Castles Crumbling

By Slytherin0baes

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Sophia and Sebastian Lupin were adopted when they were 4-years-old, they love their father and tiny family, b... More

Castles Crumbling
Chapter 1 - New beginnings
Chapter 2 - Hogwarts

Chapter 3 - Friends?

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By Slytherin0baes

Hermione opened the door to their shared dorm and pointed to a bed right next to another door. Sophia hoped it led to a bathroom.

"That one's yours. It's between mine and the bathroom." Sophia internally celebrated. Hermione placed a hand on Sophia's shoulder. Usually, she would have slapped it away immediately. Sophia despised being touched, especially by people she barely knew. There were a select few she would allow to touch her and Hermione was not one of them. But something about the way Hermione was always smiling and constantly cheerful and kind made Sophia hesitate. She let the hand stay there for a moment before walking away from the contact.

"Thanks." Sophia sat on her bed and placed her book on the bedside table.
"Are those all yours?" She asked, tilting her head towards a shelf full of neatly arranged books.

"Yes, I like to read." Hermione blushed, sitting on her own bed.

Sophia looked around the room, her belongings had been unpacked already, she assumed it was by whoever brought their bags from the train.

"So, how long have you known Harry and Ron?" Sophia asked.

"Since our first year, we became friends after battling a troll together." Hermione answered.

Sophia's jaw dropped. "Oh, I need to hear this story."

Hermione laughed and explained the situation of the troll in the bathroom, then recalled some of the other trouble the trio had gotten into the previous two years.

"Wow. And people say I'm bad for things like that." Sophia laughed. She was going to stop there, until she realised that someone might finally relate to her story if she told it.

"I got me and my brother expelled from Beauxbatons." Sophia deadpanned. She crossed her fingers behind her back, praying that she was right about Hermione.

The other girl gasped and her eyebrows shot up. "What? How?"

Sophia closed her eyes and sighed. Here goes nothing she supposed. "It was the end of last year, our quidditch team had just lost the final match and the opposing team were being jerks about it." She bit her lip before she continued, "I was pissed off, especially since one of our players got injured in the game because the other team cheated."

Hermione opened her mouth to question how but Sophia beat her to it, "They gave the beaters bat to a chaser mid-game, who hit it directly at her head, luckily it only hit her chest; still did a lot of damage though."

Sophia brought her knees to beneath her chin, "Anyway, me and my best friend had been fighting and I can be quite... hot-headed, at times. So I went to find my brother, he was better at the unlocking charm than me and I knew if I told him I was going to do it with or without him he would come, just to make sure I was alright. I took advantage of his protectiveness and it wasn't fair." She rested her arms on her knees then placed her forehead on top of them, ashamed.

"But what did you do?" Hermione asked, she had sat patiently listening the entire time.

"We broke into our headmistress's office." She stole a glance at Hermione's face and saw shock, maybe even a little admiration, but no judgment. Sophia let out a quiet sigh of relief. "It was out of bounds, no one besides the headmistress was allowed in there, other than when she was having a serious discussion with a student about a punishment. I'd been in there once before, when she told me I had detention for 6 months because I hexed a student so badly he was in a wizarding hospital for 3 weeks, recovering." Sophia laughed slightly before catching the look on Hermione's face, "He tried to practice the incarcerous curse on my brother," She defended.

Hermione's face warped into one of horror, "We don't learn that for years, and never practice something like that on a student."

Sophia nodded, "He was a sixth year, and a bully. But no one believed me or Seb when we told them, so the next day I hexed him." She cleared her throat and blinked back tears as she remembered her own best friends not listening to her explain her actions. "Anyway, when I was in her office before, I saw a secrecy sensor. You know, those things that vibrate when people lie?" She didn't know if things like that were common knowledge or not, Sebastian hadn't know what it was at the time.

When Hermione muttered "Right."
Sophia continued, desperate to get the story over with. "I thought it would be funny to see what people felt the need to lie about, and it would also be a good way to make the teachers believe us about things, which they never did. I wanted them to do something about the other team cheating and I just thought... well I thought the secrecy sensor would help prove they had broken the rules. So, we snuck in, Seb unlocked the door and I found my way through the room without so much as turning a light on. I grabbed it and we went back to our rooms - a perfectly executed plan, nothing, other than the secrecy sensor, was disturbed."

Hermione was stroking her big ginger fur ball now. She stared at Sophia with so many questions in her eyes. "But you got caught?"

"Not exactly, when I went back to my dorm  I told Marie what we did. Marie was my best friend, or I thought she was." Sophia glanced down and swelled the lump that had formed in her throat.

"The next morning, we wound up in the headmistress' office, being told we were not welcome to return next year. Marie was in there when we were getting yelled at, the bitch didn't even look guilty." Sophia scoffed the last part. "Please don't tell anyone."

Hermione's expression went angry, then softened. "Well, she was stupid to get rid of you, and while it sucks that you got expelled, I'm really happy I met you. And don't worry, I won't."

Sophia grinned larger than she had around someone she just met for years. "Hermione?"



Hermione jumped in excitement, ran over to the girl and wrapped her arms around her torso. This time, Sophia didn't pull away, instead she asked, "So is that a yes?" Both the girls burst into laughter.


The girls had spent the entire evening learning about each other's hobbies. When they finally fell asleep, it was because their other roommates had forbade them from speaking any longer. Sophia found them bossy, but assumed that's what Hermione meant by 'they take a bit of getting used to.'

They walked down to the stairs the next morning and were greeted by Sebastian, Harry and Ron. The boys were in a rhythm of light banter, Harry noticed the girls coming down and tapped Sebastian's arm lightly. Sebastian followed his gaze and his eyes landed on his sister's smile.

Sophia bounced over to Sebastian and stood in front of him, waiting. Sebastian grinned at the sight of his twin so happy, he didn't know why she was cheery, but it didn't matter. She was having a good time, that was all he needed to know.

Sophia prodded his shoulder and he finally opens his arms, she embraced him, then turned to the other two boys. "Morning, did you guys have a nice night?"

"Morning, and yeah. Did you?" Harry responded. He twiddled with his fingers, he never did that, but something about the girl made him nervous.

"We had a great time, Sophia and I are good friends now." Hermione answered.

"Can we go to breakfast now? I'm starving." Ron muttered grumpily.


The five of them entered the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table besides two identical boys.

"Who's this?" One of the boys asked.

"I'm Sophia, this is Sebastian." Sophia replied, "Who are you?"

"I'm Fred." He shoved a piece of fruit in his mouth.

"I'm George." The other ginned.

Sebastian nodded at them, grabbed a piece of toast and busied himself with buttering it.

"They're my older brothers." Ron explained, "Twins, like you two."

Sebastian smiled at Ron, then shook hands with the Weasley twins. "You're on the quidditch team, right?"

Sophia saw the spark in her brother's eyes. She knew what he was doing, getting to know the competition is the first thing you learn when constantly having to prove yourself to be believed. It was how they had survived the orphanage, then Beauxbatons. Always know how your opponent plays.

The twins were extremely competitive. There was one difference between them though, Sebastian usually felt bad about deceiving someone to get what he wants, so did Sophia, but she knew that it was the best way forward. She recognised his method and decided to help him out. They both wanted a spot on the Gryffindor team, and tryouts were soon.

When Avery had said they were in a few weeks, he really meant they were next weekend. The twins would barely have time to prepare, but knowing the opponents' weak spots would give them a good advantage.

"Yeah, it's pretty epic. So is Harry here, best seeker we've ever had." Fred answered.

"And the youngest in over a century." George added.

"What are your positions?" Sophia asked, seeming genuinely curious.


"Beaters." They said at the same time.

Sophia saw Sebastian's eyes roar, that was his position at Beauxbatons. He gave a small smile, loading eggs into his plate. "What's the hardest part d'you think? Mine is when both bludgers are coming at you."

Sophia knew that was partially true, it was difficult, as it would be for anyone but Seb could manage it. Selective truths. She almost laughed.

"I hate when it comes from above you, it's hard to hit." George groaned. "Fred's the bloody opposite, can't hit it from below. He takes too long to dive."

Sebastian and Sophia exchanged a glance. That would work to his advantage.

Sophia ate the toast Harry had dropped on her plate. She didn't know why he had done it, but she was grateful. She hated adding jam to her toast herself. It always ripped.

"What about the chasers?" Seb asked. Looking so casual it was impossible to tell what he why he really wanted to know.

"Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson."  Fred waved a fork at three girls down one end of the table.

"Are they good?" Sophia needed to know their playing style if she wanted one of their spots.

"Come see for yourself, everyone is practicing this afternoon, the pitch isn't booked all week, other than Sunday for tryouts." George suggested.

"Yeah, anyone can use it, or just watch if you want." Fred added.

The group of third years looked at each other.

"I'm practicing this afternoon, if you guys did want to come." Harry added.

Seb nodded, "We will." He gestured between himself and his sister.

"Alright, I suppose we will too." Hermione huffed.
Sophia guessed she would rather be doing homework in the common room, but she was glad her friend would be there.

The rest of breakfast consisted of debates about the best quidditch team and Hermione silently reading the Daily Prophet.

As the third years were about to leave the table, Remus wandered over to them.

He tapped Sophia on the shoulder, she turned, then flung herself into his arms. "Dad!"

Sebastian climbed under the table, with surprising grace, in order to join the hug and the family stood that way for a few moments until Sophia pulled back.

"You kids get everything sorted with your dorms, yeah?" Their father asked.

"Yes, dad, we're both Gryffindors too." Seb's lips turned upwards.

"I see that. Congratulations, kiddos." Remus wrapped his arms around them again, then began to walk around them.
"I need to go set up for my lessons tomorrow, but I'll see you soon."

"Bye, dad!" Sophia called out.

The five of them followed behind Remus, exiting the hall before turning into an empty classroom.

"Are we allowed to be in here?" Sebastian asked as they pulled their parchment out of their bags.

"Well, not exactly. But no one's ever come in and found us to tell us to leave, so..." Ron trailed off

"It's just quieter than everywhere else, even the library." Hermione started. "And it means we avoid the stares, you know?" She glanced at Harry.

He huffed and sank in his seat.

"Right, well I don't care. Breaking the rules is fun." Sophia laughed.

Sebastian smirked her way and Sophia was convinced she heard Hermione giggle softly.


The five students had been sitting in the empty classroom for just over an hour, occasionally jotting a few words down. Mainly, they had been creating small talk about the teachers they should be nice to or avoid.

"Speaking of new teachers..." Ron said, after just explaining Hagrid's new position. "What's Professor Lupin like?"

"As a dad? He's great. He doesn't get mad often, he can be protective but in the end he trusts us enough to make our own choices. Besides, most of the time when I get in trouble for something he'll tell me I shouldn't do it again, then laugh it off with us." Sophia smiled while talking, her dad truly was amazing, she looked up to him for many reasons. She hoped she showed him that, even though she would never admit it aloud.

"Yeah, I think he was a bit of a troublemaker at school, or at least, he was in a group of friends that were." Sebastian added. "I imagine he's the same as a teacher. Laid back most of the time but stern when he needs to be."

"Cool, wish my parents were like that." Ron mumbled.

"At least you're not stuck with the Dursleys." Harry rolled his eyes. "And your family is wonderful, Ron."

Ron began to sulk for a few minutes as they sat in silence, then, "What's the rest of your family like? Mum, siblings? Bet they aren't as annoying as mine." The question was innocent, but Sophia found herself becoming irritated. People always assumed there was more to the family than the three of them, like they couldn't make a real family alone, when in reality they had a brilliant life and upbringing. The twins wouldn't change their dad for the world.

Sebastian shifted in his seat, Sophia knew he loved their family, he wasn't ashamed. It was just awkward to always have to explain their situation. Sebastian wanted to be as normal as possible, Sophia understood, just didn't feel the same.

The group sat in silence for a few seconds before Sophia cleared her throat, after calming down, and replied, "It's just us. Me, Seb and dad."

Hermione's eyes were half-pity, half-embarrassment from Ron's obnoxious question. Sophia refused to look into them for longer than a second. She hated that look, the one that said 'poor kids- no mother, how sad.' When she turned to Harry, she didn't see condolence, just understanding. It made a part of her heart warm.

"Dad adopted us when we were young, it's always been just the three of us. And it's always been perfect." Sophia said sternly.

"So, wait, you don't know who your real family is?" Ron still looked puzzled.

"Ronald!" Hermione scolded. Harry hit him in the arm.

Ron hadn't meant the comment maliciously, but it rubbed Sophia the wrong way. "Remus is our real family. The only family we need, we already have." Her cheeks burned with rage. She hated when people implied you need to be biologically related to have a connection. Sure, she and Seb had an inseparable bond, but that was because they had been together since, literally, the day they were born. They grew up defending one another, they did everything together and they both felt just as strongly for their father.

As she gripped the desk a hand fell on top of hers, she looked up and saw Harry beside her, his eyes trained on the book in front of him.

Sebastian recognised her anger, "Leave it, Phia, he didn't mean to be disrespectful."

Sophia huffed and pulled her hand from beneath Harry's. She shocked herself when she realised how long she had left it there. It was only a couple of seconds, sure, but for anyone to touch her outside her family was rare, and three different times with two different people in a couple of days? She was contemplating getting a check up from the school nurse.


Shortly after the twins divulged the information about their past, the group left the classroom.

They had gone to lunch where they sat in an awkward silence other than a few remarks about their plans for the evening.

Now, Sophia, Hermione, Sebastian and Ron were sat in the stands of the quidditch pitch, supposedly supporting Harry's efforts to catch the snitch.

In reality, the twins were studying the other players' flight styles, along with their frequent tactical choices.

Katie Bell was amazing at aiming the quaffle, but not the fastest player. Angelina had a decent speed but had a difficult time climbing quickly. She always over-exerted herself and was forced to use precious seconds focusing on her breathing, instead of the match. Alicia was quick, had good stamina and was a decent shot, but she could neither spot an illusive move, nor perform one. She could only follow clear plays from the other team and was extremely predictable. That was Sophia's way onto the team.

Part of her wished to go on the pitch right now and help them all out, another part of her wanted to go on the pitch right now to practice, it had been too long since she had played, weeks because of a busy summer preparing for Hogwarts. But the logical part of her brain held her back. Forcing her to remain seated and focussed on practice.


Hours later, they had returned to their dorms and the uneasiness that had settled between the newfound friends, had dissolved.

Now, Hermione and Sophia were sat on the floor of their room playing a game of chess.

Hermione moved her knight and spoke. "Yesterday, you said the teachers at Beauxbatons didn't believe you about anything." She took a frustrated breath when Sophia took her castle. "Can I ask why?"

Sophia looked up at her friend, wondering where this was coming from and why now. There was the more complicated answer, which involved admitting her mother was sentenced to life in Azkaban for countless crimes, specifically against muggleborns, like Hermione. And for torturing a fellow student's parents to insanity, and that her teachers knew there and they probably knew here too. She didn't think the girl would appreciate her company very much after hearing that. So, she decided on the shorter, simpler answer. "In my first week there, we had been practicing duels. I beat a kid who had been gloating the whole time that he was the best at duelling. His father had been teaching him techniques since before he could walk, he said. After I sent him flat on his ass, he was humiliated. So, when I was walking back to the common room, him and his group of stuck up, rich pricks attacked me. I defended myself and gave one of them a black eye, but there was one of me and four of them. I was pretty beaten so I went straight to bed, the next morning I woke up, took myself to the hospital wing, only to find the lads who had attacked me already there with the headmistress." It was a part of the truth.

Hermione was biting her lip and had her eyes trained on the chess board.

When she said nothing, Sophia took it as a hint to finish the story. "Apparently they had gone straight to a teacher that night and spun some story about how I had jumped them, hit Gabriel- he was the lad that I beat in the duel- in the face, hence the black eye." She advanced towards Hermione's queen. "Since they had four people telling the same story and had gotten to the teachers first it seemed like the most likely story, I guess. I tried to tell them the real story, but..." Sophia stopped at that, she didn't need to clarify anything, Hermione was smart, she could figure out the rest. The professors had labelled her a liar and untrustworthy after that.

Hermione was quiet for a minute, then she took Sophia's bishop and lifted her head. "I'm sorry." She said.

Sophia was slightly taken aback, she didn't understand why the girl was apologising.

"That wasn't fair to you." Her eyes glistened with sadness for the other girl.

Sophia shrugged, "It's fine, 'mione, it wasn't too bad. And I'm here now, aren't I?" She offered the girl a smile.

The other girl abandoned the chess match and came to Sophia's side, curling an arm around her neck delicately. "Still, that must have sucked."

Sophia felt safe. She had known Hermione a few days but it felt like years. She decided maybe Hermione's was a touch she would allow. She tucked her head onto her friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, a bit."


Okay, so this chapter was filled with a lot of backstory which I'm sorry about, but having a day for the group to become friends was something I really wanted to have in the story. Obviously their friendships will progress, but I wanted to show the immediate connection they had.

Also, I won't lie, I'm not entirely sure how Beauxbatons is set out, so we're going to operate under the assumption that it's the same as Hogwarts with common rooms and stuff. So yeah, for the purpose of this fic, let's say it is, okay?

I got so carried away with this chapter but I love it so much.

Hermione and Sophia are so cute, I adore their friendship.

Chapter question:
What is your hogwarts house?

Personally, I'm a hufflepuff.

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