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By HttpsHoshi

14.5K 387 58

What if Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Uchiha had a son? The older twin brother of Sarada Uchiha. What do you think... More

The beginning
The Hokage's son
Iwabe the repeater
Metal Lee goes hard!
A ninjutsu battle of the sexes!
Love and Potato Chips!
🌸 [A Mother's Joy]
The demon beast appears!
Run, Sarada, Shusuke!
Shusuke and Sarada Uchiha
The boy with the Sharingan
Shusuke, Sarada and Sasuke


577 17 5
By HttpsHoshi


Narrator's POV:

"Carrying injured teammates are pain in the ass." The Uchiha thought as he jumped to tree to tree under the moonlight and fastening his speed to reach the village as soon as possible to save the life of the two man he was carrying.

Behind that ANBU mask he more is another poker face that he always wore during missions and maybe also every day. 

He didn't even get any scratch, but he almost used all of his chakra and carrying his injured teammates just making him more exhausted.

He reached the village where two ANBU was standing and waiting for their return. 

He passed the two unconscious men to the ANBU that was waiting for them. 

"Bring him to the hospital. I'll report to the Hokage." He ordered which the ANBU followed and disappeared into the thin air.

Just like what he said, he reached the Hokage office in no time and knocked on the door. 

Shikamaru opened the door where he informed that the Hokage is not here. 

"Alright, I'll let him know. You can go home and rest now." Shikamaru told the boy who nodded and left.

Shusuke changed into his normal outfit and decided to walk through the streets of Konoha. 

The sky is already dark but the light on the streets lights up the Village. 

As he was walking, he saw his sister who's also heading home.

"Sarada?" He called as he walked beside his sister who looked at him surprise. 

"Where did you go all day?" She asked the male who replied with, 

"that's a secret for you to know." He said as he pokes her forehead. 

Sarada looked away with a frown on her face. She's already too old for those foreheads poke he always do if he upset her.

"I'll head home today, I'm exhausted." Shusuke said to his sister who nodded in response. 

"You should head home too. Don't be late or else mom will be angry at you." He added and ruffled Sarada's hair. 

"Yeah, yeah." The younger Uchiha sighed and removed his brother's hand. And that's when Sarada noticed a familiar blonde.

Shusuke took a glance at where his sister was looking at and saw his friend, Boruto. 

Well, he doesn't really consider him as a friend since he finds him very annoying, and he still remembers that he always picks a fight between them. 

"Alright, be careful." That's all what he said and jumped into the roof of a shop.

He took a glance again on his sister and saw that she's talking with Boruto. 

He let out a sigh before heading home by jumping to the roofs of houses and shops.

After jumping for a while, he now reached their house. He's really exhausted and planned to sleep.

Shusuke opened the door and was met by Sakura who's cooking their dinner. "Where were you?" 

She asked as she close the lid of the pot and glanced at her son who's talking his shoes off. 

"Training grounds." He simply lied and head towards the couch and flopped down in an instant. 

"You must be really tired... Also, I cooked your favorite." His mom giggled softly.

The boy groaned and stood up, knowing that he can't sleep tonight even though he's really tired and wanted to rest but of course, his insomnia won't let him sleep that easily. 

Sakura glanced at his son who sat on the dining table and staring into nothing.

The pinklette smiled. Just looking at her son, she also felt like she's looking into a mini version of her husband who's currently away from home. 

She's upset but with her son, it feels like her husband was also in the house because not only he looks like him, but he also acts like him.

"Mom, you're staring to much." The boy spoke which made Sakura snapped out of her thoughts. She just smiled and stir the soup. 

"I'm sorry, shu. It's just that... You really look like him when he was young." She sighed softly and glanced at her son who was lost in thoughts.

"I know... But why he left?" He spoke his thoughts and looked at her mother with a serious expression in his face. 

"He never left. He's gonna comeback soon, okay?" She reassured Shusuke who knows that it's gonna took a while before he's gonna appear.

"He won't. And maybe by at that time he's back, he's gonna make you and Sarada upset again." Shusuke said as he stood up and head towards his room. 

But stopped his tracks to glance back at his mom. 

"That's why, if he hurted you two, I'll make sure he won't do it again." He said seriously and entered his room.

The pinklette sighed, knowing that not only Shusuke look like his dad and act like him, but he also thinks like him. 

All she could do is ease the amount of hate Shusuke had to his own father. Well, she can't blame him.

Shusuke sighed as he sat on his bed, inside of his dark room and the only source of light is the moonlight that coming from his window.

He stared at his right hand and his head started to throb. He held his head and lay down on his soft bed.

Poor Shusuke, he's been getting this headache for a while now even since that dream, he had, where he saw two red pairs of eyes staring at him. 

He believes that person is an Uchiha that possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan.

He's interested to that Mangekyo Sharingan because it's form into like swirl pattern, like you're gonna manipulate someone. 

He liked it. He wanted it. But again, he's still stuck on his two phased sharingan.

"You have such a nice eyes."

A voice rang on his head causing him to shot his eyes open. He sat on his bed and a towel came off from his forehead. He stared at the towel for a second until someone opened the door.

"Take the medicine. Also, we need to go visit class rep." Sarada informed his brother who nodded in reply. 

"What happened anyway? And how long did I sleep." He thought. 

"You slept for 2 days, now get up." His sister spoke as if she just read his mind and left his room.

Shusuke let out a sigh and stared at his hands. 

He wonders, is he a monster in his mother and sister's eyes? He already took many lives under the most traumatic way you could think off.

Like, breaking their bones, stabbing them right on their heart, cutting their head or even putting them in a genjutsu to slowly kill them mentally and physically.

He's more likely a sadistic person, where he finds pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally.

He liked it. Which make other people call him That Uchiha Boy.

Shusuke shook his head, removing all the thoughts he just had and drank the medicine before jumping out of the bed and changed.


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