π™‡π™€π™«π™š π™˜π™€π™£π™¦π™ͺπ™šπ™§π™¨ 𝙖�...

By InnitMhm

220 91 19

Ever wondered what would happen if Levi met the girl version of himself? Well that's exactly what happens whe... More

-breaking point-
-hes... okay-
-xoxo gossip girls-
-Hes huge-
-this is sooo sick and twisted-
-my doll-

-jelousy, jelousy-

37 17 5
By InnitMhm

Training went well. Thanks to y/n's heart warming speech, and beautiful demonstration, everyone did their best. No slacking off on her watch. It was lunchtime now. All the cadets swarmed into the cafeteria. Clearly worn out by the hard day of training. Everyone really give it their all after seeing what y/n did to that man. No one took any chances. Y/n walked into the cafeteria feeling the eyes burn into her, but she didn't do anything about it. Because she knew the stares she was getting was based on pure fear. And she loved it. Just as she was about to get in line for food, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. A girl.

Y/n raised an eyebrow as to ask what the girl wanted. "Hey.. my names mikasa. I wanted to say you were really fucking badass today. You really showed that bastard a lesson, I admire you for that." Y/n remained silent for a moment, not really knowing how to respond. She spoke sooner or later in her usual cold tone. "Thanks, it's what anyone would've done. And the names y/n." Mikasa smiled, quickly grabbing a plate from the rack before giving it to y/n. "I'd love for you to train me, give me some sparring lessons? I've never seen a girl fight so well in here. We would make a great duo." Y/n started to put food on her plate, she was listening, but she was terrible as communicating. "Are you good at fighting mikasa? I should hope so."

"I'd like to say I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself.. though, with your help I'd be so much better. Your fighting style is.. extraordinary-" "I'm not asking you to sweeten me up.. I'm asking if me training you is worth my while. If it will make any difference to our team." She turned to face mikasa, the icky look in her eyes staring into her. "...I'm asking if you have a chance to make a difference." Mikasa stood there taking in everything she just said. Staring back at her for a moment as she pondered her response. She soon spoke up, her tone determined and sure. "Not only will I make it worth your while, but I'll prove it by wiping those titans clean off the face of this shitty earth. I can assure you that." Y/n stared into her eyes a little longer. She wanted to see if mikasa would crack, to see maybe if she was lying. She didn't move a muscle.

Y/n nodded slightly. "Training starts tomorrow." She continued putting food onto her plate. "Don't tell anyone about it, and don't be late. We start at 6.30." Mikasa smiled, she had just scored the best sparing buddy in the scout regiment. She couldn't wait to get started. "Hey, thanks for that. I won't let you down." Y/n simply nodded. She wasn't much for a chit chat. But she saw something in mikasa. She saw determination, bravery, and wisdom. She knew after the act she pulled today, no one would've approached her. But mikasa did. So there was definitely something different about her. And y/n was always willing to take the gamble.

Y/n was about to sit at the table with her food when mikasa called her name. "Hey y/n! Come sit with us!" Mikasa was sat with two other girls and two boys. All in whom y/n wasn't familiar with. She shrugged and made her way to their table. As soon as she sat down she was met with even more people sweet talking her. "H-hey the names historia.. you were really cool out there!" Y/n remained silent with her head down as she continued to eat her food. Next to talk was a brown haired boy. "Hey! Your the girl that beat the crap out of that cocky bastard! You were so damn cool! The names eren!" "H-hey eren, just eat don't bother the girl while she's eating.. a-and hello, the names armin." The blonde boy placed his hand on erens shoulder as to make him shut up.

The last girl was Petra. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Yeah she was so cool.. can I ask something y/n?" She stopped eating and looked up at the girl with her cold eyes as the girl continued to speak nervously. "W-what's going on between you and Levi? You two seem close, no?" Y/n's stare sunk into the girls skin. Y/n was good at many things. If there's one thing she was really good at though, it would be reading people. She could read people like and open book. And if there's one thing she saw on this girls face, it was jealousy. Y/n raised an eyebrow before giving the girl a sweet smile. "Oh! He's my boyfriend!" She then continued to eat leaving the girl speechless.

"Oh wow really? I've never seen the captain with a girl before! But you are really pretty, I can't blame him." Mikasa said as she continued to eat. "Wouldn't you say so historia?" "I agree! You two look great together. Power couple for sure!" Historia definitely loved the idea of them two together. Maybe Levi being in love would sort out his temper. And honestly, them two really did look great together. "Thanks, I do have to say, he treats me well!" Y/n said with her overly sweet smile. She knew what she was doing, and my goodness was it working. A bang was heard on the table. Petra slammed her hands on the table, earning the attention of those around her. "S-sorry.. just heading to the bathroom!" Petra said and quickly left the table. Y/n's eyes following the girl as she walked out of the cafeteria.

Mikasa shrugged to historia, And they both continued eating. Moments later, in walked Levi. Along side him was commander Erwin. Eren spoke to y/n upon seeing Levi. "I still can't believe Levi has a girlfriend. Y/n is really pretty, and carry's the same characteristics as Levi.. but STILL it's Levi Ackerman we're talking about here!" Y/n turned to face him before speaking. "Your meaning to tell me he's never had a girlfriend?" Armin spoke up. "The captain has never had a girlfriend! In fact.. I don't think I've ever seen him talk to girls, only to scold them of course."

Y/n raised and eyebrow, now looking back in the direction of Levi. (He's never had a girlfriend? ...what the fuck is stopping him?) on the other side of the room, levi was still getting pestered by Erwin. "Tell me all about her Levi! When did you realise you liked her? What made you like her? When did you ask her out?-" "Erwin.. less talking more eating." "Just tell me levi! I'm curious!-" "what are you two talking about!" The girl said with a smile as she sat down at the table with the two of them. It was hange. Levi sighed. (I fucking hate my life..) Levi sent a death stare to Erwin, almost like he was warning him not to mention a word about y/n in front of hange.

"Aha.. no, we are just talking about... training! Yes! Training went really well today.." Erwin said now continuing to eat. Hange knew Erwin was lying but she brushed it off, she found them boring anyways. "I heard a big guy got his ass kicked by a girl today! When I heard I rushed to the infirmary to see the damage.. IT WAS SO AWESOME! SHE TOTALLY KICKED HIS ASS!" "Gosh hange.. inside voice." Levi said in his usual cold tone as he continued to eat. Erwin chuckled. "Pretty cool, right hange? You should've seen her in action!" "Who is this girl! I'd like to meet her!"

"Let's change the subject, shall we?" Levi said sending a bone chilling stare into Erwin's eyes. His foot pressing down hard onto Erwin's foot, sending his message across perfectly. "Ahh! Y-yes! Let's talk about something else hange!" Erwin said while tapping on the table a few times in a way of surrendering to Levi. Levi then released his foot, the relief showed on Erwin's face as he took a breath out. "Ooookaaay?? Well! I've been working on something I think your both gonna find pretty cool!"


Meanwhile in the bathroom, Petra was having a mental breakdown.

"THAT WHORE! w-who does she think she is?! I'm the one that should've had the chance! I-I've spent five years of my life trying to get closer to Levi! And now this girl is gonna take him away from me?? She's not even that p-pretty! She's like a man! Why would that be attractive to him?!" She slammed her two hands down on the counter top of the bathroom. Petra had finally snapped. The only reason she had ever joined the survey corps was because she was 'in love' with Levi. And to see Levi having a girlfriend now sent her mad. Petra tried shooting her shot time and time again... but Levi couldn't stand the sight of her.

(Flashbacks to Petra's flirting over the years.)

"Captain Levi! You look different?" Levi turned to face Petra, his eyebrow raised, a silent question. "Definitely different.. have you been working out? You look bigger?" "Ten laps outside Petra." "W-what, why??" "Your supposed to be training, not making conversation. Go now."


Levi was eating his lunch when he felt the presence of someone beside him. Petra. He wasn't surprised. "Levi sir~ I thought I'd sit with you!" "What a stupid thought. Go." "A-ah um.. I wanted to talk about the up coming mission! What should we expect-" "if you want information, go pester someone else." "Y-yes sir! I'll let you eat, see you later!"


Levi was sat down drinking his tea and reading the newspaper. It was a rare moment in Levi's day where he could just relax without any 'bastards' bothering him. That was until a bastard came along of course. "Hey sir!~" Levi jumped out of his skin, the hot tea spilling on his hand making him hiss. He knew it was Petra by the gut wrenching sound of her voice. "Fuck sake! What the hell do you want petra?!" "I-I um.. came to give you tea captain." "I already had perfectly fine tea until you made me drop it! Now fuck off!"


All of the scouts where now on a mission, levi included. At this moment in time, they were hiding in the trees away from the smaller titans below. Petra had other plans though. She was sat in the same tree as Levi. Her brain was extremely delusional, she never thought rationally. (If I fall out of the tree.. Levi will have to save me! It will be so romantic and everyone will see..!) I know what your all thinking, no way she did that. Oh yes she did. She rolled her body straight off the tree, pretending she fell of course. She thought levi would save her instantly, she was wrong. Infact, Levi watched her fall. She would've died that day if it wasn't for mikasa using her odm gear to save her.


(End of flashbacks)

Now that was only a handful of the things Petra has done over the course of five years. Nothing was ever to ridiculous for her, she did whatever came to mind. All she cared about was Levi falling in love with her. But it never happened.

"A-and notice how I gave her clothes and she didn't even wear them! What a bitch! My clothes where way too good for her!" Tears where rolling down her face. Petra hated her. She hated the way she looked. She hated the way she spoke. She hated the thought of her and Levi together. She wanted that girl gone. And when it came down to petra, when there's a will, there's a way.


Back at Levi's table, hange had forced Erwin to come look at the 'amazing' thing she had been working on. Levi stayed of course, he had other ideas. He made his way up to y/n's table, but there was commotion. No surprise there.

"Hey you!" The guy pointed to armin who was eating. "There's no bread left, give me yours." "A-ah.. that's fine-" y/n cut armin off, taking the bread from his hands and placing it back on armins plate. "No listen armin that's your bread, fuck him. Hey man! He's gonna eat his own bread, if you want some bread get in the kitchen and make some, fuck you!" "Maybe I'll have YOUR bread?~" "well you can't have my fucking bread, that's for DAMN sure." Y/n then stood up on the chair. "AND THAT GOES FOR ANY OF YOU OTHER MOTHER FUCKERS CAUSE IM FROM THE UNDERGROUND WE DONT FUCK AROUND LIKE THAT, GOT IT?"

Levi couldn't contain his laughter anymore and let out a snicker, earning a death glare from y/n. "Sorry sweetheart~" Levi said with a wink, reminding y/n that she was still his fake girlfriend. It pissed her off but she had to keep the act up so she ignored him. Though, what y/n said had pissed the guy off. He looked mad and stood up. He was tall. So tall that when he stood up he was taller than her even when she was stood on the chair. "And what will you do, little girl? Sing me a song?~" "nah.. but I'll make you sing~" in that moment her leg flew up in the air, sending a harsh kick straight between his legs.

The man let out a squeal, dropping to his knees as agonising pain filled his body. She hopped off the chair, now stooping down to his level. "What a lovely singer you are! Same time tomorrow?~" she then grabbed his plate of food tipping it over his head, before smashing the plate over his head to finish him off. He was out. No surprise there. Before she could get her last kick in levi pulled her by the arm.

"Let's go, the man's took enough of a beating." Y/n still jumped to try and kick the man again. But Levi quickly pulled her back. "Y/n he's passed out, damn it!" "He's a bastard though!" "And you did enough.. let's go." He took her hand in his, quickly walking her out of the room. "Armin, eat and go." Levi said before he urged her out of the room. A minute or so longer in their and she could've killed the guy.


Levi took y/n to what looked like an old shed, completely empty, and quite large on the inside. He shut the door behind them and started to scold her. "Don't you think that was a bit far for some bread?" "He called me a little girl! And he said he wanted my bread! The only way I'd ever give that bread to him was if I pushed it so far down his throat till it came out his ass! What a bastard!" Levi tried to stop himself from laughing at what she just said. "Your.. ridiculous." Y/n crossed her arms and looked away from him like a child. She was trying to prove her point, he just wasn't listening in her mind.

Levi began taking his shirt off, throwing it on the floor before taking his shoes off. "What are you doing?" She asked as she watched him remove his shoes. "Let's spar together. I'll go easy on you~" "pft- go easy on ME? do your worst~" she removed her shoes before getting into a fighting stance. "Are you sure about that? Im the captain for a reason." "I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure." Levi sent a punch to her side. "Then watch the hands." She groaned before getting pissed off. "That was a sly shot!" "I thought you could handle it, hm-" she sent a jab to his stomach, causing Levi to loose his balance.

She then took the opportunity to pounce on him, anchoring his waist down which was all too familiar. She then went to punch his face, but she stopped her fist midway. "You would be dead now. I got you good didn't I?" Levi shook his head before rolling to the side causing her to fall beneath him. Using his hands to pin down her arms because she wasn't to be trusted. "You said you were from the underground's.. I could've guessed." "Yeah well.. you either kill or-" "be killed." Levi finished her sentence leaving y/n to wonder. And then it hit her. "You were from the under grounds too." "I was."

Outside the window of the shed was a peeping Tom. It was Petra. Even though she couldn't hear, she could at least see. And seeing Levi on top of her made her blood boil over.

"What kind of fights did you get into" y/n asked as her body relaxed beneath him. She couldn't put her finger on why, but she felt comfortable around levi. Maybe it was the fact he opened up to her. Or maybe it was because he comforted her when she opened up to him? Anyways she felt comfortable enough to talk to him. "I got into many fights.. one where I stole food and I shoved the guys oranges down his throat" "HAHA! I did that too kinda! I chopped this guys ear off and made his friend eat it!" "Your.. so sick.." Levi tried to stop himself from laughing but a chuckle escaped his mouth.

Y/n chuckled along with him, the thought of Sasha running with those potato's entering her brain. It was a funny yet sad memory. She missed Sasha more than anything. She would give anything just to see her one more time. Levi could tell she was getting sad. Her smile was fading. "Y/n.. tell me about Sasha. What was she like." Y/n went silent for a moment, words couldn't describe how Sasha was as a person. But she would do her best. "She was.. stupid. Irrational. And funny. She... she was always there for me. She loved food, her main priority wasn't about mankind dying, it was always about what she was going to eat.." y/n chuckled thinking about it, earning a soft smile from Levi.

"She was brave, but also a coward at the same time. She was strong, but weak when she wanted to be. She was kind, but on other days a big bitch. Most importantly tho she was my best friend... I counted her as the sister I never had. That's what Sasha was. Like a sister. A-and I loved her more than anything in the world..." She began to get choked up. The tears streaming down her face as she thought about her past with Sasha. Levi understood her pain. He needed to help her past her grieving stage so she could be at her full potential. But most importantly, levi didn't want to see her cry. Seeing anyone else cry in Levi's eyes was just pathetic. Seeing her cry was painful. Like someone had stabbed his heart and started twisting the knife around. He didn't know why but he didn't care either.

His hand lifted towards her cheek, wiping the tears away. He spoke more softly, as to say he understood her pain. Which he did, and better than anyone for that matter. "Your gonna be okay... and that girl, sasha... she sounds like a nice girl. I can see why you like her." His hand continued to wipe her tears as he spoke. "Your strong.. it's okay to cry though y/n. You should cry it out as much as you can." "I-I miss her" "and you always will miss her.. but for now your gonna be strong." Levi placed his hands on both her shoulders as he talked seriously to her. "You were always strong for Sasha, so be strong for her now. And those titans won't stand a chance.."

Y/n sniffled taking in Levi's advice. Even though Levi and hers attitudes clashed now and again, there's times where he makes a lot of sense. She slowly nodded her head, wiping her tears away quickly. Levi smiled before leaning in closer to her face.

Petra was still outside the window, her eyes widened when she saw Levi leaning so close to y/n's face. "There's no way in hell he's gonna kiss her in front of me! I can't watch!" Petra ducked down from the window. She had way too much pride and delusion in her head to allow herself to see that. No way.

Levi leaned down quickly biting y/n's cheek hard. "O-OW! bastard!" "That should wake you up a bit~" y/n flipped him over to the side, allowing Levi to fall beneath her.

Petra took another peak now. Y/n was now straddling his waist, Petra's jaw dropped. "What the fuck... what the FUCK??" Petra's eyes widened as she saw y/n's face inching closer to Levi's. "I-I can't watch!" She then bolted back in the direction of headquarters. She had seen enough.

Y/n quickly leaned her head down, biting down on his nose hard. "Ouch, ouch! What are you?? A parana?" "You started it with the biting!" "I didn't do it THAT hard!" Y/n's attention turned to his eye. Her hand slowly lifted to move the hair out of his face. "Cool scar... how did you get it?" Now that she was actually looking at his face so closely, he wasn't half bad. The scar intrigued her though. It was cool. Like a battle scar. "I got it from a bastard titan, it's bad, right?" "No, it suits you well. It's sick, I'm kinda jealous." "Your such a phycho, what girl would want a scar like that-" "me! I would!" Levi shook his head now sitting upright. "My point proven."

Y/n realised she was now sat in his lap, and immediately moved to get up. But levi had other plans. He held her back in place with his arm and stood up with her in his hands. "B-behave! Put me down!" "Stop being so boring, it's fun." Levi began to spin around, earning a laugh from her but she was still pissed. "Levi I'm gonna kill you! It's not funny!" "It's great exercise for me though! Get on my shoulders!" "NO!" "Cmon it will be funny!" "I-I'll fall off!" "Are you scared hmm?~" y/n didn't find it fun at all, she was just proving her point is all. Yeah, that's all she did.

"HAHAHA! Faster!" Levi was running her around as she held on tight. Now spinning around fast earning loud laughs from her. Levi then jumped, scaring her a little since she slapped him lightly on the cheek. "Your so mean!" "Stop jumping I'll fall!" Levi rolled his eyes now looking through the shed window. It was raining. He looked up at y/n who was holding onto him tight incase she fell from his shoulders. "It's raining, wanna do something funny?" "Depends on what you think is so funny.." Levi started walking towards the shed door. "Levi.. your not gonna do what I think your doing!" Levi ignored her, inching closer to the door. "Nuh uh! Look there's an umberella here! Use it!-"

Levi was already outside now, the rain soaking them through. "Levi! You moron!" "Don't be such a bore, let loose!" Levi started to shake her on his shoulders. "Shake off that attitude and have fun, hm?" Levi said with a stupid smile on his face that she pretended to hate. She laughed, but it didn't mean it was funny. Soon enough levi started to run towards headquarters. She held on tight, the rain beating down on them hard. They were drenched. But they both couldn't stop laughing. It was... fun.


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