Paradox of A Potential Human

By su1cid_in_a_Nutshe1L

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╔══ஓ๑人間失格๑ஓ══╗ What does it feel like to truly be human? Can someone who feels emotions just like everyone el... More

- ♤ Pt. 1 ♤ -

「Sneak Peek」

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By su1cid_in_a_Nutshe1L

Screaming... Yelling... Swearing... Banging...

Those... are the noises I hear constantly... within my own house...

There's never a moment of peace... I never get a break. The only time I feel light and free, not weighed down by my ever growing sorrow and depression, is when I'm asleep...

I sleep so much more than usual nowadays. I used to be up bright and early every morning to watch TV. 6 a.m. every weekend. Now... I sleep in until 11. If it wasn't for my mom waking me up, I'd sleep all day.

Why should I get up when I don't have a valid reason to live?

If no one treats me like a human being, why should I wake up in the first place? Why should I continue to live in a world where no one appreciates me, and God himself forgets about me in his own glory? Why should I continue on in a world on only pain and suffering, one where I'm not even human anymore..? just a freak that everyone loves to hate.

I'm no longer human to anyone, just an object for everyone's hate. Does this object talk? According to them, no. It does, but it doesn't get heard. None of its cries of pain, begging for a way out of the sorrow, are ever heard. Not even by God himself. It's like screaming into an empty void.

So why... in this world of a million possibilities, was I the object of all this hatred? The hatred of my own family, my own friends, my own self. Why was I dealt the back end of God's hand and given so little?

Some things I will never understand... like why two individuals so alike, such as twins... are treated so differently... and given such differences as well.

Why would two sisters, both with the same appearance of dark brown hair and brown eyes, the same freckles on their face, the same glint in their eyes, even the same voice... are given so much, versus so little... One given the world... love, affection, and everything wanted and needed... and one given almost nothing, close to having to fight to survive.

Twins of the same blood, the same clan, the same origin... treated like they are two completely different species... one an angel of heaven, given everything her heart could desire... and one... a creature that isn't even human, not deserving of anything... not even living.

How could one's own mother... the woman that brought these supposed bundles of joy into this oxidizing world... the woman supposed to love, cherish, and care for her children... be so biased towards her own precious descendants?

How could one's own father... the man supposed to shape one's character and morals... supposed to love, entertain through uneventful times, and carry in a strong, loving arm through the dark... be so uncaring... Not even bothering enough to show up to a simple ballgame...

Why do regular people... have to go through so much pain? What did I do to deserve this? Or maybe... I myself truly am not human... Could it be possible that everyone sees something that I don't? Perhaps I am just a simple freak of nature, and I don't even know it?

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