The Last Light Keeper

By LaiGrey18

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Hello, this is a fantasy novel I've been working on for almost a year now! I'm really proud of it. I know it'... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: Cauldron Chaos
Chapter 3: Friendly Fire
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 5: Tom-ay-toe, Tom-ah-toe
Chapter 6: Picking a Fight
Chapter 7: The Deal
Chapter 8: Amara Crest
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 11: Reoccurring Dreams
Chapter 12: Fortis Arbor
Chapter 13: Discovery
Chapter 14: Do Not Come Back
Chapter 15: More Questions
Chapter 16: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 17: Friends
Chapter 18: Make Me

Chapter 10: Progress

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By LaiGrey18

The moment Aster woke up, she knew she was late. She jumped up and tossed herself together real quick before glancing at the time on her way out the door. Second hour had already begun.

She fought her nerves the entire way to Biology. The moment she got there, she nearly burst through the doors. Professor Hep looked at her with a bewildered expression.

"Miss Grey, are you all right?" He asked. Her classmates mirrored his same stare as she stood in the doorway.

Aster nodded. "I apologize, I uh wasn't feeling well last night and didn't sleep much, I didn't mean to be late."

"Just sit down, it's fine. And calm down."

Aster took a deep breath and walked to her seat next to Sorbit, whose eyes looked at Aster with a million questions.

Aster couldn't even focus on the lecture Professor Hep provided. Her mind was occupied on the book, and more so her encounter with her professor the previous night. She was beginning to feel a little nervous about Potions class. Did he even remember their conversation or was he too drunk? She knew Professor Heathcliff never would've acted that way sober. And if he did remember, would he ask for the book back?

Aster also felt somewhat guilty. She exploited his relationship with her mother in order to gain that book. It wasn't for selfish reasons, it was all to save Amara. Someone who truly deserves to live. And the professor seemed more than happy to help Aster. He actually seemed more than happy just to have a conversation with her. Maybe things would be different if he wasn't reminded of Lila's untimely demise every time he looked into Aster's eyes. Maybe they would have a relationship like she has with Miss Madeleine.

Before Aster knew it, the bell sounded signifying the end of class. Sorbit grabbed Aster's arm as they stood up to exit.

"I'll walk you to Potions," she said.

They walked a little bit in silence until they made it out of the busier hallways. Once less people were around, Sorbit turned to Aster during their walk.

"So what's been going on?"

"I have a lot to tell you I guess," said Aster. "About professor Heathcliff and my mom."

Sorbit's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Can we talk about it some other time though?"

"We can't talk at lunch?"

"I don't want to risk anyone hearing. You know how talk gets back to the professors sometimes."

Sorbit sighed, but agreed. "Okay. What about after class?"

"I'm supposed to meet Sebastian after 7th hour."

Sorbit groaned.

"I promise we'll talk soon. Okay?"

"Yeah yeah," Sorbit replied.

Aster made it to Potions before Sebastian, unsurprisingly. She tried to tame her nerves as she waited for her friend. She waved to Matty as she walked in, who smiled back but had a hint of worry in her eyes. She probably wondered why Aster wasn't in homeroom. Aster was sure she looked worse for wear as well, her eyes must've looked rough from lack of sleep, she hadn't ate since dinner the night before.

Sebastian came in a little sooner than normal. He seemed surprised to see Aster.

"You feeling okay?" He asked. "You weren't in homeroom."

Aster planned on not telling him about the book until after classes were over, but in this moment she couldn't help herself.

"I visited Professor Heathcliff last night," she whispered.

Sebastian's eyes widened. He quickly glanced towards the professor's study, who's door was shut tight with no sign of him. He glanced back at Aster. "And?"

"He was drunk, but he gave me the book."

"Aster, what in the galaxy? Why did you go back?"

Aster shrugged. "I didn't want you or Huck getting into trouble trying to steal it or something. I don't know what I would do if you two got suspended."

Sebastian shook his head and chuckled. "You're really unpredictable, you know that? You look like you barely slept a wink."

"Barely," said Aster. "Do I really look that bad?"

Sebastian quickly shook his head. "No you look like your normal self, just a little exhausted is all. You have to tell me everything."

"I will," Aster promised. "Let's meet in the Cellar again today." Suddenly her stomach growled a loud roar and her face reddened.

"You haven't ate, have you?"

Aster shook her head. "Do you have any more mashed up granola bars in your pocket?" she laughed.

"As a matter of fact I do," Sebastian laughed back before handing Aster the wounded snack out of his back pocket.

She scarved it down just as the bell rang. It was a few more moments before Professor Heathcliff made his appearance. He looked much more worn down and dreary than usual. The bags under his eyes were so prominent, his hair greasy and disheveled. Aster noticed he was wearing the exact same thing that he fell asleep in last night. She wondered if he quite literally just rolled out and bed at this very moment.

"Class... today," he suddenly winced and placed his fingers to his temples. It seemed that just talking made his pounding headache that much worse. His voice grew quieter as he continued. "Just read chapter five. Your assignment is due tomorrow." And with that he went back into his study, but cracked the door open.

Sebastian looked at Aster curiously. He mouthed the words, 'hungover' and Aster had to stifle a laugh.

Aster began to perk up around lunchtime. Her initial exhaustion turned to just general tiredness. She sat with her usual friends at lunch, but to her surprise, Huck joined them. Aster was next to Sebastian, Sorbit and Matty across from them. Sorbit's face beamed red as soon as Huck sat on the empty space to her other side, sandwiching her between him and Matty. She was so caught off guard she couldn't even speak.

"What's up," Sebastian casually greeted him.

Huck nodded towards Sebastian and Aster then turned to Sorbit and Matty to greet them. "Hello, ladies," he spoke in his usual polite tone.

Even Matty was taken aback. It was undeniable that Huck was incredibly handsome, but even his manors were unlike any of their classmates. He was a true gentleman.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked Sorbit, as she gaped at him.

Aster tapped Sorbit's foot under the table, bringing her back to reality. "O-of course. Yes please."

Sorbit was unusually quiet the entire lunch period. She chimed in the conversation here and there, usually when Aster would initiate it. Aster had never seen her friend so shy, but that was the effect Huck had on her. Sebastian for one thought it was a refreshing change.

After 7th hour, the three friends met in the Cellar again. Sebastian hadn't had the chance to mention the book to Huck, so he waited for Aster to tell them as she relayed all the details of her encounter with Professor Heathcliff.

Huck was just as surprised as Sebastian. Aster told them how he was drunk and his unusual behavior.

"Professor Heathcliff really gave the book to you so willingly?" Huck didn't seem convinced.

Aster nodded. "He did. He was like a completely different person. He was kind of pleasant."

"That was the alcohol," Sebastian sneered.

"He hadn't mentioned anything about it today?" Huck asked.

"Not to me," said Aster. "He just had us do silent reading in class today."

"He was totally hungover," Sebastian chuckled. "He probably can't even remember giving you the book."

"Why does he have it anyways?" Aster asked Huck.

"My family loves Professor Heathcliff, mainly because he's a powerful Fire Keeper," Huck explained. "When he asked to purchase it, they had no reservations. Why he wanted to purchase it, that I do not know."

Aster wondered if it had something to do with her mother. She regretted not asking him during his drunken chat.

"So have you read it yet?" Sebastian broke her thoughts.

"A little bit," replied Aster. "There's so much information. I would've been up all night if I kept going."

"Would you like me to take a look?" asked Huck. "I can go through and highlight all of the healing parts. And anything else that should be useful for you."

"You just want to read the book yourself," Sebastian teased.

Huck shrugged. "I'm trying to be helpful, Aster has a lot of catching up to do with her studies. But I'm not going to stand here and say the book doesn't intrigue me. It's written by the founders of this Academy after all."

"I know, I would love to take a read at it as well," Sebastian smiled.

"We have our assignment for Professor Heathcliff due tomorrow," Aster reminded him.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "We can do it here. Huck, you start digging into that book and let us know when you find some interesting stuff."

"My pleasure," said Huck, staring at the book as if it were a pot of gold.

Aster and Sebastian finished their assignment together while Huck studied the book. He was engrossed the entire time, occasionally highlighting important information. Aster caught Sebastian glancing over at him a few times, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Aster was just as intrigued. All she wanted to do was spend an entire uninterrupted day with the book.

At the end of the night, the assignment was finished and Huck handed the book over to Aster.

"I highlighted all of the parts regarding healing magic," he told her. "It's just the basics because that's as far as I got. You're going to have to spend a lot of time studying this. It's not going to be like with the Faery where you get it right off the bat."

Aster nodded. She was afraid of that, but it would be okay. She was determined to master her healing magic. For Amara's sake.

The rest of the week the three Keepers devoted their time to reading the book. The only time they focused on their school work was for mandatory assignments. Other than that, they were in the Cellar with their noses in the old run down book.

It was hard for Aster to understand, but with the help of Huck and Sebastian, she was able to follow the instructions. They started small, practicing on each other. Aster would start with the basics, giving a small burst of energy into one the boys.

The first attempt didn't end too well. She focused on giving only a small burst of energy into Huck, who stayed up all night prior in order to test this healing cast. Aster gave more than what she intended, renovating Huck, but causing herself to pass out in the process. Sebastian was by her side fortunately, catching her and lowering her to the ground. It only took a few moments before she came too, but both of the boys were gravely concerned.

"D-did it work?" was the first thing out of Aster's mouth when coming to.

"Of course it worked," Sebastian replied. "But you bloody passed out!"

Aster sat up a bit, rubbing her head. "I'm okay."

Sebastian looked towards Huck, expecting him to react even worse than he. Instead, Huck was staring in awe at Aster.

"I feel amazing," he said quietly. "Aster, that was brilliant."

Sebastian was shocked. "She just passed out!"

"And that's why we're starting small," Huck responded.

"I'm fine, Sebastian," Aster reassured. "I lost control, but now I know what not to do."

Sebastian opened his mouth to argue, but he knew there was no point. Aster seemed just about as stubborn as himself.

Once Aster mastered the first cast down, they went to something a little more advanced. Sebastian purposefully burned himself on the cauldron during potions. Professor Heathcliff suspected nothing unusual, concluding that Sebastian was just useless when it came to potion brewing. It was merely a superficial wound, but still it would require a more advanced type of cast from Aster.

They met in the Cellar during lunch to try it out. Aster successfully healed Sebastian's burn, not even leaving a scar behind. She didn't pass out, but she was exhausted. She didn't even have the energy to make it to 6th and 7th hour. Sebastian stayed back with her while Huck covered for his friends. The professors didn't suspect anything either when Huck told them the two friends were sick with food poisoning. Huck was a proper student in their eyes, and they had no reason to suspect he was lying.

That weekend, the three friends decided to go see Amara together. Huck seemed rather excited. He hadn't seen Amara since his fallout with Sebastian, and he genuinely missed her. She loved him like her own son, and gave him the tenderness and love that he didn't always receive from his own rather aloof mother.

"This part, I did not miss," uttered Huck as the miserly bus pulled up to them.

Unfortunately they caught the lunchtime ride, in order to spend the entire day in Evania. This also meant the bus was filled to the brim as they stepped on it. There was only one full empty bench in the far back. The three friends squeezed in the single bench, Sebastian first and Aster sandwiched in the middle.

The bus driver drove with urgency, but seemed to be light on the breaks, something Aster was thankful for. The crowded bus was chaotic, the passengers roaring in chatter. On the bright side, it gave the three Keepers an opportunity to talk about the plan without being eavesdropped on.

"So today you're just going to try the stamina cast," Huck told Aster.

"Right," she agreed.

"Don't overexert yourself," warned Sebastian, who was pressed tightly between Aster and the window.

"I won't," replied Aster with a smile.

"We'll be right there with you," assured Huck. "But I think you're gonna be just fine. You've been doing great this week."

"Thanks for the pep talk guys," Aster teased. "But honestly I wouldn't have been able to do it with you two."

A sharp turn suddenly pushed Huck against Aster who pushed against Sebastian.

"Agh," Sebastian grunted. "How did I get the damn window seat?"

Huck glowered at his friend. "I'll take the window seat on the way back," he said, knowing the bus won't be so busy on the trip back to the Academy.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "How courteous of you," he sarcastically replied.

"Aster is squished, too, but she's not complaining," Huck retorted.

Aster couldn't help but giggle, as she was right in the middle of the bickering.

"That's because Aster never complains," Sebastian responded.

"You're right," said Huck. "It's a breath of fresh air compared to you."

"Let's get back to the important stuff," Aster interrupted. "We're going to get Roger out of the house before attempting anything right?"

"Ugh, I forgot about Roger," said Huck.

"You're not fond of him either?" asked Aster.

Huck responded with the shake of his head.

"He was so creepy last time," Sebastian told Huck. "He kept pestering Aster with a bunch of questions."

"Does he know about her healing your mother?" Huck asked.

"Duh," Sebastian said. "What did you want us to tell him, that my mum drank a special potion that brought back her eyesight?"

Huck shrugged. "I understand, I just get a weird energy from that guy. I don't want him knowing what we're up to."

"Well he's not even a Keeper," Sebastian assured, "I don't think he's going to go talk to our professors about it."

"It's strange though, his peaked interest in Aster's abilities," Huck pondered.

"Maybe he's just curious," Aster suggested. "I mean his wife is sick, and he probably just wants to understand what's going on. He probably isn't sure whether he should be hopefully for a recovery or not."

"Damn it, Aster. Well when you put it like that," Sebastian grumbled.

Huck chuckled. "Maybe I am being a bit cynical. Aster is a salubrious addition to this trio."

The three Keepers were relieved when the bus pulled up to Evania, finally having the chance to stretch out their cramped bodies. The small hamlet was just as beautiful as Aster remembered. It was a clear and beautiful day, the sun shining with a faint breeze. Aster could feel the hope rising up in her soul.

They entered Sebstian's home as Amara was propped up, eating soup. She didn't look too much different, maybe a bit more run down than the last time they saw her. But her eyes were still shining with their chestnut brown color, her cheeks a rosy red. She looked well.

It took Amara only a moment to register the familiar faces ahead of her. Suddenly, she burst into a beaming grin, shoving the soup to the side and outstretching her arms.

Sebastian walked into them first, receiving a long and warm embrace. Amara planted multiple kisses on his cheeks and forehead. Next, Huck walked into an embrace. Amara seemed to understand his reservations with physical affection, keeping the hug short with a quick peck on his forehead. But it was obvious Huck enjoyed the affection. Finally, Aster received her own embrace followed with a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I'm so thrilled to see you three," Amara beamed. "And you Huck, I've missed you so!"

"I've missed you, too," Huck responded.

"I'm so glad to see you and my Sebby patched up your fight. Though it took a little longer than I had expected!"

Sebastian's face turned red. "What?"

"You didn't have to say anything for me to know you two were having a spat with each other," Amara slightly smiled. "I knew you two would figure it out, so that's why I never pried."

"I apologize, Amara," said Huck. "I wasn't acting like a very good friend."

"Neither was I," Sebastian quickly said. "Huck had good reason to not want to talk to me."

"No matter," said Amara. "You're both here now and that's all that matters. And sweet Aster. Oh dear, I just adore you."

Aster couldn't stop the blushing smile that spread across her cheeks.

Suddenly, the front door opened and Roger trekked in. The three friends didn't even realize at first that he wasn't in the house.

"Oh," he said, noticing the trio standing in his living room. "I didn't realize we were having so many guests this weekend."

"Hello, sir," Huck greeted.

Roger approached them. "Sebastian, don't you think it's a little selfish to bring your friends with you every weekend that you visit? Don't you think it overwhelms your mother?"

"Enough," Amara spoke up, before Sebastian could retort. "Don't you dare say such things. Aster and Huck are always welcome in this home. It fills my heart with so much joy having them here."

Roger was taken aback somewhat. Since Aster's last visit he wasn't used to Amara having so much strength. He was used to having to assist with everything, and she spent most of her time resting. There was definitely a change in her.

"Well it's up to you then," Roger responded, then headed out the back door without another word.

"Don't mind him," said Amara once the door shut behind him. "He's been rather fickle lately."

"He's not being mean to you, right?" Sebastian quickly asked.

Amara shook her head. "No dear, not at all! Since last weekend, I seem to be able to do more for myself. I think he's just not sure what to do with himself, or what to think at this point."

"Aster can do it again, you know," said Sebastian. "We've all been practicing together. She can help you feel better."

Amara shook her head slightly. "Oh, don't even worry about that. Aster, I want you to enjoy your visit. Please do not fret about me."

Aster couldn't help but smile. "I'd like to, if you don't mind. I've been working hard on my healing magic, and I want to help. You've been so kind to me."

"Seriously, mum," Sebastian spoke up. "Aster is like a prodigy with magic. She's one of the strongest Keepers in our class."

"You've mentioned," Amara grinned. "That's very impressive, especially since this is your first year."

Aster couldn't help but blush.

"So what's Roger up to?" Sebastian asked.

"Well he said once you got here he was going to go out for a while. He's working on some sort of project," said Amara.

"Project?" Sebastian questioned.

"He owns some land a few miles away from here. Remember, Sebby, when we first got married? He'd always spend lots of time there working on the land and building a workshop he called it," Amara explained. "He wanted me to wait until he was finished to see it, but then I got sick and he had to stay here a lot more. This past week he's been able to spend some more time there. I think he's finally allowing himself to enjoy it again."

"Oh right," Sebastian muttered. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "So he's going to be there all day?"

"Probably until supper time I assume," said Amara. "Which reminds me, have you kids eaten lunch yet?"

"Right before we left," said Huck.

"Well, Mary from next door brought over fresh baked muffins this morning. She knew Sebby was coming home today and assumed he was bringing a friend again. How thoughtful of her, right?"

"Brilliant," Huck smiled.

"Aster, just wait until you try them!" Sebastian beamed. "Mary is the best baker in the entire hamlet."

"That's so kind of her," said Aster.

The three friends sat chairs around Amara's bed and enjoyed their fresh baked muffins. Sebastian alone ate four right off the bat. Aster was full after two, but was tempted to go for another just because of how delicious they were. Even Amara was able to eat half of one herself.

They spent a good time just having conversation. Amara asked Huck a lot of questions, since she hadn't seen him for some time. They all talked about classes, then it went to telling memories of their past. Funny situations Huck and Sebastian had found themselves in last school year and this past summer. Amara told Aster it was a good thing they had her around, maybe she would keep them out of trouble. It was so pleasant, the time they spent together.

Eventually, Sebastian brought up Aster's healing magic once more. "So mum, it's just a stamina cast we want to try."

"You mean Aster wants to try," Amara corrected him. "She has to do all the hard work. You won't be doing anything but watching."

Sebastian's face reddened. "Well... true...."

Aster couldn't help but chuckle. "I wouldn't have gotten the hang of it without Sebastian and Huck."

"Those two are sharp, aren't they?" Amara smiled at Aster.

Aster nodded quickly. "Smarter than me, that's for sure."

"Nonsense," Huck assured her.

"Well if you kids insist, then go nuts," said Amara. "But if something happens to Aster, I'm holding you responsible, Sebastian."

Aster prepared herself, just like they practiced in the Cellar. She had learned to pool the energy from her magic, and not her own stamina. Regardless, it still took a lot out of her. Casting offensive and defensive spells was simple for her. Healing wounds and providing strength definitely proved to be troublesome.

She began small, as she touched Amara's forehead and closed her eyes she only poured in little bits of magic. Once she felt she really had a handle on the act, she dared to push forth even more. She kept pushing until she felt she was on the verge of passing out. She wanted to go more, but she knew that would only cause Amara and her friends to worry. She stopped suddenly and pulled her hand back. She became a little disoriented and her vision became fuzzy, but she forced herself to stay conscious.

While she was fighting her balance to remain upright, she felt a warm grip around her shoulders, easing her down to a chair. She was able to catch her breath and focus her vision again. Suddenly, she made out three pairs of worried eyes studying her expression. The attention made her blush.

"I'm all right," she assured. "And you, Amara?"

Amara's face was glowing. "I feel the best I have in a year. Aster, you truly are remarkable."

"Do you want to try standing up, mum?" Sebastian asked, hopeful. "Maybe we could go for a walk?"

Amara laughed. "Take it slow, Sebastian. I haven't walked in months. But I do feel pretty fantastic."

Suddenly Amara began to twist her legs around the side of the bed. She slowly scooted forward until the tip of her toes were touching the ground. As if she had a moment of hesitation, she lifted her head and a shade of worry shot across her eyes. Her face seemed almost childlike.

Sebastian outstretched a hand. "It's okay, mum. I won't let you fall."

Amara squeezed her son's hand and lifted herself off the bed. Huck was immediately to her other side, shoulders propped under her arms as if to balance her. It didn't seem she needed it though. Her legs slightly shook, but she forced herself to take a few steps and they began to settle. Huck loosened his support some, in order for Amara to have more control over her movements. She gripped onto both of the boys' hands and pressed onward.

She made it to her wheelchair which was parked on the other side of the cottage, in the dining room. She sat down slowly, slightly out of breath, but grinning ear to ear. She looked up eagerly at Aster.

Aster wanted to cry. For the moment, she thought about what she had just accomplished. She did it with only the help of her friends too. She didn't have to bargain with the Fae. She was beginning to feel more and more hopeful about it all. Maybe she could do more than just make Amara's last few months bearable. Maybe she could save her from fully succumbing to this illness.

"You feel better then, mum?" Sebastian gleamed.

Amara nodded ferociously, with the charm of a child. "I swear they've tried everything. We called in all sorts of healers. But nothing has given me relief, until you, Aster." She pondered for a moment before continuing. "Is that your goal then? To become a Healing Keeper?"

The question caught Aster off guard. Anytime she visited the village back home, she was with Mr Hoot either learning about magic or tending to patients with him. She didn't get paid for it, nor was it a chore Nelly assigned. She just genuinely enjoyed it. Just as she found comfort in knowing she's helping Amara feel better, she truly loved caring for people. Truly loved helping them heal.

"I don't know... maybe," Aster shyly replied.

"She's got the knack of one, hasn't she?" Sebastian smiled. "She's a strong fighter, but has the gentleness of a healer."

"You are one of a kind," Amara said. "Thank you. Truly."

Aster sort of wished that Amara and Sebastian would stop thanking her. But no matter how uncomfortable it made her, she knew it was the one thing that helped them feel better. Possibly less guilty. So she swallowed her embarrassment and nodded with a smile.

They decided to go for a walk around the hamlet, since it was such a beautiful day. Sebastian pushed Amara in her wheelchair, but here and there they would stop and she would pop out of the chair to say hello to a neighbor, take a look at a garden, or ponder over the fruit stand. The neighbors were all astounded at how well Amara was looking. Hugs were shared, introductions were made, and by the end of the stroll Aster felt somewhat overwhelmed by it all. But she also was just glad to see Sebastian and his mother so happy. Even Huck was grinning ear to ear, a rather rare sight.

The end of the day came too quickly. Roger hadn't returned by dinner time, so Huck offered to cook for everyone. He made a chicken roast with garlic potatoes. It was delicious. Aster had no idea Huck held such a talent.

"I've so missed your cooking," Amara gushed as she dabbed the corners of her lips with a napkin.

Sebastian nodded through full cheeks. "Me, too."

"It's amazing really," Aster told Huck. "Thank you."

Huck grinned. "It's my pleasure."

The evening was spent playing a board game that Sebastian had owned since a child. It was something Aster never heard of before, but she enjoyed it. Amara was beaming with life still, and the room was full of laughter and enthusiasm.

Eventually, it was getting late. Amara insisted the trio of friends go to sleep, no matter how much they didn't want the night to end. She could see the exhaustion creeping up in Aster's eyes especially. She told Huck and Sebastian to get the cot together while she had some nighttime tea with Aster.

"How are you holding up, dear?" Amara asked as she sipped the tea.

"I'm doing fine," Aster told her. She was definitely worn down, but other than that she really did feel okay.

"I don't want to see you hurting yourself, just to help me."

"It doesn't hurt."

"It wears you down, dear."

"I'm all right, truly," Aster assured.

Amara looked at Aster with sad eyes. "Roger said that the type of magic you use takes a toll on your body."

This raised some suspicion in Aster. "I thought Roger wasn't a Keeper?"

"He's not, but he's very smart. He knows a lot about elemental magic."

"I appreciate his concern, but Sebastian, Huck, and I have been putting a lot of time into studying and practicing my healing magic. We found a book that offers a lot of instruction. I promise you don't need to worry about anything."

Amara placed her soft hand on Aster's cheek. Aster leaned into it, surrendering to the tender touch. "You are just as stubborn as my Sebastian." Amara began talking in a softer tone, to be sure her words would reach only Aster's ears. "I've accepted my fate. I can feel it in my heart, my time is going to be coming soon. I appreciate everything you've done and continue to do. I just can't stand to think Sebastian could get his hopes up."

There it was again. The guilt instantly wracked Aster's chest. She felt tears threaten to well in her eyes, but she swallowed hard and fought them off. "Sebastian knows the odds are against us. He knows well that there's a chance the only thing I can ever give you is better quality in the time you have left. And if that's all we can accomplish, that will be enough for him. He just doesn't want you to suffer.... Ever..."

Amara's eyes welled up with tears. She removed her hand from Aster's face and brought it to her own to wipe her cheeks. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a caring son. His future is my only dream."

Aster smiled. "We'll try everything we can, Amara. To give you more time with him. I swear. And just know that no matter what happens, Huck and I will be here for him. We'll make sure he's okay."

"I know," Amara was still fighting her tears. It seemed it was time for their conversation to end. "Finish your tea and get into your night clothes. You need some rest."

Aster nodded. She stood up and before she could turn, Amara reached for her hand. "You truly are a blessing to us."

Aster's tears threatened her again. She nodded to Amara, and squeezed her hand, hoping the gesture would suffice the words she couldn't say. She was able to make it to the washroom before the tears spilled over her cheeks.

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