The Sun, Moon & Stars [GxGxG]

By TheNewLivingWriter

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One complicated relationship. Two converging timelines. Three beautiful women. What secrets will be revealed... More

1. King of Queens (Part I)
2. King of Queens (Part II)
3. Before the Big Bang
4. Family Affairs
5. Woman of the People
6. A Rock & A Hard Place
7. Galaxies Apart
8. The Secret to Coping
10. A Deadly Alliance
11. Guilty Pleasures
12. Paradigm (Part I)

9. Chancing Change

51 4 0
By TheNewLivingWriter

Friday, November 8th, 2024

Aurora's POV

My nails hammer relentlessly against my desk as I count down the seconds until lunch, but food is the furthest thing from my mind. When the clock strikes one, I bolt out the door and up to Xenia's floor. I was one of the few who had access to it unconditionally.

I enter the head honcho's private space without warning, but she appears to have been expecting me, and by that, I mean too preoccupied to be bothered.

"Miss James. What can I do for you?"

After securing the door, I take up the seat across from her. "We need to talk."

Xenia immediately stops what she's doing. "What happened? Is something wrong? Are you okay? Is it Dev? Is she okay?"

"What? No, she's fine. Nothing's wrong. I'm good."

"Jesus, Rory, don't scare me like that!"

I wince. "Sorry, sorry."

"Out with it then. What do you want?"

Her testiness had me grinning. "I wanted to run something by you, is all. See, I was thinking about visiting the old hag," I reveal.

"Old h - you mean Dr. Rivera?"

"That's what I said."

Xenia scowls. "Call her by name, Aurora, or not at all. Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

It was as if she could sense me getting turned on. "Get the hell out of my office."

"Nia, wai-"

"Goodbye, Aurora."

"Come with me," I blurt out.

"Why? For what?"

"I didn't come here to get an 'okay' from you about going to therapy. I came to convince you to do it with me. Dev was right, Nia, and we owe it to her to try. Who knows, maybe she'll let us join her."

The CEO seems conflicted. "I don't know, Rory. Do you think we're ready for that? I mean, it's a pretty big step, and it's only been a little over a week."

"Space can only do so much, babe. The next steps we must take aren't ones we can do alone. That's what fucked us over in the first place - trying to deal separately when we should've been there for each other."

"...You're right."

My heart soars. "So you'll do it?"

"Of course, but I think we should talk to Dev first and see about tagging along for a session," Nia suggests. "I don't want to spring anything on her, you know?"

"That's smart. When do you wanna...?"

"Let's bring it to her this weekend."

"Okay," I agree. "This is good."

"Yeah?" Nia reaches out for reassurance, and I give it to her: a gentle squeeze of her hand and a warm smile.

"Hell yeah."


Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Devereaux's POV

"Dev! Breakfast is ready!"

I intended to spend the morning wasting away in bed, but Roman's call had me switching priorities. I jump up, startling the sleeping feline at the end of the bed, and make a break for the kitchen, bursting onto an unlikely scene. My best friend stood over the table, pan in hand, actively serving two other women.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Good morning to you, too," Roman snorts. "Care to join?"

"Hold that thought," is what I say before turning on my heels; the next five or so minutes I spend freshening up and then reappear.

I sit where he's prepped a plate loaded with a veggie omelet, which just so happened to be in between Aurora and Xenia, whose presence was wholly unexpected, at least on my end. Normally, I didn't mind surprises, but this one was... different.

"Roman, what is this?"

"Aurora and Xenia wanted to talk to you about something, and I think you should hear them out," he says.

It was bold of them to come here, and the fact that they managed to get through to him, so much so that he'd vouch for them, spoke volumes. Roman even goes as far as giving us the room.

"A heads up would've been nice," I grumble. "Did something happen?"

My lovers exchange a loaded stare. Then, Nia says, "We're going to start going to therapy."


"So much for not springing it on her," AJ chuckles over the rim of her mug.

"We both agreed that it would be best to get help," Nia continues. "Rory made a good point: seeking out a professional would've been the best course of action, as opposed to trying to sort through it ourselves. We realize that now, and Dev, you realized it before either of us."

"That doesn't explain why you're here. Why come to me? What were you hoping for? My approval? My praise? My blessing?"

"We came to ask if you'd be willing to let us come with you," AJ says hesitantly. "Just for one session."

I glance rapidly back and forth between them. "You... you're serious?"

They nod. "There isn't an ulterior motive here, Dev," Nia assures. "We just want to get better, and eventually, when the time is right, maybe we can try this again."

"It's something we should've done a long time ago; if we had, our relationship would have got to this point," AJ adds. "You were right, D, and we're sorry. We have no right to ask this of you, but please give us a chance. Let us prove to you that we're capable of change."

Raw emotion tightens my throat, stopping me from voicing countless thoughts.

"Say yes!" Roman shouts from the depths of his home.

The three of us break into a laughing fit, which eases the remaining tension. What's left is a feeling I'd since forgotten.


"...Okay. Let's do it."

Xenia buckles under the weight of sheer relief while AJ rejoices; however, both instinctively move to take me up in their arms, and I welcome it. The long-awaited warmth of their embraces brings tears to my eyes. Nia wipes them as quickly as they fall, and AJ smothers my brow in fervent kisses.

"I-I'm sorry," I cry. "I shouldn't have tried to push you two away. I was just so upset with everything going on, and-"

"We know, honey," Nia murmurs. "You did what you had to do."

"It's okay, princess. We're not mad at you, we promise," AJ soothes.

I sink further into their touch and breathe in their scents, uttering, "I missed you guys."

"We missed you, too, babe," says Aurora.

"You have no idea," adds Xenia.

A tender moment is interrupted by none other than my best friend, who joins our hug with a content sigh. "This is great."


He releases us, grinning wide. "What?"

Try as I might, I couldn't be mad at the man, and neither could they.

"Hey, we appreciate you for letting us do this," Aurora thanks.

"And for hearing us out," says Nia.

"Of course. I should also apologize for what I said. It wasn't my place to come at you like that. I'm sorry."

"We understand. You've only ever done right by Dev, which is more than we can say as of lately," Nia sighs. "We know it wasn't from a place of malice but out of concern for a friend, and let's face it - you weren't wrong."

"So we're cool?"

AJ punches his arm. "Yeah, man. We're cool."


"Dev, honey."

"Yes, Nia?"

"Go get dressed," she hums, brushing my hair from my face. "Rory and I want to take you out."

I jump at the offer. "Okay!"

"Out where?" Roman asks.

"Just to hang... or something," AJ replies, smirking.

Or something? I liked the sound of that.

"Uh-huh. Make sure you have her back by dinner."

"What?" I gawk.

"We will," Nia promises.

"Excuse me - do I get a say in this?"

"No," they answer simultaneously.

Baffled, I leave them to get ready and end up in a sweatsuit with my hair messily tied up. "Okay," I chirp. "Let's go."

"You three have fun," Roman calls after us.

"We will! Bye, Rome, love you."

"Love you, too."

"Where are we going?" I ask on our way to the car.

"It's a surprise," AJ tells me.

"You don't know, do you?"

She shushes me and opens the door for us. Nia and I slip into the back of the Nissan while AJ gets in the driver's seat. The brown-skinned woman casually rests a hand on my thigh and caresses the skin as we drive. Her touch sparks a flame of desire deep inside me and suddenly, all I could think about was her taking me in the back of this car.

I subconsciously press my legs together, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Xenia smirk. In front of us, AJ adjusts the mirror to look at us.

"Y'all good?"

Xenia smiles. "Fantastic."


"Yes, Daddy."

Aurora's eyes flash as she fixates them on the road ahead. "Good, princess. I'm glad."

Nia leans over and pecks my cheek.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"Do I need a reason to show my girlfriend affection?"

I'd forgotten how nice of a ring the title had to it.

"No," I mumble, slightly flustered. "Can I have more?"

Xenia grabs my jaw in response and puts her lips on mine. I moan on contact and open my legs, allowing her hand to dip further in between my thighs. When her fingers press into me, I whimper against her mouth, whereas she groans, establishing dominance quickly.

"Hey, you two," AJ interrupts, causing us to break apart.

Annoyance and arousal roll off Xenia in waves. "What?"

"Save some for the rest of us, yeah?"


"Xenia," AJ warns. "Don't make me pull this car over."

She focuses on me, wiping away any smudging from my lips, and mutters, "Don't threaten me with a good time."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, Daddy."

"Uh-huh," AJ grumbles, making me giggle.

Nia caresses my cheek and stares adoringly at me. "My precious girl..."

My self-consciousness isn't given a chance to manifest as AJ chides, "Our."

"Yeah, yeah," Xenia agrees halfheartedly, readjusting in her seat.

A whine rises in my throat when she moves, but I bite it back. We chat idly for the next few minutes until arriving at King's Manor.

"What are we doing here?"

"I was thinking of a redo on breakfast," AJ chuckles. "No offense to Roman, but his cooking left much to be desired."

"He's getting better," I defend.

"Maybe, but you're not getting any better than me."

"No one's better than you at cooking, Rory."

Ass-kissing aside, I genuinely believed that to be true. She was a wizard in the kitchen.

"Keep talking," she coos.

Xenia rolls her eyes for the umpteenth time that morning, but the fond smile on her lips betrays her. "Let's just go in and eat."

"Yes, ma'am." AJ parks in the front and ushers us out. "My ladies."

Such profound treatment was a norm, as Aurora tended to embody chivalry itself and took pleasure in it. We did, too, of course, but mainly because something about it just made her look so sexy. The opening and closing of doors, the assisting with stairs, the slight bows and hand kisses - everything.

When we're in, Nia splits off to use the restroom while AJ and I linger in the living room. She was on me in an instant. Scratch that; I was on her.

The woman lifts me and falls on the couch, where I sit with each of my legs on either side of hers. She gazes up at me, but it wasn't her usual smug, lighthearted stare. This one was intense, and her firm grip on my backside triggered a physical reaction. She purposefully squeezes, enjoying the way I squirm and whimper against her. My core trembles with anticipation.


"Yes, princess," she answers softly. "What's wrong?"


Aurora presses our bodies together and grinds her hips into my center. "Yeah? You sure about that?"


I wrap my arms around her neck and bring my face so close our noses brush, panting. "Please. I-I need..."

"Say it," AJ orders. "Use your words."

"Kiss me. Please, kiss me," I beg.

It was like flipping a switch. One minute, she's gentle and encouraging; the next, she's overpowering me. Our position changes in the blink of an eye. Aurora picks me up and lays me flat, crawling on top of me - her mouth on mine the entire time.

I release a moan when her teeth catch my bottom lip. My hands fumble with the zipper of her jacket while she tugs at the hem of my sweatpants.

"Ahem." We break apart in a daze. Leaning on the doorway was Nia. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"Never that," AJ grunts. "Come here."

Xenia cocks a brow. "What happened to breakfast?"

"I think I'm craving something else now."

"Is that right?" They look at me with heated desire, and my body might as well have gone up in flames. "What should we do to her, Rory?"

"What we always do: have our way."

Fuck yes.


Monday, November 11th, 2024

"Good evening, all."

I'm the one to speak for the group. "Good evening, doctor."

To either side of me sits each of my lovers - Xenia, who fidgets nervously, and Aurora, who slouches unenthusiastically. Their behavior was not only discouraging but somewhat embarrassing.

So much for trying.

Penélope's expression contorts into one I'd never seen and shifts to the woman on my right. "Good evening, Miss King."

"Uh, good evening, Dr. Rivera."

Then, to the one on my left, she greets. "Good evening, Miss James."

"Sure it is, Penélope," Aurora sneers, earning a glare from Xenia and me. She straightens up as a result and tries again. "Good evening. Thank you for having us."

"Yes, thank you," Nia adds. "We understand this was abrupt."

"Believe me; this arrangement wasn't unexpected. I was happy to oblige when Miss Hunt contacted me. With the way we have progressed, adding you two to the mix seemed like the next best course of action."

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?"

Penélope meets the skepticism with grace. "Well, Miss James, you and Miss King's perspectives are needed at this point."

"What do you mean, doctor?" Xenia asks.

"Perhaps your lover could explain."

They look to me.

"Uh, so basically, over the past few weeks, I've been telling her the story. Bit by bit," I tell them. "My story, and ours, but I could only relay so much because you have your sides as well. Which is where you two come into play."

AJ glances back and forth between Penélope and me. "Wait a minute - just how much have you told this old bat?"

"Aurora," Nia warns through gritted teeth. "Please excuse her, doctor."

She dismisses the insult with a wave. "It's nothing I haven't heard before. To answer Miss James's question - we've reached the point of you all's attempts to get each other fired."

Both my lovers wince.

"But before we get into that," Penélope starts. "I want to discuss every point leading up to this moment through you two's eyes. Starting from when you, Aurora, first moved back to the US, all the way to when you first met Devereaux."

"Are you two comfortable with that?" I ask.

"Do we have a choice?" AJ scoffs. Nia reaches across the space to thump her in the ear. "Ouch! Okay, fine! Let's just get it over with already."

"You may begin whenever you're ready, Miss James."


Wednesday, December 1st, 2019
(1,807 Days Ago...)

Aurora's POV

The breath I take is one of relief when I step off the jet and onto solid ground.

"Feels good to be back," I sigh to no one in particular. Chilled air makes the nostalgia entirely less enjoyable. "Damn, it's cold."

My beloved father abruptly pushes past me. "Come. Our driver awaits."

Luggage in hand, we make our way down the strip and towards a black SUV. Leaning against it was a familiar, smiling face.

Anvi King.

She looked just as surprised to see me. "Aurora?"

I race to embrace her. "Hey! Long time no see."

"I can't believe it!" She pulls back to take me in. "Look at you! I wasn't expecting-"

"It was a last-minute decision," intercedes my father. "Thank you for coming to get us."

"Yeah, thanks."

Anvi dips her head. "Of course. Let's get out of this cold, hm?"

My dad takes our bags and puts them in the trunk while Anvi and I climb into the car. "How's your girl?" I ask the entrepreneur.

"She's still herself," sighs Anvi. "Some days are better than others, but any day I get to interact with my daughter is a good day."

I know that's right.

"And your boy?"

"He's well. Still as sweet as ever," she tells me.

"Not surprised," I remark.

"I love how you talk about them like you're their elder."

"Aren't I, though?"

"It's good to see you haven't lost your spark," Anvi chuckles.

The moment passes as soon as my father climbs into the passenger seat. His stoic demeanor absorbs the lighthearted atmosphere and replaces it with gloom.

I lean back and zone out while they engage in a very boring conversation. There was one individual in particular that weighed heavily on my mind: a woman who often consumed every waking thought.

She was as ruthless as she was beautiful, conniving, cold, and fluent in sarcasm. Her heart had been replaced with a black hole, her silver tongue imbued with poison. She was rough around the edges in every sense except physical because the woman was curvy but all that beauty she kept out of arms reach from just about everyone. She was slow to trust and quick to cuss anyone out.

Xenia Janelle King. My best friend, ladies and gentlemen.

Our relationship is about as rocky as they come. Some might call it toxic, but hey, you'll never hear me complain. Not when it came to her.

We had history; she and I - like known each other our whole lives type - from diapers to pantsuits. It wasn't always like this, though, nor was she, but everything changed when her father died tragically. That same summer, my family moved back to the Philippines. We ended up falling out for a while. In her grief, Nia was looking for someone to blame and took her anger out on everyone, including me. During those years apart, she hardened, but I managed to get past her walls. Since then, we've developed a very... interesting dynamic.

I'd say we were in a decent spot now. We've kept in touch this past year. Like Anvi, Xenia was also unaware of my presence in the States. She wasn't one for surprises. Hopefully, this would be the exception.


I perk up. "Yes, ma'am?"

"We're here, sweetheart," Anvi announces. She and I let my father handle the heavy lifting. "Xae, Nia! Get down here!"

My chest tightens with anticipation. Xavier is the first of the twins to turn up. His jaw drops when he spots me.

"No fucking way." He slides down the railing and gives me an endearing bro-hug. "What's up?"

"Nothin' much, man," I chuckle. "You look good."

Xavier grins. "Thanks. So do you."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Still as cocky as ever," echos a feminine voice. Atop the stairs, Xenia stares down at us, her expression neutral. "What are you doing here, James?"

"Sorry, what?" I call. "Can't hear ya'!"

She rolls her eyes and reluctantly descends. "I said, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Xenia," Anvi sighs. "Is that any way to greet a friend?"

The hazel-eyed woman looks me up and down, scoffing, "Is the friend in the room with us?"


"That's low, King, even for you."

"Nothing's too low for me, James."

Identical smiles stretch our lips simultaneously.

"It's good to see you, Nia."

"Wish I could say the same," she sniffs. "But I've never been fond of surprises, AJ."

"That makes two of us this time. Trust me when I say this was unexpected on both our ends."

Anvi and Xenia mirror each other's confused and worried looks, but before they can ask, in tumbles, my father, his hands full.


"On it," he says. "Where do you want them?"

"It's late, so for now, set them up in the spares here," Anvi orders. "Tomorrow, we'll move them to the guest house."

"Sure thing, mom."

My father and Xenia exchange brief nods while the boys take the luggage. Then, my best friend abruptly dismisses herself, knowing I'd follow, and I do, but not before dipping my head to Anvi. I close the door behind us when we enter Xenia's room. Her back remains turned to me as she goes to the window.

I approach her slowly, coming to stand so close behind her that our bodies brush. She melts into me, crumbling under my touch. It felt good to be able to hold her finally. Xenia was home for me. With her, I was comfortable, safe, happy, and at peace. My being here was unforeseen on both our ends, yes, but it definitely fits the 'blessing in disguise' criteria.

"Took you long enough," Xenia mutters.

"I know, baby, I'm sorry," I sigh. "I expected to come back, but I had no idea it would happen this soon. Just last week, I was attending 'CEO 101' with my mom. The next thing I know, Dad's arguing for me to come on this trip with him."

Xenia faces me. "Did he explain why?"

"Yeah, but you can't bullshit a bullshitter. He's up to something; I just don't know what."

"I think I do," she says. "Studio Janelle is a go."

Holy shit.

"That lady," I laugh, overjoyed. "She did it. This is huge."

Xenia flashes a smile. "Uh-huh. We've been busy making preparations for the last couple of months."


"Yep. She put Xae and I on the board."

"I know that's right. Congrats, babe," I praise. "You're gonna do great."


So humble.

"You know what I love about you?"

I note the way she stiffens at my word choice but manages a smug response. "What, besides everything?"

I roll my eyes. "I was going to say your humility. Jesus, and you've got the nerve to call me cocky."

"You are," Nia argues. "I'm only this way with you, James. You're that way with everyone all the time. There's a difference."

"Yeah, right. Whatever," I grumble.

Xenia smirks and kisses the pout off my lips. "You're cute."

I was going to initiate something more, but she broke away. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. We just need to have a serious conversation before we get carried away." Xenia gestures for me to sit and waits until I do to begin. "For the last couple of months, we've been trying to assemble the board. We currently have four members. My mother, myself, Xavier, and a woman by the name of Penéope Rivera, who is, like your father, a long-time associate of my mom's."

The last name I knew because of my father. He wasn't a fan. Why? I couldn't tell you.

She continues, "I have reason to believe that you and Ren will be added to our ranks, as well as one other individual."

"What? But that... that doesn't make any sense."

"You're right," Xenia concurs solemnly. "Knowing my mom, she'll ask and relay the details, but I just wanted to give you a heads up."

Anger sparks inside me, but I keep it at bay.

My 'dear father' was a man of many mysteries and tended to keep people in the dark, all while pulling the strings behind the scenes. His manipulative tactics knew no bounds, as he was as power-hungry as they came. I was no exception, but merely a playing card in his game, a pawn to be used as he saw fit. This is how it's been since I was born. The late Dakoeta King was more of a father to me than Ren Del Rosario ever was.

It wasn't fair...



"Are you alright?"

I rub the creases from my brow and try on a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Xenia wasn't buying it. She plops down on my lap, taking my face in her hands and searching it. "Don't lie to me. Please."

"I don't know what to make of all this," I admit. "Or of him."

"I think Ren means well."

"If that were true, why be so secretive?" My tone was sharper than intended and directed towards her, but she didn't take it to heart.

"You're right, but whatever he's hiding will come to light. My mother will make sure of it," reassures my best friend. "Do you regret coming?"

"What? No, of course not. Nia, I've wanted nothing more than to be with you for the last five years. Those two years we didn't talk were the longest of my life, and the past three we spent patching things up only added to it."

I observed her body language and could see she wasn't completely comforted by my admission. "Be with me?"

"Yeah, like-"

Xenia stands suddenly. "Aurora, what do you think this is? What do you think we are?"

"We're friends, but-"

"Yes, we are friends. Nothing more."

Wait, what?

"I know that, Nia, I meant be together as in be there for one another."

"How?" She asks, crossing her arms.

I, too, rise, feeling the crushing weight of reality settle in. "Listen, I just want to be here for you now because I wasn't then."

"We can't be anything more than what we are now, Rory. Not with everything going on and everything that's about to start. If you're brought on - which you most likely will be - mom won't go for it. Not to mention, we just... wouldn't work."


"You know - how we are and how we've been - it can't get any deeper or go any further. It wouldn't work between us."


Xenia might as well have reached into my chest and ripped out my heart. Nothing she said I didn't already know, but it still hurt. I thought it'd be easier than this to settle, I mean.

"I'm here for you however you want me to be. As a friend, someone to listen, or someone to distract you," I say weakly. "Anything you need, Nia, I've got you."

Regret flashes behind hazel eyes. "I'm not saying this to hurt you, Rory, I... I care about you."


Nia stops me when I try to step away, grabbing my shirt and pulling me in. "Please, don't."

"Don't what?" I scoff.

"Don't leave," she begs. "Please."

My heart aches. "Don't... Y-You can't do that. You can't-"

She forces her lips against mine in a bruising kiss. I knew what this was, but it felt too good. I could never deny Xenia King, so instead, I poured all my pain into her. It overpowers her. When I suck her bottom lip, she moans; the sound gives way to a whimper as I slip my tongue into her open mouth.

We kiss one another breathlessly and end up panting with our foreheads pressed together. Xenia strokes my cheek, brushing away a tear I wasn't aware had fallen. She utters but a few simple words, and yet, they mean everything to me.

"I've got you, too, Aurora. I promise."



"She had you alright," Devereaux chuckles.

"Yeah. She did," I grunt, glancing at a Nia, who doesn't meet my eye. "In more ways than one."

"Please elaborate," Penélope invites.

"We lived on the estate for a week with the Kings. Nia did as promised and kept me in the loop, so when Anvi came to me asking if I'd join the team a couple of months later, I accepted. Nia and I had talked it up until that point. I was ready, but there were still recruitments to be made. Scarlett Adams was one of them."

Beside me, Dev tenses. I didn't blame her.

"Scarlett really came out of nowhere. See, my father has always had people everywhere, and I guess her parents were associates of his. I'd met her only a few times at that point. Eventually, when she was of age, she took up their place and became an underling of his who he saw fit enough to propose to be brought on. Anvi did, but not to fulfill the position we thought she was more than qualified for. Not to mention, she and Xavier's budding romance killed any chance she had at a promotion."

Penélope licks her finger and flips to a fresh page. "How was your relationship with Scarlett?"

Both my lovers' gazes snap at me. The pressure from their stares has me nervously scratching my neck. "Uh, it was cool for the most part."

"Um, no, she was obsessed with you."

"As I suspected," sniffs the therapist before I can argue.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"They're right, Rory. It was pretty obvious," Dev snorts.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," I groan. "So the girl had a little crush on me, so what?"

Dr. Rivera looks at me over the edge of her glasses. "How did that transpire?"

"It didn't. The most we did was flirt, and that was because Nia would have random episodes where she'd ice me out. Sorry, babe."

The woman I mentioned crosses her arms, mumbling. "It's fine."

I'd make it up to her later.

"Anyways, this went on for about a year and a half. Scarlett ended up catching feelings, and it got to the point where I had to reject her. After that, it got awkward, so I just started ghosting and ignoring her. I always felt like she didn't completely get over it, though."

"Why?" Penélope inquires.

"The looks."

"I got them, too," Xenia adds.

"Do you think she suspected something?"

"You know Scarlett, doc. She's no dummy," I sigh. "There's a chance she could've, but by then, the company was preparing for launch, and the missing piece had been found."

A moment of silence passes... and then we look at her.



Friday, October 29th, 2021

"I'm aware of how long you all have anticipated this moment, and you'll be happy to know that our search has ended. Allow me to introduce to you our newest confrère... Amelia Hunt!"

Well, shit.

"Good afternoon," says the woman who was slightly bowed to us. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to working with you."

"You're kidding, right?" Xenia scoffs, only for Anvi to give her a look and bring the newcomer forward.

"Amelia, this is my daughter, Xenia. You'll have to excuse her. She can be a bit close-minded."



"She's not wrong," I laugh. "Come on, Nia, loosen up."

"Stay out of this, James," hisses my best friend.

The inter-workings of SJC's pre-launch operations had us all on edge. We'd gone from stressing to find someone who fit the bill to being offered a stranger. It was shocking, but then again, nothing surprised me when it came to Anvi. I also trusted her, which is more than her daughter could say right about now.

"Yeah, right. You can't just-"

"Aurora," interrupts my father. "Enough. She is right to be concerned."

I try and fail to stop my eyes from rolling. "Oh, come on. Seriously, Dad?"

The back and forth continues, but I'm too preoccupied with her contribution. Amelia Hunt. She was easily one of the most attractive people I'd ever seen, which said a lot that I was able to deduct, considering part of her face was covered with this outrageous pair of Stevie Wonder shades. Then again, this was a fashion corporation.

Amelia was of decent height and pale but not pasty. She had the reddest hair I'd ever scene and freckles for days the same shade. The green dress she wore complimented her skin tone and build.

Oh wow.

Don't get me wrong, Xenia had me wrapped around her finger, but how could I say no to someone who looked like that? I wanted to get to know Amelia, one board member to another. Anvi didn't allow fraternizing, and Xenia wouldn't tolerate funny business. Then there was me, someone who is little work, lots of play and to that I say:

Let the games... begin!


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Stay tuned. Until next time!

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