Ashen Flames

By Dastaandil

511 51 5

This story starts in Mexico, where Aaradhya Kapoor from India and Salvatore De Luca from Italy meet for the f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

51 6 0
By Dastaandil

Whoa! We're at the airport, ready to jet off to Mexico. Mexico, here I come! I'm genuinely excited that the trip has come together smoothly despite some initial hiccups. It feels like destiny wants me to have this experience. I tilt my head back, gaze toward the sky, and express my gratitude, "Thank you, nature."

"Ready for some Mexican adventures?"ekansh asked.

"Absolutely! I can't wait to dive into the culture and cuisine." I said.

"I'm especially excited about visiting the historic sites." Parul replied.

"Parul, how are you feeling? Need anything?" Ekansh said while checking her.

"Thanks, Ekansh, I'm good." She muttered.

"Just want to make sure you're comfortable."he replied.

I board the plane alongside Ekansh and Parul, I notice Ekansh's extra attention to Parul, considering she's pregnant. Our seats are in business class.

"Well, I'm going to close my partition now for a bit of privacy. See you on the other side." After settling in, I discreetly close the partition between us, not wanting to intrude on my friends' privacy, nor do I want them to encroach on mine.

I grabbed my purse and reached for my book, "Waris Shah's Heer Ranjha." I have a passion for reading, especially historical love stories. The depth of love portrayed in such tales always captivates me. It's a stark contrast to today's trends where having multiple partners seems to be the norm. Maybe this is just the Gen Z way of life, I pondered.

The previous generation, the Millennials, seemed different. They cherished love like our parents' generation did. Their relationships have stood the test of time, still flourishing with genuine affection. But now, in our generation, it feels like love is replaced by casual flings or purely physical relationships. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but the overall trend seems to have shifted.

I pondered these thoughts, lost in contemplation, the airhostess approached with a tray of drinks and snacks. "Excuse me, ma'am, what drink would you like?" she inquired politely.

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at the options. "I'll have whiskey, please," I replied, noticing a sandwich next to it.

The combination seemed odd to me—whiskey and a sandwich. I leaned in and asked, "Is the sandwich vegetarian? I'm strictly vegetarian."

The airhostess nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, ma'am, it's a vegetarian sandwich."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Great, thank you."

I sipped my whiskey and I immersed myself in "Waris Shah's Heer Ranjha." The scene I was reading depicted Heer's longing for Ranjha, and it resonated deeply with me.well I'm also longing for a partner for me. I'm a hopeless romantic. I don't know if I'll ever found love or not. I'm not gonna lose hope.

You can find Love aaradhya.

I set the sandwich aside, planning to enjoy it later, as I became completely absorbed in the timeless love story.

Feeling like the whiskey wasn't doing much to lift my spirits, I decided to have two more glasses. I pressed the call button, and the airhostess appeared.

"How can I assist you, ma'am?"

"Could I please have two more glasses of whiskey?"

"Certainly, I'll be right back."

She disappeared momentarily and returned with two glasses of whiskey, setting them down on my tray table with a polite smile.

"Here you go, ma'am. Enjoy!" She said with a smile.

I thanked her and settled back into my seat, ready to enjoy the additional drinks.

Our plane landed in Mexico, Ekansh took charge of arranging our ride. We stood outside the airport, waiting for our car to arrive.

He turned to me and Parul, his expression serious. "Guys, the road we're going through can be risky. There are cartels around. That's why I booked a plain-looking car with a Mexican plate. We need to blend in."

Parul chimed in, "Yeah, we don't want to draw attention."

I nodded in agreement. "Definitely, safety first."

Ekansh nodded and checked his phone for updates on our car. "It's better to be cautious," he added.

After a few minutes, our car arrived, and Ekansh got behind the wheel.

I was enjoying the scenic view from the backseat of the car, with Parul in the front seat and Ekansh taking on the role of the driver.

I mimicked a reporter, holding my hand up like a microphone and jokingly asking Ekansh, "How are you feeling driving for us, Mr. Singhania?"

He played along, mimicking me with a smile, "Well, I'm feeling great," which made Parul burst into laughter.

I settled back into my seat, gazing out at the passing landscape, suddenly Ekansh brought the car to a stop and started reversing.

Ekansh whispered urgently, "Not a word, guys. Cartels are around."

I couldn't help but mutter, "Oh no," under my breath.

Ekansh continued to reverse the car, his voice tense as he muttered, "It looks like a big caravan of cartel cars. Maybe their boss is here or something."

Parul nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting concern.

Though I tried to remain calm, the fear started to creep in. We hadn't done anything wrong, but the presence of cartels was a sharp reminder of the dangers lurking in unfamiliar territory.

A tinted car passed in front of us, i looked towards the car and I couldn't help but think that perhaps the cartel boss was inside. Anger surged within me at the thought of criminals roaming freely.

Suddenly, a man approached our car, brandishing a big gun. My heart raced with worry as he ordered us to exit the vehicle. All I could think of was Parul's safety and prayed fervently for everyone to come out of this situation unharmed.

We stepped out of the car, only to be met with a chilling sight that left me speechless. The man with the gun declared, "This girl is coming with us." My heart sank at his words. Why us? What had we done to deserve this?

Ekansh's anger was palpable, but he couldn't make a move as the gun was pointed at Parul. Panic set in as I wondered what our options were in this dire situation.

Ekansh attempted to negotiate, offering a substantial sum of money. The amount was so staggering that even the man with the gun seemed taken aback. Maybe the conversation seemed to be heading towards a resolution when suddenly, a new figure entered the scene.

This newcomer had piercing blue eyes and brown hair, exuding an aura of intimidation that sent shivers down my spine. Without realizing it, I took a few steps back, a reflexive action driven by instinct.

The man's gaze fell upon me like that of a predator sizing up its prey. Fear gripped me as I desperately wished to avoid being in his clutches.

Addressing Ekansh, he asked in a deep, authoritative voice, "Who is she to you?"

Ekansh replied, his voice tense with worry, "She's my friend. Please, don't harm her. I can offer you whatever amount you want."

The man dismissed Ekansh's offer of money with a dismissive "Tsk tsk," and then turned his attention back to me. He presented two options in a menacing tone, each filled with dread.

His gaze strictly fixed on me, "you have two options here. The first option is simple: come with me, and I'll let your friends go unharmed. No money, no trouble."

He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing with a sinister edge in his voice, "The second option, however, is much less favorable for you and your friends. If you refuse to cooperate, they will also become my hostages, or worse, I might decide to end them right here and now. And trust me, I'm not bluffing."

I glanced towards Parul, my eyes pleading with her to stay back, signaling with a subtle gesture of my hand. I couldn't bear the thought of putting my friends in danger. The only option that seemed remotely bearable was the first one, but the situation felt like a nightmare from which I couldn't wake up.

I found myself locked in a silent exchange with those haunting blue eyes, my heart was heavy with confusion and fear. The question that echoed in my mind was a simple yet profound "Why?" Why were we being subjected to this nightmare? Why did this man feel entitled to disrupt our lives in such a terrifying manner?

Tears began to well up in my eyes, I couldn't contain the devastating emotions bubbling within me. Anger surged through my veins like a raging storm, demanding justice for the injustice being thrust upon us. I longed to lash out, to slap him across the face and demand answers. But I knew that such a rash act could jeopardize the safety of my friends, and that thought alone held me back.

His nonchalant response only added fuel to the fire raging inside me. "No questions, cara mia," he uttered, his tone dripping with an unsettling calmness that sent chills down my spine. The use of terms like "cara mia" felt like a cruel mockery, as if he was playing with our emotions like pieces on a chessboard.

But what baffled me even more was his ability to seemingly read my mind. How could he decipher the turmoil of emotions swirling within me? And what language was he speaking? His words were foreign to my ears, leaving me even more disoriented and vulnerable.


Dear readers, I kindly ask for your participation in voting for the chapters you enjoy. While I wish to set a target, I realize this may create a problem for those who have already voted and those eagerly awaiting the next story. Therefore, I encourage you to vote if you appreciate the chapter. Your feedback is immensely valuable. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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