princess // percy jackson

By harrypottahontop

53.4K 1.6K 1.5K

being pretty was a gift, but also a definite hassle. alliah jacinto knows that for sure. because though that... More

~ chapter one : introduction ~
i. zero - yancy pansies
i. one - pretty pity
i. two - alliah vs dangerous words
i. three - "i'm not on shrooms, the monsters are real i swear!"
i. four - percy jackson's ultimate betrayal
i. five - grover and the case of his missing legs
i. six - the goat, the gods, and the bull in boxers
i. seven - alliah strikes bullseye
i. eight - camp halfblood and the case of op newbies
i. nine - perseus puts his grief on a schedule
i. ten - perseus' mommy issues grow a little more complicated
i. eleven - clarisse f*cks around and finds out
i. twelve - perseus' grief doesn't give a sh*t about his schedule
i. thirteen - camp half blood goes full lord of the flies
i. fourteen - alyssa-er, alliah jacinto and the goddess of beauty
i. fifteen - annabeth finally gets her quest...and it's kinda complicated
i. sixteen - the ballad of grover underwood
i. seventeen - three kids, a goat, and their wine auntie emmy
i. eighteen - a plan to piss off the parents with a not-so-pertinent parcel
i. nineteen - alliah's eyes : perseus' new nightmare
i. twenty - and here comes the stinger, in more ways than one
i. twenty one - barnacles' comeback and half-blood hitch hiking 101
i. twenty two - "anything for a friend"
i. twenty three - half-bloods and the case of broken promises
i. twenty four - golden boy percy jackson
i. twenty five - a what party?!
i. twenty six - perseus ensures he never gets his driver's license
i. twenty seven - the fight against 'fluffy'
i. twenty eight - a day in literal hell : a half blood's vlog
i. twenty nine - the demigods make a deal with the devil, but like literally
i. thirty - alliah and her dire need for swimming lessons
i. thirty one - ares f*cks around and finds out
i. thirty two - a sappy return to camp
i. thirty three - percy jackson's ultimate betrayal (the reprise)
~ chapter one : the epilogue ~

i. thirty four - one more promise

670 28 34
By harrypottahontop

words : 5663

* * *


alliah's grip tightened around her sword, tears glazing in her eyes as she drew closer towards the boy. his back was turned, but she knew it was him.

"luke." she repeated, her voice shaking.

he was a traitor. what was he doing back at camp?

"luke, turn around."

her voice was laced with charmspeak and yet, he did not do as told.

"luke! turn around and face me, coward!"

he stayed still, not a single ounce of movement.


now angry, alliah lunged foreward and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him aggressively and forcing him to face her. the second after she did that, she wished she hadn't.

she let out a terrified gasp as she backed away from the sight.

luke was dead.

his eyes were open and absent-minded, his face was pale and unlively, and his mouth was agape like he had been screaming in his last moments of life.

but shock and fear wore off when alliah realized the dead boy in front of him was his beloved friend and she dove forward once again with her hand out for him as he suddenly collapsed to the ground. she caught him in time to let him down slowly, tears running down her face as she began to sob.

"oh gods..." she cried painfully and quietly. "what'd they do to you...luke..."

her crying came to a halt when her gaze landed on something etched across his bare arm. cut in his flesh, riding across his biceps, were four words written small yet its message might as well have been screaming at her.

'why didn't you shoot?'

at the sight of the bloody message, alliah neither backed away or leaned closer to take a look - she froze. her blood ran cold and chills shot up and down her spine, her head began to spin as the tears suddenly stopped. she was horrified. breathing suddenly became hard to do and she mustered all her strength doing so.

"he didn't die from kronos, you know."

the statement had not come from her lips or the deceased luke's. alliah whipped around to see who had joined them.

"annabeth?" she stared, wide-eyed, at her best friend approaching her from behind.

"the moment you let him go," annabeth continued and it was then that alliah noticed she had been holding something behind her back as she slowly moved walked towards her. "was the moment you marked him for death. he might die by kronos' doing, but you're the one who set him up for it first. you're his killer, alliah. you're a murderer."

"annie," alliah's voice came out small and wounded. she suddenly found herself backing away for some readon. "what are you- why- why are you saying this?"

"you had a perfect shot, alliah." annabeth ignored her. "you had the perfect shot on him - not to kill him like he is now, but you could've taken him down. you could've pried him from kronos' grip but you didn't. he could've been saved. but he wasn't. and it's all because of you..."

alliah watched as her best friend slowly revealed what she had behind her back.

"you had the perfect shot, allie," annabeth continued, her eyes empty and the look on her face almost eerie. "just like i do now..."

it was a bow and arrow she kept behind her back, alliah could see it now - now that she was aiming it right at her. at second glance, it wasn't just a bow and arrow. it was her own bow and arrow. alliah could recognize that golden spearhead and engraved willow bow anywhere.

alliah shot to her feet and began to back away, hands out in weak defense but annabeth only drew closer.

"annabeth, please." alliah tried. "put that bow down."

her enchanted order seemed to have no effect on the girl as she only kept the bow up even higher. there wasn't a single ounce of life on her face, alliah noticed. she might as well have been just as dead as luke.

"he was young, you know." annabeth went on, ignoring her. "he was only nineteen. just a kid. how could you let a kid die, alliah?"

when she said those words, something else appeared behind her - someone.

it was a kid. not just any kid.

this kid had red curly hair, a pale face with freckles littered all over, and emerald green eyes. it was the little boy alliah had seen in the underworld.

the kid who seemed much too young to have been there - much too young to have died.

it was then that alliah realized annabeth wasn't even looking at her, or atleast not meeting her eyes. the kid was though.

he was staring straight into her eyes - her soul. he didn't look angry or sad - he looked...worried. not for himself, for her. he was sympathetic. he seemed as if he were pitying her.

"he was much too young to have died," annabeth's voice came out low and not of her own. "he was much too young but you sentenced him to his own demise, alliah. you've killed him the moment you let him go."

alliah's gaze shifted from the boy to the arrow targeted at her.

she could only let out a gasp as the arrow was released and flew towards her.

her last sights were set upon the young boy's bright green eyes as her vision abruptly turned to black.


alliah awoke with a jolt and panicked search for breath.

her sights were met with a view of the camp and the sun beginning to rise above, tucked behind the hills in the distance.

she had fallen asleep outside. but when she moved to stretch, she realized she hadn't been alone. her head was rested against someone's shoulder.

she sat upright to find percy by her side. he was still fast asleep, unbothered with his lips parted open slightly. but to her relief, there was no drool in sight.

it was then that she also realized she had percy's plaid sweater wrapped around herself, keeping her warm from the chilly breeze running through her hair in that instant.

as if on cue, percy shivered, still not stirring from his sleep.

"a hero even when you're unconscious, huh?" alliah smirked to herself as she wriggled out of his sweater and draped it over its owner.

but she couldn't stop the slight blush from appearing on her face when she admired his selflessness of choosing to freeze throughout the night, rather than letting her do so. at what point had percy become so...nice?

and why was she suddenly feeling queasy over the fact?

after ensuring percy was comfortable and still unbothered, alliah rose to her feet and made her way to the campfire.

it was still mildly dark with the sun still not fully out when she reached the area.

she located sticks, steel and some flint tossed beside the inactive campfire pit before making her way to it.

after a few strikes of the flint against a steel plate, sparks flew. she tossed the sticks into the fire pit as a flame properly caught on.

she set herself down and let her hands warm up a little before she could collect her thoughts.

she wanted to talk to her mother. but she had nothing to offer for sacrifice. what could she give to the flames in return for a godly conversation?

an idea formed in her mind as the breeze blew her long hair onto her shoulders.

she loosened the bracelet on her wrist and with three flicks of it, her sword appeared in her hand. grip tightened around the handle, she held a handful of her locks with her free hand and held it against the blade of her sword.

she hadn't had a haircut in a long time and she figured she was due for one.

the blade ran through her hair smoothly and in three seconds, she was holding loose and freshly-cut hair in her hand. she continued cutting away expertly until everything fell even. growing up, she'd had to cut her hair herself, never trusting anyone else to do so.

hair that was once almost trailing down her waist, now stopped just above her shoulders.

now done, she dropped the soft pile in her hands into the pit. she stood watch as the flames engulfed it, her eyes watering from the smoke trailing upwards.

she took a deep breath as she backed away, eyes closed in concentration. she awaited her mother's voice as she tried to gloss over what she wanted to say.

the thing was, she had a lot she wanted to say. she thought of everything that had happened since her last conversation with her, everything that happened with luke and annabeth, with percy - the guilt she felt and the grief that came with it. but no words came up with those thoughts and she realized she still hadn't heard her mother's response.

but before she could feel disheartened about her mother's apparent silence, a sudden wave of relief washed over her.

she'd been heard.

she opened her eyes and found the fire had been extinguished. in its stead, lay multiple pins and buttons.

the pins that had decorated her lost tote bag.

she spotted the colorful things and went to reach for them, a small smile on her face.

her mother had heard her - this was her way of responding.

amongst the pile lay two pins that caught her attention against the others.

one was the green, bow and arrow engraved pin that luke had crafted for her. the other was the golden one her father had given her all those years ago.

the sun rose fully as she held them both in her hands, her gaze reading the inscription on her father's gift.

'pag-asa at puso' were its initial words.

but the engravement was different this time. instead, it was written:

'pag-asa, puso at pag-ibig'

for the first time, alliah understood the words without her father or any form of technological translation's help.

'hope, heart and love'


a week later...


alliah leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, with a smile on her face.

"i see you're all packed and ready to go."

annabeth peered up from her open backpack, brows furrowed in frustration.

"help me close this thing, it won't shut."

alliah did as told, making her way over to help the struggling girl.

she chose not to comment on how bare her best friend's room felt with the absence of majority of her things sitting there.

after a few struggles and pinching of the bag's opening to get the zipper to run through, the girls let out a sigh of relief and sat back satisfied.

"i can't believe i'm actually doing this." annabeth laughed a little, shaking her head. "i'm leaving camp."

"you're so dramatic," alliah quipped, leaning her head against the cabin wall. "it's only a few months."

"yeah but a few months without me'll be torture for you."

alliah beamed. "true - who else am i supposed to annoy when grover's busy pan-searching, percy's back to his mom and you're out exploring the world?"

"there's always silena." annabeth shrugged. "or the stoll twins."

"silena's immune to me," alliah shook her head. "and the twins annoy me more than i ever can."

"don't underestimate your irritability, allie."


the girls giggled for a few seconds before annabeth straightened up.

"you know you could always come with me though? i've already asked my dad if he would let me bring you along and he was more than happy to."

alliah sighed, looking up at the ceiling sadly. "nah, not for now, annie. i wanna stick around this time, just for a little while. i don't...i don't think i'm quite ready just yet."

annabeth nodded understandably.

they'd discussed this before and alliah's answer had always been the same - no use in revisiting a pointless conversation.

"you've had another dream about him," she spoke after a while. "haven't you?"

alliah kept quiet, which was more than an answer enough.

"there's no use in beating yourself up over something you can't change, alliah. what happened's already happened - and you can't, and never could, have done anything about it."

when alliah still gave no response, she kept going.

"he made his decision. that's a burden for him to carry now - not you, not percy, not me, or anyone else at all. only him."

alliah smirked but there was no smug nor amusement behind it. "you didn't hate him this bad only a week ago, y'know."

annabeth shook her head sadly. "that's the thing, i don't hate him. i'm furious at him, but i don't, and probably can't, ever hate him. he was our brother, allie. i can't hate our brother."

alliah looked down, her gaze frozen on the floor and the familiar loose floorboard by the foot of annabeth's bunk bed.

"but that doesn't mean that what he did wasn't wrong." her best friend stated. "and that he didn't hurt people because of it. so i don't hate him, but i never wanna see him again. and it's okay for you to feel the same too. but it's not okay to let his own wrongdoings take over your sleep."

alliah decided they were set for a topic change. she didn't want their last conversation for a while to be so gloomy and depressing.

"since when did you become so wise?"

annabeth shrugged. "always have been."

"okay, buddy, whatever you say." alliah shook her head as she rose to her feet. "c'mon, we still need to meet the other two for a proper goodbye..."

alliah's voice trailed off when she noticed the scarlet shade forming on annabeth's cheeks all of a sudden.


"huh- nothing..."

alliah rose an eyebrow.

"spit it out, annie."

"spit what out?"

"tell me what you're thinking about."

"i like someone."

annabeth cupped her mouth, shocked as alliah hopped a little, ecstatic about this revelation.

"oh my gosh!" alliah whooped. "i knew this day would come! who is it?!"

"nobody," annabeth gasped. "and if you charmspeak me into telling you, i'll never speak to you ever again!"

"you can't do this to me, come on!" alliah groaned. "i'm your best friend! you can't hold out on me about this!"

"no way!"


annabeth looked down at her feet as she slowly stood up, seemingly considering it.

"you'll laugh," she stated, crossing her arms. "and then you'll make fun, and then you'll think it's disgusting."

alliah dramatically tossed her arms up, offended. "when have i ever made fun of you?!"

annabeth only rose an eyebrow.

"okay, fair," alliah shook her head. "but i promise i won't this time - not about this!"

annabeth sighed, giving in. "you promise it won't be weird after this?"

alliah held a hand to her chest and nodded proudly.

"i promise."


annabeth drew in a long breath before finally spitting it out.

"it's percy."

alliah felt the smile on her face slowly fading, a sllughtly horrified frown taking its place.

"oh god, i knew it - you think it's disgusting!"

"wh-what, no!" alliah said quickly, shaking her head frantically. "n-not at all, i'm just- i dunno, confused? when'd that happen?"

"i don't even know," annabeth groaned as she made her way to her bed and fell back on her bare mattress. "i'm grossed out myself too, so don't worry."

alliah decided she needed to put whatever feelings - feelings she didn't even understand - aside and come to her best friend's support at that moment.

"no i'm not grossed out," she mustered a small smile. "just surprised is all - but i mean, whatever works for you, i guess..."

after a few seconds, annabeth slowly sat up, her eyes wide and curious.

"you're all sense-y with this stuff," annabeth asked. "do you think he might like me back? cuz i've kinda been picking up on some hints but i dunno if i was reading them wrong or something..."

when alliah didn't respond, she fell back on her bed, defeated.

"i knew it, he hates me."

"what!" alliah shook her head. "no, i- i could see how he could like you, it's just- i dunno, annie, i haven't really been prioritizing sensing out 'love vibes' or whatever so i'm not sure i'm the right guy to ask."

annabeth frowned as she fiddled with her thumbs, still laying on her bed like a sad pancake. "there's no way he would. i don't even think i'm his type."

"how could you be sure of that?"

annabeth sighed. "i dunno, i just figured he'd be more into girls like...y'know - you. all pretty and perfect but can kick anyone's butt. someone like that, y'know?"

whatever confusing feelings she found herself feeling, tanked at the sight of her best friend belittling herself like that. she could not stand for it.

"annie, you're gorgeous." alliah sighed, her tone almost suggesting she was offended at her best friend's comment. "and you're perfect and butt-kicky as well, don't ever talk down on yourself like that. percy would be crazy not to like you back - what, you think his type wouldn't be super smart and pretty girls or something?"

she made her way over to the bed and annabeth made room for her to sit.

"well, it's just..." annabeth sat up, meeting alliah's eyes. "i kinda thought that maybe he liked you."

"wh-uh-what?!" alliah spluttered. "how could you- why would you- you really thought he did?"

annabeth shrugged. "i mean, yeah. i don't know if you were paying any attention that entire week but didn't you see the way you guys acted around each other? always bickering and teasing - flirting."

"flirting?" alliah almost began to cough. "he was flirting?! he wasn't flirting, he was arguing - all the time. it's like he was always trying to get on my nerves."

"it didn't look like that," annabeth shook her head. "it just looked like he was trying to find a way to talk to you all the time. and that 'arguing' really seemed more like poaching and flirty banter."

alliah rolled her eyes. "boys pulling pigtails at playgrounds have got to stop being regarded as 'flirting.'"

"yeah but that wasn't what it was," annabeth insisted. "i mean, you saw the way he was just flinging himself at any opportunity to save your life."

"to save our lives, annabeth." alliah corrected. "he didn't do all that for me - he did it for us. he's a selfless little hero alright but not for my own sake, it was for everyone's."

annabeth didn't answer though she still looked unconvinced.

"look," alliah sighed. "i don't know a lot about how percy feels towards me or anyone else - but all i know is he'd be insane to fumble someone like you. and he may be dumb but he's not stupid."

"nor is he blind," annabeth bit the insides of her cheeks nervously. "i mean, look at you-"

"and look at you!" alliah groaned. "like i said, you're beautiful! and smart - he needs someone like you to balance out his own dumb qualities. and if he can't see you as more than just a friend, then i dunno what to tell you but maybe he is stupid too."

a few seconds of silence passed before annabeth broke into a small smile.

"you really think he might like me too?"

alliah nodded without an ounce of hesitation. "he would need to be admitted to the mental hospital if he doesn't."

"okay," annabeth said quietly, sounding much more confident than prior. "okay, okay, okay...okay, cool."

"cool." alliah nodded firmly.

the pair traded a few more seconds of silence before annabeth leaned forward and gave her best friend a hug.

"i'm really gonna miss you." she said as she wrapped her arms around her. "you sure you don't wanna come with me? it'll be a real bummer going to dipsywart or whatever it's called, without you."

"disneyworld," alliah laughed a little as she returned her embrace. "and don't worry - you'll have so much fun you won't even notice i'm not there."

"not possible."

when they parted, annabeth hopped of her bed and grabbed her backpack.

"we should go, the other two'll be waiting."

alliah nodded, following after her as she exited the room.

but as she passed through the doorway, she couldn't help a sense of heaviness pulling down at her gut.

and though she refused to admit it to herself, the back of her mind knew exactly why she was feeling that way. but the sight of annabeth and the smile on her face was enough for her to hold that thought back as they left the cabin.

but the feeling never left, and she was afraid it wouldn't be gone for a while.


the sight of him didn't help the churning in her stomach but nevertheless, alliah trudged up the hill. to join him, annabeth by her side.

"i was starting to worry i was gonna have to wait an hour for you guys to get here." percy quipped, but he was smiling.

he had said 'you guys' but his gaze was only focused towards one of them.

"hey i'm going to dipsywhop," annabeth defended. "i need to pack a few more things than just a couple clothes."

"disneyworld." percy laughed - the sound of it made alliah bristle but she ignored it.

"no way you would've waited a whole hour," alliah shot back. "you don't have the patience for that."

"course i would," percy shrugged casually. "i could wait longer than an hour actually, i'd wait as long as i needed to for..."

he caught himself before his last word and suddenly, alliah was desperate for him to finish his unfinished sentence.

but she wasn't so sure she wanted to hear it anymore when she saw him turn to annabeth.

"so," he cleared his throat. "disneyworld, huh? you excited?"

annabeth nodded, unable to hold her grin. "yeah, a bit."

percy motioned towards the tree that towered over them a few feet away - thalia's tree.

"how does she feel about all this?" he asked. "you going home to see your dad?"

annabeth giggled. "it's a tree, it doesn't have opinions...but i imagine she's thrilled."

"and how do you feel about it?"

"well, he wants to show me new york city first so i'm gonna have to pretend i haven't been there - and then we're gonna go to disney world, which by the way, i still don't know what it is."

"it's basically waterland," percy explained simply. "but less determined to kill you."

"well there are theories that suggest otherwise." alliah shrugged.

"how is it that you know about disneyworld theories but you don't know 'wizard of oz?'" percy shook his head.

alliah sighed. "you're still on that?"

"wait did i read that wrong? what am i walking into?" annabeth gulped, suddenly nervous about the thought of disneyworld. "is there something you're supposed to do there?"

percy shook his head, offering the girl a small smile.

"just, be a kid."

annabeth nodded, fighting off the pink beginning to form on her face. alliah noticed her struggle and was quick to chime in.

"keep an eye out for frozen heads for me, yeah?"

annabeth lost all flustering and instead, grew confused once more.


"just..." alliah sighed. "nevermind."

"what about you, princess?" percy asked. "what are you gonna be up to while we're all gone?"

"i'm not really sure," alliah answered truthfully. "camp activities, i guess. might sharpen up on my combat and stuff though - i've been lacking a bit since i've been gone for eight months."

"lacking?" percy practically scoffed. "you call what you've been doing this whole time, 'lacking'? if that's 'lacking', i don't even wanna know what 'sharpened up' would've looked like for ares."

alliah shrugged and annabeth giggled.

"well don't get too good," percy shook his head. "or else i might never feel safe being in the same room as you ever again."

alliah caught herself before she could shoot back with a quip of her own - she didn't want to banter with him. not when annabeth revealed to her how it looked through the outsider's perspective.

percy found her sudden silence odd but figured he'd take a win when he was given one.

before they could continue, someone else interjected.

"guys! guys!"

the three turned to watch as grover raced over to them, waving frantically as he made his way up the hill.

"you got it?" annabeth asked, excited.

grover nodded without a word.

"where is it?" percy asked.

grover slipped his jacket to the side to reveal a green flower crest set on his shirt's front pocket.

"your searcher's license!" alliah jumped, eyes wide and happy. "you got it! you did it! you finally got it, you finally did it!"

she leapt forward to hug him and they did so for a few seconds, hopping up and down gleefully.

"when are you gonna start?" annabeth asked as the pair parted from their embrace, beaming with pride.

"well, it seems like every inch of the natural world's been checked, noted and footnoted then checked again," grover explained, eyes twinkling with excitement. "the council's theory's that pan is always on the move and it's all about timing - but no one's ever bothered to check the seas."

"i know some people in management out there." percy nodded. "if you ever need some help."

grover grinned. "i'll find you."

the group of four took a few seconds to take in the sight of each other.

they'd grown so much in the span of a few weeks and though some hadn't known some for too long, they were all immensely proud of the other. they wished nothing but good for every single person there.

"listen," percy stated. "let's make a pact, right now."

he met alliah's gaze before he continued, holding onto it for a few seconds.

"no matter what happens, we meet back here next year - all of us, right here. deal?"

"without a doubt." grover nodded.

"of course." annabeth agreed.

"promise." alliah finalized.

with that, grover outsretched his arms for the others to run into and they did. they hugged and held each other close and tight for a moment.

before they released each other from the group hug, percy opened his eyes and found alliah's only a frw inches away from his. they shared a smile before they separated from the embrace.

misty eyes met misty eyes as the four glanced at each other once more.

"i should get going," annabeth announced glancing down at the new watch on her wrist - courtesy of alliah's skills with a vendor they'd met on their way back home. "my dad should be waiting for me."

"and i need to get back to the council." grover agreed.

annabeth turned to the satyr and gave him another hug before moving on to percy - their hug lasted a little longer.

"take care of yourself, wise girl." percy smirked.

"will do, seaweed brain." annabeth nodded.

the uneasy feeling in alliah's gut flurried away slightly when annabeth wrapped her arms around her for the last time in a while.

worries had no place here - for now, she would only think of her best friend.

"i'll miss you, annie." alliah sighed. "stay safe out there."

"i'll miss you too, allie."

with that, they parted - grover and annabeth making their way down the hill and disappearing in the distance after a few minutes.

and then there were two.

"shouldn't you be heading out too?" alliah asked percy, confused on why he was still there.

"actually," percy shook his head. "my mom's not picking me up til tomorrow."

"huh?" alliah was sure he'd told them he was leaving when annabeth was. "but you said yesterday-"

"i asked her to give me another day." percy explained.

"oh." alliah said quietly. "cool...what for?"

percy shrugged. "i dunno, i started off kinda hating this place at first but...well, it's kinda growing on me and i wanted to spend a little more time with it, y'know?"

alliah wasn't sure whether the sudden queasiness in her gut was out of dismay or excitement - she decided either wasn't good.

"what, the constant threat of danger suddenly became appealing to you?" she smirked.

"what's fun without a little danger?" percy replied smoothly. "besides, the camp itself is cool, but the people might just be a little cooler too."

alliah nodded. "you're right...i am pretty damn cool."

percy laughed. "mhm - whatever you say, princess."

"y'know, i'm still not too sure i like that nickname." alliah admitted as the pair made their way down the hill.

percy paused, turning to meet her eyes - hazel eyes.

"it'll grow on you, i promise."

alliah stopped walking too, turning around to face him. something told her there was a second meaning to the things he'd just said and she was tempted to charmspeak it out of him...but decided against it.

"well if you're staying for another day," she smiled instead. "that means you get to stick around for what i was planning on trying out tomorrow..."


percy couldn't help but feel a little sad as he lugged his backpack out of the cabin he'd spent the past month in.

he smiled and waved goodbye at some campers on his way and with each uttered 'see you soon' and 'bye', his heart grew heavier and heavier.

yes, coming to this camp had almost resulted in his death more than a dozen times - but that didn't change the fact that he was gonna miss it.

he was gonna miss the cabins, the campers, the training with swords that he'd found fascinating. there was another part of camp that he found himself missing too, despite the other half of his brain telling him it was wrong.

but for now, he would have to say goodbye. and it wasn't like it was a permanent goodbye. he'd be back, for sure.

as he made his way over to cabin 10, as instructed prior by alliah whom he hadn't seen all day, he passed by the washrooms and he couldn't stop his gaze from landing on the woods behind them.

who could've thought a washroom would link to so many memories? those trees too - those held memories too, painful ones yes, but memories.

he couldn't help but wonder if luke castellan was okay. he hadn't stopped seeing the hurt on annabeth and alliah's faces when they showed up. when they saw that their brother...

no. today wasn't the day to make himself miserable over that - he was already depressed enough about leaving without it.

but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop seeing the tears in those eyes - those hazel eyes. and he wanted so bad for those tears to be gone and-


his trailing thoughts came to a halt when he heard her, and when he realized he had passed cabin 10 well over a dozen feet.

alliah jogged towards him, a red-lidded container in her hands.

"here," she announced, handing the tupperware towards him. "your going-away present."

"oh, uh, cool," he smiled unsurely. "what is it?"

"open it."

he did as told.

he found himself speechless when he saw its contents. he closed it up and set it on the ground, then set his backpack on the ground.

"it's kinda my first time baking," alliah rambled. "and i didn't know how to get that perfect shade of blue, but i'm gonna keep practicing over the next few months and i promise i'll get better but- mmph!"

alliah found herself silenced when percy suddenly wrapped his arms around her.

"i haven't seen blue food in so long," percy said quietly, resting his face against the crook of her neck, his voice full of emotion. "thank you, alliah."

"oh, um, of course." alliah embraced him back, letting herself melt in the hug. she had been caught off-guard but she decided she liked it - way more than she thought she ever could. "hey, don't- don't cry, it's your last day."

"i'm not crying." percy sniffed, still not letting go of her - he was busy wiping away the tears in his eyes with his sleeve and wasn't ready for her to let go and see his teary face.

"oh, okay." alliah smiled knowlingly. "good."

they stayed like that for a few more minutes...and it was weird.

but that was okay.

alliah and percy liked weird.


making his way towards the entrance, percy peered down at the container alliah had given him once more.

he pried open the lid, wanting to see its contents once more.

he smiled at the sight of the blue cookies alliah had made for him.

the colour was a little greenish but that didn't matter to him.

alliah jacinto had made him blue cookies, and that was all that was important.

but it hadn't been just the cookies that had him feeling all fuzzy and warm.

he paused in his tracks to take out the note tucked between two cookies in the container, and read the words written in clean handwriting scrawled across it.

for the first time in his life, he could read it clearly without struggle.

'thank you for making me believe in promises again, barnacles.

- princess'

* * *

the end...

...for now...

* * *

a/n: *dying crying screaming


thank you so insanely much to everyones whos read this far and supported this book, i truly hope u guys enjoyed reading this as much as i have had writing it

this is my first ever book on wattpad and its been soooooo fun so far - i cant believe we have to wait another year for season two but when it comes, best know that ALLIAH FCKING JACINTO WILL BE BACK

much love to all of you, stay safe and gorgeous and love you so so so much

thank you for reading <3

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