The Last Light Keeper

Av LaiGrey18

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Hello, this is a fantasy novel I've been working on for almost a year now! I'm really proud of it. I know it'... Mer

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: Cauldron Chaos
Chapter 3: Friendly Fire
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 5: Tom-ay-toe, Tom-ah-toe
Chapter 6: Picking a Fight
Chapter 7: The Deal
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 10: Progress
Chapter 11: Reoccurring Dreams
Chapter 12: Fortis Arbor
Chapter 13: Discovery
Chapter 14: Do Not Come Back
Chapter 15: More Questions
Chapter 16: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 17: Friends
Chapter 18: Make Me

Chapter 8: Amara Crest

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Av LaiGrey18

  Aster decided against telling anybody about her encounter with the Faery. Even Sebastian. She decided it was best to talk to him once they were away from the Academy. She could not risk the Faery catching wind of their conversation, and feeling betrayed.

  Aster stayed in her dorm until classes began the next day. Sorbit nearly jumped her in homeroom. She was practically begging for details of what had occurred over their weekend. Aster was reluctant at first, but Sorbit never eased up.

  "Hush, Sorbit," Aster assertively whispered. "He could hear us." She was talking about Kale, nervous he might overhear he was the topic of their conversation.

  Sorbit rolled her eyes. "Who threw the first cast?"

  "He did, but I pushed him first. Only because he said something so awful to Sebastian."

  "You're the talk of the Academy," Sorbit gushed. "You went toe to toe with Kale Maverick. How are your arms?"

  Aster glanced down to her bandage. She had forgotten to see Miss Perrie the night prior, so she had made a home visit to change Aster's bandages.

  "I'm okay," Aster said. "It's already healing very quickly. Miss Perrie was surprised when she changed the bandage last night."

  "I'm glad you're okay," Sorbit said. "Seriously, nobody beats Kale Maverick."

  "I wouldn't say I beat him. If anything it was a draw.  Thank goodness Professor Heathcliff came out and stopped us."

  The bell had run, Sebastian gliding in at the very last second. Aster didn't really get a chance to talk to him until after class had finished and even then he seemed like he was trying to race out. Aster had to holler his name, causing her to blush once multiple people turned to look at her.

  Sebastian stopped in his tracks, just outside the door and waited for Aster to catch up. She felt silly, she could just talk to him in Potions, but she felt anxious to speak to him now. All she wanted to do was tell him about the encounter with the Faery.

  "How was your visit?" She asked when she caught up to him.

  Sebastian shrugged. "I'm grateful I was able to see her. As luck would have it, Roger actually went out since I was there. You actually gave me the idea to initiate it, I told him it had probably been a while since he had gone out and enjoyed himself. My mum helped by insisting the same."

  Aster smiled. She was happy to see Sebastian focus on the positive, she couldn't bring herself to ask about her health. "I'm glad. Sorry I stopped you."

  "No problem. How are you feeling?"

  "Healing as fast as can be," Aster assured.

  "I'm glad to hear. I gotta run though, I'll see you in Potions."

  When it came time for Potions, Aster arrived before anybody else. Only a few people began to shuffle in as she sat at her desk, waiting for her friend. She was focused on twiddling her thumbs when she sensed a presence approaching her. She looked up and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Professor Heathcliff mere inches from her desk. The moment her eyes locked with his, he lowered his gaze to the floor. It was a moment before he finally spoke.

  "How are your injuries?" His tone was the soft, uneasy note he used only when he spoke directly to Aster.

  Aster glanced at her arms. "They're okay. I heal really fast, so I should be able to lose the bandages in a few days."

  He nodded, staring at her arms where the burns hid under the white dressings. It seemed he wanted to say more, but couldn't find the words.

  "Thank you," she said. "For coming to help."

  Professor Heathcliff seemed uncomfortable, and unsure of what to say. He simply nodded and returned back to his desk. Before Aster could even process what had just happened, Sebastian was at her side.

  "What in the galaxy was that?" he asked.

  Aster couldn't bring herself to look at her friend. "He was asking how my burns were."

  Sebastian glanced down at her arms. "They're healing well, right?"

  Aster nodded.

  Sebastian's chestnut eyes moved from her arms to Aster's face, which was still glaring down. He stared at her until she felt forced to raise her own gaze towards him.

  "Is everything all right?"

  Asher could only nod again. She wanted to tell him about the Faery, but feared to do it so close to the Greenwood. The Faery could very well get angry if she knew Aster spoke of her to someone.

  Sebastian was unconvinced, but he didn't press any further.

  The day seemed to drag until final hour. She knew that both her and Kale were forbidden from participating in spell casting for the entire week. She was ready to accept the consequences for her actions, but she was still upset. Casting helped clear her mind, which was something she desperately needed.

  Aster hung around with Sorbit and Matty until it was time for class. Everyone seemed present as the bell rang, except for Miss Madeleine. Nobody seemed surprised, explaining to Aster that after a few weeks into the school year last year, Miss Madeleine was regularly late for class.

  Aster noticed Kale glaring at her, but tried to set the thought in the back of her mind. She couldn't shake the fact it was bothering her. Sebastian walked up to the three friends, and noticed it as well. It seemed like he was about to say something, but somebody else had beat him to it.

  "The cast you used was not something to aim at a fellow classmate. What exactly were you trying to achieve?" The voice belonged to Huck.

  He was the last person Aster expected to stick up for her. All eyes were suddenly on Huck and Kale.

  Kale glared at Huck, then moved his fierce gaze towards Aster, who slightly recoiled. He seemed to look at her arms, the place where his flames licked. He then looked back up to Huck.

  His voice was calm as he spoke. "I expected her to put up a shield. It wasn't my intention to burn her."

  Miss Madeleine bursted through the doors, cutting off the tension. She knew something had just occurred, due to the silence and the position of stares towards Huck and Kale.

  "Ahem," she cleared her throat.

  Suddenly all eyes were on Miss Madeline and everyone focused on the tasks for today.

  Aster and Kale awkwardly sat against the wall and watched their classmates perform casts. Not a word was exchanged. Aster pondered if she should apologize, but she decided against it. She didn't want to embarrass herself, who's to say he wouldn't just ignore her attempt?

  The rest of the week seemed to drag as well. Aster and Kale spent their final hour everyday observing their classmates grow in their spell casting. Aster of course was able to practice in the Cellar, the only time she really felt peace.

  The most interesting thing to happen to her that entire school week was Huck actually started talking to her. Just a little bit. It started about halfway through the week, when he noticed Aster wasn't wearing her bandages anymore. Bright pink marks zig zagged up Aster's arm where the burns were healing. Some spots began to scab, causing an itching sensation.

  "You seem to be making an expeditious recovery," he told her.

  After that their conversations were brief, and were more so small talk. But Aster was grateful for it. She figured the more friendly she became with Huck, the more of a chance he and Sebastian would rekindle their friendship. She figured Sebastian could use all the support he could get right now.

  It was finally the weekend. Aster was more than ready to leave the Academy and visit Sebastian's mother with him. The entire week, her thoughts were occupied with the vision the Faery gave her. The knowledge she now held was still somewhat a mystery to her. It wasn't anything she could really explain to anybody, but she knew that when the time came she would be able to perform the act.

  Aster wondered how her and Sebastian were to travel. Back home, travel consisted of walking or horse drawn carriages. The only other possibility she could think about was the Underway Express.

  It turns out Jobbleville had its very own transportation to local shires. Sebabatian's mother lived only a 20 minute bus ride away. Aster wasn't sure what a bus was, Sebastian said it was like a mini train on wheels, whatever that meant.

  It was a large vehicle, somewhat similar to the Underway Express, but not anywhere near as long. Aster could clearly see the front and the back, large windows encasing the entire vehicle. The inside was very spacious as well, with rows of seats that sat about two people. Sebastian walked her to the back of the bus, saying it was the least crowded and being able to see out the back window was usually pretty enjoyable.

  Sebastian let Aster choose the window or aisle seat. She decided upon the window seat this time, but asked if she could take the aisle seat on the way home. Sebastian found it somewhat humorous, the way Aster was engrossed in her surroundings. He realized she never experienced anything like this back where she's from and he wondered how it must feel for her to not only be so far away from home, but to feel out of place as well.

  The ride was nowhere near as smooth as the Underway Express. The seats had no belts to hold the passengers in place, and the driver drove with urgency as he had many stops to make in what seemed like such little time. The bumps bounced Aster in her seat, the turns were sharp, shoving her shoulders between Sebastian and the window. He explained to her that there are different buses and modes of transportation that are a little nicer, but this was the cheapest. Aster didn't complain once, not even when the driver slammed on his brakes when he nearly missed one of his stops, causing Aster to slam into the seat in front of her. The zig zag pattern of the seat ahead engraved her cheek as she peeled herself off the leather. Sebastian, having ridden this bus practically every weekend to visit his mother since she grew ill, was used to such stops and it was instinct for him to save his face with his hands.

  "Yeah I meant to warn you about the sudden stops," Sebastian muttered, trying to stifle a laugh. "Sorry. You okay?"

  Aster couldn't help but laugh a little. "I'm fine. This is a pretty exciting ride. Although I imagine it might be a little tedious having to do it every weekend."

  Sebastian gave a slight smile. "Yeah, it does. Especially when you happen to ride during a busy hour, and get stuck next to some sweaty stranger."

  The rugged ride finally came to an end. Their stop wasn't as intense, but out of caution Aster pressed her palms against the front seat as she saw Sebastian do during the rough brakes. He couldn't help but laugh at her.

  The hamlet Sebastian grew up in was called Evania. It was very small, only large enough for a few cottages, a small shop, and a small healing quarters. Sebastian explained that there aren't any official Keepers who station on this hamlet, but if there was ever a need all it would take is a signal like Aster saw Miss Madeleine give the first day when they left Jobbleville.

  The small hamlet was beautiful. Flowers and plant bloomed all around. There was a large garden in the center, a place where the villagers all worked together to grow food and medicinal herbs. It was a very tightnit place, the villagers always looking out for each other. Sebastian explained he gained a lot of support once his mother grew ill. Aster could tell it was something that meant a lot to him, and she couldn't help but feel the warm energy as she stepped into the village.

  "Over there is our cottage," Sebastian pointed to a small shack, surrounded by bushes of flowers.

  Aster was overcome with its beauty. It seemed the villagers took care for the flowers and plants outside his cottage, considering his mother was too ill. The two Keepers began to approach when Aster grabbed his arm, halting his momentum. He turned around, wondering if the hesitation was just Aster being nervous to meet his mother.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  Aster glanced around, it didn't seem likely there were any Fae around listening. If there were any Faery here, it was likely they were house Fae, the kind that choose to make relationships with humans and live among them. She figured it was safer here than to talk at the Academy at the very least.

  Still, she chose her words carefully. "I made a connection last weekend at the Greenwood."

  Sebastian's eyes widened, understanding what she meant.

  "I think I learned something that might help a little bit. It's nothing too significant I don't think, I don't know. It's hard to explain. I just want your permission to try."

  Sebastian nodded. "I trust you, Aster. As long as you're sure you won't hurt yourself."

  "I'm sure."

   Aster actually wasn't absolutely positive, but she had a good feeling everything would be okay. She trusted the Faery's guidance, even though she still felt unease over the favor she owed.

  Aster felt her nerves rise as they approached the cottage. She tried to swallow them down. She reminded herself there was no reason for her to be nervous. At least when it came to the meeting.

  Sebastian opened the door of the small cottage. It seemed somewhat smaller on the inside. In the living room, a small cot sat to the side against the wall, the place where Sebastian's mother laid. The other side held the small kitchen where Roger stood over a pot of steaming tea. There was two doors, one leading to another room and one leading to the tiny washroom. Though small, the cottage was homey and beautiful. It reminded Aster of her own small cottage she shared back home with Nelly.

  "I'm home, mum," Sebastian announced.

  "My sweet boy, please come here," a weak, but adorning voice said.

  Sebastian's mother perked up on her cot, stretching her hand out. Even in her ill state, Aster found her so beautiful. Her skin was pale, but it didn't seem to have any bruises or markings that Aster sometimes saw occurring in bed bound patients back home. Her hair was thin, but it fell in pretty brown waves, the same color as Sebastian's, over her oval, pale face. Aster found that Sebastian resembled her in many ways. Her eyes were the same shape as Sebastian's, yet they were drained of color.

  "I brought someone," Sebastian said as he approached his mother and grabbed her hand.

  His mother pulled his hand to her pink lips and placed a soft kiss upon it. "Oh, Huck?" She asked with excitement.

  Sebastian shook his head. "It's my new friend I told you about. Aster Grey."

  Sebastian's mother beamed. She glanced towards the door, attempting to angle her blind gaze in Aster's sight. She used one hand to hold onto Sebastian and stretched her free hand in the direction she assumed Aster was. "Come here, dear."

  Sebastian looked at Aster as well and nodded his head for her to come forward.

  Aster approached and grabbed his mother's spare hand. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Crest."

  Sebastian's mother smiled a beautiful smile, he truly gets it honestly. "Please call me Amara."

  "Sebastian, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" a burly voice from the kitchen chimed in.

  Sebastian sighed, his face gloomed over as he let go of his mother's hand and turned to the direction of his stepfather.

  "Aster, this is Roger. Roger, Aster."

  Roger was a tall man, with a slender face and blond slicked back hair. His dark eyes locked onto Aster, as if he were studying her. His face seemed to light up as he looked at her, and he suddenly approached with his hand outstretched.

  Aster let go of Amara's hand in order to shake Roger's. He squeezed tightly and firmly, and held on a bit longer than Aster anticipated.

  "We finally have the pleasure of meeting Sebastian's new Light Keeper friend," he gleamed.

  Aster nodded. "It's so very nice to meet you. Thank you both for welcoming me into your home."

  "Any friend of Sebastian's is welcome here," Amara smiled her sweet grin.

  "Sebastian is one of the first friends I made at the Academy," Aster told Amara. "He's really been so kind to me." Sebastian's face was slightly angled away but Aster could see him blush a little.

  "Aw, he truly is my sweet boy," Amara soothed. "I'm grateful he found himself a friend like you."

  Roger cooked dinner while Amara talked with Sebastian and Aster. She asked Aster many questions. Where she grew up, how she likes the Academy, her favorite class, her goals, even little things like her favorite food and favorite color. Aster couldn't help but adore her more and more. She thought Sebastian lucky to have had such a kind and caring mother, but it only hurt her even more to think that he has to watch her deteriorate. It made her think that the deal she made with the Faery was that much more worth it.

  For dinner, they raised the head of Amara's bed and propped a small table over top of her. Sebastian got ready to sit and feed her, but Aster offered. It was something she had helped Mr. Hoot do before, mainly for elderly patients that were bed bound with illness. If the family was unable to, they would request Mr. Hoot to make a house visit. Aster offered up her services a lot back home, she was always more than willing to feed someone who wasn't able to feed themselves.

  Sebastian watched from his seat as Aster patiently fed his mother. He watched as she made sure the soup wasn't too hot, and carefully placed it into her mouth without spilling any on her shirt. Aster waited until Amara had swallowed and was ready for her next bite. It meant so much to Sebastian, and it further proved his theory that healers are born, not made.

  After supper, Roger said he had an errand to run. Aster and Sebastian were more than willing for him to leave so that they could get some alone time with Amara. Aster didn't get any horrible vibes from Roger, but she was somewhat uncomfortable. She couldn't quite put a finger on what made her feel that way, she understood where Sebastian was coming from when he said he wasn't fond of him.

  They spent some more time together before Sebastian decided to bring up Aster's plan to try a hand at her healing magic.

  "So, mum, I have something to talk to you about," he began.

  "Mhmmm?" Amara replied.

  "Aster has been working on her magic, and she was hoping to perform a healing cast on you," he said.

  "A healing cast?" Amara sounded surprised.

  "It's nothing crazy" Aster chimed in. "I just learned it. I think I may be able to help your eyesight."

  Sebastian's eyes widened. Aster hadn't mentioned that before, because she didn't want to raise his hopes this entire time.

  Amara nodded. "Only if you're sure you won't be hurt."

  Aster wasn't entirely sure, but she was going to try anyway. "Of course."

  Aster approached Amara. She closed her eyes and focused on finding the same energy that the Faery initiated inside of her. It was almost as if she's had it all along, she just didn't know where to find it without help. When she was ready she placed her three fingertips to Amara's head, just as the Fae did to her. She released her energy.

  There was a bright white light that shone. Sebastian had to squint his eyes, it was so bright. Aster felt pain surging through her, but she held steady. She wasn't done, she needed to keep going. She had to bear through the pain no matter what. It seemed to keep going for another few minutes before Aster could barely hang on anymore. It didn't matter though, she knew it was finished.

  She began to collapse, but Sebastian caught her.

  "Aster!" he exclaimed as he lowered her to her seat. "Are you all right!?"

  Aster wasn't concerned with herself, she mustered her strength to open her eyes and look at Amara. She knew she had succeeded when she saw Amara's eyes, the chestnut brown color had returned, and they were staring directly at Aster. She could see again.

  "Oh, oh my stars," Amara was shocked. "Aster. You did it. I can... I can see."

  Still holding Aster steady in her chair, Sebastian whipped around towards his mother. He was in complete awe.

  "Mum? You can see?"

  Amara nodded. "Oh my sweet son. Sebastian. I thought I'd never see your perfect face again. This is a miracle."

  Sebastian steadied Aster in her seat then threw himself into his mother's arms. Tears trickled down both of their cheeks as they embraced. Aster gathered her strength until she felt well enough to stand again. She watched the two hug and held back her own tears of relief.

  After he and his mother untangled, Sebastian turned to Aster and pulled her into a hug. It was their first ever embrace. She wasn't prepared for the warmth and comfort she felt as Sebastian wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. Her cheek pressed into his chest and she allowed herself to feel the ecstasy that invaded the room.

  Sebastian pulled back, somewhat shyly, and smiled at Aster. "Thank you, Aster. I don't even know what to say."

  Amara opened her arms towards Aster, and she was given another warm embrace. Then, Amara gave her a soft kiss, right on the cheek. Nelly wasn't one for physical affection, she rarely even hugged Aster let alone kiss her. Aster blushed and the warm feeling in her stomach grew even more. For a moment, she pondered if this is how her mother would've shown affection.

  "Are you all right, dear?" Amara asked, seeing how this act drained Aster of energy. "Sebby, get her a glass of water please."

  Sebastian ushered to the kitchen and quickly came back with a cold glass of water. Aster sat back down in her chair and took small sips. She did feel a little run down, but she was okay. She made a mental note to see if the Faery could offer any advice on how to conserve her energy so she doesn't feel so faint. Then again, it was her first time ever performing healing magic. Maybe she could figure it out on her own with practice.

  "How in the galaxy did you do that?" Sebastian asked, as he stared in awe at his friend.

  Aster shrugged. "It's hard to explain."

  "You're run down," Amara said. "You need to rest."

  "I'm okay," Aster assured. "Honestly. I'm just grateful it worked."

  "Words can't express the gratitude I have for this selfless act, but I don't want you hurting yourself to help me," Amara asserted.

  "I promise I will learn all I can about my magic, and I won't do anything that will hurt me," Aster said. "But if I have the power to help you, even if it's just a little bit, I'm going to do it."

  Amara stared at Aster with such admiration. She was truly grateful that Sebastian had such a caring friend as Aster. She knew her time with her son was limited, but the only thing that brought her solace was knowing Sebastian was surrounded by friends who loved him.

  The three sat together longer, just enjoying the time together. Amara commented how Sebastian looked older and more mature than the last time she saw him. Soon he would be turning sixteen, but she said he resembled a true man more and more each day. She also showered Aster in compliments, causing her and Sebastian both to blush.

  "Sebby, you never told me how downright beautiful Aster is," Amara gushed. "Your long hair, and oh my goodness your eyes. Green is my Sebby's favorite color, you know."

   Aster never knew how to respond to compliments. "No, I didn't know. But thank you so much. I think you're so beautiful, too."

  "Oh, no I'm not," Amara blushed. "Especially laying here all the time, I never do anything with myself anymore."

  "You're gorgeous, mum," Sebastian told her. "You don't need to do anything with yourself, your beauty is natural."

  Amara placed her hand upon Sebastian's cheek, and he leaned into it. "My sweet boy. I couldn't ask for a better blessing. Thank you for being my son."

  Aster was overwhelmed with emotions. The love and happiness surrounding them was evident, but there was also a ruthfulness. Aster wanted more than anything to save Sebastian's mother. She was determined.

  It was late nightfall and Roger still hadn't returned. He slept in the main room next to Amara while Sebastian slept in the spare room, which served as his bedroom his whole life. Amara made sure he always had his own space growing up, especially now that he's older.

  "You two need some rest, especially Aster," Amara advised. She could see the tiredness slowly creep up into both of the Keepers' eyes.

  Sebastian nodded. "You can sleep in my bed, Aster. I'll make a cot for myself on the floor."

  "Oh no that's okay," Aster opposed. "I'll sleep on the floor."

  "Absolutely not, dear," Amara chimed in. "You're our guest. Sebby doesn't mind."

  "Honestly, I'm used to it," Sebastian smiled. "Huck and I took turns between the bed and the floor all summer. I know how to make it comfortable so I don't wake up all sore."

  Amara demanded hugs from both of them before bed. Her and Sebastian embraced for a few minutes, followed by Amara planting a kiss on his cheek. Aster received the same. Amara's hug was so tender, Aster felt so safe and she never wanted to let go. But of course all good things come to an end, but it was worth it when she received the soft kiss on her own cheek. She had never been given a goodnight hug and kiss before that she could remember.

  Aster saw Sebastian's room for the first time. It was small, just as small as her room back home. His bed was the same size as the beds back at school, but his was a bit more comfortable. The sheets were a dark blue, and the only thing that hung on the walls was a poster with a big name labeled across the top, and a large group of people smiling underneath.

  "It's the poster of a play I loved going to as a kid," Sebastian explained when he caught Aster staring at it.

  The only other two things in his room was a desk scattered with books on top and underneath, and a chest that he opened and pulled out some extra blankets and pillows he used to make his cot on the floor. Aster changed into her nightclothes in the washroom while Sebastian got the room ready. Afterwards she laid in his bed and cuddled up under the covers. She felt a strange sentimental feeling as she watched Sebastian climb into his makeshift bed on the floor, wearing a pair of striped pajamas.

  "This is my first sleepover ever," she told him.

   Sebastian raised his brows. "No joke, huh? If I'd known that I would have tried to make the evening a bit more fun."

  Aster shook her head. "Everything about it was perfect. Your mom is absolutely wonderful."

  "I know. Aster, I'll never be able to thank you enough. Even if this is all we ever accomplish, you gave her something I never thought was possible. Something I never could have given her myself."

  "No thanks necessary," Aster assured. "I'm going to do everything in my power to help her. I know I just met her, but I think I love her already."

  Sebastian chuckled. "She loves you already no doubt. And not just because you gave her her eyesight back."

  Aster suddenly yawned a long yawn. "I guess we should sleep. It's late and I want to wake up early to spend the day with your mom."

  Sebastian agreed and it didn't take long for the Keepers to find rest. Aster had a long night of slumber, and she dreamt again of the beautiful oak tree. Only this time, it seemed like it was calling out to her.

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