skyler, come on honey, let's get you up. We're going to the airport." Deanna said, as her Paige, and Alexa, Gibby's wife, came out of the restaurant. 

"What's happening?" I asked. 

"The girls are tag teaming taking care of our kids, we're going to take care of you. We're going to the airport and going out to Vegas. Jamie's going to be in the hospital there for at least two nights before bringing him back to Anaheim." Paige said, resting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and slowly stood up, Deanna putting an arm underneath mine to keep me steady. 

"Did Chad tell you what's going on with him?" I asked Paige as we got into her car and she started driving to the airport. We didn't go home for bags or anything, just went straight there. Clothes aren't as important as Jamie is right now. I wanted to see him as soon as possible. 

"Just that they had to do a lot of tests on his arm and shoulder. There was no movement in his arm at all and he was in a lot of pain." She said. I leaned my head against the back of the head rest and ran a hand through my hair. 

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." I stated.

"Like actually? Do I need to pull over?" Paige asked. 

"No, I'm okay, I'll be fine." I said, shaking my head. 

"It's okay, Skyler, he's going to be okay." Alexa said from the back seat. 

"What if he's not? What if this is the end of his career?" I asked. 

"Sweetie, he's going to be okay, he's going to play again, I promise you." Deanna said, reaching up and putting a hand on my shoulder again. We got to the airport and ran through security, apparently the team put up a plane for us. We ran into the gate and onto the plane, taking off as soon as possible. The entire hour and ten minute plane ride was silent. I was rocking back and forth in my seat and trying not to cry. As soon as the plane touched down and got to the gate in Vegas I stood up and ran to the door, my hands shaking as I grabbed my purse and ran down the terminal to get out of there. 

"Skyler, slow down, wait for us." Paige said as they caught up. 

"We have to get to the hospital." I told them.

"We'll get there." Deanna replied. My phone started ringing again as Alexa hailed a cab for us and we got in.


"What is it?" I asked him. "What's happening, what's going on? What room is he in we're on the way to the hospital right now."

"He keeps asking for you." Trevor said.

"That's great, what is happening what do you know, Trevor?" I asked my roommate. 

"He's fine right now, they just finished running the first set of tests, they asked me to come here because his emergency contact was in Anaheim. He just wants you. What's your ETA?" Trevor asked.

"We'll be there in 20 minutes. Can you put him on the phone? Please?" I begged. There was a silence on Trevor's end, all I could hear was a door opening and closing. 

"Is that her?" I could hear Jamie say, his voice was weak and cracky. 

"Yeah, she wants to talk to you." Trevor said.

"Hi, baby." Jamie said into the phone after a minute. The tears started flowing out of my eyes, both of sadness and relief that he seemed to be okay enough to talk. 

"Hi, how are you?" I asked.

"Stop crying, baby, I'm okay. A lot of pain, but I'm okay." He said. I couldn't stop crying, but I let out the biggest sigh of relief. "Are you coming here?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're on the way. I'll be at the hospital in about 20 minutes." I said. 

"Okay, I'll see you soon then." He said. 

"You're not hanging up, right?" I asked him.

"I have to, the doctor's coming back in to talk to me." 

"Can you ask him to wait a couple minutes for me to come in?" I asked.

"I can see, but I can't make any promises, at least get him to come back when you get here." Jamie said. I nodded even though I know he couldn't see it through the phone call. "It's room 358. I'll see you in a bit, I love you." He said.

"I love you, most." I replied before he hung up the phone. "He's way too calm, I don't like that." I said to the girls once I set my phone down. 

"Was that Jamie?" Alexa asked. 

"Yeah, he said he's okay, the doctor is going in to talk to him." I said. The rest of the car ride was silent, until we got there and I jumped out of the cab before the car even stopped. The other girls I'm assuming paid him and ran after me. 

"Skyler, do you even know where you're going?" Alexa asked as she caught up to me in the stairwell. I figured running up three flights of stairs would be faster than the elevator. 

"358." I yelled back, jumping the stairs two at a time. I finally made it to the third floor and looked at the signs, trying to figure out which direction he'd be in. 

"Can I help you find something, ma'am? Visiting hours are over." A nurse at the desk said. 

"I'm looking for Drysdale, Jamie." I said to her. She quickly looked at her computer and looked back up at me.

"Okay, down the hall that way, but again, friends need to go home, visiting hours are over." She said again.

"He's my fiancé, just got hurt in a hockey game, I flew an hour to see him I'm not waiting for visiting hours to start again tomorrow." I said and immediately went down the hallway in the direction she pointed. The girls stood at the desk and apologized to the nurse for me, I know my tone was rude and I should've been a lot nicer, but in this moment I wasn't thinking about anyone or anything but Jamie. I ran down the hall, counting the room numbers on the walls, weaving in and out of doctors and some sort of medical carts that were in my way. I slammed the door open and saw Jamie in the hospital bed, Trevor sitting beside him. 

"Skyler." Jamie said as he breathed out and a smile appeared on his face. 

"Jamie." I said and took three huge steps, wrapping my arms around his torso as best I could whilst he was in the bed, trying to be careful of his arm and shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"So much better now that you're here." He said, barely above a whisper. "How was the flight here?"

"Doesn't matter. What did the doctor say?" 

"Nothing much yet, just that no bones are broken, so it's going to be a longer term muscle thing." He replied. 

"Where is the doctor? I want to talk to him." I stated, standing up from the hug and walking out. 

"Hey there, girly pop, you can't just waltz out here and try and find some random doctor that's not going to know about his condition. Jamie just said all that the doctor said, nothing else." Trevor said, following me out into the hallway.

"That's not what I want to talk to him about. Now where is he?" I asked, looking back and forth and trying to find anyone that might be his doctor. 

"That one." Trevor said, point down the hallway and waving his hand to get the doctors attention, he started walking over to us. "Hi Doctor Hamilton, this is Skyler, the fiancé." Trevor introduced us. 

"Hi, Skyler, nice to meet you. Let's talk." He said and walked a couple feet away from Trevor, who now went back into the room with Jamie. 

"How is he?" I asked.

"He's good, mentally I'm shocked that he seems to be fine right now, probably the shock especially not knowing how long he's going to be out for." He said. He grabbed a clipboard from the file holder against the wall and started to look through it. "I've done a bunch of tests, and we've done x-rays, there's nothing that I've found, yet. There's still a couple things I want to look for but it's for sure a muscle tear. We can't tell how bad it is or how long he'll be out yet. I have a feeling he's going to need surgery." Dr Hamilton told me. 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Not yet for sure. We won't know until one more test for sure." 

"When are you doing that?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning, he needs to rest."

"We need to know what's wrong with him." 

"He needs to rest, Skyler. We can't push him right now, this test includes moving his arm and going about it that way, we can't push that." Dr. Hamilton said.

"I know him, he wants to know too."

"It was his idea to wait until morning. He's going to be okay, no matter what it is, he's going to play again, it's going to be fine." I nodded. I felt like I couldn't breathe all over again. The only time I thought I could breathe was when I saw Jamie again. 

"Fine, we'll wait until morning. When can I take him back to Anaheim?" I asked.

"Not tomorrow, most likely the day after but we will re-evaluate by tomorrow night." He said. I nodded again, and sighed.

"Okay, thank you. I'm sorry if I'm coming across rude, I don't mean too." I said, running a hand through my hair. 

"It's okay, I know you're stressed I get it. When's the wedding?" He asked.

"Next summer. Is he going to be okay by then? I don't want him to be hurt for that should I reschedule?" I asked.

"Don't stress, he'll be fine, that's almost a year away." He replied. "Now, go in there and be with him, he's been asking for you since he got here." I nodded and turned to walk into the hospital room again.

"This place just smells like rubbing alcohol have either of you noticed that?" I asked as I closed the door behind me. Trevor and Jamie looked back and forth at each other and let out a little laugh.

"How did you notice that?" Trevor asked. 

"I don't know, how did you not?" I asked.

"Our noses are probably just never working anymore, we work in entirely B.O." Jamie said, laughing.

"You're already so much happier now that Skyler is here. It's gross." Trevor said.

"She just makes everything brighter, what can I say?" Jamie responded, opening his one good arm for me, which I smiled softly at and walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Jamie pulled me down to be half laying on the bed with him. 

"How's your pain?" I asked.

"Non-existent now that you're here." He replied.

"That's a lie, don't lie to me." I told him sternly. 

"It's an 7, it was a 10 before you." He sighed out.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so, so sorry that this happened." I said, I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Why are you sorry? It was just a hit that hit on the wrong angle, it could've happened to anyone." Jamie said. 

"I know, but it's you, I wish it was anyone else. Sorry Trevor." I said laughing, looking over at him, he scoffed in response.

"Would you have gotten here so fast if it was me?" Trevor asked.

"I would, as long as it was anyone but either of you too. You're still my best friend, Trev." I said, smiling and giving him a little wink. 

"Yeah, yeah, love you too." Trevor replied, Jamie laughed at the two of us. It felt weird that we weren't actually bickering like usual, I think we were both on too much of an edge for that. 

I fell asleep on the bed with Jamie last night, Trevor fell asleep on the chair, all three of us were woken up by one of the doctors coming in for rounds at 6:30 am. 

"Good morning guys I am Dr Tazmin the orthopaedic surgeon, I've got one last test that you're booked in for in 10 minutes, Dr. Hamilton wants to get this done and figured out ASAP, so you're on top priority." She said as she came into the room. "My interns here are going to come in and bring you a wheelchair and we'll take you up." 

"Can we come for the test?" I asked her.

"One of you can, I can't have both in there, unfortunately." Dr. Tazmin said.

"Can Skyler come?" Jamie asked Trevor, who nodded. The group of doctors left the room and left the three of us in there in basically silence for a couple minutes. I got off the bed and went to the washroom quickly before coming back and seeing a couple of who I assumed were interns, bringing a wheelchair over for Jamie. "I can just walk, I'm fine to walk." He said.

"It's policy, you have to be in a wheelchair." One of the interns said. He sighed or groaned, I couldn't fully tell which one to be honest and obliged, getting into the wheel chair. They started bringing him down to the elevator and the floors went up. They immediately started doing some more movement tests, seeing what he could do with his arm versus his shoulder, and both at the same time. He kept wincing, I could feel my heart straining every time he looked at me in pain. 

"I'm okay." He said, his voice was weak, every time he saw me pursing my lips and giving him a look of great concern. I nodded, I couldn't even speak, nothing was coming out. It took just over an hour for Dr. Tazmin and Dr. Hamilton to get an answer. 

"It's a torn labrum. You'll need surgery, and your arm will be out of commission for a few months, you'll be out of the game in general for approximately four to six months." Dr. Hamilton said. 

"Fuck." Jamie and I both said in unison. 

"We're booking you in for surgery in two hours. You can go back home in two days if you choose to drive, or in a week if you want to fly." Dr. Tazmin said.

"We'll figure that out later, let's just do the surgery and get this over with. I want to get better and get back to playing as soon as possible." Jamie said. I squeezed his hand as tight as I could, before we finished talking to the two doctors and they brought us back down to the room. As soon as the door opened Trevor stood up.

"What happened? What did they say?" He asked.

"It's a torn labrum, I need surgery." Jamie responded. 

"Fuck." Trevor said. "How long are you out? Did they say?"

"Four to six months total." Jamie responded.

"Fuck." Was all Trevor could say. That's been said a lot recently. We spent the next hour just talking between the three of us, before a couple more interns came in to prep Jamie for surgery, which they soon took him away for. 

"He'll be back in about four hours." One of them said. We nodded. 

"I love you." I said to Jamie before they rolled him away.

"I love you most." He responded, I kissed him before he was gone. 

"I know he's going to be fine, but I'm so worried." I said to Trevor.

"It'll be fine, he's going to be fine. Hey, let's go get coffee and something to eat while we wait." He suggested. I nodded, letting out a deep breath. We went out of the hospital and took a short walk, getting some fresh air and trying to find something that was pretty quick and easy, and most importantly, not hospital food. We found a Starbucks and both grabbed a coffee and sandwich before starting to head back, still taking a little bit more of a walk. 

Apparently the surgery went really well, he was still knocked out when they brought him back for recovery. But he was going to heal up just fine. The two doctors gave me a list of doctors and therapists in Anaheim that we could contact if anything were to happen when we got back home. Considering what it could be, it all went really well, and it wasn't a terrible injury, other than yeah he'd be out for the rest of the season, but he was okay, and his career wasn't over.

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