Wasted potential ★ holes [zig...

By wormgibby

84.3K 1.5K 518

"They call her shark She bites" A bad mistake and an altercation with the police gets jo dalton sent to a ca... More

Silly little memes:p
Incorrect quotes
Twenty- eight
Twenty- nine
A very special thank you
Act 2 prologue
Thirty- six
Thirty - seven
Thirty - eight
Thirty - nine
Forty - one
Forty - two
Forty- three
Forty - four
Forty - five
Forty - six
Forty - seven
Forty- eight
New book!
Fifty- one
Just rambling


1.3K 26 8
By wormgibby

Shark had woken up to squid hitting her head with a pillow to get her up. He kept doing this until she finally got up. She ended up ripping his pillow out of his hands and chucking it across the room.

"Go fetch." She told him, like he was a dog. Her focus then went to zigzag, who was sitting up in his cot, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. "Morning zig." She said to him.

"Morning.." he told her, not even looking in her direction.

Shark just shrugged it off, maybe he was just not awake enough yet to call her a cute nickname like he always did.

She got ready for the day, putting on her white tank top that she would eventually roll up into a sports bra. Then came the orange jumpsuit, then the boots.

Once she was dressed she was the last one out of the tent. She found it odd that zigzag didn't wait for her, guess he had just forgotten.

But what really threw her off was when she saw zigzag take only one shovel. Not two, like he had done for the past month.

"Hey where's my shovel?" She asked him. It's not like she couldn't carry her own shovel, but she found it sweet when zigzag did it. And he seemed happy to do it, until now.

"Why don't you have squid carry it?" He told her, brushing her off and walking to go dig his hole. Shark stood there for a moment. What the hell did squid have to do with this?

For the first time in a while, shark carried her own shovel. As she walked squid started walking next to her, jogging a bit so he could catch up.

"Why isn't zigzag carrying your shovel?" He asked, noticing the change.

Shark shrugged. "Beats me. When I asked him where my shovel was this morning he said 'why don't you have squid carry it for you'" she told him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked her, he knew she didn't have the answer to his question but he really didn't know what he had to do with this situation.

"I'm not sure. He's been acting werid since last night right?" She asked squid, seeing if he had noticed any differences in zigzag's behavior.

"Yeah, he seems all quiet, which he never is." Squid said.

"Yeah seriously, it's like some times we can't get him to shut up." Shark said.

"Maybe talk to him today, but only after we finish our pool game." Squid reminded her how she promised she would play him today after there holes were dug.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." She assured him.


"Shark come on what's up with you. Your game is way off." Squid complained.

So far shark had missed three shots in a row, which definitely wasn't normal for her. "Sorry I just..I don't know.." she said. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder, seeing zigzag sat on the floor. He was watching static on the tv like he always did. She didn't know how the hell he enjoyed watching that.

"You and zig fighting or something?" He asked her after he took his shot.

"No just, he's kinda ignoring me." She told him. "He didn't even wanna share his apple with me at lunch."

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Squid suggested, standing next to her and completely abandoning the game.

"But what if he's mad at me for some reason?" Shark worried.

"What could you have possibly done to piss him off?" He asked her.

Shark shrugged again. "Think I should go do it now?" She asked him, feeling bad for leaving there game.

"Better now than later. I don't want all that weird tension in the tent later." He said.

Shark took a deep breath before putting down her stick. "I'm going in." She said to him.

Squid gave her a little encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Good luck shark." He told her.

She then went over to zigzag, who still had his eyes glued to the tv screen. "Hey zig." She said, trying to get his attention.

He didn't even look up from the screen. "Hey." He said.

"Zig can we go talk, outside maybe?" She asked him.

"I'm watching something." He told her.

She rolled her eyes. "I think you've seen this episode before." She told him. "Come on just for a couple minutes."

Zigzag stood up reluctantly, brushing dust off himself before saying. "Fine."

Shark lead him out of the rec room and took him to a more private spot of camp green lake where no one would bother him. She would have taken him to the tent but she knew that Stanley and zero would in there and didn't wanna disturb The reading lesson.

Shake crossed her arms before speaking. "So what's up with you lately?" she asked him. "And don't just say nothing, because obviously something is wrong." She said before he could give her an answer.

He had his hands on his hips as he stood. "What's up with you and squid?" He asked her, getting straight to the point.

Shark furrowed her brows in confusion. "What does squid have to do with this?" She asked.

"Oh come on, you guys are like always together." He said.

"Because We're friends? That's what friends do they hang out." She told him. "Why does that upset you so much?"

"It doesn't upset me!" He defended, but it obviously did.

"Then why didn't you carry my shovel today? Or share your apple with me?" She asked.

"I just-" he started, but didn't know where the sentence was going. "Are you guys dating?" He finally asked.

"What? Ew! No!" She told him. "Why would I date squid?" She asked him.

"I don't know, because you always have him around you well you take showers." He said.

"To protect me, he doesn't even look at me. He respects me like that." She explained.

Zigzag was slightly starting to realize that he was over reacting. "Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed.." he finally apologized.

"It's okay, I just don't get why the thought of me and squid dating would upset you.." she said.

"I wasn't upset..I just felt left out..you know?" He tried to cover up.

"Aw zig, I'm sorry." She said. "I would have hung out with you more if you just asked." She said, attempting to put her arm around him. It didn't really work out because he was so much taller then her. "Wanna play a round of pool with us?" She asked him, attempting to include him in something.

"Yeah, sure." He told her, still trying to conceal how he was really feeling. He ended up slinging his arm around her, walking back to the rec room.

Shark was glad that she had cleaned things up with zigzag, but he had other things going on in his head.

Feeling very iffy about this chapter but here ya go!

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