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By MMotwani

2.5K 137 17

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1.2K 81 12
By MMotwani




"BLOODY HELL" groaned out Klaus as soon as he landed on a hard floor and with a growl he immediately stood up, his paranoid eyes glaring at the unfamiliar place that looked a lot like a theater.

"What the-" yelled Archie Andrews rubbing his back and standing up to look around the familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"What is going on? How did we suddenly get here?" Betty frowned, clutching her sister Polly's hand as they searched around for their parents and shared tense looks. The sister's were in Betty's room calling their elder sister who wasn't picking up and the next moment they landed in this theater room.



Four different voices yelled at the same time, as Fred Andrews and Mary Andrews, who had just left Pop's and were on their way to home but suddenly landed here, scaring them and as soon as they saw Archie, they ran towards their son, who had been out on a walk with Vegas.

"Archie are you okay?" Fred embraced him and Mary checked him for any injuries.

"I am fine, are you guys okay? And what is happening? You were at Pop's and I just reached home, when suddenly I blacked out and woke up in this room." questioned Archie anxiously.

"Betty, Polly. Oh my god, are you both okay? You are not hurt right? Hal and I just arrived from the Register and parked our car when we blacked out and were literally thrown into this theater room. What is going on? How did we come here?" Alice started rambling and firing questions.

"MOM, we don't know, we were at home and like you said, we were also suddenly brought here." sighed Betty in frustration.

"Okay, what did you do witchy?" Damon glared at Bonnie, who glared back with equal ferocity before snarling at him.

"I don't know because I was on my way to the Grill when I surprisingly landed here."

Caroline frowned, holding her mom's hand as they searched for Cami.

"Elena you okay?" questioned Stefan rubbing an anxious and panicking Elena's back while Alaric looked after Jenna and Jeremy, who were equally shocked.

Jenna had just come home after the Katherine attack and heeding Cami's advice they had told everything to Jenna regarding the supernatural and it was hard for her but everything went smoothly when Cami arrived and her sunshine personality cheered everyone up.

Though, she noticed today for some reason everyone had been cooped up into the Salvatore house except for Elena and she was sure they were planning something against Katherine and Cami was nowhere to be seen, Cami had been MIA since morning.

"What is this? How did we get here and who are these people?" questioned Tyler standing beside his mother Carol and Matt as they looked around with a frown.

"Liz? What is this? Where are we?" Carol Lockwood questioned Liz Forbes with a frown.

"I don't know Carol..." Liz replied, her hand on her pistol as she looked around in vigilance.

"Mom? Dad? What is going on? You both were in Spain right and I just arrived back home from a party and suddenly landed here? How? Why? Who are these people?"

Veronica questioned her parents who immediately ran towards her embracing her and looking around in anxiousness before sharing a tense look.

"Mija, We don't know what is going on and we also just arrived from a dinner meeting and everything was a blur after that."

Hermione answered, rubbing Veronica's back while sharing a look with Hiram. They were tense and nervous, there was still time for the matter of Riverdale, for their plans but suddenly they are now standing in front of those familiar faces and surprising unfamiliar faces as well and this is concerning, very concerning.

Katherine Pierce stood in the shadows staring at the whole farce. As soon as she landed in this theater room, she was on guard, ready to attack, thinking it was some witch voodoo and a plan of the scooby gang but the first person she saw in the room had her hiding in the farthest corner.

Klaus Mikaelson, The Devil, her worst nightmare, stood on one side of the room staring at everyone in the room with his intense blue eyes and she could see that he was observing everyone and knew his patience was running thin and she was sure it was a matter of time before he exploded but that was before he spotted the doppelganger.

She watched the shock and disbelief that marred his face when he spotted Elena, an alive, human doppelganger.

And then the smirk that crept up his lips sent a shiver down Katherine's spine. Katherine closed her eyes and sighed thinking Elena Gilbert should be ready because the devil had finally laid his eyes on her and it was not long before he attacked, she just hoped she could stick to her plan and deliver Elena to him herself, in exchange for her freedom.

Her eyes glanced towards the scooby gang and she frowned at not seeing the perky blonde and looked around trying to find her before her eyes caught another familiar figure and she froze.

Taking a shuddering breath, she stepped back further, trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Jughead" FP screamed to gain his son's attention and the boy turned around only to find himself in his father's embrace which startled him but also gave him some relief and made him close his eyes as he inhaled the same scent that always felt like home.

He slowly embraced him back only to snap out of his trance when he felt the embroidery on the jacket his father was wearing.

Serpent's, he remembered and slowly stepped back, not meeting his father's eyes and his gaze fell onto the Serpent's standing behind his father staring at him.

"You okay Jug?" FP questioned putting a hand on his shoulder and he simply nodded, looking around, his mind racing with questions and eyes bursting with curiosity and apprehension.

Klaus Mikaelson could feel his frustration building up even though he had seen the doppelganger and was ecstatic to know that the rumors were true but he was not happy to be suddenly brought in a room with unknown people who kept on chattering nonstop.

His mind raced with the possibility that this was a trap of one of his many enemies, a witch no doubt before he saw the unfamiliar faces arriving and now after observing and looking around for any possible threat he was fed up and was about to start ripping hearts out when a strong hand clamped down on his shoulder.


Klaus froze hearing the familiar voice and slowly turned around to see his siblings, his family standing in front of him, all looking at him with a variety of different emotions.

"E-Elijah, K-Kol, Rebekah, Finn..." He whispered and suddenly a hand clutched his neck and speeded him to another corner of the room.

"You fucking bastard" gritted Kol in anger as he squeezed Klaus's neck, who had now come out of his daze and was glaring back at him.

Before the brother's could start a fight, Elijah, who was happy to reunite with his family and pissed off at Niklaus interfered.

Even so, he also wanted to have a word with Niklaus and give him a piece of his mind but not here when they were in an unfamiliar place with unknown people.

This was family business and solved in private but right now they had to know what was going on and why they were brought here.

"Enough. Niklaus, Kol, now is not the time for your disputes. We will continue this later but now we have to stay together and stay alert. Let us first know why we were brought here and what is happening."

Rebekah scoffed and crossed her arms above her chest, staring furiously at Klaus while Finn kept a blank expression on his face.

Kol and Niklaus glared at each other one last time before Kol left his neck and stepped back.

Klaus took a deep breath and smirked, "Well, it's been quite a long time since we have all gathered together. How long has it been? 800 years? No, 900, since Finntal has been daggered. "

A murderous look crossed Finn's face and he took a step forward only for Elijah to interfere again.

"Niklaus, that is enough. You are already into deep waters so do not start now. Stand down all of you and for now stay quiet. We have to focus on the matter at hand and get out of here."

Elijah gritted his teeth and snapped harshly, glaring at his siblings who avoided his eyes except for Finn, who stared back at him blankly before scoffing and looking away.

It was an unspoken understanding, if Elijah loses his cool, you listen and stay quiet because it was rare that he lost his composure and he is known to be the calmest and most level headed among his siblings but what many don't know is that Elijah Mikaelson was the most dangerous one out of the Mikaelson siblings, even more so than Klaus and once he loses his composure, meaning there will only be hell to pay.

Be it his actions or words, Elijah was the most merciless out of them all.

So, The Mikaelson's siblings silently stood together, not wanting to get thrashed by their noble brother and no one said anything and just observed the room.

"Mom?" Josie questioned in fear as Sierra hugged her daughter sharing an anxious look with Tom Keller, who held his son Kevin while trying to calm everyone down.

"Just what is going on JJ?" Cheryl snapped glaring at everyone in the room.

"I don't know Cher-Cher," Jason replied, looking around with a frown before he sighed in exhaustion when he saw his father's face turn red and waited for the explosion.

"This is ridiculous and extremely confusing..." Caroline snapped, folding her hands.

"Just what I needed and where the fuck is sunshine, blondie?" Damon groaned and looked around for his best friend.

"I don't bloody know, she hasn't replied to me or answered any of my calls after she left in the morning for some work saying she will be busy and to not disturb her."


"LOWER YOUR VOICE AND ISN'T SHE YOUR BESTFRIE-, NO wait, she is 'MY' Bestfriend and my sister and I am not obligated to tell you everything, you dog..."




"ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU" Stefan snapped glaring at Damon and Caroline, who refused to back down and kept glaring at each other murderously.

"We have to focus on the matter at hand and get out of here as soon as possible so we can look for Cami."

Stefan said again before muttering "And anyways, Cami is my best friend..."

"SHUT UP..." Damon and Caroline, were now glaring at Stefan before going back to murdering each other with their eyes.

"Enough, you guys, Stefan is right, we need to get out of here and look for Cami." Elena snapped in frustration, rubbing her temples.

That got them both to back down but not before Caroline gestured to Damon, putting her finger under her neck and making a slicing motion, as if to say he is dead and turning to shoot a warning glare at Stefan, who simply raised his hands in surrender and rolled his eyes and Damon in retaliation simply rolled his eyes with a mocking smile.

After giving one last look to the Salvatore brothers, Caroline frowned at the silence in the room and looked around only to freeze seeing everyone staring at them in bewilderment.

Caroline blinked and flustered before her eyes connected with a familiar one and her expression turned cold and rigid.

"Wait, is that -"

Damon, who had his eyes narrowed down towards the same person as Caroline and he was interrupted when Liz Forbes spoke in a loud voice gaining everyone's attention.

"Hal, Alice..." Liz's eyes were staring coldly at the parents of her beloved baby.

Alice, who had been staring around and rambling frustratedly, spotted many familiar but also unfamiliar faces and even though she did not know what was going on and suddenly her breathing stopped when she spotted the Forbes.

What were they doing here? And does this mean, she is here? She shook Hal and pointed in the Forbes direction as Betty and Polly, who had been conversing with their friends, caught on to their mother's indication and their eyes widened as they rushed to their parent's side.

The Coopers looked around in desperation hoping to spot even a glimpse of her. Hoping that she was here as well, it's been more than a year now and frankly they couldn't live like this anymore. They needed their sunshine. Their light.

"E-Elizabeth, Caroline..." Alice immediately stepped forward blinking away the tears in her eyes, she tried to greet them and before she could ask about the person, she was desperately trying to search for, she was interrupted by Betty and Polly, who ran towards Caroline.

"C-caroline, how are you? Is s-she here? Where is she? Is she okay? She wasn't picking up our calls..." both the sisters fired questions at Caroline, whose eyes softened a fraction seeing the panic, concern and longing of the Cooper sisters, who looked ready to cry and sob out loud.

"She is fine" Caroline replied softly and the sisters took a relieved breath and looked around to see the Mystic gang, analyzing them and the Cooper sister's recognized who was who, from the photos Cami sent them.

"How are you doing, Liz?" Hal Cooper asked with an awkward smile, after clearing his throat, as he looked around the Mystic gang to get a glimpse of his daughter.


"She is not here." Liz interrupted Alice in a cold voice and smiled bitterly as the faces of the Cooper family fell down and the hope in their eyes died.

"You are Caroline right? Cami's Cousin?" Fred Andrews immediately stepped forward and all attention was now directed towards him.

Caroline blinked and nodded in agreement before asking in a hesitant voice, "You are Fred Andrews?"

"Yes, yes, I am. How is she? Is she okay? We spoke last night and I've been trying to call her since morning but she hasn't replied. Is everything okay?"

Fred fired questions one after the other sounding anxious and worried.

As soon as Fred stopped, almost everyone from Riverdale started talking at once.

"Cami's cousin?"

"Is she okay?"

"Oh my god, you are Cami-Cam's cousin."

"How is she?"

"I miss her so much"

"Everyone does, especially her cooking."

"We talk everyday but it's not enough"

"She is the Sunshine of Riverdale"

"We haven't spoken for two days now."

"Where is Sunshine?"

Caroline blinked and shared a look with Liz as a smile formed on their faces and they turned towards the concerned Riverdale Residents and replied.

"Cami is absolutely fine and she misses all of you as well considering her rambling the whole day about Riverdale high, what her friends must be doing, and just how much she misses them. Then there is the s-southside, the serpents, I think it was and how she misses cooking for them but most of the time she speaks about Pop's and Fred, or should I say Papa Freddy. She can go on and on about Pop's milkshakes which really makes me want to try them myself and then there is Papa Freddy, her partner in crime, her best friend, her constant."

Caroline rambled as everyone from Riverdale listened with smiles on their faces, it was needless to say that Camilla Cooper was everyone's favorite would be an understatement. The perky blonde had everyone wrapped around her fingers.

Though there were four individuals who could feel their hearts breaking, Cami remembered everyone except them.

"She remembers everyone except us..." whispered Alice as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Can we honestly blame her mom? After everything we did to her, after everything you both did to her, I am shocked that she hasn't changed her last name yet."

Betty replied harshly while wiping her tears from the back of her hand and turned around to join in the conversation.

"What is going on? And who is this Cami?" Veronica whispered to her parents who were equally confused.

"Well, Fred and her have always been a terrifying duo..."

Mary Andrews said with a chuckle shaking her head, remembering all the times Cami and Fred had pranked her and Archie or were always cooking and baking something in the kitchen which resulted in a food fight every time

"Where is she? Why isn't she here?" Archie questioned eagerly, an excited smile on his face and eyes shining with longing to see his most favorite person.


"Honestly, I have no idea about who this Cami person is and I don't want to know either way but what I would like to know is why were we brought here..."

As Klaus's booming voice echoed off the walls, it sent shivers down the spines of those present. All eyes snapped in his direction, drawn to the Mikaelson siblings standing together with an air of regal indifference.

Silently, they advanced into the room, their expressions inscrutable, their movements graceful yet deliberate. It was as if they were royalty, their poise and posture perfect.

"Before that, Katerina, come out, we know you've been hiding from the moment we stepped into this room." drawled Elijah Mikaelson as he fixed his cufflinks and turned in the direction Katherine was hiding with a sarcastic smile.

Taking a deep breath, Katherine silently stepped forward, hiding her nervousness, she avoided the eyes of The Originals especially Klaus and Elijah.

"God, you are still alive." Rebekah groaned and eyed Katherine in distaste.

"I know you love me Rebekah..." Katherine fired back with a sarcastic smile and Elijah had to stop Rebekah from ripping her head out.

"Honestly, when will our family's endeavors with doppelgangers end?" Kol questioned rolling his eyes.

"After Nik breaks his blasted curse Kol..." Rebekah answered, her eyes subtly shifted towards Elena and a sneer took over her face.

Katherine rolled her eyes, hiding the fear she felt knowing Klaus and Elijah had their eyes on her,

"We do have unfinished business Katerina..." Klaus whispered huskily as he stared at the doppelganger with a murderous gleam in his eyes and a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"We do but not now, brother." Elijah dragged in a low voice, eyeing Katherine coldly.

Katherine gulped and took a step back, trying hard to hide her fear but everyone saw the shiver that went down her back.

Avoiding the Mikaelsons she turned towards the Mystic gang, with a shaky smirk and winked at Damon and Stefan before turning towards Jenna with a mock worried expression.

"Oh, Jenna, are you okay? I heard you were stabbed? How did it happen?"

"As if you don't know bitch..." Jenna gritted out as Alaric rubbed her back while glaring murderously at Katherine.

The Residents of Riverdale shared confused and frustrated looks, why were there two girls who looked the same? Were they twins? And why was the girl with straight hair hiding from the one in curly hair and at the same time glaring at her hatefully.

"Oh, how I miss sunshine, I am sure she would have happily given you another punch..." snarled Damon as his eyes darted in between Katherine and The Mikaelson and a gleam of deviousness passed his eyes as he smirked.

Katherine's smirk faltered and she glared at Damon remembering the hard punch the Cooper girl had given her.

"And this time it would have been much meaner..." Stefan spat looking at Katherine furiously.

"Oh, you are still just as dashing and mean Stefan..." purred Rebekah with a wistful look. She had noticed Stefan standing beside the miraculously alive doppelganger a long time ago and she had wanted to rush towards him but was stopped by Elijah.

"I am sorry, have we met before?" questioned Stefan in confusion and frowned to see her throwing an accusing, deadly glare towards the man with blue eyes, who was smirking in his direction.

"All in due time sister, don't worry the ripper will remember us soon." Klaus said with a wink towards Stefan and chuckled when Stefan immediately tensed.

Damon immediately stepped in front of his brother with a dark face, "Why you-"

"Enough, for god's sake, what in the name of satan is going on over here? Who the hell are you folks except Cami Cam's relatives? And what are you and what are we doing here? Don't you understand, I have to prepare a new workout for my Vixens and not everyone is free. So whoever is this and has somehow brought us here, bloody let us out, you Ragamuffin."

Cheryl snapped, breathing heavily as everyone stared at her with wide eyes.


Clifford Blossom ragged and the vampires in the room clamped their ears shut before glowering murderously at the red headed man.

Stefan had to physically stop Damon from ripping his heart out while Elijah did the same to Klaus and Kol.

Once again, everyone started talking, yelling, threatening, whispering and all left was chaos.


Snapped Klaus and his vampire face out and the residents of Riverdale let out loud piercing screams and shifted back, running away from the Mikaelsons.

The Serpent's immediately took out their knives and Tom Keller aimed his gun in Klaus's direction.

The Mystic gang silently stood on one side staring at the drama.

"What abomination are you?" stuttered Alice holding her daughters close to her and looking at Klaus horrified.

"STAY AWAY OR ELSE I'LL SHOOT" Tom Keller shouted his hands shaking as he aimed his gun at Klaus who had now gone back to his normal face and was looking at their expression with a raised brow.

"What the hell?" whispered Veronica clutching her father's suit tighter from where he stood protectively in front of her and her mother.

"Stay back..." Hiram whispered to Veronica and Hermione as he eyed Klaus warily and anxiously.

"Oh my god, MOM, JELLYBEAN" Jughead whispered, yelled and immediately pulled the two scared women towards him and his father, both Jones men embracing them and pushing them behind them. Now was not the time for reunions.

FP, making sure his family stayed behind him, came in front of the Serpents making them protest but raised his hands in silence as he focused on Klaus, his posture alert, ready for a fight but his eyes were full of nervousness.

Fred stood in front of Archie and Mary, all three staring at Klaus horrified.

"W-what are you?" Clifford Blossom whispered in fear but a gleam of fascination could be seen in his eyes which was matched by Penelope who had been eyeing the handsome unfamiliar people.

"Oh my god, are we going to die JJ" Cheryl whispered as both the twins held on to each other.

"No Cher-Cher, nothing will happen to you" Jason whispered, his eyes focused on Klaus and his every move.

Kol yawned and eyed the Riverdale gang with boredom, "Such a bland reaction..."

Klaus took a frustrating breath and

"WHAT ARE YOU, YOU MONSTER, ANS-" Mayor McCoy, who was holding her daughter was interrupted when a robotic voice suddenly echoed in the room making everyone jump.

"That is enough. The Residents of Mystic Falls, Riverdale and The Mikaelson's, welcome. Now without wasting any time, I will get straight to the point. You all have been summoned here to watch the life of Camilla Alice Cooper."

"Excuse me? Who is this girl and why the hell would we be watching her life? And how is that even possible?" Rebekah snapped, fed up.

"Camilla Cooper is or is going to be a very big part of all of your lives and you all will be watching your own future as well for she is connected to you all or soon is going to be..."

The Mystic gang shared bewildered and concerned looks while the Riverdale gang were still in disbelief from what they heard and their mind was still focused on Klaus as they stared at him in alarm, their weapons still in their hands.

Katherine raised her brow and narrowed her eyes in apprehension.

"How the hell is all this happening? How did we suddenly get here? Who are these people? And what is that guy? And now you are saying we are going to be watching our future? Cami's life? How and Where is Cami?"

Toni Topaz snapped in frustration, gaining nods and murmurs of agreement.

"Exactly, where is my daughter, what have you done to her?" Alice snapped angrily.

"Oh let it be Alice Cooper, everyone knows how much you care about your eldest daughter."

That shut her up and she could feel glares aimed at her and Hal making her sigh and stop herself from sobbing.

The Originals had a silent conversation with their eyes all sporting looks of disbelief especially Klaus who was flaring his nose in anger and his paranoia had reached its highest and he growled angrily.


Once again screams echoed in the room as the Riverdale gang pointed their weapons at Klaus eyes wide and body shaking in anxiousness.

"Enough Klaus Mikaelson, you have no choice. Especially if you want to break your curse and trust me it's only Cami who can help you with it and not just that, she will get the Mikaelson's back together. So if you want the betterment of your family then stay quiet and cooperate."

Klaus's face twisted in disbelief as he shared shocked looks with his family. How did this voice know about his curse?

His paranoia increased and so did his rage and before he could go into his killing mode, Elijah stopped him and it was the unfathomable gleam in Elijah's eyes which stopped Klaus and the Original Siblings after a very long time had a proper conversation.

The Mystic and Riverdale gangs were wondering what this curse thing was now and how Cami was involved in this, as they murmured and whispered, sharing concerned looks.

Katherine's face twisted when the curse was mentioned which was noticed by the Salvatore brothers who shared concerned looks. Just what did Cami get herself into?

Klaus disagreed with his family's reasoning of wanting to see what was all this future viewing farce but he did not believe this. Thai was a trap, but his main concern was the knowledge of his curse. Disagreeing with his family, he snapped,


"All in due time Klaus but now for your own and your family's betterment, cooperate with the proceedings and please cease to make anymore threats. Now, the Residents of Riverdale, I know you must be shocked and scared and this might come as a bigger shock but the supernatural exists. Yes, it's true. Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, they all exist and I believe you all just saw an example."

The Riverdale gang was frozen in disbelief as their eyes stared at Klaus who was in a conversation with his family before turning towards them and flashing his vampire face which made them yelp and shift back and a small smirk crept up Klaus's face.

"Like I said, you all have been summoned here to watch your lives mainly Camilla's and before you all start again. Camilla knows what is happening and she is absolutely fine. She will be joining you all soon but for now, everyone please introduce yourselves and your species. Also, Everyone from Riverdale please keep your weapons down, nothing will happen to you."

After some whispers, arguments, murmurings and finally, hesitant agreement, the weapons of the Riverdale gang were lowered but they kept glancing at The Mikaelson's apprehensively and nervously making them roll their eyes.

"Thank you. Now, please begin with the introductions."

"Before that, may I just be clear with something."

Elijah cleared his throat and his lips curved when he saw he had everyone's attention. Fixing his cufflinks he continued in an eerily calm tone which was downright dark and sent a shiver down everyone present's spine.

"If this is a trap or any kind of vile treachery, I assure that the consequences will be dire, and no one will leave this room alive. So, this is a kind warning to everyone, do not start something you will not win and if my siblings lose their temper, then heads will roll."

At the end of the sentence, he stopped fixing his cufflinks and stared at everyone with a blank face and concluded with a charming smile, which looked nothing but threatening and The Mystic and Riverdale gang shared nervous looks while Stefan kept a hand on Damon's mouth to stop him from babbling nonsense.

"Kind Warning, my ass..." Reggie whispered, gaining nods of agreement from Moose, Midge, and Ethel who stood beside him.

"This is not a trap, I assure you Mr. Mikaelson. Now kindly begin with the introductions."

Sharing one last look of agreement with his siblings Klaus sighed and began...

"Klaus Mikaelson, Original Vampire"

"Elijah Mikaelson, Original Vampire"

"Rebekah Mikaelson, Original Vampire"

"Kol Mikaelson, Original Vampire"

"Finn Mikaelson, Original Vampire"

The Mystic gang had a silent conversation and hesitantly agreed and started with the introductions.

"Caroline Forbes, Vampire"

"Elizabeth Forbes, Human"

"Elena Gilbert, Doppelganger"

"Jeremy Gilbert, Human"

"Jenna Sommers, Human"

"Alaric Saltzman, Vampire hunter"

"Damon Salvatore, Vampire"

"Stefan Salvatore, Vampire"

"Tyler Lockwood, Untriggered Werewolf"

"Carol Lockwood, Human"

"Matt Donovan, Human"

"Katherine Pierce, Doppelganger, Vampire"

The Riverdale gang stared at each other hesitantly.

"We have no other choice and this is about our lives, mainly Cami's" Fred said, making everyone nod and agree.

"Fred Andrews"

"Mary Andrews"

"Archie Andrews"

"Alice Cooper"

"Hal Cooper"

"Polly Cooper"

"Betty Cooper"

"Kevin Keller"

"Tom Keller"

"Sierra McCoy"

"Josie McCoy"

"Clifford Blossom"

"Penelope Blossom"

"Jason Blossom"

"Cheryl Blossom"

"Reggie Mantle"

"Marty Mantle"

"Melinda Mantle"

"Ethel Muggs"

"Midge Klump"

"Moose Mason"

Hiram, Hermione and Veronica looked at eachother and Hermione nodded at them making them sigh and agree.

"Hiram Lodge"

"Hermione Lodge"

"Veronica Lodge"

The Serpents too shared hesitant looks but relented.

"FP Jones"

"Gladys Jones"

"Jughead Jones"

"JB Jones"

"Antoinette Topaz"

"Thomas Topaz"

"Sweet Pea"

"Fangs Fogarty"

"Hog Eye"

"Joaquin de' Santos"

"Samson de' Santos"

"Hailey Evans"

"Very well, now, all of you, please take your seats, and remember this is for your betterment. A chance for you all to not make those choices which will ultimately lead to your destruction. But heed my words, for more than you, it will be Cami who will suffer. She has always borne the weight of sacrifice for everyone, and it led to her downfall. So, this is your chance to stop those events which will cast shadows over all your lives. Stay calm, for the path ahead is full of darkness. All the best."

Everyone in the room felt a variety of emotions course through them, The warning of the voice was haunting and the warning sent a shiver through their spines. Silently, everyone took their seats. All of them lost in their thoughts and the screen in front of them lit up and finally taking a deep breath everyone turned their attention towards the screen waiting for the show of their lives to begin...

Author's Note

Hello, my dearest readers. I hope you are doing well.

So, here is the Prologue of my new book and honestly, I am really excited to write this book.

But do let me know what are your thoughts on this story?

Have a nice day and stay safe...


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