
By hellencristine

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๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“๐„๐, Selene didn't want to be a Goddess... She was a normal fifteen-year-old-class president, a ded... More

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By hellencristine

There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember
It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender
And I miss you on a train, I miss you in the morning
I never know what to think about
I think about you

𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, the 1975

Shore of Tokyo Bay, 1 a.m., Toyosu, Koto Ward.

"Come on, auntie, we're gonna be late!"

They were walking by a huge, flat space with nothing but rows of warehouses, and there was no sign of anything living anywhere Selene looked.

The only light guiding them was the distant explosive glow from Shibuya-ku, way behind them.

They turned in through one of the many open gates that lined the highway, then walked through a gigantic gymnasium-like building with beams running around it, way up high. Once they got outside again there were no tall objects to block their view, nothing at all, and the sky opened out over their heads like a dome.

"Stop calling me auntie, Polo! That's not chronologically right."

About twenty yards ahead, directly in front of them, the mass of reclaimed land came to an end, the concrete dropped off at a right angle, and there, suddenly, was the ocean—this was obvious from a yellow sign sticking out over the road.

A clear, white, full moon hung in the deep, navy-blue sky, giving off just enough light to fill the darkness between the scattered lights.

Apollo abruptly stopped by the concrete margin, overlooking the ocean. "We don't celebrate birthdays, you know," he said. "Yet, since you're going on your date soon, I thought of giving you a gift myself."

Selene crossed her arms, studying him. "Alright. What type of gift requires us to be here at midnight?"

She could see the lights on the other side of Tokyo Bay.

He didn't answer to her question. Instead, Apollo raised his arm, checking on the golden watch on his wrist. "She'll be here anywhere in..." he turned back, "Now! There she is!"

Selene also turned back. Behind them, approaching the bay, she saw a group of Japanese men led by a woman, who stood in front of them.

She looked a few years older than them—probably in mid to late twenties. She had a bright aura surrounding her, as if her skin reflected the pale colors of the dawn, although it was still night. Her face was eerily similar to Selene's, yet the mischievous smile playing on her lips reminded her a lot of Aphrodite.

She wore an all-black suit, just like the men behind her, and she had a Katana attached to her back.

Apollo took a step forward, raising his arms. "Who's alive always shows up!" He exclaimed.

The woman's smile widened into a grin, and she did something unexpected that caught Selene completely off-guard. With cautious steps, she approached Apollo and planted a kiss on his mouth—not a passionate one, more like a casual greeting.

"Hello, old companion," she said. Her voice sounded exactly like what you'd imagine a Hollywood star to be. Low, calm, and strangely sensual.

Then, turning her attention to Selene, she bit her lip playfully, her smile never faltering. She analyzed Selene from head-to-toe, and then gave her the same kiss she'd given to Apollo.

"So the rumors are true," she muttered. "Hello, Selene."

Selene had her mouth open. She was about to start drooling. She tilted her head, trying to scatter around her Greek knowledge to remember who the hell was that woman. Then, suddenly, it clicked.


She bowed her head, "All flesh and bone." She pointed to two men behind her, who stood from the rest. "And my children, Eosphorus and Zephyrus."

The two boys seemed to be around her age. They were pretty standard for minor gods. Both of them kneeled upon her, yet didn't say anything.

"We've been going around, Lady Eos, as you see..." Apollo said. "Teaching Selene from scratch, you know, since she's had a bit of a memory wipe. And today's our grand finale, so I thought it'd only be fair for her to face the ultimate challenge."

Eos kept her gaze fixed on Selene, a faint smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Sounds intriguing," she replied, her golden eyes glinting with curiosity. "Selene, do you have any inkling about what's coming?"

Selene glanced back and forth between Apollo and Eos, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Mhm, not really," she admitted.

"Centuries ago, our dear father devised a little test for us," Eos explained, her tone tinged with nostalgia. "A way to see who was worthy of his divine favor, and who would be... well, let's just say, a tasty snack for Kronos," she added with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But don't worry, I won't be tossing you into Tartarus today. Instead, if you pass, I'll personally acknowledge you as one of our own."

"And what would that test be?"

Eos's smile widened into a wicked grin. "Oh, nothing too complicated—just a little battle... against me," she said. "Consider yourself lucky. Back in our day, we had to face off against dear old Dad."

As Eos spoke, Apollo shifted nervously on his feet, exchanging a glance with Selene. She realized, then, how Greeks definitely didn't know how to give someone a birthday celebration. Did he consider it a gift?

"What does it mean by being recognized as one of your own?"

Apollo cleared his throat. "It means you'll be family. They'll fight for and with you, whenever you call," he said. "The Titan's definition of family is quite different than ours, you see..."

"In our household, family isn't something you're born with, it's something you earn. We don't recognize the weak," Eos added.

"How sweet."

Eos drew the katana from its sheath on her back, its blade shimmering in the moonlight as she raised it, the edge dangerously close to Selene's chin. "Challenge accepted?"

Selene glanced briefly at Apollo, who seemed to suddenly find the sky fascinating, his fingers idly tracing patterns in the air as he whistled a tune under his breath.

She turned back to Eos, "...I guess?"

Eos took a few steps back, her men doing the same.

Apollo leaned closer to Selene, "You already learned how to use your weapon, didn't you?"

"I don't know. It's still kinda confusing."

"If you don't already know, you'll learn it anyways," he murmured, leaning in closer so only she could hear. His breath tickled her ear as he continued, "Eos' powers are far more... limited than yours. She'll try to outmaneuver you in combat first, but when she starts resorting to her powers, that's when you need to be ready. Her go-to move. Remember what I've always told you..."

"Study your adversary?"

"...and win by outplaying their own play," he completed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You've learned well, auntie."

"All set?" Eos asked from afar, twirling her katana.

The clash of Celestial Bronze against the air filled the Bay as Selene unsheathed her weapon—a blade as sleek and deadly as a katana but with the hilt of a traditional sword. The silver-tinged blade glinted in the moonlight. In her other hand, she held a single war fan, its Stygian Iron blades ribbing a stark contrast to the gleaming metal of her sword.

With a twirl of her blade, Selene pointed it at Eos. "All set," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins.

Eos met her eyes with a confident smirk, her own weapon raised at Selene. With a sudden burst of movement, she launched into the attack, her strikes coming as fast as sunlight.

Selene's reflexes kicked into overdrive as she dodged Eos' initial onslaught, her iron fan a blur as she parried each blow. But Eos had millions of years of experience, so her movements were calculated and relentless.

In a split-second miscalculation, Selene's guard momentarily lowered. With a strike, Eos managed to land a cutting blow to Selene's arm, the Celestial Bronze blade leaving a deep gash in its wake.

Pain seared through Selene's body as she stumbled backward, her grip on her weapons faltering. She fought to maintain her footing, but the injury proved to be too much. With a final, desperate lunge, she collapsed to the ground, her strength spent.

Eos raised her hand and a surge of energy crackled around her, illuminating the bay with blinding light as if she held the Sun itself in her hands. Selene's heart raced as she remembered Apollo's words, 'when she starts resorting to her powers, that's when you need to be ready'.

As Selene lay sprawled on the ground, back pressed hard against the asphalt, she could feel the cool breeze from the bay below. She squeezed her eyes shut, focusing all her thoughts for a second.

A surge of power rippled through the air as half of the bay's waters rose up, slowly coalescing into a single wave as tall as a Tsunami. Selene's heart pounded as she aimed it toward Eos.

Momentarily distracted, Eos tore her eyes away from Selene to behold the ten-meter behemoth of water hurtling toward her. A flicker of apprehension crossed her face as she instinctively took a step back, her confidence faltering. The sheer magnitude of the wave was enough to give even the most seasoned warrior pause, and Eos instinctively braced herself for an impact that could happen anytime.

Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Selene pushed herself upright, her muscles protesting against the strain.

A blinding brilliance enveloped Selene's body as the full force of the moon's lightning surged through her body, illuminating them. The intensity of the light was so overwhelming that it momentarily blinded not only Eos but also everyone else present, including Apollo himself.

Seizing the opportunity afforded by Eos's temporary blindness, with her sword raised high, she closed the distance between them in a blur.

Pressing the blade against Eos's neck, Selene's silver eyes gleamed, reflecting the moonlight. "Do you surrender?"

Eos's smirk remained firmly in place. "Is that all you've got?"

Selene withdrew her sword from Eos's neck, her muscles tensing with the effort. "Alright," she nodded. She took a step back.

Before Eos could fully comprehend what was happening, a deafening roar echoed through the air as the wave crashed down upon her with full force. The impact was thunderous, sending shockwaves rippling through the bay.

Eos's body was swept away by the water, her form disappearing beneath the frothy crest as it surged forward with unstoppable force. The sheer force of the water tossed her about like a ragdoll, her limbs flailing helplessly as she struggled to regain her footing.

For a fleeting moment, Eos was lost amidst the swirling chaos, her figure barely visible beneath the water. Then, with a violent surge, the wave receded, leaving behind only a trail of foamy residue behind.

Eosphorus and Zephyrus ran in her direction, swords drawn. As Selene extended her hand toward them, a surge of power emanated from her fingertips, enveloping both Eosphorus and Zephyrus in its grasp.

The siblings cried out in surprise as they were lifted off their feet, their attempts to resist Selene's power futile. With a flick of her wrist, they were propelled toward the water, their bodies tumbling through the air in a dizzying whirlwind.

When they collided, the impact was jarring, the water swallowing them. Similar to their mother before, they were tossed like leaves in a storm.

Eos slowly got up and approached Selene, her steps hesitant and her body trembling. She lowered her weapon and paused for a moment, her eyes fixed on Selene before sinking to her knees.

"Welcome, sister," Eos declared. "You're undoubtedly one of us."

Selene settled into the luxurious leather seat of Apollo's Maserati Spyder, feeling the warmth of the sun as they cruised through the sky.

"You should've seen their faces!" Apollo exclaimed, a grin spreading across his lips.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the look on your face when I finally give you what you deserve."

Apollo let out an exaggerated sigh. "Oh, come on now," he protested. "How could I call myself a good teacher if I didn't let you face the Final Boss?"

"That was the Final Boss?"

"For now, at least." Apollo chuckled. "Hey, don't underestimate your sister just because she's younger."

They were crossing the Atlantic Ocean when Selene leaned over and pointed down below. "Can you drop me off in Manhattan?" she asked.

But Apollo shook his head with a playful grin. "Oh, no, auntie," he replied. "We'll stop at Camp first. Gotta catch up with the kids, you know—remind that wino who's father of the year."

"Father of the year, huh? Didn't look like it when you left me alone in the Siberian winter."

"I told you to come with me to Rio!"

Apollo landed his chariot-Maserati at the hill.

The young guardian dragon was dozing, coiled around the pine tree, but he lifted his coppery head as we approached and let Selene scratch under his chin. Steam hissed out his nostrils like from a teakettle, and he went cross-eyed with pleasure.

"What's up, lil boy?" she said. "Keeping everything in place?"

The last time she'd seen the dragon he'd been six feet long. Now he was at least twice that, and as thick around as the tree itself. Above his head, on the lowest branch of the pine tree, the Golden Fleece shimmered, its magic protecting the camp's borders from invasion. The dragon seemed relaxed, like everything was okay. Below us, Camp Half-Blood looked peaceful— green fields, forest, shiny white Greek buildings. The four-story farmhouse we called the Big House sat proudly in the midst of the strawberry fields. To the north, past the beach, the Long Island Sound glittered in the sunlight.

They walked down together into the valley and found the summer session in full swing. Most of the campers had arrived last Friday. The satyrs were playing their pipes in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow with woodland magic. Campers were having flying horseback lessons, swooping over the woods on their pegasi. Smoke rose from the forges, and hammers rang as kids made their own weapons for Arts & Crafts. The Athena and Demeter teams were having a chariot race around the track, and over at the canoe lake some kids in a Greek trireme were fighting a large orange sea serpent. A typical day at camp.

"Dad!" A blonde guy came running towards them, leading a group of other blonde kids who bore a striking resemblance to him. He was the oldest of the group and gripped a bow tightly in his hands.

"Ho-ho, if it isn't my Counselor!" Apollo exclaimed with a grin. "Lee Fletcher, the man himself," he winked, then turned to Selene. "Don't forget to say hi to your grandma over here."

Selene crossed her arms when she understood she was the grandma. "Hey!"

"Lady Selene, a pleasure to finally meet you," Lee Fletcher said, bowing slightly and planting a kiss on her hand.

Despite her best efforts, Selene couldn't suppress a smile. "H-hey," she stammered in return.

"Oh, hey kids. Michael, you've grown a lot! How's that beautiful mom of yours?" Apollo greeted them warmly, drawing them into his orbit like a magnet. "Come on, I'll speak to you in a minute."

Selene looked around. She realized she would like spending summer there. It looked even better than Percy had described before.

Apollo tapped on her shoulder, "Let's go auntie, we've gotta talk to Chiron."

On their way through Camp, Selene said 'hi' to a few known faces. Silena Beauregard, from Aphrodite, and her twin sister, Alex, were flying on their Pegasi, yet stopped to wave at her. In the Big House's driveway, Connor and Travis Stoll from the Hermes cabin were hot-wiring the camp's SUV. As they passed by the Forges, Selene spotted Charlie Beckendorf, Hephaestus' Counselor and the mastermind behind her sacred weapon. He bowed respectfully as they approached, and Selene proudly displayed her sword to him.

"Looks good on you, Lady Selene!" Beckendorf exclaimed with a warm smile. "Take good care of it!"

"Thanks, Beckendorf!"

As they stepped onto the porch of the Big House, Selene's gaze fell upon Chiron's worried expression as he talked to Dionysus and Annabeth.

"Mount Tam is still overrun with monsters," Annabeth said. "I didn't dare go close, but I don't think Luke is up there. I think I would know if he was."

However, as soon as they noticed Apollo and Selene's arrival, their conversation abruptly shifted gears.

"Selene!" Annabeth exclaimed, rushing over to hug her. Her expression had completely shifted. "Happy birthday!"

Returning the hug with a smile, Selene replied, "Oh, thanks. Did you receive my emails?"

"All of them! And thank you for shipping that Japanese Architecture book for me. It was the best gift I've ever received," Annabeth enthused, her eyes lighting up.

"Chiron," Apollo greeted with a respectful bow. Then, his gaze shifted to Dionysus, and a scowl crept onto his face. "Half-brother."

"Always a delight, Apollo," Dionysus replied nonchalantly. Turning his attention to Selene, he asked, "Did that guy treat you right, Selene?"

A smile tugged at Selene's lips. "Most of the time," she replied. Then, she turned to Chiron, "I haven't seen little Nico. Where is he?"

Both Chiron, Annabeth, and Dionysus exchanged worried glances. "Percy didn't tell you?"

"About what?"

Annabeth fingered her bead necklace, the way she does when she's worried. "Mhm, maybe... Maybe you should ask him later," she glanced over to Chiron, and he subtly nodded. "Percy will tell you what happened."

"Is it bad?"

"Percy will tell you."

Dionysus looked over to Apollo, "Should we get going?"

Apollo nodded. "Yea. It's time."

"Going where?" Selene tilted her head.

"Visit some old friends. Make sure they're on the right side," he said. "I'll catch up with you once we're back. In the meantime, Chiron will help you with anything you need."

"Why can't I come along?"

Chiron shifted on his wheelchair. "Lady Selene... Perhaps it is more appropriate if you stay here, helping us guard Camp. You'll be the only deity around, and we need you here."

She glanced between Dionysus and Apollo, tilting her head in understanding. "You're going after my family," she stated, as if a puzzle piece had finally clicked into place in her mind. "Polo, Eos wasn't just to prove my training, was it? You were ensuring she'd be on my—our side, right?"

Apollo considered her words for a moment before nodding. "A little bit of both, I suppose."

Dionysus interjected, "Theia and Helios haven't been seen in centuries. We'll search for them, along with other Titans who weren't imprisoned in Tartarus after the First War. It's crucial to ensure their allegiances haven't shifted."

"One more reason why I should come along," Selene insisted.

Annabeth placed her hand on Selene's shoulder, her expression earnest. "We need you here, Mene," she said softly.

Dionysus nodded. "Annabelle is right..."


"...You should stay. Learn more. Practice. And... teach, too. I guess."

She hesitantly nodded. "If you insist," she said. "If you ever find my mom, tell her child support is overdue."

Apollo winked, "I'll make sure to mention, auntie."

Annabeth turned to her, "Mene, aren't you late? It's already nine in the morning. You should be in Manhattan by one, shouldn't you?"

"Shit," Selene muttered under her breath, a sudden rush of panic flooding her as she remembered her plans to meet Percy. She turned to Apollo, "Polo, could you drop me in Manhattan?"

But before Apollo could respond, Annabeth interjected with a shake of her head. "No, no, no. You're not going like this."

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine."

Annabeth sighed, her patience waning. "Selene. Your clothes are literally ripped."

"Oh," Selene replied sheepishly, finally noticing the tears and holes in her clothing.

"Don't look at me. Not my fault." Apollo raised his hands.

With a firm grip on Selene's arm, Annabeth insisted, "Come on, I'll help you out. We can't let you go looking like a disaster."

As they reached the entrance of Cabin Ten, Annabeth called out, "Silena?"

Silena waved at them, her damp hair dripping water as she approached. "Oh, hey, girls," she greeted, casually tossing her towel aside. She glanced back into the cabin, calling out, "Clarisse, guess who's here!"

Clarisse emerged from the cabin, her brown curls bouncing with each step. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Selene, and she quickly smoothed down her hair. "Lady Selene, what an honor," she greeted with a hint of awe in her voice.

Clarisse had a mess of brown curls and sun-kissed skin. She was tall and had an impressive muscular body, about the same height as Annabeth. It was the infamous Clarisse La Rue, the same one Percy had complained about countless times before.

"Hey, Clarisse," she greeted, trying to keep the mood light. "Nice meeting you."

"We kinda need an intervention, Silena." Annabeth said.

She didn't look very thrilled to meet Clarisse. Selene remembered when, a few emails ago, Annabeth mentioned how she was trying to foster empathy towards Clarisse after her secret quest. Clarisse had been working tirelessly to help Chris Rodriguez, a fellow camper and son of Hermes, who had joined Luke's army two summers ago. According to Annabeth, Chris had been lost in some sort of labyrinth and had been struggling with insanity ever since, and Clarisse was the one who had found him.

It was quite strange how Selene and Annabeth had formed a bond during those months. Something about shared trauma after Selene sacrificed herself to save Annabeth from her father seemed to bring them closer together. Also, something about one of her friends dying, and the other becoming a Huntress.

"Our friend over here has a date."

"It's not a date!"

Silena's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?" she asked. "Sure, Lady Selene. Come in."

Silena opened the doors, and Selene's first impression of Cabin Ten was how it looked like a pink 'Barbie house' with a pink door, lace curtains and potted carnations by the window.

"You guys can call me Mene, by the way."

Inside, the overwhelming scent of perfume hit Selene immediately. The walls were painted a bright pink, with white window trim adding to the pastel aesthetic. The curtains and beds were in shades of pastel blue and green. Selene couldn't help but notice the row for the guys, each separated by a curtain.

Instead of the usual bunks, they had twin beds with pale blue sheets. Between each bed sat a blue dresser with drawers, a mirror, and all makeup items you could think of. It was a scene straight out of a teenage girl's dream—or nightmare. She could hear Thalia's voice screaming in horror, yet Selene found it quite amusing.

It was also entirely empty, except for them. Everyone else must be in their daily activities by then.

"Won't your mother incinerate you for hanging with me?"

"Chill out," Silena replied with a playful grin, motioning for her to take a seat next to her drawer. "Even Mom respects an intervention, Lady Selene."

Clarisse, sprawled out on Silena's bed, grabbed the book she'd left on the bedside table and buried her nose in it. Meanwhile, Selene settled in front of the mirror, with Annabeth and Silena flanking her on either side, studying her appearance.

Silena twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers. "So, who's the lucky god?"

"It's Percy, actually."

Clarisse's eyes popped up from her book, nearly launching it across the room in surprise. "Tell me it's not Prissy Jackson."

Selene hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.


"It is Prissy Jackson, so I didn't say anything!"

Clarisse smacked her own forehead. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"Alright..." Silena began pacing around the cabin, her hands flailing as she talked. "What do we know about Percy?"

"His favorite color is blue," Annabeth offered.

Silena rummaged through her wardrobe, muttering to herself as she pulled out various outfits and examined them with a critical eye. "Blue, blue, where's all the blue?" she said, her fingers flitting over hangers as she muttered to herself.

Clarisse glanced up from her book, her eyebrows raised skeptically. "I hope you're not planning to dress her like Dory from Finding Nemo."

Selene chuckled nervously. "Um, I guess we can rule out any outfits with seaweed accessories."

"Hmm, too casual... too flashy... ah, here we go." As Silena continued her search, she pulled out various outfits, holding them up against Selene to analyze their suitability. "How about this?" She held up a tie-dye cropped shirt.

Selene tried to stifle a laugh. "It's... definitely a look."

Clarisse peered over the top of her book again, "At this point, just put on a Little Mermaid costume."

"Tough crowd," Silena growled. She paused, holding up a white mini-dress paired with a pastel-blue cardigan. "This one?"


"That's... um, very pretty, Silena," she said. "But I can't accept. What if I somehow rip it apart or, I don't know..."

"What on earth are you planning to do with Prissy that would result in Silena's dress getting torn apart?"

"Go back to your book, Clarisse!"

Clarisse smirked and returned to her reading, muttering under her breath, "Prissy has his moves. I've heard it all now."

Annabeth grabbed a few makeup items from Silena's drawer. "How about makeup? I don't think any of us can do anything besides you, Sil."

"That'll be the easiest part... I saw Drew practicing douyin makeup these days and I've been dying to try it on someone."

"Just don't do a birthday makeup and we're good."

"But... it is your birthday?" Annabeth asked whilst Silena and Selene chuckled.

"Oh. It's an online joke, Annie," Silena said softly.

"Can gods have birthdays?" Clarisse pondered.

"We don't," Selene replied, "but I'm all for keeping up the tradition. I mean, who doesn't love the false illusion of getting older?"


"Okay, first things first," Annabeth said, plugging in a straightener while Silena dug through her makeup bag. "Let's see how I use this."

Selene winced as the heat from the straightener approached her hair. "Ow, ow, easy there, Annabeth."

"My bad." Annabeth apologized, grabbing a chunk of Selene's hair and carefully running the straightener through it. "Those instructions are quite confusing."

"Aren't you dyslexic?"

"Oh... that must be it."

As Annabeth worked on straightening Selene's hair, Silena dabbed some foundation onto her cheeks. "You have such beautiful skin," she said. "What was it like to live with Apollo for so long?"

"Congrats, Sil. You're so subtle."

Selene reflected on the whirlwind of the past few months, filled with adventures across Asia that she never could have imagined. From remote tribes to bustling cities, she had seen it all. And amidst the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultures, she had developed her skills in ways she never thought possible. In the meantime, Selene learned helpful things—more specifically, battling moves, and some minor controlling powers.

From the Russian-Chinese, she learned a technique she'd developed two thousand years ago focused on mind controlling by meditation. From Japanese warriors, she focused on core strengthening and niche battling strategies. Lastly, from Apollo himself, she developed more of her built-in skills, such as: shapeshifting, moon traveling, time controlling (this was a tricky one).

Sure, whilst she may just have been scratching the surface of those disciplines, she knew with time and practice, she'd get there one day. It took Dionysus centuries, and he's the weakest card in Mythomagic.

Apollo was a character unto himself. Surprisingly, he took his role as Selene's mentor quite seriously. When he wasn't off at Carnival or Spring Break, he actually proved to be quite helpful. It was clear he was making a genuine effort to succeed in his quest to aid Selene. It seemed even gods weren't immune to the desire for paternal approval.

"He was chill," she said. "Actually in the whole time we were away he had like, ten different girlfriends and boyfriends. One for each place we visited."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Even the monks?"

"Girl, those guys were wild."

"Isn't he just so dreamy?" Silena sighed, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Don't let Beckendorf hear this one." Clarisse said without taking her eyes off of her book.

Selene glanced over to the book. It was called 'The Paradox of Choice', by Barry Schwartz. The book didn't seem strange to her—that's when it clicked. Selene had seen this book in a library in Seoul... In the Psychology corner. It engraved into her mind, as she was searching for books regarding psychology studies around meditation.

"How's Chris?"

For a moment, everyone haltered. Slowly, Clarisse shut her book and sar straight on Silena's bed. Selene saw Annabeth and Silena glancing at each other over the mirror, and realized it must've been a delicate subject around them.

"He's... I wish I could say he's progressing, but I'm not so sure," she replied. "You don't think you could help him somehow?"

Selene pondered for a moment. She'd read in an ancient Greek book about Selene's past knowledge of using the Moon's energy to induce madness over her enemies. If there was a way of inducing it, she could probably revert it somehow. However, Selene was the only deity to be able to pull this power, and since she was long gone, she'd need to study and develop this ability from scratch. It wasn't impossible, but also wasn't morally right to give Clarisse unreliable hopes.

But then again, sometimes hope was all someone needed. With a deep breath, Selene replied, "There is a way."

Clarisse's eyes twinkled, and sat straight on Silena's bed, leaning closer to them. "You're not kidding me, are you? Selene, I mean, Lady Selene, I mean, Mene... If you're playing about this..."

"I'm not, though it's an ability I haven't mastered yet. I can promise you anything but that I'll try—"

"That's enough." Clarisse said. It was probably the eyeshadow, but Selene could've sworn she saw a teardrop falling down on her cheek. "Thank you, Mene."

Silena patted on Clarisse's shoulder, "You see? We've got help. I told you everything's gonna be alright with Chris."

Despite sucking at being a god, perhaps that's the best part of it. Helping people. Having a purpose.

"So..." Silena cleared her throat, breaking the awkward silence. "Have you two decided which movie you'll watch?"

"Mhm, I told him I wanted to watch Rio: The Movie, and he emailed me a month ago saying he rented a theater because the movie wasn't available anywhere."

Both Silena and Annabeth stopped and stared at her for a moment. Even Clarisse raised an eyebrow.

"Rented... a theater?"

"Isn't Prissy poor?"

Silena's face flushed bright red, her cheeks practically glowing. "A love story!" she exclaimed. "Can you even imagine it? The son of Poseidon dating a Titaness. It would be legendary!"

Clarisse raised an eyebrow. "You do realize you could have any guy in the world, right? Timothee Chalamet, Cha Eunwoo... Apollo..."

Selene chuckled, though she felt her cheeks warming. "I mean... it's not that big of a deal. It's a small cinema across from Sally's candy store, so she managed to get an employee discount somehow. I also sent a few drachmas, which Percy didn't refuse, so I guess it does cover it..."

"That sounds more like Seaweed Brain."

Silena finished her makeup by applying a gloss that Selene read as 'EXTREME PLUMPING', and as soon as she realized what it meant, her mouth burned like she'd been tossed into the deepest layer of Hell.

"What the heck is this?" she exclaimed, her lips tingling uncomfortably.

"Oh!" Silena realized. "It's supposed to plump your lips. But now that I think about it, it doesn't make much sense. Kissing with this stuff on would be like smooching a cactus..."

"There won't be any kissing!" Selene protested, her lips still on fire.

With Annabeth's assistance, Selene struggled to slip into the dress, the corset-like back making it a bit of a challenge to dress herself. But finally, with some effort, they managed to get it on. Selene turned to look at herself in the mirror.

"You look..." Annabeth began.

"...like a goddess," Silena finished.

Clarisse raised an eyebrow. "If you're a Titan, why is one of your boobs slightly bigger than the other?"

Silena glared at her.

"What?" she raised her arms. "It's not an offense, I'm just genuinely curious."

"You don't ask someone why their boobs are asymmetric, Clarisse."

"It's a fair question!"

"You look amazing, Mene." Silena muttered. "Let me just fix your dress."

Silena tugged on the strings of the corset back of Selene's dress, pulling them tight until Selene felt like she couldn't even breathe. The dress did look better, but with the way it hugged her body, she couldn't help feeling like a tightly wrapped roast chicken, ready for Christmas dinner.

"...what do we think now?"

Her hair was flawlessly straightened, (thanks to Annabeth, who always seemed to master anything she set her mind to). It typically fell pin-straight, yet now had a certain flair to it that screamed it had been styled. The dress clung to her body like it was made for her, despite Silena being significantly taller, its subtle shimmer catching the light just right (probably an Aphrodite enchantment). Her half-moon necklace glimmered, matching with her silver eyes.

Silena stepped back, eyeing Selene's hair thoughtfully. "There's something missing..." she whispered to herself. She reached for a silver moon pin on her drawer. She gathered Selene's hair into a half-up hairstyle, securing it with the pin and stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Voilá. Now we're finally done. What do we think?"

Selene gazed at her reflection in the mirror and ran a hand through her hair, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. In the past few months, her focus had been solely on mastering her powers and surpassing her own limitations. Appearance had been the least of her concerns. But now, as she took in her image, she couldn't help but feel slightly happy. For the first time in what felt like ages, she felt good about herself.

"I look very Asian."

Clarisse pressed a hand upon her chest. "Wow! You didn't think you were Latina, did you?"

Selene shot her a glare.

"Clarisse, we usually treat our gods with respect..." Annabeth muttered, "especially Titans..."

"Yea, because Titans are known for their delicate sensibilities," Clarisse rolled her eyes. "My apologies, your Divine Highness."

"Now for the shoes..." Silena interjected, looking around, "what's your size?"

"Five. Five and a half for boots."

Annabeth's eyes widened, "Isn't that, like, Barbie doll size?"

"Annabeth, I'm about twenty centimeters shorter than you."

"A true Greek," Clarisse chimed in, "She's even measuring in meters."

"I could wear my own shoes..." Selene pointed at the combat boots she'd just taken off to put her dress on. "They're good to go."

"Mene," Silena put both hands at her waist. "Your shoes look like you haven't washed them. At all."

Selene shrugged, "...am I supposed to wash them?"

Annabeth face-palmed, her hand making a loud smack against her forehead. "For the gods..."

"Wow. I've got those same shoes!" Clarisse exclaimed.

"No way! Twins!"

"Alright, I can deal with it..." Silena ran through another drawer, and brought back a pair of classic Adidas Sambas. "Those are Drew's. I guess she's your size, and she won't even notice. She's got two pairs of each shoe."

"Ah. It's cute."

Annabeth checked the time on the clock and let out an exasperated sigh. "It's already twelve!"

"Oh shit."

As the thought of seeing Percy again finally crossed her mind, Selene couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness. Unlike Annabeth, who she'd Iris messaged a few times, Selene had only exchanged a few sporadic emails with Percy. Yet, with each passing day, her anticipation grew stronger.

She had expected her small crush to fade over time, but every mention of his name still made her heart race and brought a smile to her lips, even if only on the inside.

"Don't worry. It's fashionably acceptable to be late for a first date." Silena calmly said, grabbing the same gloss she'd used on Selene's lips before and handing it to her.

"As I said a million times: it's not a date."

"...but do you want it to be?"

Selene took a while to reply, and it was enough for Silena's smile to widen.

She slipped on Drew's shoes, which felt a tad too big, and bolted outside Cabin Ten, Annabeth, Silena, and a snickering Clarisse hot on her heels.

It seemed like her lucky day as Apollo was sitting nearby, encircled by campers, spouting one of the countless Haikus Selene had endured over the past months.

"...I am so cool!" he declared, puffing out his chest as he finished another set of Haikus. "What do you guys think?"

The campers erupted into applause, but Apollo's gaze widened as he spotted them. His attention wasn't on Selene, though—it was fixed on Silena.

"Ho-ho, won't you introduce me to your friends, auntie?" he said, rising from his spot and sauntering over to them.

Selene glanced over her shoulder, catching sight of a flustered Silena nervously twirling her hair around her finger. "Uh, hey... Apollo."

With a charming grin, he leaned in closer, his gaze locked on Silena. "And you must be the lovely Silena Beauregard. An Aphrodite child, obviously," he said, gently pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand. "You can call me Polo..."

"Mene needs a ride to Manhattan," Annabeth interjected.

"Ah, right..." Apollo scratched his head, pretending to mull it over. "Let's see... No."

"But you said you're leaving with Dionysus!"

Apollo shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't think Manhattan is on our way to Greece."

Selene rolled her eyes. "How much?"

Apollo placed a hand on his heart dramatically. "Ah, auntie, you know me so well..." he said with a smirk. "Fifty drachmas. And a date with your friend," he winked at Silena.

"She's got a boyfriend!" Annabeth exclaimed.

He sighed dramatically, his hand dropping from his heart. "Fine, fine... A hundred drachmas, then."

"Seventy-five," Selene countered.

"Sixty," Apollo bargained.

"That's even less!"

"No, that's not..." he paused, scratching an invisible beard. "Ah, wait!"

"Sixty it is," Selene agreed with a smirk.

"Fine," he growled. "Go call Dionysus. We'll live in a minute."

Selene glanced around, her eyebrows shooting up. "But where is he?"

Apollo scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. He threw his hands up, "How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

Dionysus crossed his arms on the passenger seat. "All that for Peter Jonhson?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's my birthday!" she exclaimed, "We're going out to celebrate. Jezz, what's up with you guys?"

Apollo smirked, his eyes on the road as his chariot-Maserati transformed into a regular car-Maserati (though still otherworldly fast) on the journey from Long Island to Manhattan. "There's something fishy about this friendly outing."

Then, he burst out laughing. Out of nowhere.

"Did you guys get it? Fishy. 'Cause he's Poseidon's son," Apollo repeated, chuckling to himself.

Dionysus glanced over his shoulder, "Fuck my life."

Selene chuckled nervously, tapping her fingers to distract herself from the tension on her shoulders. Maybe due to the fact everyone around her swore it was a date, yet she knew it wasn't anything remotely like that.

"East 81st, here we are." Apollo took off his sunglasses, eyeing the building then checking on his GPS. "Goode High School. Yup, that's the place."

Dionysus raised an eyebrow. "You two still in high school?"

Apollo shrugged. "Back in my day, when we hit fifteen, we were off fighting wars. The weak ones got tossed off cliffs."

"That's bullshit, Apollo," Dionysus scoffed. "It was more like you were chasing after Aphrodite, begging for a kiss."

"Hey, even mighty warriors have their soft spots."

"Does it look like it has a side entrance?" Selene asked. She wasn't listening to anything they were saying.

"Down the block on the right," Apollo directed, his patience waning. "Now, please, get out of my car. We've got a tight schedule."

"Fine," she muttered, reluctantly exiting the Maserati.

"Hey, brat," Dionysus leaned over Apollo at the window. "Be cautious. I'm not a fan of this place's smell."

Apollo shrugged. "Probably my armpit. Haven't showered in a while."

"Thanks, you two. I'll watch out," Selene replied. "Say 'hi' to mom for me!"

Apollo winked. "Remember, don't do anything I wouldn't," he said before disappearing with his car in the blink of an eye.

Selene looked around. Goode was this big brownstone building overlooking the East River. A bunch of BMWs and Lincoln Town Cars were parked out front. She wondered what it'd be like to go back to school. The idea of her main concern being attending classes and practice for Ballet auditions seemed strangely appealing to her.

Being a god had its perks, no doubt, with the ability to pull off crazy stunts and awe-inspiring feats. However, there also was something oddly alluring about the normalcy of the teenagers bustling around her.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the storm of nerves swirling inside her. "Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic," she repeated to herself like a mantra. The idea of this being a "date" had burrowed its way into her mind, leaving a lump in her throat. Her fingers tapped nervously against the fabric of her dress. Her heart pounded against her ribcage like a drum, and she could feel a cold sweat forming on her palms.

"It's not a date," she repeated to herself, trying to reassure her racing mind. "Not a date. Definitely not a date. Nope. It cannot be a date."

She was suddenly taken out of her thoughts when someone ran straight into her.

Selene passed her hand through her hair and lifted her head, seeing who'd bumped her, and her scowl instantly faded into a smile.

It was him. Percy Jackson.

Over the course of six months, he'd grown way taller than before. He was even taller than Annabeth now.

His hair was tousled, like he'd dragged his hand through it a hundred times, and his linen shirt hung loosely on his frame, half unbuttoned. It was quite strange seeing him wearing fancy clothing, as she'd been used to Percy just in hoodies or in the school's uniform. It seemed oddly out of place for him, but she thought his best so far.

"Hi," she said, pressing her lips tightly together. "Watch your feet, Lord of the Bathroom."

For a moment, Percy stood there in stunned silence, his eyes widening to the point where they seemed ready to pop out of their sockets. His lips parted slightly, as if he were about to speak but couldn't find the words. Every muscle in his face seemed to tense up as if he had his breath caught in his throat, his brows shooting up.

It was like time had momentarily frozen.

"You okay, Perce? Has the cat gotten your tongue?"

He blinked a few times. "I... I..."

"Did orientation go well?"

A redhead covered in monster dust came charging out of the alley, yelling, "Percy, wait up!"

Selene's smile rapidly melted. She stared at the girl, then at the school. For the first time, she seemed to notice the black smoke and ringing fire alarms. She frowned at him. "What happened? Are you hurt? And who the fuck is this?"

"Oh, Rachel—Mene. Mene—Rachel. You know her, remember? From Hoover Dam. Um, she's a friend, I guess."

The redhead widened her eyes, "That's you! I knew it wasn't a dream!" She crossed her arms with a huff. "Thought you'd at least recognize someone you knocked out."

"I do that to a lot of people. Hard to keep track."

Rachel held up a hand, looking puzzled. "Hold up. What kind of half-blood are you?"

Selene tilted her head, furrowing her brows, "Excuse me?"

Rachel cleared her throat, "Anyways, you should apologize. That was such a bully move. Had to explain to my dad why I woke up with a black eye."

Selene raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a tight smile. "Oh, really? Did it hurt?"

"Wait, what?" She shook her head, then turned to Percy, "You are in so much trouble. And you still owe me an explanation!"

Police sirens wailed on FDR Drive.

"Percy," Selene said coldly, "you should probably leave."

"But our movie—"

"Doesn't matter," she shrugged, whispering more to herself, "It's already ruined, isn't it?"

"I want to know more about half-bloods," Rachel insisted. "And monsters. And this stuff about the gods." She grabbed Percy's arm, whipped out a permanent marker, and wrote a phone number on his hand. "You're going to call me and explain, okay? You owe me that. Now get going."

Selene looked away, her jaw clenched so tight it could crush a rock. She bit the inside of her cheek, her arms resting on her hips.


"I'll make up some story," Rachel said. "I'll tell them it wasn't your fault. Just go!"

She ran back toward the school, leaving Selene and Percy in the street.

"Hey!" Percy ran after her. "There were these two empousai," he tried to explain. "They were cheerleaders, see, and they said camp was going to burn, and—"

Selene turned her back at him, and kept walking toward York Avenue.

"Mene, wait!" He called her out, trying to catch her pace. "She can see through the Mist. She saw the monsters before I did."


"She recognized me from Hoover Dam, so—"


"But seriously, I barely know her."

Selene came to an abrupt halt, causing Percy to turn towards her with a puzzled expression. She folded her arms tightly across her chest, refusing to look at him. "Aren't you forgetting something?" she muttered with barely concealed irritation.

Percy ran a hand through his hair. "Um, I don't know."

Meanwhile, smoke billowed from Goode High School behind them, but Selene's attention remained fixed on Percy, her eyebrows shooting up in frustration before she quickly brushed it off. With a terse nod, she extended her hand to hail a taxi. "I'll take you back to camp," she declared curtly.

Percy glanced around nervously before finally responding, "Uh, yeah. Okay."

Author's Note:

hi guys! first of all, if you've read this far, thank you sososososo much!! <3

and also please don't be afraid of voting and leaving comments, they make my day and I read them all!

btw, thank you for NEARLY 20K VIEWSSSS. LIKE WHAT?

what are your thoughts on Selene and Percy so far? did you guys notice how PISSED she was bc he didn't wish her a happy bday?

btw this is NOT a rachel dare hate club. selene doesnt hate her bc of percy (as of now? who knows). shes a very resenftul person and she did NOT like rachel's comment ab her being old. like at all.

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