Steven Universe: Dragonstone

By SelemenceTube

118K 4.3K 911

During the gem war the diamonds ordered the creation of a powerful gem to turn the tide of war, the Dragonsto... More

Character Bio
The War Beast
Aftermath and Diamonds Betreyal
Gem Glow
Laser Light Cannon
Steven on a Mission
Together Breakfast
Steven and the Girl
Serious Devestation
Underground fight club
Steven and the Lion
Arcade Chaos
Giant Woman
Age gap
By the Blade
Beach Fiasco
The room
Fusion War
The Mirror
The Sea and The Dragon
Family Meeting
Warp Trip
Past Memories
Steven's Day with Dragonstone
Playing Marbles
The message
Its Over
Cell to Cell
Where to Go From Here
Catching the Dragon
Lies of a Pearl
Cold Scaly Shoulder
Friend Ship
Lapis' Learning Day
Catching Pests
Fear of the Rain
Barn Days
Think when You Speak
Steven's Birthday and Couples Council
It Couldve been great
They know
Log Dates
Cluster trouble
Same Old World
The third wheel
The Ruby Rangers
Alone at Sea
Crack the whip

Monster Buddies

1.8K 76 1
By SelemenceTube

Dragonstone Pov

We were in a cavern battling with a corrupted ice gem as the fight caused parts of the mountain to collapse. I punched the gem back sending it into the wall as frozen spikes from the ceiling fell

Garnet: "All right, everyone."

Pearl: "One more attack should do it." The monsters arm gave off a red hind before it exploded into shards of ice

Steven: "Yikes!" Holds his arm "Your arm!" Dragonstone made his claws larger and dashed forward with a feral roar before punching right through the corrupted gem causing it to crack with a red light as it exploded

Pearl: runs up and grabs the gem "Now there's nothing standing between us and the shooting star." Dragonstone stood in place with his firsts clenched and his claws radiating light

Amethyst: the cavern starts to cave in "This job is really dangerous." Yelps and dodges falling ice "Whoa...geez..." dodges again "Wha...whoa, mama!" Ice piles on top of her

Steven: "Amethyst!" Runs up "Don't worry, I'll get you out." Amethyst speaks muffled from under the ice while the cavern keeps shaking and collapsing

Pearl: "We've gotta get Steven out of here!" Garnet turns to Steven

Garnet: "I'm sending you back to the temple." She touches Steven

Steven: "But, Garnet, how are you gonna..." before he could finish Garnet bubbled Steven and warped him before Pearl could stop her

Pearl: "Garnet!"

Garnet: "Watch your head." Before the ice began to collapse a red glow filled the cave and roar is heard echoing through the mountain range which from the outside of it erupts in a crimson red glow

Timeskip—short time after
Crystal temple

We escaped the mountain and found the warp pad not long after. Once we warped back to the temple we entered the temple gate into garnets room only to find Steven out of his bubble with a corrupted gem as Pearl instantly shouted while Garnet and I summoned our weapons

Pearl: "Steven!" Garnet and Dragonstone jumped down "Get away from that thing!"

Amethyst: "Whoa! Dude!"

Steven: "Wait! It's not...!" Garnet landed and tried crushing it but missed as both Steven and it backed away. The centipeetle scurried away narrowly missing Dragonstone's punch to the ground which sent a shockwave of crimson red energy into the ground

Dragonstone: "It's smaller than before." I rained punches into the ground while the centipeetle kept jumping or running away

Pearl: "Dragonstone! Hold back your punches!" She yelled as she jumped down to Steven while the whole temple shook and Dragonstone cornered the gem

Dragonstone: "Now I have you, prey." I clenched my claws into a tight fist score sharp spikes formed on the knuckles

Steven: "No!" He stood in front of the gem "Don't hurt it! I accidentally let it out of its bubble, but it didn't even try to hurt me. It's not like the other monsters. It's just scared and confused." Dragonstone narrowed his eyes "Please, Dragonstone, I'm begging you.

Dragonstone: "That's not how..." I stopped as garnet put a hand on my shoulder

Garnet: "How can you say no to that face?" Shifts her shades

Pearl: "Pearl, excuse me?! You can't be serious!" Looks to Dragonstone who withdrew his claws into his gem

Garnet: "I think you should try and tame it, Steven."

Steven: runs up and hugs her "Garnet, thank you so much!" Pearl groans while Amethyst laughs

Amethyst: mockingly "Shut down by the G-squad!" Laughs hard

Dragonstone: "I have no time for this." I jumped up to the temple gateway as it opened

Amethyst: "Wait up, DT!" Runs out after Dragonstone and left

Short Timeskip
Beach house

I was standing by the balcony window which had a view out to the beach. The gems and I were watching Steven try and tame the centipeetle as he got it to be calm approaching him before it ate food from him

Dragonstone: "That's new." I watched as Steven led it into the beach house with potato chips before a bird bit Steven and centipeetle protected him by spitting acid

Pearl: standing by the kitchen counter with Garnet and amethyst "We need to go back to the cavern."

Amethyst: "What?! We barely got out the last time, if Dragonstone didn't help us who knows what would've happened!" Throws her arms up

Pearl: "But we have to go back for the shooting star!" Suddenly the beach house doors opened and Steven stood with centipeetle at his side

Steven: "Garnet! Dragonstone!" Looks to his side at Dragonstone

Dragonstone: "I saw everything."

Pearl: "Whoa!" Points at Steven "Why isn't that thing on its rock?"

Steven: "I trained her up. Look!" Makes a squawking sounds and wakes his arms as centipeetle's spat acid at the gems hitting a wood beam. He did it again and the acid nearly hit garnet but she dodged before Steven did it again and the acid hit a portrait of Pearl

Dragonstone: "Steven." Steps in front of the two with crossed arms

Steven: looks up at the gem "Uh, oops. But come on, Dragonstone. She can help us on, like, missions and stuff." Feeds centipeetle chips

Dragonstone: "You just demonstrated how that would never work out." I sigh

Steven: disappointedly "Aww."

Pearl: "Well, we can't return to the ice cavern now. We have to stay to deal with Steven and his...situation."

Amethyst: "Well, I don't know how we're gonna get through all those ice boulders without causing another cave-in anyway."

Garnet: "Hmm" looks at centipeetle who is drooling acid "That's how."

Dragonstone: "I give up." Turns and walks

Timeskip—next day
Ice cavern

We were back at the ice cavern and Steven made a squawk sound and centipeetle spat acid on the ice boulders melting them and making an opening as Amethyst and Pearl looks surprised while Garnet and Dragonstone were expressionless

Pearl: "Shooting star here we come." They entered the opening and travelled through the cavern with Dragonstone in front. Not long after they came to a large ice shard and exclaimed in awe except for Dragonstone and garnet

Steven: "Squawk!" Centipeetle shot acid making an opening which Dragonstone entered first and he ran around throwing potato chips around as centipede followed. They went though the tunnel and Steven had centipeetle make opening in every obstacle and passage way. One Dragonstone had to slide through on his elbows. At one point they found a skeleton and centipeetle ran through it smattering the bones and into a crevice which the gems followed through

Dragonstone: "She's actually quite helpful." I came out of the crevice and into a large colourful cavern with the other gems as they all gasped and the shinning give

Pearl: sees the shooting star "There it is...the shooting star!" Walks onto the small pool "An ancient elemental so hot and so volatile, it can only be contained in ice." Her eyes twinkle "Bare skin cannot endure its intensity."

Steven: looks to Dragonstone "What do you do with a shooting star?"

Amethyst: "Uh, ya shoot it."

Pearl: "Dragonstone..." he stepped forward and picked up the shooting star without his claws as Pearl stared wide eyed. He then bubbled the shooting star but this caused centipeetle to freak out as she spat acid

Dragonstone: "Steven, somethings wrong." I stood up with the bubbled shooting star before the ceiling starting giving in and made me lose the bubbble and caused the shooting star to fall back in its pool

Pearl: "Steven!" Jumps over the pool and summons her spear "I knew this would happen!" She dashed forward and hit centipeetle into a wall

Steven: runs forward "Pearl, stop! It was an accident!" Tries to lift centipeetle but he pulls her mane as she shrieks "Sorry for pulling." Centipeetle hissed at him but garnet cam in and kicked her away

Dragonstone: "She's losing control." Pearl ad Amethyst keep centipeetle back while the cavern is still shaking, Steven then ran in front of centipeetle while crying and tried to reason with her as she backed up with each step he took effort he hugged her while acid dripped on his back. She soon calmed down but the ceiling kept shaking and a ice shard from the roof crashed down toward them, centipeetle rammed Steven out of the way taking the hit for him as she exploded with a puff of green smoke and her gem rolled to his feet

Steven: collapses to his knees in tears "You saved me." Garnet places a hand on his shoulders

Garnet: "Steven, you did a good job training the centipeetle. Your mother would be so proud.

Steven: sniffs "She would?"

Dragonstone: "It's time you know the truth. Rose quarts tried using her powers to safe these monsters, too, but she was never able to heal them." I crouched own to him while ruffling his hair

Steven: "Never?" His eyes become glossy "But if she couldn't do it..."

Pearl: "Who knows? Maybe when you have better control of your powers, you might helot them in ways even your mother couldn't."

Garnet: "Even this one." Points at centipeetle's gem

Steven: "I'll keep it safe." Puts his hands on the gem before he bubbled it in a pink bubble

Amethyst: "Wow!"

Pearl: "Steven! You can bubble gems!" Garnet and Dragonstone smiled proudly

Steven: stands with the bubbled gem "Wow. Wait for me, Centipeetle. I promise I'll heal you up someday." He tapped the bubble and warped it off "Oh wait!" He bubbled a packet of potato chips from his jacket and warped it

Dragonstone: "See." I put my hand on his shoulder smiling softly "I told you it takes time."

Steven: his eyes became stars "Aww, yeah!"

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