vengeance | woosan

By neoteezcore

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San isn't the one to fuck with when it comes to his friends. When Wooyoung rejects one of them, instantly, he... More

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book 2


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By neoteezcore

a/n: i realize in the previous chapter i had wooyoung asked out san again. it simply because i forgot that i had asked him out on the date before spring break.

also it's me rewriting this chapter multiple of times so i'm sorry if it's boring.

Yeonjun and I exchanged a knowing glance before turning our attention to Soobin, who had seemingly snuck up on us.

"Oh, babe, don't sneak up on me like that," Yeonjun playfully chided, enveloping Soobin in a hug as if to diffuse any tension.

"We were just referencing a kdrama," Yeonjun explained with a casual shrug, seamlessly covering for my discomfort. I nodded in agreement, grateful for his quick thinking but also feeling a pang of guilt for putting him in that position.

We walked to the lounge together, where Taehyun sat alone. The couple settled in next to him, immediately catching his attention.

"Hey, you..." Taehyun's gaze met mine, and he blushed slightly. "Hey, San."

"Hey, Taehyun," I replied, taking a seat. I suddenly remembered that I'd forgotten to text him to hang out. "I'm sorry for not texting you."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you're busy," Taehyun said, understandingly. "I've seen your work for Wooyoung, it's beautiful." He admitted, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I saw it when I stopped by the studio."

"You guys were going to hang out?" Yeonjun asked, catching on. Taehyun nodded, blushing slightly. "Yeah, jealous," I teased, earning a scoff from Yeonjun. "Why would I be when I have Soobin?" Yeonjun countered, kissing Soobin's cheek.

"Whatever," I said, changing the subject and turning to Taehyun. "We can do something tomorrow, I'm free." I made plans now to avoid forgetting.

"Sounds cool, we can go to the arcade. It's super fun there," Taehyun suggested.

"Fun," I said, winking playfully before standing up. "I'd love to third-wheel and chat, but I have a class." It was my writing class. I bid my goodbyes before heading out.

As I went to class, I noticed the line for Wooyoung's line was gone, and so was Wooyoung. I assumed he had a class to attend at this time or was simply done apologizing to everyone.

Out of no where i hears a voice yell"You haven't answered my text messages,"

I turn around to see wooyoung. "You avoiding me?" though said in jest, i still felt twinge of guilt twist in my stomach

"No," I replied, the word coming out more hesitantly than I intended. Inside, I couldn't stop thinking about the line of Wooyoung's so-called victims. The amount of people lowkey imitate me.

Wooyoung's sigh was heavy with an unspoken understanding, a bridge connecting his thoughts to mine. "You think differently about me," he stated more than asked, reading me like the open book I never realized I was. "No, I'm proud of you," I lied, the words feeling foreign as they left my lips.

"I feel a little better about myself," Wooyoung admitted, his hand finding mine. His touch was both grounding and electrifying. "I feel selfish for even thinking that, but hey, it's a start."

"Yeah," was all I could muster, my gaze locked on his pouting lips. He definitely wanted me to say something more, like the truth. But i refuse to, and acted ignorant "What, baby?" I asked.

He shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth despite the earlier tension. "Nothing. I know you have a class, so I'll be in the studio. Can I drive you home?" His voice was soft, vulnerable, and it was impossible not to smile back, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah. I'll text you when I'm out," I promised, and he smiled making me feel like i got away from talking about my own feelings. I never want him to know what goes on in my mind.

As Wooyoung and I reluctantly let go of each other's hands, I hurried off to class, the warm feeling of his touch lingering on my skin. Racing through the halls, I burst into the classroom, interrupting the teacher mid-sentence, a wave of heads turning in my direction. "Sorry," I mumbled, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I made my way to an empty seat.

The teacher, Mr. Lee, adjusted his glasses with a sigh but resumed his lecture on storytelling. "Remember, at the heart of every story, especially in romance, is human connection. Fiction allows us to explore the depths of these connections in ways that reality often doesn't ."

A classmate, Jihoon, raised his hand, offering an example that hit uncomfortably close to home. "Like when a character starts a relationship under false pretenses, maybe to get revenge or for a bet, but then genuinely falls for the person. It's compelling because it's a journey from deceit to truth, from isolation to connection."

His words echoed my own tangled situation with Wooyoung, but  my feelings had morphed into something real, something terrifyingly genuine.

Curiosity overcoming my hesitation, I found myself asking, "Not saying I relate, but is there... a way out for someone in that kind of situation?" My voice was steadier than I felt, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue.

Another student, Minji, chimed in, her tone thoughtful. "Personally, if someone used me like that, I would have a hard time trusting them again. It's about the betrayal, not just the action itself."

Mr. Lee nodded, approving of the direction our discussion had taken. "This is an excellent example of the complexities of human emotions and relationships in books. In fiction, romantic stories often depict happy endings and forgiveness, whereas in reality, trust issues are more likely to arise despite efforts to reconcile.."

The conversation unfolded around me, but my thoughts were with Wooyoung. The fear of losing him battled with the guilt of my original intentions. Made me realize i gotta tell him before shit hits the fan.

Wooyoung Pov

When I saw san I called out, my voice laced with excitement, "San, over here!" I waved eagerly, hoping to catch his attention amidst the bustling crowd. As he turned towards me, I raced towards him with a heart pounding with anticipation. Reaching him by the entrance, I enveloped him in a tight hug, my arms wrapping around his frame, but his response felt hesitant, his embrace lacking the usual warmth.

"Ready to go?" I smile softly, my gaze searching his eyes for any hint of hesitation. His smile, though gentle, seemed tinged with a hint of uncertainty as he nodded in response. "I'd like to drive, though," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. Without a second thought, I reached into my bag and handed him my keys.

"Can we still go to your house?" I inquired as I fastened my seatbelt, sensing a flicker of hesitation in San's response.

"Are you sure everything is OK?" I found myself asking, studying his face for any sign of the unease I sensed. San's body language shifted, becoming more relaxed as he turned to smile at me. Yet, the smile didn't quite reach his eyes; it seemed compelled rather than genuine. "Yeah, had a long day," he replied, a simplicity in his explanation that didn't fully mask the underlying tension.

The thought of possibly overstaying my welcome crossed my mind. "Should I go home—" I began, only to be interrupted by San's reassuring squeeze on my knee, a gesture that spoke volumes. "No, I want you to come over," he insisted, his voice carrying a warmth that eased my concerns.

Curiosity about Yeonjun, his roommate, made me question their arrangements. "What about Yeonjun?" I inquired, aiming to be considerate. "He's with his boyfriend," San informed me, a piece of information that brought a sense of relief. His next words, "It's just me and you, wanna order food?" were said with a newfound calmness, dispelling the earlier awkwardness between us.

"Yeah, I would love that. Pineapple pizza?" I asked, hopeful. The affirmation in his nod and his words, "You know it," made me smile, a thought crossing my mind that perhaps my brother had been right all along—San might just be the one.

The drive to San's house felt shorter than usual, a testament to the comfort and ease growing between us. Upon arriving, the familiar routine of entering his home, taking off our shoes, and settling into the living room felt almost domestic. I cuddled against him first (not minding being a little spoon) as he turned on the TV, the casual intimacy of the moment making me feel safe.

"Do you have homework?" I asked, mindful of not wanting to distract him from his responsibilities. His nonchalant nod, followed by, "I'll do it later, don't worry," displayed his relaxed attitude towards my presence. Yet, my insistence on not being a distraction led to an even closer proximity, his actions scooping me into his lap, my cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and delight.

San's playful tease, "I'll let you know if you do," accompanied by the affectionate gesture of nuzzling his nose against my neck, reassured me further.

"I have my art show next week; your statue will be presented," I shared, feeling a surge of nervousness coursing through me.

"Don't be," San reassured me, his fingers intertwining with mine. "I'll be there."

"You better be," I half-joked, the thought of it made me feel so vulnerable . Having to expose art that is really meaningful to me  not only the public but also my family for the first time began to weigh on me.

"They will love it, especially your brother," San insisted, his unwavering support bolstering my confidence. "I didn't see all your work, but I saw enough to know you're super talented."

In the quiet of San's living room, with the soft glow of the TV casting shadows around us, as I looked into San's eyes, those dark brown eyes that seemed to hold entire galaxies. "I love you," I said, the words tumbling out with a mixture of fear and boldness.

For a moment, as I watched his reaction, his eyes shifted, clouding with something that resembled sadness, only to be quickly masked by a veneer of happiness. "You do," he echoed, his voice a mix of surprise and something else I couldn't quite place.

I frowned, confused by his reaction. Wasn't it obvious how I felt? Hadn't my actions, my words, everything up to this moment screamed of my affection for him? Why doesn't he believe me.

"I do, I really do. I fucking love you," I emphasized, pouring every ounce of my truth into those words, hoping they would bridge whatever gap had formed between us.

But as he opened his mouth to respond, a part of me reeled back in fear. "Woo-" he began, but I couldn't let him continue. "Pizza," I interjected hastily, a desperate attempt to steer us away from a conversation I suddenly wasn't sure I was ready for. His body language, the hesitation, the fleeting sadness in his eyes—it all hinted at complexities I wasn't sure how to navigate. The mood, so perfect moments ago, now felt fragile, hanging by a thread that I feared my own words were about to sever.

San paused, looking at me closely, and I could see him wrestling with whether to push the conversation forward or let it drop. In the end, he chose the latter, a decision I was both relieved and pained by. "Yeah, pizza," he agreed, his voice carrying a forced cheerfulness as he grabbed his phone to place our order.

The air between us grew thick with tension after San ended the phone call, the once comfortable silence now charged with unspoken words. I bit my bottom lip, a nervous habit, the taste of apprehension bitter on my tongue.

"I can't move past it," I confessed, turning to face San, my voice betraying the crack of vulnerability. "What's going on?" My question hung between us, a plea for the openness I had offered to him. "I won't be upset," I assured, though my heart trembled at the thought of his potential response. San's lips pressed into a thin line, a barrier to his thoughts, before he let out the words, "You don't love me."

"I do," San countered, though his assertion felt hollow, forced. I sighed, the weight of our conversation pressing down on me. "Is it because of today?" I ventured, seeking any clue to understand his withdrawal.

His eyes softened, meeting mine with a vulnerability that hadn't been there moments before. "I'm not going to hurt you like I hurt them," I said, my words a promise, an attempt to bridge the gap widening between us.

San's response was heavy with a mixture of apology and evasion. "I trust you, and I'm sorry if I seem off today. I just have a lot on my mind, and I'd rather not talk about it," he admitted, his words doing little to ease the growing rift.

"Why not?" I pressed, unable to hide the frustration and hurt from my voice.

"It has nothing to do with you," he snapped back harshly, causing my jaw to clench, a physical response to the sting of his words. I turned away, focusing on the television, an attempt to mask the hurt.

I felt San's sigh more than heard it, his lips pressing a kiss to my temple in an apology that felt too little, too late. "I'm sorry for spoiling the mood, baby," he murmured, his voice a soft caress against the tension. Despite his apologies, kisses trailing from my cheek to my forehead, I remained unmoved, arms crossed defensively over my chest.

"Woo," San cooed, a tender note in his voice as he pressed another kiss to my forehead, his reassurance brushing against my neck, "Baby, really, I'm going to be okay."

I turned to face him, my resolve softening. "I just want us to communicate," I admitted, the heart of our problem laid bare.

San nodded, his gaze meeting mine with an intensity that felt like a turning point. "I love you too," he finally said, the words I had been longing to hear.

"I love you, San," I responded, my voice a soft echo of his. Leaning in, I pressed a kiss to his lips, a seal over our promises and apologies. "I love you so much, and I'm sorry," San breathed out, his apology wrapping around us, a tentative step towards mending the cracks that had formed.

I nod before allowing him to press his lips against mine, wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I felt san hand grab my bottom, lightly pinching it, making me whimper into the kiss.

Breaking away from the kiss, I took a moment to study San, seeing the desire darken his eyes, a look so intense it sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't resist teasing him further, so I leaned in once more, giving his swollen lips a quick peck before pulling back just out of his reach. His response was immediate, a mix of frustration and longing lacing his words. "Don't tease me, Jung Wooyoung. I said I was sorry." His voice was hoarse and low, making him sound extra sexy.

Feeling bold, I leaned closer, my voice barely a whisper as I issued a challenge, "Show me." The words were barely out before the world tilted, and suddenly I was on my back with San hovering above me. This swift change in our positions, a move that would have once triggered fear or discomfort, now felt exhilarating. Over time, I had learned to trust San completely, understanding the safety and love he offered me through his actions and reassurance.

San's eyes searched mine for a moment, seeking consent without words, a silent question hanging between us. In response, I offered him a reassuring smile.

As San's lips met mine again, he was gentle and slow, almost place me in a trance of comfort. Until I felt his toned body pressing and grinding against mine and his kisses became aggressive making me feel arouse between my legs. I let out a moan between the kiss, feeling san grind himself against my hardon that was begging to come out.

San pulls aways , and pulls off my shirt, and I helped him by sitting up. Once my shirt was gone i pull him into a kiss by gripping his shirt collar, exploring every inch of his mouth causing him to moan into the kiss when I bite his bottom lip. he breaks the kiss,"I love you, wooyoung ." he pecks my lips as he continuously tells me he loves me.

"make love to me." i said as San hovers over me and catches my lips in a heated makeout. My hands finds his hair easily and i light tug at his dark locks, breathing out,"I want you in me."  I reveal my true desires, allowing san to have me, and san smiles into kiss before pulling way, and hastily removing my remaining clothing, and i leaned in to help him take off his.

Feeling vulnerable during this moment, san seems to notice, as he caresses my cheek,"i'll be gentle." he softly says and I nodded before he bend down to kiss my pelvis,"let me know if your uncomfortable."  I nodded before feeling a wet sensation on my rim, making me arch my back alittle as i feel Sam's tongue licking me by surprise. He places his hands on my thighs as he ate me out causing whimpers to escape from my lips.

He moves away smiling, keeping eye contact before sticking a finger in me,"You feel loose, can i-"

i blushed before admitting," You can just skip the prepping, i um."

"you touched yourself ," san says softly and i nodded, san tsked teases me  by letting his dick rest by my entrance. ," you don't need to do that when you have me." he pushes his dick into  me and my  hands instantly grips his shoulders tightly, he was totally bigger than my dildos.

I steady my breathing once he was fully in and I whispered ,"I'm ready." with a nod San starts to thrust. he grunts as he watches his dick go in and out of me, "harder." I moaned, feeling san hands gripping my hips as he pounds into me relentlessly.

"this is how my wooyoung likes it?" san coos mockingly, his eyes locked onto yours."it's better than doing it by yourself?" I nodded , as his hips slamming against mine with a force that leaves me breathless. All i can manage to do is whimper in content as san brings me into a new heights of pleasure.

"I'm yours," san affirms , hissing as i clench around him, as he goes faster into me. His grip on my hips tightened as he curses." And i want to be yours."

"you are mine." I yelp, arching my back and moan as he find that sweet spot deep inside me, tears welling up,"fuck, san right there"

san groans as his pace quickening, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. "come inside of me." I plea panting, as i watch san , my love, moves in and out of me, making me feel overwhelmed as slams into me one last time, filling me up with his hot cum.

grips my dick that's leaking with precum by surprise he strokes me quickly, making my own orgasm washing over me. san collapse on top of me making me chuckle, and hold him, as we tried to catch our breath.

"you're duality is insane, babe." i panted, and san chuckle sending vibrations through my body, he kisses my chest,"I told you i'm not a bottom."

I kissed the top of his head and agreed, i liked it more when he's on top of me. He made me feel safe, and was caring. Usually i never let someone top me, unless it was my ex (mingyu) I didn't like the idea of someone else controlling me but with san, i wouldn't be mind wrapped around his fingers," i love you." i whispered.

"i love you too." san says before snapping into reality,"let me clean you up before the pizza man or yeonjun comes."

"oh dear." i say laughing.

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