Teacher's Pet | MarkHyuck

By seaandnothin_

21.5K 1.3K 350

In which Mark Lee is Haechan's new English teacher, but ends up being a lot more than that... for better of f... More

β€’ Chapter 01
β€’ Chapter 02
β€’ Chapter 03
β€’ Chapter 04
β€’ Chapter 05
β€’ Chapter 06
β€’ Chapter 07
β€’ Chapter 08
β€’ Chapter 09
β€’ Chapter 10
β€’ Chapter 11
β€’ Chapter 12
β€’ Chapter 13
β€’ Chapter 14
β€’ Chapter 15
β€’ Chapter 16
β€’ Chapter 17
β€’ Chapter 18
β€’ Chapter 19
β€’ Chapter 20
β€’ Chapter 21
β€’ Chapter 22
β€’ Chapter 23
β€’ Chapter 24
β€’ Chapter 25
β€’ Chapter 26
β€’ Chapter 27
β€’ Chapter 28
β€’ Chapter 29
β€’ Chapter 30
β€’ Chapter 32
β€’ Chapter 33
β€’ Chapter 34
β€’ Chapter 35
β€’ Chapter 36
β€’ Chapter 37
β€’ Chapter 38
β€’ Chapter 39
β€’ Chapter 40
β€’ Chapter 41
β€’ Chapter 42

β€’ Chapter 31

418 25 5
By seaandnothin_

Maybe it was survival instinct, or maybe it was the flight response.

No matter what it's named, the fact is that something shifted inside Haechan when he felt Mark's cold hands creep under his shirt. Something that had been dormant was finally awakened by none other than the sensation of his teacher's fingertips touching the skin of his sides and abdomen. Without sparing it another thought, the boy returned from his frozen state and brought his knee up at full strength, aiming for Mr. Lee's crotch. 

Despite barely having any space to move, he managed to hit him with as much force as he could muster. The following second, Mark was off him and crouching down with his hands on the region in between his legs, holding on for dear life. A string of curses fell from his mouth and Haechan felt like he could breathe again.

"Ugh!!! You little..." but his student wasted no time and the next moment he was sprinting around him to escape. However, Mark was faster, again. With a swift movement that Haechan's eyes couldn't even catch, he grabbed his ankle, making the boy trip and fall flat to the floor. Having just enough time to do so, Haechan moved his arms as to not collide face-first against the floor.

Surely his parents downstairs would have heard the commotion.

This impact made Haechan whimper painfully, and the fact that his teacher still had a hand tightly wrapped around his ankle did not help, at all. "Not so fast." The boy turned around, laying on his back and trashing in an attempt to try and sprain Mark's wrist and hopefully manage to free himself. It did not work, and so he used his free leg to kick Mr. Lee's hand and arm. The student cried out in desperation, "let go, let go!" And his teacher, who was still in excruciating pain, had no choice but to obey. 

Haechan stumbled backwards until he was at a safer distance from Mark, and then he immediately stood up and ran away. He left the office to go to his parents, but a particular thought crossed his minds as soon as he had opened the door, leaving him frozen. He couldn't go back to them in that moment; his clothes and hair were a mess, plus the expression of absolute fear in his face would never go unnoticed.

Regardless, Haechan couldn't simply stand there and wait for Mark to recover and get him again, and so he did the only thing he found logic in that illogic situation: he sprinted to the bathroom and locked himself inside. The very second his ears perceived the soft click of the door lock, his legs gave out on him, and only after he had heard his teacher furiously stomping down the stairs did he let himself crawl towards the toilet and throw up.

He coughed and whimpered beyond control, unable to process the experience he had been put through. His entire body trembled, and disgust clouded his senses. After what felt like an eternity, he got back up to flush the toilet and clean himself. The second Haechan caught a glimpse of his own face in the mirror, he gasped, horrified, because the reflection did not look like his usual self. Instead, his lips were swollen and broken, there were obvious tear tracks on his cheeks, and his eyes... his eyes looked empty, except for the fear, of course.

Haechan needed to use a long moment to gather himself piece by piece. With his hands shaking slightly and his breathing coming out ragged, the whole ordeal resulted even more difficult that it already was. He cleaned his mouth, washed his face, got rid of the blood and tears, fixed his hair, tucked his shirt in, and last but not least, rehearsed a smile.

It's gonna be ok.

He practiced breathing in and out at an almost normal speed, and eventually he even managed to seem half as calm as he actually felt. Finally, Haechan felt somehow ready to return to the dinner table. He went to open the door and couldn't help the shiver that travelled up and down his spine when he unlocked it. After another moment to get his breathing back under control, he opened the door carefully and stepped outside. T1he boy really had no clue about how much time had happened since he had excused himself, but he still needed to move slowly or else he felt he would pass out. 

Once he reached the foot of the stairs, Haechan saw the three continuing to talk casually, and Mr. Lee joked as if nothing had happened, as if he had done nothing. It made his stomach churn in revulsion. Then, his mother was the first to notice his presence, "are you alright, Sweetie? Mark told us you fell," she questioned, brows furrowed and worry lacing her voice. All eyes turned to her son, who swallowed anxiously and offered a shaky smile. "Y-yeah, mom, I'm--" gray spots started to form in his view, "--fine." 

Even with Haechan's attempt to blink them away, they only grew in size. His heartbeat slowed by the second, a ringing began in his ears and his body grew lighter. He heard his father's voice call out to him, but it sounded like an echo inside his head, seeming to come from far, far away, "son?" Haechan grabbed the railing besides him for support, and he heard, also from a distance, the screeching of chair legs against the floor; his dad was coming to get him, recognizing what was about to happen. "I... I can't... see..." now he couldn't even discern his own voice.

And he collapsed right after.

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