The Amazing Spider-man and th...

By BestToonAnime

97 3 21

Long story short, I love the acting of both Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland. Tom Holland already did a spider... More

Welcome Spider-man
What the heck? Mechanised villains

An Invitation and a revelation

26 1 6
By BestToonAnime

Hey guys. Let's get started.

Last time,

............He quickly swung away from there and started walking in opposite direction to his house, slowing down considerably. After walking around for 15 minutes, he entered an alleyway. The person who was tailing him also went behind him in the alleyway but keeping a certain distance so that Spiderman couldn't see her.

Spiderman turned around the corner as the person quickly followed him there. But when she glanced towards the way Spider-Man went, there was a dead end. 'What the? Where did he go?'

"So wanna tell me who you are and why were you following me?" Spidey asked hanging upside down from his web.

The woman froze. When did he....?

"Well I really love it when I've beautiful fans chasing me around...." Spidey said in a sweet voice munching on snickers.

" about it miss. Wanna show me your beautiful face?" He kept on munching the snickers while the woman slowly turned around. God she was taking her sweet time. What's with the slow reveal?

"Wait a minute, you are......-"


Peter was bathing in bathroom. Droplets of water were running down his skin. He came out of bathroom towel wrapped around his waist, the yesterday talk still fresh in his mind. Why was there a need to follow? They could have asked him directly instead of following him around like that. That was just wrong.

Now the main concern was about the invitation. He could actually join them and become the 'Ultimate version' of himself, as they quoted him to be or he could reject the offer and could make an unofficial enemy as large and powerful as that called S.H.I.E.L.D. The problem was that he needed to compromise his identity and come to the frontlines. He has no problem about coming to the frontlines when time needs him. His priority was first and foremost to protect people and he would. He could also get money for his hero job.

It was perfect. Absolutely brilliant. For his hardwork as Spider-Man he would be paid. While it could be discussed about the salary later, it was actually one of the best choices available. He had to study as a student, work in a part-time job and then do his spidey work. If he could get paid for his hero work, then he could leave his part-time work for the extra money to get out of the loans he's facing, to free this house. The only problem was the compromise of his identity.

He didn't had anyone in his life right now. He was all alone. Even if he compromised his identity, there wouldn't be any threat to his loved ones, as they are all dead (except his father who went into hiding and is probably safe). But..... what if he has a loved one in future? Scratch that, there are kids in his neighborhood whom villains casually pick up, just so that they could get back at him. What if the information is leaked? While the NYPD, didn't necessarily hated him, they didn't shower him with his love either. Especially after the Dark Spidey fiasco, yeah.... there's an arrest warrant against him. What if the information is leaked to them? He would be arrested without a trial.

Also what if this whole join the SHIELD thing is just a facade so that they could uncover his identity. There are just so many unknown factors that he cannot decide at all. It would be pretty risky to be honest. Plus she did admit that she and the archer guy were following him. Why didn't they simply asked him? Or what if they need his identity so that they know that he's not someone dangerous or worse, a spy or something.

He shook his head as he got ready for college. Quickly stuffing a toast in his mouth, Peter quickly locked the windows and door and went out. Was his neighbour shifting away?

"Hello Mr. Hanaka. You are shifting from here?"

"Ah...Peter my boy. Yes. Actually we've been shifting our stuffs for nearly a week. You didn't knew?"

Peter bit his tongue. He rarely had time to even talk to his neighbours, heck have some time to study at all. "No no....I thought you needed more time or something."

"Oh.... it's fine." He said in a jovial tone. "Do you know that your new neighbour actually knew May?" He said in a soft tone. Everyone knew about what happened with the poor boy. It was a miracle that he was even living alone and did not went mad till now.

His eyes softened a little. "Uh no... not really."

"Well run along boy. You don't want to be late now, do you?"

"By Mr. Hanaka!" Peter bowed a little and quickly ran away. Weird. Who could be shifting? Not that it matters, he has alot on his plate to devour.

At British Empire State University,

"PARKER...." a loud voice boomed near the locker as one of the most popular boy of school came behind Peter Parker, grabbed his neck under his armpit and gave him a light noogie. "How's it going man?" He ruffled his hair.

And this guy was Flash Thompson. Amazing right. Flash used to be a bully but after the death of his Uncle, he became sympathetic and slowly throughout the year he became a good friend of his. The best thing was that he quit bullying as well.

So think about it, someone with Flash's physical personality, a good basketball player, a nice attitude although bad grades in studies, he was bound to become popular. And honestly he was very happy for him. It's just that he would have been more happy if Harry would have been here with him as well.

He wonders if he should have given his blood to Harry after all? Maybe everything upto now could have been avoided. But then again Dr. Connors had told Peter that no subject had survived the DNA alteration thing. These things went haywire with horrible results. Even when the decay rate algorithm was solved, the gene splicing led to the mutation of Dr. Curt Connors. Peter survived the spider bite because his father had made the spiders such that their research could be carried on only with DNA from his bloodline, this in turn made Peter compatible with the spiders.

Harry was not compatible with the spiders because he doesn't belong to Richard Parker's bloodline. Peter's blood would only act as a poison to him. Peter can now be considered to be a different species altogether due to the alteration of his DNA. Harry thought that Spider-man's blood would grant him healing and would cure him. But Peter knew that this would kill Harry for sure or worse, it would put him in a Dr.Connor's-like condition. In his whole thinking process, he forgot that Flash was still killing him.

"G-goin' great man.... my breath is also goin' man...."

Flash quickly released him. He looked extra chirpy today. "You look really happy.... something happened?"

Flash had a huge grin on his face. He practically shoved a poster in Peter's face. "Tryouts for the College's representative team is here. I've been super excited for him." Sometimes Flash's happiness was contagious. Peter smiled a little. "Best of luck man."

"Bah! Who needs luck? I've a chance and I'm gonna take it." Flash said offhandedly. "I need brains. Chemistry brains. Help me with the studies later man." He said and practically ran away skipping in his every step.

"Come to the group studies then....." To be honest he didn't knew whether he was telling this to Flash or himself.

A chance huh?!

Flashback :

God she was taking her sweet time. What's with the slow reveal?

"Wait a minute, you are......-"

"......correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you Black, uh what's the term... the one who loses her husband....uh right. Black Widow from the Avengers." Spider-Man said looking at the woman in question. She was tall and strikingly attractive, beautiful, with a finely-curved athletic figure. Plus she had blue eyes. How supercool is that?! "I'm a big fan. Spider-Man." Nope. Not really. But who cares?

"That's right." She said crossing her arms under her chest. "Do you know you're an extremely hard guy to find?"

"I live up to my reputation." Spidey joked.

"You do." She replied in silky smooth voice. "I've following you from the past few weeks but alas you always managed to get away." Her speech for some reason was really captivating, like a lullaby making him more and more relaxed. She was an Avenger after all. People are bound to feel relaxed in their presence.

Her eyes were something you couldn't let your gaze off. It was like an ocean.... no. Even deeper than an ocean. "Well I'm here to invite you to join S.H.I.E.L.D."

"S.H.I.E.L.D as in the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division?" Who didn't knew about them? They were the first to launch the Avenger Initiative. S.H.I.E.L.D. is an espionage and security organization that defends Earth and its people from groups that pose advanced technological-and sometimes supernatural or extraterrestrial-threats.

There was some sort of ringing or tingle at the back of his head. It was annoying. Nonetheless, he continued. "Why didn't you ask me directly instead of following me? It's not like I would have rejected the offer or anything?"

"Well we often follow the people around who wishes to join S.H.I.E.L.D before inviting them, you know a secret organization and all." She moved closer to him. He froze a little. She smirked. "I just wish to see your face you know." She slowly removed the mask as Peter was frozen. The mask was unmasked till upper lips. Now a little more, slowly and peacefully. No sudden moments.

Brrrrrrrrr..... His Spider-sense buzzed in his mind. He quickly grabbed her wrists and pulled them away. He followed it up by kicking into her stomach and lowering his mask. Phew! That was way too close.

Like a trained agent, she back flipped in mid air and landed gracefully on the ground. "Sorry lady. That's a trade secret. Never took you for an hypnotist."

"Well I've my trade secrets as well Spidey." She winked at him, but Peter shrugged it away. "You cannot burn the same wood twice lady. I know about hypnotism and how it works." He said now suddenly wary of her. She clicked her tongue in annoyance. His body language was aggressive and he wasn't going to hold back if she was going to try something again.

Even now he was joking and quipping not understanding the gravity of the situation. For Banner at least they had some data, so she didn't start her hypnosis or anything but kept backup but for this guy they had nothing. Strength, capabilities, behaviour, nothing. Well from his footages they at least knew that Spiderman had one weak point and that was his identity. He was fiercely protective of his identity. Thus as a capable spy she and Clint tried to follow him but to no avail. He kept dodging them.

If they had his weak point under their command then at least in case he snapped or tried something unwanted, they could use it against him and bring him under control. What he used to do a few months ago was still fresh in everyone's mind. Fury had the suspicion that since they didn't select Spider-Man to be a part of the Avengers initiative, he wore the black suit as a protest against them for not recognizing his efforts and beat up their agents. The Dark Spidey fiasco did start before the Avengers initiative. Although they wanted to recruit him, due to his sudden change in behavior, beating up of their agents who tried to follow him and his psychopathic tendencies made Fury reconsider his decision.

While Fury wanted to immediately eliminate him on the data alone, he couldn't ignore the potential in him and thought maybe he could improve him for greater good. Maybe they could help the kid and that was her and Clint's mission.

Peter meanwhile was thinking -

She uses a combination of techniques such as direct eye contact, hypnotic speech patterns and a soothing voice to influence a subjects' mind, planting thoughts, ideas or post-hypnotic commands, or even affecting memories and personality traits.

Peter carefully looked at her. Peter only heard about these things in movies. He never thought to encounter something like this in real life. Thanks to his Spidey-tingle, he was all right and stopped her from unmasking him.

He gazed at her. Near her boots, there was a hidden gun but there weren't any agents around them except there were 4 people around high buildings at 8 o' clock, 10 o' clock, 3 o' clock and 6 o' clock. Snipers maybe?! Or maybe she was only for reconnaissance.

She slowly crouched down as Spider-Man shot a web near her feet. She quickly jumped again taking leverage along with the walls to jump up higher. Flipping in mid-air, she took out her gun and was about to shoot when an invisible force stopped her, pushing her back in mid air.

She looked below. It was a very thin string of web.

When did he.....?

She was thrown back, like a stone from slingshot but before that, Spider-Man shot out web yanking the gun away from her hand. He quickly took out the magazine from the gun but found that it was empty.

"Uh.... I'm so confused right now."

"What's up? Surprised that the gun has an empty magazine."

"Okay, first of all why are you trying to kill me? And secondly, what's with the whole following me and this drama?"

She spoke in a clear cut voice, way different from how she spoke before. "If I was trying to kill you then that gun would have been loaded. And secondly, I told you that I came here on behalf of SHIELD, to invite you. It was all a test until now. Me and Hawkeye were tailing you for this very reason."

"Holy cow.... I can join the AVENGERS?" Hearing the childlike glee in his voice just confirmed everything. Yup. This confirmed all her suspicions. Fury was right in his assessment after all.

On the other hand, if you thought that Spiderman was a fan of Avengers then you're sorely mistaken. Sorry but he has been doing this superhero gig long before them, so no. He's no fan. Actually he's the fan of the fact that no police would point their guns at him even after helping them. Money would be more of an extra bonus.

"No!" She said so quickly and plainly that it was the supreme act of cruelty. Spiderman started to mock cry. Seeing her roll her eyes he quickly stopped it. Usually Natasha would start out slow with her clients or potential candidates for S.H.I.E.L.D however in those cases they at least had some data on the candidates but for Spider-Man they had none. Fury especially warned her about his psychotic tendencies and believed him to be an unknown risk.

"Then why should I join S.H.I.E.L.D? No offense but you just now tried to unmask me. It's hard to trust you guys."

"S.H.I.E.L.D is always ready to recruit young talents like yourself to put it to good use. You'll also be paid for your hero work." She motioned towards her gun as Spider-Man threw it at her. Putting the gun in her boots again she started -"You are good but you still have to reach the Ultimate version of yourself, to uncover your potential. Fury believes that he could guide you."

"And what's wrong with me? 'M sorry but I still don't see any reason to align myself with you when I clearly have to compromise my identity." Yeah, he would take offense if he was called incompetent or something. He doesn't even cause property damages and has the lowest number of casualties.

"Times are changing Spider-Man. People are starting to trust heroes. Within few years who knows that World Security Council could appoint Superhero police for all we know. You've been doing a brilliant job till now but even you got a bad reputation." Yeah, the black suit and all. Why does everyone has the urge to remind him of that? He didn't really did it on purpose.

"Police will arrest you sooner or later. You're also on SHIELD's radar because of the stunt you pulled few months back. I believe you received alot of criticism as well. We're simply offering you a choice to join S.H.I.E.L.D and not only get rid of the problems with police but also improve your reputation. Who knows maybe you'll be given the chance to join Avengers.

"Basically speaking...." Peter began slowly. "If I reject your offer I not only make enemies with police but also with S.H.I.E.L.D while joining you would lead me to get rid of all my problems, else I would be seen as a vigilante and would be hunted down as one in eyes of law. Am I correct till here?"

She nodded. "Take it as a threat or a fact. Times are changing. People would soon support super heroes. Correctly aligning yourself at the correct time with correct party can be advantageous. Do not take it as a threat, I'm simply stating the obvious and even you know it. The choice is ultimately yours."

Spiderman took a deep breath. "Can I get some time to decide?"

Black Widow nodded. "Tommorow night, 10 p.m. sharp. I'll be waiting here."

Flashback End

He wants to protect his loved ones and thus do not want to compromise his identity however if he rejects their offer then he not only makes an enemy out of the police but also S.H.I.E.L.D. Would that risk really be worth it? He could ask S.H.I.E.L.D to keep his information confidential but then there could be leaks as well.

Oh come on.... what leaks. It's S.H.I.E.L.D. and not some shop of vegetable vendor where secrets are spilled like vegetables. Plus making an enemy out of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems more foolish. He doesn't really need to care about someone as his father went into hiding and rest all were dead.

Father. That's it. He should ask dad whether he should join S.H.I.E.L.D or not. It's the best idea. Having the opinion of someone older than him could be pretty useful, especially in this situation. And that would be for the best.

Sitting at the last bench of the class, Peter looked at the Oscorp Tower being remodeled. After the death of Norman Osborn and Harry being imprisioned at Ravencroft, the Oscorp Tower was being taken over by some sort of business rival called Fiers Industry. Some new industry which, within few months reached a new height of greatness and are now counted in the big leagues. Talk about pressure. Businessmen have really hard jobs to be honest.

Talking about business there was something wrong with the last night robbery as well. Why did-

"Mary Jane?"

"She's absent today teacher, she's shifting from her current address."

"Oh. No problem. Turn to page 62 of your notebook and copy these notes. Wilson? Call Flash from other class, Richard is calling him for Basketball practice. Also tell him that MJ is absent today."

Wilson stood up and nodded & quickly left the class. Oh that's right, he never told about his class to the audience. Let's start with some of the most popular kids in his class.

Mary Jane Watson or MJ for short is one of the most popular girl in school. She is the mascot of the school's football team and also appears to be a fan of basketball. She has an easy-going personality but well Peter had never been able to talk to her as they all turn out to be awkward plus after what happened with Gwen, it's better that he doesn't date anyone else. Well she was A-okay in studies, so yeah.... popular.

Next is Samuel Wilson who just went out of class. He is what people call a god-gifted student. Knows more than 5 languages, is a topper at school, often wins Olympiads, is great at sports especially football. A pretty boy with a good build. There are rumors that he and MJ are a thing but Peter never got a chance to know the truth. His greatest ability is to convince anyone with a smile on his face but as far as Peter knew him, he has a great heart.

Now about his friends because there are like many popular boys and girls in this college such as Liz, MJ, Flash, Samuel, Betty, etc. Time to talk about his friends.

His most favourite friend, Ned. Ned is an intelligent science enthusiast, and used to be a member of the Midtown School of Science and Technology academic decathlon team. And he's cute. Like have you seen his cheeks. You could just keep stretching them forever and you would never get bored. Ned is a fun person to be around with and has the most awkward stories to tell. It's like his awkwardness cancels out Peter's awkwardness and thus they make great buddies. He was big boned and was not so popular despite being a genius, but who cares. He's really fun once you get to know him.

He also knows 3 languages and is a skilled hacker. Maybe even greater than him, he's not sure. But he's a great rival for that matter as well. They even made their signature handshake, a full 10 seconds handshake only for them.

His second friend, Anya Corazon. Anya is a Latina (half Puerto Rican; half Mexican) teenage girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. While friendly, Anya has no tolerance for slackers or anyone who does not take their work seriously. When compared to Gwen, she is more of a tom-boy. Anya is also very intelligent for her age, like really really intelligent. Gwen is or rather was Anya's best friend and the two used to have a strong and sister-like friendship.

Did you know that Ned used to have a crush on her? Like yeah, really. But he's still confused between Betty, Anya and Liz. For some reason, he stays away from MJ even though she's very beautiful as well. We 3 have created our own study group for exam and fun purposes.

And thus, this was the life of Peter Parker in school.

During Break time,

"You're not going to believe me what I have."

"What?" Peter asked him suspiciously. Did he have some new Lego set?

"A new Lego set." Peter made a face. But he wasn't sure whether he was supposed to call it a happy or confused face. Looking at Peter's face Ned added -

"The Avengers Tower Lego set, 5000 pieces." He told him. Peter's eye widened in awe. "That's lame." Anya commented but Peter cut it in between. "No way dude, that's awesome."

"It sure is. Wanna make it?"

"Sure. This weekend."

"Done." They fist bumped. Anya sighed. Boys will be boys. She doesn't get it, they were in college now. Who plays with Legos at this age?! Don't forget that we've a study session in your house at Saturday Parker. Slurping his noodle, Parker nodded. "Yup, I remember." He said, deliberately popping the 'p'.

She simply shook her head and smiled fondly at the pair. They were idiots and a little awkward but they were her friends after all.

The rest of the day was simply uneventful. There wasn't much to do, to be honest.

When Peter was returning to his house, he glanced at Mr. Hanaka's house. Did he shift already? Or maybe he needed some help. Peter saw many cardboard boxes outside the house. If nothing else then he should at least go and greet his new neighbours in case they were here.

Peter ringed the bell and waited. "Coming...." a voice answered from inside. A young woman in her mid-30s opened the door. "Uh.... who are you young man?"

Peter bowed a little. "Uh...hey. I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I'm your neighbour actually. Just came to greet you." Mr. Hanaka did say that his new neighbour did knew about Aunt May.

She kept a finger on her forehead as she tried to remember. "Parker as in May Parker. Are you by any chance May Parker's nephew?" Peter nodded uncertainly. She quickly hugged him. Frankly speaking, that was a bit awkward. "Oh you poor boy. I'm sorry that you had to go through all that." Confirming that she actually knew Aunt May was actually comforting. Now the hug wasn't really all that awkward. Peter returned the gesture.

"You wanna come inside? Coming from school and all, must be tiring without anyone to take care of yourself." Peter but his lower lip a little.

He shook his head. "No thank you, miss...-uh-"

"Watson. Anna May Watson."

"Thank you miss Watson but I've to go now. Work is still remaining at home. If you'll excuse me-"

"Of course dear. Ask me if you would need anything."

"Thank you."

Peter went away to his own way. He quickly needed to get dressed to leave for his part time job. God, that was tiring.

At Watson's house,

"Who was that Anna?" May Watson's neice asked from inside as she stepped out of the bathroom. God, she needed a bath after setting her room. She was sticky and greasy from the hard work she did.

"Oh that was our neighbour. He lives alone. He's a good kid. His aunt used to be my best friend."

"Why does he live alone?" She asked in confusion.

"He used to live with his aunt until she passed away. He has no parents and thus lives alone."

"Oh!" She said sorrowful about his loss. She couldn't really imagine a life without Anna. She hugged her. "Just please don't ever leave me Anna."

Anna kissed her cheek. "Of course my child."

At Parker's residence,

"Come on dad.... pick up the phone."


"Hello dad." He said softly, his voice cracking down a little. He couldn't meet his father even though he's alive or else his father's life would be in danger. He gave this special satellite phone to him, in order to talk to him anytime he needed.

"What happened Peter?" He asked over the phone, his voice filled with worry. "Did someone bully you? Did something happen? Bad memories?"

Peter took a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes. After that he told him everything that happened with Black Widow and S.H.I.E.L.D. After listening to Peter, he spoke to him in a steely voice.

"Peter...." he could hear his breath over the phone as if he was calming himself down. ".....whatever happens, do not join S.H.I.E.L.D. Trust me, do not compromise your identity. Take this as a warning Peter." He spoke in a completely serious tone, devoid of any emotion but with a hint of steel underneath it.

"Dad? What happened?" He spoke slowly not really getting why sudden his father's behavior changed so much in an instant, from a worrying father to a warning father.

"You didn't accept it, did you?"

"No...." he spoke slowly keeping his voice low. Despite being a summer afternoon, he felt chill in his spine. "Like I said, I need to go at that place tonight to accept or reject their offer."

"Don't even go." His father's voice was trembling, he was scared. But for what even Peter didn't knew. He was agitated. "Be in your home or something and do not do your Spidey work for a few days. Lay low." He instructed without missing a beat. "If you do not go there today, they would automatically assume that your answer is no.... or wait maybe they will deploy more agents behind you. That's worse. Wait... you should-" he was near to hyperventilating.

Peter never saw his father hyperventilating but he was scared for him. What could be something so scary that even his father was stuttering? Something that even shook his father to his core who already cheated death, made Peter scared.

"Calm down dad. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths. Relax." Even though he was telling this to his dad, his feet were getting cold itself. There was a gulping sound from the other end. Maybe he was drinking water. "What happened dad?"

"I don't think that you're ready to know Peter. You already have alot on your plate-"

"Dad. Something just scared you. It scared you so badly that you started to hyperventilate just by thinking about it." Peter crouched on the sofa, pulling his knees near his chest. "You were reminded of something. What are you hiding dad?"

Richard took a deep breath. "I cannot tell you son. Trust me I want to but I can't. It'll put you in danger." Yeah. Peter knew about that. Even he didn't really tell Aunt May about his life as Spider-Man to keep her safe.

But what could be an even bigger secret than that, that his father despite knowing that he's Spider-Man wouldn't tell him. What secret could be so scary that even Spider-Man couldn't take care of it.

"Dad.... dad please. Tell me. What happened? Please tell me." Peter was desperate, and his desperation could be heard over the phone.

"I can't Peter. Not over phone. It's very sensitive."

"Anything dad, anything?"

"I don't want to put you in unnecessary danger Peter. Try to understand." His father was also desperate to keep his only son alive.

"I'm Spider-Man dad. I face danger on a daily basis not knowing which day would be my last. I can take care of myself."

"No you don't understand Peter. Some of those people who want to hunt me includes SHIELD. " He shouted over the phone, his voice raw with emotions. "This is-"

Peter ran a hand over his wild unruly hair. This was getting more and more complex. Trying to remain calm, he replied, "You told me dad that with 'Great Powers come Great Responsibilities'. I don't want to know the whole truth if you're so much worried. Just tell me short version. I at least deserve to know that much dad."

Richard was sniffing over the phone. "Promise me Peter that you won't share this information with anyone and won't take any unnecessary risk. Promise me."

Father is crying?! Peter quickly agreed. What could be the secret he was harboring? The secret that weighed so heavy in his heart.

"I-I pr-romise!"

"Your mother and I didn't die in a plane accident. We were murdered..... by S.H.I.E.L.D." Peter's breath was knocked out his lungs as his knees went weak. He started to breath heavily.



By S.H.I.E.L.D?

His lips dried up, his throat became dry. He felt as if his stomach was doing backflips. His ears were red and hot for some reason and sweat gathered in the palm of his hands. He nearly dropped the phone. He crashed down on the ground, eyes wide. He was seeing everything but not registering anything. Peter Parker went into shock.

"Peter listen to ME. Are you listening?"

He shook his head, giving it a hard shake.

No. Just no. Why? Why would they do this?




"Yeah... 'M here. Sorry about that." His parents were killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Why? They weren't traitors? They were simple scientists? No. No. He needed answers. He needed answers now. And only SHIELD could provide him those answers.

"Listen to me Peter. Listen to me very carefully." He said clearly, while keeping his emotions at bay. His tone was now not the same. It had something mysterious to it now.

"Strip away the veneer of society and civilization and you'll find a devil inside all men." He was saying as if chanting a mantra. "This world is a prison and this prison is overrun with devils, Peter. Sadistic evil men who'd do anything-no matter how twisted, how immoral-to break a man down. Destroy his soul."

"But there are good men in this world." Peter interjected.

"Oh, sure there are good men in the world. Your uncle Ben was one of them. And look where it got him. Dead. Shot down like a dog. And knowing my brother, he was probably looking up at the scum who did it-trying to understand why." Peter got angry when he heard that line about Uncle Ben.

"You don't say anything about Uncle Ben!!!" He screamed at him.

"Screaming won't change anything Peter. It's the truth and you know it. My brother was one of the good men in this world. You lost your uncle and I lost my brother!!!" He was crying at the other end as well. "You think I don't know how you feel. He was a brother to me before he was an Uncle to you."

"The lesson I'm teaching you is - when it comes to the devils, Peter-there is no why. No rhyme or reason.... and S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of those devils. -"

"-Use whatever means possible to stop the madness-before it swallows you up. Stay away from S.H.I.E.L.D."

The line was quiet for a long time before Peter cut the call. This was one of the most eye opening conversations he had with his father which shade a little light into his past and his future decisions as both Peter Parker and the Amazing Spider-man.


HEEHAW. Finally another chapter completed as well. I hope you liked this little slice of life chapter. I introduced a little darker theme near the end. Hope you could feel the chills.

Here's a question - Do you want :->
MJ x Peter
Wanda x Peter

The plot is advancing. Soon we're going to be on a wild train ride in MCU with the Amazing Spider-man.

Like, Comment and Share. PEACE! ✌️ ☮️

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