Sinful Dragon(Helluvaboss/Haz...

By Swimmuffin

7.8K 127 67

Y/n, The powerful Dragon sin of Desolation, a ring of Immense power and strength He is the first dragon that... More

Y/n's Bio
Harem 1
Harem 2
The Cat 1-
Resurrected Champion/The Other Child

(Prologe)The Beginning/My Little Star/The Hazbin Hotel

1.1K 17 13
By Swimmuffin

Intro Above: Monster by Imagine Dragons

Millions of years ago

The Forgotten Tale Of Y/n and Lilith

One Cold Night When Lilith and Adam were alone Lilith heard a loud crash sounded like lightning striking the ground she told Adam

Lilith: Adam, did you here that?

Adam:(Drowsy and Lazy)

Lilith: Adam!

He then woke and Stated

Adam: What?! I'm so tired whatever it is just go check it out(Lies back down) and leave me the fuck (Yawns) alone.

Lilith sad and in anger stormed off to see what the sound was as she moved the bushes away and branches she heard a Monsterus Roar, When She then got close and moved the bushes and saw a 6ft 4 dragon man with black scales, red eyes, horns and wearing some kind of waist piece

She notices him speaking a different language and his wing was stuck under a fallen tree

???: Uslska dûo-sky ulskûn ges-cûl da ba fal ulgor doofân, da foylaâan!
(In dragon: Damn angels blocking my path, getting my fuckin wing stuck!)

He struggled to get his wing free then kneeled crying and Cursing a name

???: Cres Fata Al-du-in(crys) yuo escol duo dl-e s-ol...
(In dragon: Why Father Alduin you abandon your son so.)

He kneeled crying as Lilith stealthy freed his wing he then noticed her and growls and flew away into the clouds she was frightened but Intrigued of her new friend the next morning she tried to find him she found a animal with half of its body chewed and half eaten she follows the corpses and it Leaded To a cave They had a waterfall and a little river she then ducked and noticed her dragon friend again she notices him taking off his waist revealing his massive shlong, she blushes so red she even blends with apples she notices him getting in the water and cleaning himself washing the blood dirt and grime off of him she notices his back needed cleaning also so she stealthy get in the water without him noticing and get really close to him and starts to wash his back he then notices her washing his back and cleaning his wings he looks at her strange like but is curious as well and took Interest in her. Why she would be so brave to help out a monster like him, but she asked

Lilith: I didn't get your name my friend im Lilith, whats yours?

Y/n: Ƴ/ŋ...

He said trying to speak English

So they made a thing once a day when Adam would stuff his face or do whatever he was doing, they would explore the world, each other and the rest of the island Y/n would be easy cuz he has wings, they grew more then friends she even taught him how to speak English, but one day when they were under a tree Y/n was about to kiss Lilith but then took notice that Lilith was unhappy he asked while Caressing her cheek (carefully cuz he had claws).

Y/n: Lilith, What's wrong?

Lilith: Oh Y/n, This is one of the happiest times I've been with you, I just wish that we could be together.

Y/n: We can, why not now?

Lilith: Oh- but what if Adam finds out?

Y/n: Hmpf, That fat utter ignoramus Barely pays any attention to you You are a lady, You need a real man to look after you, Not some schoolboy who wants to just rock and roll and Stuff his face full of garbage, I love you Lilith I I'm willing to make this work if you are?

He kneeld and holding something in his hand, Silence enters and just as Y/n was about to say something

Y/n: Lilith, will You-


Y/n: Gaah!-

Lilith:(Coverd in blood, Gasps and covers her mouth and stands back)

He was stabbed in the heart with a sharp stick behind him was Adam holding the stick as he was gagging and coughing up blood Adam had this to say

Adam: That's what you get for stealing my bitch, you black winged freak!

Adam then pulls the stick out of Y/n and kicks him to the ground. Lilith then Grabs Y/n as he falls to the ground and drops a black ring he made, she watches as his crimson red eyes go white as he dies in her arms Adam then grabs Liliths arm and takes her back and Kicks Y/n off into a deep dark hole for him to die, but he didn't truly die he was kneeling and chained to pillars, while rocks were holding him down on his back, he was in Hell to be tormented laughed at by imps mocked at and cursed at and whipped and endured the torment forever, at first he thought he could be redeemed by God himself and be with Lilith, it kept him going and kept him alive... but as some years past he was filled with a rage in him so he escaped hell and helped a village that worshiped the God Rapu the bringer of light, they asked Y/n, to find them food and he would but as the years go by the village perished, but he goes on, he hears a whisper and gets to and island and stumbled and fell on something sharp but it immediately healed the wound, he see's fruit and gobbled half but packed the rest until a voice was heard

???: Ah, what do we have here?

It was the mighty God Rapu the bringer of light,

Rapu: Look at it, it gobbled up half my fruit and stealing the rest.

Y/n: You... Your Rapu, The bringer of light.

Rapu: Oh its one of mi- Oh wait, your not one of mine, who or what are you?

Y/n: My name is Y/n, Son of Alduin, and I helped your followers and disciples, they lost everything there life is lost, but I found you and you'll give them and me there eternal reward, as was your promise.

Rapu: (Chuckles) You hear that(Turns to the creatures) he thinks there is an eternal reward(Laughing)

They all laughed at Y/n as he looked confused and then Rapu said

Rapu: Oh no no sorry there no Eternal reward for them or you, you damn Dog!

He throws Fruit at him As Y/n asked

Y/n: Then why are you celebrating?!

Rapu: Well what we're celebrating is fresh kill.

Y/n turns to see a dead darkish blue figure with Tattoos and a dark sword at its side

Rapu: We just Vanquished the holder of the Necrosword, before he could harm any other gods with that cursed blade, he threatened to end my entire empire.

Y/n: Your Followers said that your empire ended, there's no one left to worship you.

Rapu: There'll be more followers to replace them, there always are.

Y/n: They suffered, They starved, a little girl died in your name, I died because of the first human, I was sacrificed to a god, i died... for love.

Rapu: And well you should, suffering for your gods is your only purpose, there's nothing for you after death, except death.

He looks at Rapu in anger and said

Y/n: You are no God! And I renounce you and every God who is like you!

He then feels insulted and Got up and chokes Y/n with one hand as he lifts him up into the air as Y/n struggles as Rapu Strangles him with one hand

Rapu: Now your meaningless life finally does have a purpose, dragon, to sacrifice yourself to me!


Then a dark voice was heard

???: Do you wish to kill your foes, Slay Adam and be reunited with your beloved?

Y/n: Yes...(Choking)

???: Then My scaly friend take this sword and Butcher every God who never heard your crys your pleads and will stand in your way.

He looks to the ground as he was getting strangled, a sword rose from the shadows and afew more voices were hear

¿?¿: Take it, Take it, Take it, it is revenge you seek.

?¿?: Kill them all, Kill them all, Kill them all, Kill them all, Kill them all.

¿‽: Vengeance! Death upon death! Destroy them! Kill Zeus, Humiliate Adam, Destroy Asgard, Go to eternity, Kill all the Gods.

?!¿: KILL HIM!!!


Rapu:(Gasps,bleeding from the neck)

With out warning he grabbed it and stabbed it in his neck as gold blood exits his neck, Rapu lets him go, all the creatures see it happen and run away and disappear, Rapu noticed and looked upon Y/n standing before him in a deathly haze, and the weapon he was holding and recognized it, it was the Necrosword.

Rapu: The sword chose you... You are now cursed.

Y/n: Funny thing Light God, I don't feel cursed.

He the takes the sword out of his neck

Y/n: I feel powerful.

He now raises it, and makes his vow as Rapu looks worried and terrified

Y/n: For this sword is my vow.

He looks at Rapu with a deadly look

Y/n: All Gods will die.

He then swings the sword down on the Rapu's neck severing his head from his shoulders, and that was the first god who Died at the hands of the First Dragon who became The God Butcher One his many titles as a king of hell, Time went by and Y/n killed God's as he created a ring of hell for himself he called it "Desolation" for those who have the desire for and came for strength

(When hell was formed and Lilith and Lucifer got Divorced She immediately remarried and married the one she loved Y/n, and raising Charlie together)

We see a little Charlie reading the Forgotten story of Y/n and her mother and Y/n's first kill, after she was done she goes through her stepfather's stuff. She finds a book. That looks like has a face on it.

Little Charile: Ugh, what an ugly book.

???: Charlie!

She turns to see her stepfather Y/n as he quickly takes the book away from her and picks her up with one hand

Y/n: What are you doing in here my little star?

Little Charile: I was just reading your story papa.

Y/n:(Worried) How much did you read?

Little Charile: All of it even the part with a shlong, what's a shlong?

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle a little bit

Y/n: You don't need too worry about that honey, besides if I tell you your mother would kill me. Even if you open this one.

Little Charile: What book is that Papa?

Y/n: it's a book I send to earth once a year, it- let's just say it's a bad bad book.

Little Charile: Ooooh, hey papa, do you have dreams? Like daddy?

Y/n: Yes, You and your mother are my dreams.

Little Charile: Awww, papa loves us, papa loves us, papa loves us.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah. What's your dream honey?

Little Charile: you'd think it's dumb.

Y/n: Try me sweets.

Little Charile: I wanna make a hotel to redeem sinners so that they can ascend into heaven, that way the won't die at any extermination days.

Y/n wouldn't believe it but he also thought maybe Charile can make a difference though she wasn't his blood she could do something he could not

Y/n: Well Char Char... I would have to see it to believe it... but stranger things have happened before and I believe you will try and if you want i'll be there for you.

Charlie then hugs her stepfather

Little Charile: I love you papa.

Y/n: I... I love you too sweetheart.

Present day

(Y/n's Pov)

I saw how Katie killjoy shund my stepdaughters dreamI was gliding above in my dragon form and went to visit my daughter and help her out

(Dragon Form)

I get to the hotel witch looks amazingly done I land and turn to my real form and knock on the door and opened the door was and əxºřçï§ţ Sinner answered

Y/n: Hel-

She slammed the door and then reopened it

Y/n: -lo.

She then slammed it again

Y/n: Huh, well she seems nice

I used my hearing to listen in

Vaggie: Charlie! Get away from the windows The God Butcher is at the door!

Charlie: Wait, what!

Vaggie: I know now get away ill handle-

I hear her running and prepared for it

Vaggie: Charlie!

Angie: Wow she is crazy.

She opened the door and jumped into my arms

Charlie: Papa!

Angie/Vaggie: Papa?

Y/n: My little star, it's been so long since I've seen you.

Charlie: What are you doing here? I thought you were on vacation with mom?

Y/n: I was, but I saw your little fight with killjoy on TV heheahahaha, I've never seen such violence since my fight with Zeus, oh the bloodbath.

She then invited me in and I looked around

Charlie: So papa, what do you think?

Y/n: I don't like it.

She looks down in sadness until-

Y/n: I love it.

She then looks Cheerful and happy

Y/n: But it could use a few changes.

Vaggie: Changes?

I then look at heeeerr And glare as Charlie says

Charlie: Papa, this is Vaggie the manager and-

Y/n: And what Honey?

Charlie: My girlfriend...

Y/n: Your girlfriend?

Charlie: Your not mad are you?

I twitched my eye and calm down and say

Y/n: No of course not, I'm actually proud you found someone new to love and cherish and I hope she can do the same.

Charlie: Are you sure? Cuz when Sevathian-

I accidentally punched a wall

Y/n: Honey please, Don't ever mention that dipshits name again(Snarls).

Charlie: Oh...Okay.

Y/n: Its just he did you wrong honey what was supposed to do? Do you think your father would do better?

Charlie: No.

Y/n: Exactly, now about the staff your manager.

I examined Vaggie

Y/n: She's capable.

I then see Angie Dust and ask

Y/n: and what do you do little bug?

Angie: I can suck your dick.

Y/n: Hahahaha,(Whispers)later.

Angie: I didn't hear a no.

Y/n: Welp, Time to be a daddyyyy.

I snap my fingers


I summoned a little cyclops lady I pick her up and shake off the ashe

Y/n: Everyone, this is Nifty she'll be the maid.

Nifty: Hi, I'm Nifty, it's nice to meet you it's been awhile since I've made new friends, why are you all women?

Y/n: Nifty look dust!

Nifty: Oh no, this place is filthy!

Y/n: Go little one, achieve Greatness.

Nifty: I will sir.

She gets to cleaning

Y/n: yes it's good, but now what sinners need now and then is relaxation.

I snap my fingers


I summoned a Demon that's ownd by me

Husk: read'em and weep asshole a full ho-

She looks around

Husk: Tel! What the fuck is this? (Looks to See Y/n)(Worried) You!

Y/n: Husky, baby how's my favorite puddy cat?

Husk: Uhh, fine You?

Y/n: Oh I've been better say how would you like to help me with something?

Husk: I don't like helping people Y/n, you know that.

Y/n: Well today you do, and I'm making you the hotel's barkeep.


I summoned a bar in the hotel and place Husk in it

Y/n: There you go Puddy cat*Wink*

Husk: What you think you can buy me with a lustful wink and some cheap booze? Cuz it can.(Drinks Booze)

Vaggie: Hey hey! No bar no alcohol, this is supposed to be a place that discourages sin not some kind of- brothel, bar, mancave!

Angie: Shhhhh! Shut up! Big dragon daddy's on to something we're keeping this.

Angie sits at the bar and flirts with Husk

Angie: Hey.

Husk: Go fuck yourself.

Angie: Only if you watch me.

Charlie: Oh my gosh, welcome to the happy hotel, you are going to love it here!

Husk: I lost the ability to love years ago.

Y/n: Are you sure about that, puddy cat?

I wink in her direction and she blushes and looks away and turn to Charlie

Y/n: So Charlie, what do you think?

Charlie: I think this I amazing.

Vaggie: Its okay.

Y/n: I just knew you'd love it, hey watch this, Nifty! Drums.

Nifty: Yes sir.

Nifty gets on the drums and plays as Y/n hands maracas to Husk as she shakes them

Y/n:🎵 Here I go! Uh, ooh, whoo!🎵

They play a good rytham as nifty blows the trumpet

Y/n:🎵 back up. Uh oh watch out! Uh, you done wound me up! 'Bout to you what I'm working with!🎵

I look down in my dragon form

Y/n🎵 Uhh, well Ali baba he had them forty thieves scheherazade he had a thousand tales, till I killed him🎵

I summoned men with swords that aimd them at them

Y/n:🎵 But Daughter you're in luck cuz up your sleeves, you got a brand of magic never fails.🎵

I Appear bigger and flex

Y/n:🎵You got some power in your corner now,🎵

I turn my arms to canons

Y/n:🎵Heavy ammunition in your camp🎵

I blast'em and appear and punch and kick the theives

Y/n:🎵You got some punch, pizzaz, yahoo and how, all you gotta do is call on me-🎵

I then grow big again

Y/n:🎵and ill say: Daughter Charlotte Morningstar, what will your pleasure be? Let me take your order, I'll jot it down, you ain't never had a Sin like me🎵

I then make it a restaurant, and I approach the lovely Lesbian couple my daughter and Vaggie well dressed as well

Vaggie: What? where are my clothes?!

Charlie: He's good isn't he?

Y/n:🎵Life is your restaurant and im your maitre'd🎵

I turn small like a be and come to there ears

Y/n:🎵Come whisper to me whatever it is you want🎵

My other me's point as shout

Other Y/n's:🎵You ain't never had a Sin like me!🎵

Curtains cover and we're in a hall

Y/n:🎵I pride myself on service, your the boss, the queen, the shah.🎵

I have servents coming with stuff

Y/n:🎵Say what you wish, It's yours! True dish!🎵

I summoned a lot of baklava

Y/n:🎵How 'bout a little more baklava?🎵

I take them to a dressing room and summon column A

Y/n:🎵Have some of column A🎵

I then summoned column B

Y/n:🎵Try all of column B, im in the mood to help you, dear🎵

I then puppet Vaggie and Charlie

Y/n:🎵You ain't never had a sin like me!🎵

I then make Charlie and Vaggie dance together all fancy like

Y/n:🎵Ohh! Uhhh! Its the big part! Watch out. Its the big part. Oh!🎵

I then lightning down

Y/n:🎵Can your sins do this?🎵

I point to me spinning my legs

Y/n:🎵Can your Sins do that?🎵

It shows me using my tail as a lasso I lasso them and pull them to me and grab Vaggie's hat

Y/n:🎵Can your sins pull this, Outta a little Haaaaaaat? Can your sins go🎵

I brake a rap mix a little bit and jump and go fast around spinning Charlie and Vaggie

Y/n:🎵I'm the Sin Of Desolation, I can sing rap dance if you give me a chance!Oh! 🎵

I Summoned a couch to break there fall

Y/n: 🎵Don't sit there buggy-eyed, im here to answer all your mid day prayers🎵

Other Y/n's:(CHOIR)

I hand them a list

Y/n:🎵You got me bona fide certified, got a Sin your charge d'affaires🎵

I fast forward the couch almost dropping Charlie but I catch her and bring her back

Y/n:🎵I got a powerful urge to help you out, so what you want? I really wanna know🎵

I extend the list and bring it back

Y/n:🎵You've got a list thats three miles long no doubt, all you gotta do is call like soooooo🎵

I throw the Medallion and Charlie catches it



Y/n:🎵Yes! One wish or two or three,🎵

I come close to the screen and back

Y/n:🎵Well, im on the job you little one,🎵

We start dancing all of us

Y/n:🎵You ain't never had a sin, never had a sin,You ain't never had a sin, never had a sin you ain't-🎵

I jump and stomp


Charlie and the rest jump and stomps

Y/n:🎵had a-🎵

I do it again

Y/n:🎵Sin, Like🎵

They jump after me and we dance


It zooms out on us dancing while the name on the hotel changed to*Hazbin Hotel*

Y/n:🎵You ain't never had a sin like me!🎵


End for now

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