The Gaming Overlord (Hazbin H...

By Darkcooler78

122K 2K 1.9K

What if a young boy was in a bad family but when the parents try to bring a Demon that is the king of hell to... More

Y/N's Relationship with the Characters - Part 1
BIO: Minions / Soldiers / Creations / Other
BIO 2: Weapons / More Forms / Other
Prologue: -NEW GAME START-
-The Gaming Overlord Arc-
Chapter 1: The Born of the Gaming Demon
Chapter 2: Welcome To Hell / The first Enemy Encounter
Chapter 3: Meeting The Overlords
Chapter 4: The Fight Against Justice / New Home
Chapter 6: Meeting with The Vee's
Chapter (April Fools): Wario Vs April
Chapter 7: Video Games Vs The Radio
Random Funny Bits: P1
Chapter 8: The Radio Talk / Cannibal Town
Voting: The Vtuber Love Interest (CLOSED)
The Results and Special Announcement
Bonus Chapter 1: Vox's new face (100K reads Special)
~On Hold... for now~

Chapter 5: Skull Direct / Demons meets Video Games

6K 125 185
By Darkcooler78


We start this chapter seeing a building that was called "The *Beep* Store" amd that we see two demons inside and one was reading a 18+ magazine and the other was placing some items to there areas.

Demon 1: ...So...

Demon 2: Yeah?...

Demon 1: do you think something strange is about to happen?

Demon 2: What'd you mean?

Demon 1: Well... it's just a feeling I'm getting I get when something bad happens.

Demon 2: ...Dude... I told you we've got a bathroom so go do one.

Demon 1: No that's not what I mean!

Demon 2: Then what is it then?

Demon 1: Well it's something big--

Demon 2: Oh...My...God... I get it, you have an big D--k!

Demon 1:... okay ignore that. No I mean like some big thing is about to happen.

Demon 2: What like some random spaceship flys over us and shots a laser amd destroy our shop?

Demon 1: Yeah?...


Demons: Hahahahhahahaha! Like thats gonna happen--

*Rumble* *Shaking*


The Demons were falling everywhere because of this unknown Shaking and then something brights has landed in the middle of the room.

Demon 1: that a light?

Demon 2: (He walks close to it and See's that it was.) Hey I believe it i--

And then a huge laser came I'm and blasted the two Demons making then turned to dust including there shop.

We then see the laser was from Y/N's Ship and we see Y/N seating on his chair looking for what design that will be perfect for his gaming company.

Y/N: Hmmm... this is tough, I have no clue what to choose?

And then we see Captain Waddle Dee open the door to see his master.

C. Waddle Dee: Sir! We found a perfect spot for our own base of operation. Are you ready?

Y/N: Just one second my friend. I just need to find the right building design for my own company. It must be perfect.

And when he checks more he then bumps into something incredible... and that he grew a smirk and his eyes glow with glee.

Y/N: And I have found it~ hehehehe!

And that he pressed the button and that he stands up and walks towards the hanger and then he lifted his hands up.

Y/N: Game On... CREATE!!!

With those words everywhere started to glow and then some pixels started to morph into some metal looking skeletons and that is Y/N's own design that are...

The Skull Bots (That will be there name)

Y/N: Wow! That looks absolutely incredible~ Now my creations let's building our new Company... The Skull Retro.

And that his robotic Minions saluted and then went down to the destroyed building and that leads them to get there builders equipment and that leads them building.

Y/N watches them building his own new place to call home and that C.Waddle Dee pops up and then see's the new creations. They are surprisingly fast on working on the building that is half way done.

C. Waddle Dee: Wow... they are fast on building this place.

Y/N: Indeed... and I'm happy about that, the sooner its done the sooner I'll travel around this new world of Hell.

C. Waddle Dee: Oh I've almost forgotten. Sir the recording room is nearly ready.

Y/N: Oh my! That fast huh? I am always surprised by how fast they are. Well what are we waiting for? Let's begin to show this world of new entertainment!

And that Y/N and the Captain left the hanger walking towards the recording room. We then see the Robots nearly finish the building.

This scene change is brought you by... THIS!

We then see some penguins with some funky cool clothes setting up the recording room.

???: That's right baby, lets get this ready for our boss for his Video game direct!

We then get to see another creation that Y/N made and it was another penguin but this one has an big puff hair with some disco looking clothes. This here is the recording designer and an movie star director...

DJ Grooves

We then see the doors open to reveal Y/N and the Captain.

Y/N: Good day Grooves. How's the Scene for the broadcast going?

Grooves: Well darling, the area is nearly ready and the cameras are all set to record.

Y/N: Excellent work my friend. Now where is--

???: Right up here Sir!

The three look up and saw a girl with pink hair coming down in the hover platform and then she has gotten down to the level with her boss. This here is...


Susie: The signals for everyone to see this broadcast is all ready to go.

Y/N: Wow! Amazing job Susie you and DJ did excellent for this job. Thank you.

Grooves: Hey we are happy to help out darling.

Penguin: Sir! Everything is all ready for action!

Y/N: fantastic job my little friend. Alright everyone get in positions and lets show all of hell what we got in store for them!

Everyone: Right on!

And that we see everyone getting in position and then we see Y/N behind the red curtains with a skull logo on it.

Susie (inside the audio room): Okay we begin in 15 seconds are you ready?

Y/N: Hehehe~ I was born ready!

C.Waddle Dee: Counting down in... 10

We then see all in hell's technology screens changed that caught some people by suprise. We then see at the V Tower and saw Vox texting on his phone with the TV on and was watching some guys arguing on there phones about soup. Until the TV changed that caught Vox's attention.

Vox: What the?

The TV then show some things flying somewhere and then it started to morph into a skull with some buttons on it and that we see the name of this company calling it...

Skull Retro

And after that we then see the curtains moving away and then see a Shadow figure that we zoomed in to fully see Y/N with happy smile on his face.

Y/N: Hey! Hello my fellow sinners, you obviously don't know me but my name is Y/N and I like to ask you all a question.

And then we see some demons watching the TV'S screens in different places that are watched by different demons also in different areas.

Demons: What's the question?

Y/N: Do you like games?

Demon 1: Well they're not that bad.

Demon 2: Games are cool.

And them we see some of the Overlords watching the TV by Carmilla and he daughters with there intrigued looks on their faces and then see Vox that is not sure to expect this gaming Overlord to do.

Vox: What's he going at?

Y/N: And, do you like some entertainment in your afterlife in the screens?

And then we see red shoes walking by and then we look up to see some kind of deer demon in a suit. And then he looks at the screen at the back of the people. And when he heard "entertainment" he was very interested.


(Thoughts): Entertainment you say~

Y/N: Well I got something for you all! Introducing the new... Retro Skull KII and the WASP Station (The hell version of The Nintendo Wii and the other is another versionof the playStation)

We then shows the new console for everyone to see. (Also he made the console with his power.) And that the sinners and hellborns were amazed by this that they are listening.

Y/N: The very first New thing around hell... and this new thing is called... Video Games~

The Sinners: Video... Games?

Y/N: Well you see, Video Games are something that you use on the TV with an console like this one (He then brings up a PS5 console to show the sinners and they went "wow" by seeing it) and of course a disk of one of these games. (He then grabs something that was some alternative versions of super mario bros and the other Sonic The Hedgehog) but let's not forget about the controller for this console. (He then lifted the control for the console and then he pressed the button the PS5 turned on and then the TV near it turned itself on leaving the viewers suprise and all excited of getting them selfs one of those.)

We then see all the demon looked at each other and then back at the screen.

Demon 1: That's so cool! I'll like to get one of those!

Demon 2: That will be fun to pass the time around this hellhole.

Demon 3: Oh I wonder where to get this cool looking console?

Y/N: And one last thing. If you all like to get a copy of this console, don't worry I've got that covered. You will get this and the video games for this console. (He then reveals the consoles that he made from his mind that was called "The WASP Station" and the Retro Skull Kii) And this one is the improvement of the PS5 and the Nintendo Wii. So here is the address and go try this bad boy out... and if you think of stealing this console or the games owned by me... you will get the consequences for what you deserved... Well then that is all goodbye and I'll see you all at this shop! Ta-ta!!!

And that Y/N's screen was gone to be replaced by his own game shop.

(Pretend that there is a huge office of Skull Retro behind this building)

Demons: I Need it now! / I'll get this first! / Hell no it's mine!

And that the demons ran towards where the shop is. We then only see the red deer demon still looking at the screen and then he grew a sharp smile and then walk away until he said this...

???: I'll see you soon... Y/N Hehehehahaha~~

We then went to see Vox looking at the shop with an interest smile on his face that this "Video Games" might be useful for the group and be fun to have around.

Vox: Well Y/N... I think you and the three of us will like have a talk~


Vox turned his chair around and we then see an four armed Moth demon with a red "coat" and with glasses that has heart shapes on them. This here is...


Vox: Yeah? Is this about this Y/N Kid?

Val: Yes... and I do say these videos games are very interesting... do you think so too?

Vox: Oh yeah... it was something alright... and I believe we found ourselves an fourth new member for the Vee's~

Val: Ohhhh really now~ well he dose look very professional at this ad and dose look fun to have around.

Vox: Indeed... hey did you know where Velvette is?

Val: I don't believe I have?--



Vox: Hello there Velvette. I see you all happy of this new sinner.

Velvette: Well of course ugh... his name is Y/N... such a pretty name~~ hehehe~~

Val: Umm... did I missed something? Why is Vel so... in love?

Vox: Well since one day when I just found this guy and when Vel barges in my office. She then see's him and now she can't stop looking at him and guess what she even ripped off the screen that has him in it.

Velvette: Look Vox, It is hard life for me to find a good person to fall for and now when I see him I've have been falling for this hunk~~ hehehe~~

Val:...Umm, okay then good for you Vel.

Vox: Anyway since you are here Vel. I was thinking that the three of use will like him to join our group.

Velvette: Wait really!? Oh yes, oh oh oh I've gotta find a good thing to wear for the love of my life it's gotta be perfect!

Vox: Hey relax Vel, you look fine. Now thanks to this number right under the address we will go meet this guy and have a talk.

And that Vox grabs the phone and started to dialling the phone.

Change scene is brought you by... THIS:

We then see the Skull Bots behind the table getting some currencies from the demons and then see Y/N relaxing seeing his sales are going over the roof.

Y/N: Well that was surprisingly the console and the games sales are going well. But hey if they want something to pass the time then it's fine by me.

And then we see the door open and see two figures that one was an old man with a giant floating bell beside him.


And the other one is a guy with a hat that has an creepy smile on it's face and has his eyes covered thanks to the hat

DJ HallyBoo

Y/N: Ah welcome back my friends. So did you taking care of those thief's?

DJ: Ha-Ha-Ha! Of course we did. And it was such a blast that I given them one hell of a lesson.

Beelze: It was good that I made them suffer for the idea that stealing from you will be a good idea. Such idiotic sinners.

Y/N: Well... at least some are paying this so its all good.




Y/N: Oh? I'm getting a call already? Will you two please give me some time alone please?

The two Piracy creatures nodded and left the office leaving Y/N alone. And then he answered the phone.

Y/N: Hello~ This is Y/N the boss of the Retro Skull Company how can I help you?

???: Yes hello Y/N, so you might not heard of me but I have seen your little video on the screen and I like to have a meeting.

Y/N: Wow already? Well hold on my friend I need to know you first because I know that you know me but I don't know you?

Vox: Well my name is Vox the founder of the group called the Vee's. There now you know me.

Y/N: Woah! I've heard of you now. You and the group are like the big group Overlords around the pride ring of hell. It's an honour to talk to you.

Vox: Thank you and it's the same for you too. Now about that meeting?

Y/N: Oh, sure I've be happy to meet you and possibly your group members. If they not business when the meeting starts.

Vox: Oh don't worry my friend we all be there.

Y/N: Great! I believe you have the address right?

Vox: Of course and I know where it's at so don't worry. Well, see you soon Y/N.

Y/N: You as well ba-bye!

And that the call ended and we see Y/N face is very excited.

Y/N: Wow! This is great, I can now know more about the Vee's more. This will be fun! Hehehehe~~

And that we see him getting up and leave the office room and then the screen turns black.


That was the chapter of this story. I hope you all enjoy it.

And now I like to know. Which one will you guys like me doing first.

1.) The Radio Demon Vs the Gamer


2.) The Meeting with The Vee's

Anyway here's something in my head cannon for the Four Vee's.

If they play video games on YouTube and what group will they relate to that will be...

The Party Crashes

King of Skill - Y/N

TCNick3 - Valentino

Sophist - Vox

Vernias - Velvette

That's pretty much it... now then I'll see you all around next week for the new chapter. Ba-bye!!!

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