Doctor Who One Shots and Cros...

By _Bowties_Are_Cool_

2.7K 63 30

Ongoing! A mix of Doctor Who One Shots and Crossovers (Good Omens, Sherlock and BBC Ghosts so far)! Good Omen... More

An Angel, a Demon and a Doctor (A Doctor Who/Good Omens Crossover Part 1)
An Angel, a Demon and a Doctor (Doctor Who/Good Omens Crossover Part 2)
An Angel, a Demon and a Doctor (Doctor Who/Good Omens Crossover Part 3)
An Angel, a Demon and A Doctor (Doctor Who/Good Omens Crossover Part 4)
Fezzes and Memories
A Blue Box on Baker Street (Doctor Who/Sherlock Crossover Part 1)
A Blue Box on Baker Street (Doctor Who/Sherlock Crossover Part 2)
A Prank in the Past
Flashes in the Dark🔦
Doctor Who/BBC Ghosts 👻 Crossover Part 1
Doctor Who/BBC Ghosts 👻 Crossover Part 2
Doctor Who/BBC Ghosts 👻Crossover Part 3
Swimming Pool Pandemonium
A Wave of Christmas
The Stranger in the Leather Coat
Tardises and Tents (Part 1)
Tardises and Tents (Part 2)
The Hand in the Jar
3am Clutter
Easter on the Tardis
The Expanded Life of Gerald the Chatty Mirror
Walking on Sunshine
The Expanded Life of Gerald The Chatty Mirror (Part 2)
A Collection of Ghosts/Doctor Who crossover bonus scenes
May Week

April Fools on the Tardis

27 0 0
By _Bowties_Are_Cool_

Happy April Fools day! 

I know not many people on here are Classic Who fans, but I thought I'd post this anyway, in case anyone is interested. 

"Shhh, he's coming." Tegan muttered to Adric, putting a finger over her lips.

"I wasn't making any noise!" He whispered indignantly back.

Tegan rolled her eyes. "Have you got it ready?" She asked.

Adric held the plunger aloft in one hand, grinning mischievously. "Of course."

At this moment, the Doctor moved into view from where they were crouched behind the door, humming absent mindedly to himself.

"Now!" Tegan urged, and Adric gently eased the plunger through the gap.

For a few seconds the humming continued pleasantly, and then it stopped as the Doctor presumably noticed the new addition to the room. Adric and Tegan stifled a laugh as they imagined his face.

"How did you get in here?" They heard the Doctor say. It wasn't a curious, thinking aloud sort of 'How did you get in here?' it was accusatory, and almost apprehensive.

They heard his footsteps as he moved towards them, and Tegan grinned at Adric, who's entire body was shaking with silent mirth.

"Hang on...." Said the Doctor, yanking the plunger. The door flew open abruptly, and Tegan and Adric tumbled unceremoniously onto the floor in a sheepish heap. They scrambled to their feet as the Doctor looked down disapprovingly.

"What?" He asked them. "What? Just what?"

They both began to speak at the same time, their faces still red from the contained laughter.

The Doctor waved his hands in the air, signalling them to stop. "Shhh, please. Don't talk at the same time. Adric, you can go first."

"Well, Tegan was telling me about this festival..." he looked at her for confirmation, and she nodded silently, "About this festival that they have on Earth, April Fools day."

"Ah, yes, April Fools Day." The Doctor grinned.

"What?" Said Adric suspiciously.

"No, nevermind. You continue."

"Tegan was telling me about it, and we thought it might be funny to practise."

"Oh, it was a prank was it." He laughed, and Tegan and Adric felt they were missing something.

"Am I missing something?" Asked Tegan.

"No, no." Said the Doctor, still grinning. "Nothing." He turned away, still chuckling to himself, and returned to the console.

Tegan and Adric shared a look. "Doctor...what is going on?" Tegan insisted.

"Well, I was just thinking, if you were trying to do an April Fools day prank, then that was a very poor effort." He remarked.

"You were frightened, weren't you!" Said Adric indignantly.

"I knew something wasn't right about it from the beginning. You see, to pull off a proper prank, the key is making it believable." He left the console, returning to his companions and placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "If your victim can see through the trick immediately...well, what is the point?"

"What do you know about April fools day?" Said Tegan.

The Doctor tapped the side of his nose secretively. "Ahh, that would be telling." He said.

"D'you know what this sounds like to me?" Adric said to Tegan.

"Do I look like a mind reader?" Said Tegan.

"Alright, there's no need to be quite so rude." Said Adric, feigning hurt. "I was sounds like the Doctor is challenging our pranking abilities..."

Tegan's eyes lit up.

"Maybe I am." Said the Doctor, grinning.

"Oh, you're on!" Said Tegan.
At this moment, Nyssa wandered into the console room, carrying a notebook which she was frantically scribbling in. She looked up at their mischievous expressions and groaned.

"Oh no, what are you doing now?" She sighed.

"April Fools day!" Said Adric.

"What's that?" Nyssa asked.

"It's an Earth celebration." Said Tegan.

"They get to play jokes on each other for a whole morning. Why didn't we have any festivals like that?" Adric added.

"Well, you'll get your chance tomorrow." The Doctor grinned. "Give us all a good few hours to plan...."

Nyssa groaned. This was not going to end well.

This is based on my headcanon that the Doctor somehow caused April Fools Day : ) 

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!

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