The Cold Protocol (Male Sith...

By Kingrenetti

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During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral (Y/n) led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem... More

CHAPTER 1-Post Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 2-The Village!
CHAPTER 3-Rebel Cells!
CHAPTER 4-Night Raid!
CHAPTER 5-Talk of The Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 6-Operation Risky Waters!
CHAPTER 7-The General, The Apprentice, and The Force
CHAPTER 8-Peace Keepers!
CHAPTER 9-False Prosperity
CHAPTER 10-The Hacker
CHAPTER 11-Confederate-Menagerie Relations
CHAPTER 12-Escalation!
CHAPTER 13-Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 14-Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 15-Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 16-New Ally
CHAPTER 17-Next Step
CHAPTER 18-Information, Training and Reinforcements
CHAPTER 19-The White Fang
CHAPTER 20-Recruitment
CHAPTER 21-The Khan
CHAPTER 22-Plan of Attack and Infiltration
CHAPTER 23-Battle of Bingham Part 1
CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2
CHAPTER 25-Battle of Bingham Part 3
CHAPTER 26-Battle of Bingham Part 4
CHAPTER 27-Battle of Bingham Part 5: Showdown
CHAPTER 28-Battle of Bingham Part 6: Duel
CHAPTER 29-After Shock
CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors
CHAPTER 31-New Assignment
CHAPTER 32-The Remnant
CHAPTER 33-Find the Outlaws
CHAPTER 34-The Knight & The Soldier
CHAPTER 35-Reunion
CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base
CHAPTER 37-Cooperation
CHAPTER 38-Escape
CHAPTER 39-The Traitor
CHAPTER 40-Three Beasts
CHAPTER 41-Hawks Vs Three Beasts
CHAPTER 43-Always a Family
CHAPTER 44-Setting the Stage
CHAPTER 45-Red Horizon
CHAPTER 46-Defense Plan
CHAPTER 47-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 48-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 49-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 50-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 4: Showdown
CHAPTER 51-2nd Battle of Menagerie: Admiral Vs General
CHAPTER 52-Rebuild
CHAPTER 53-Milita Meets CRS
CHAPTER 54-Council
CHAPTER-55-Break Out
CHAPTER 56-Calm Before the Storm
CHAPTER 57-Conspiring
CHAPTER 58-Conspiracy in Motion
CHAPTER 59-Operation Mimic
CHAPTER 60-Welcome to Unity City
CHAPTER 61-Meetings
CHAPTER 62-Thorn
CHAPTER 63-A Day in the City
CHAPTER 64-A Night in the City
CHAPTER 65-Shadow
CHAPTER 66-Peace Faction Leader
CHAPTER 67-The Plan
CHAPTER 68-Union Academy
CHAPTER 69-Within Darkness
CHAPTER 70-Shadows Attack
CHAPTER 71-Through the Force
CHAPTER 72-Evaluation
CHAPTER 74-Reunite
CHAPTER 75-Time to Plan

CHAPTER 73-New Job

852 42 7
By Kingrenetti

After his successful evaluation, (Y/n) was now standing in the office of the headmasters with Qrow. Nezu just held a smile as he knew that the infiltration was a success. Ozpin and Sirzechs were looking over the recorded battle, interested by (Y/n)'s abilities. It puzzled them as they want to know what kind of power (Y/n) has, but Nezu did say he keeps things close to his chest. Ozpin admits it's a good strategy, but Sirzechs is still adamant to figure out (Y/n)'s power.

Ozpin: "I will admit, your abilities are intriguing." he said.

Sirzechs: "Telekinesis and some kind of Speed power. That combined is a force to be reckoned with. What exactly is your power?" he asks.

(Y/n): "I'd rather not say." he said.

Ozpin: "Nezu did mention your keep things close to your chest, a good strategy. You never know when an ally can turn into an enemy." he said.

Sirzechs: "That is why we must remain vigilant." he adds.

(Y/n): "What do you mean by that?" he asks.

Nezu: "Well, Rebel activity has skyrocketed in recent weeks. They also seem organized." he explains.

Sirzechs: "That's what worries me. If these Rebels are organized enough to inflict damage to our forces, I dread to know what they could do if the Separatist States joined them." he adds.

Ozpin: "We can worry about that later, Director Louis is handling this problem and I have faith in him. You should to, Sirzechs." he said, attempting to calm the Devil down.

Qrow: "Speaking of which. Has he uncovered anything?" he asks.

Ozpin: "No. He's been quite busy, especially with that hunter of his." he replies.

A ding is heard and the elevator to the office opens. A man walks into the office. The headmasters take notice of him.

Sirzechs: "Henry. Right on time, we were just talking about you." he said, smiling a little.

(Y/n) and Qrow turn around and see Henry Louis walking towards them. Henry stands beside the two and addresses the headmasters.

Henry: "Sorry for popping in unannounced." he said, calmly.

Nezu: "oh no, it's fine. We were actually wondering about your progress in dealing with our Rebel problem." he said.

Ozpin: "Seraph, Qrow. Would you leave us? We'd like to speak to Director Louis, alone." he asks.

Qrow nods before he gestures for (Y/n) to follow him. Henry watches them as they enter the elevator. Once inside the elevator, Qrow presses a button. The door closes and Henry looks back at the headmasters.

Henry: "The Rebels have yet to make a move, which makes me cautious. A few UAV's that I've sent to Menagerie have been shot down so spying on the Rebels is no longer an option." he said.

Ozpin: "Any hopes on locating Esdeath?" he asks.

Henry: "negative. My guess is that the Rebels either killed or captured her. I'm thinking the latter is more possible."

Sirzechs: "What makes you say that?" he asks.

Henry: "Esdeath is a General in the United Forces. The information she holds is far to valuable to just let die with her. The Rebels will need that information if they wish to sustain a proper military campaign." he explains.

Nezu: "They managed to destroy Fort Bingham and defeat two fleets of airships. I think they can sustain a campaign well enough, even without her information." he adds.

Henry: "While that may be true, but if I was in there shoes, I would take that information. It would make future campaigns easier." he said.

Sirzechs: "Should we prepare our forces for a direct assault?" he asks.

Henry: "no."

Ozpin: "May I ask why?" he asks.

Henry looked over his shoulder and at the elevator door before looking back at the headmasters.

Henry: "it won't be necessary. I have everything under control." he said.

On the main level, (Y/n) and Qrow walk out of the elevator before the door closes behind them. Qrow chuckles lightly.

Qrow: "Can't believe it. You actually managed to sneak into Union Academy." he said.

(Y/n): "I've managed to sneak into places that other's deem impossible to infiltrate. Like the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. That was a fun mission." he said.

Qrow: "Jedi Temple? Sounds important." he said, sounding interested.

(Y/n): "It is. I'll have to tell you all about it some time." he said.

Qrow: "Please do, sounds like an interesting story."

(Y/n): "Anyway, I need to tell my allies about the success. Is there a room I can contact them in? Ideally one where Union can't eavesdrop." he asks.

Qrow: "Follow me." he said, gesturing for (Y/n) to follow him.

The two of them walk through Union Academy and as they did (Y/n) began to dwell on Darth Vader. If the Empire is truly coming, he needs to let Obi Wan know so he can at least prepare the CRS for the eventual confrontation. But he doesn't want panic to spread so he needs to make sure only the top brass of the CRS knows about this. Not even the Separatist States can know. Not right now at least. He doesn't want them making any irrational decisions while he's gone. That could spell disaster for the entire Revolution. So, he needs to play this carefully and slowly inform the others about the rising threat the Galactic Empire could pose. That is, if Darth Vader finds him. Though, seeing as Vader spoke to him through the Force, he doubts it'll be hard for him to be found. That's what scares him. He needs to finish his current mission and then prepare the CRS for the Empire. But then he remembers his promise he made to Yor.

Keeping her brother Yuri Briar safe. The only problem with that is he has no idea who or where Yuri is. Hopefully Nezu can track him down, that way It'll be easier to keep that guy safe. (Y/n) has made many promises and he always intended on keeping them. But having this many things to worry about is stressful, but he'll manage. He is snapped out of his thoughts when Qrow stops and opens a door in the hallway.

Qrow: "here. Others in the Peace Faction use this room from time to time. It has no cameras or audio sensors." he said.

(Y/n): "How hasn't Union noticed?" he asks.

Qrow: "Nezu always tells his compatriots that it's to give them a place to go if their security systems are compromised. There's more then one room so it's easier for us to use them." he explains.

(Y/n): "Smart move on Nezu's part." he said, smiling a little.

(Y/n) then walks into the room. Qrow then closes the door behind him and waits outside. Mainly to keep watch. (Y/n) grabs his Holographic projector and presses a button before setting it on the ground in front of him. After a few minutes of waiting, the holograms of Obi Wan Kenobi, Najenda, Luna and Twilight appear.

(Y/n): "Glad you guys answered."

Obi Wan(Hologram): "We figured it was important." he said.

Luna(Hologram): "Hi dad." She greets.

(Y/n): "Hey, Luna. Hope your doing well." he said, smiling a little.

Luna(Hologram): "I am. Obi Wan is helping me train a bit with the Force and I'm getting a better hang of it." she said.

(Y/n): "That's great! Glad to hear." he said, glad that she's getting better with the Force.

He was grateful for Obi Wan's help.

Twilight(Hologram): "Are you inside Union Academy?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Affirmative. I've fully infiltrated the Academy. So far, the headmasters don't suspect a thing." he said.

Twilight(Hologram): "Amazing. We haven't been able to get anyone even inside the city let alone the pride and joy of Union. The CSIA will be happy to hear this." he said, sounding impressed.

(Y/n): "I've infiltrated the Jedi Temple, so this was easy." He said.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "even now I still question how you managed that." he said, not sounding pleased.

Luna(Hologram): "Jedi Temple? Sounds like an interesting story." she comments.

(Y/n): "I'll tell you all about it when I get back. But right now, I need to speak to Obi Wan. Alone." he said, looking at Obi Wan.

Najenda(Hologram): "understood. Be safe, (Y/n)." she said before walking off, her hologram fading away.

Twilight and Luna walk off, their holograms fading away as well, leaving only Obi Wan left. Obi Wan had watched them walk away before then waiting a few seconds and looking back to (Y/n).

Obi Wan(Hologram): "What is it?" he asks.

(Y/n): "I spoke to someone through the Force."

Obi Wan(Hologram): "who?"

(Y/n) paused for a moment before speaking.

(Y/n): "Anakin." he said.

Obi Wan's eyes widen.

(Y/n): "there's something you never told me. That being the fate of Anakin." he said, glaring a little at Obi Wan.

Obi Wan's shock subsided as he looked a little nervous.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "Things happened on Coruscant. He was there during the fall of the Jedi Temple, leading the clones in slaughtering countless Jedi. Knights, Masters, Padawans, Younglings. All of them. We then battled on Mustafar and... I was sure he would have perished." he explained.

(Y/n): "Did you even attempt to save him from falling too far?" he asks.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "he was already too far gone." he answered.

(Y/n): "You don't know that Obi Wan." he said.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "he used the Dark Side of the Force and slaughtered countless Jedi."

(Y/n): "So did I or have you forgotten which side I was originally on?" he asks, a bit angry.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "I never forgot. But you never did the things he did, you may have been a Sith, but even I can tell you've changed." he said. "Master Yoda always figured you would turn to the Light."

(Y/n): "I know Anakin can be saved. While you might have given up on him, I haven't. Just know that he's coming." he said.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "Does he know about Earth?" He asks.

(Y/n): "not yet. But considering he contacted me through the Force, finding me won't be that hard for him. Especially thanks to the Force." he said.

Obi Wan(Hologram): "Then we need to prepare for the Empire." he said.

(Y/n): "Keep this between us for now. I'll let everyone else know once I return." he said. "Oh, and Obi Wan? My Daughter is the only family I have left. If you end up causing her pain, I will throw our little alliance in the trash. Don't fuck this up."

With that, he ended the transmission. He bends down and picks up the projector and clips it to his belt. He then walked to the door and opened it. Qrow was waiting outside for him and saw him leave the room.

Qrow: "How did it go?" he asks.

(Y/n): "They're informed. All we need to do is get as many Students and teachers as possible to our side. Planting the seeds of truth into their minds." he said.

Qrow: "Once they do switch sides, you aren't going to make them fight this inevitable War, are you?" he asks, suspiciously.

(Y/n): "it's their choice. Not mine." he answered.

Qrow gave him a small yet intense gaze before sighing.

Qrow: "Very well. Just remember you now have classes to teach. So, sneaking in a few truth bombs during Class could be a good start." he said.

(Y/n): "Good thinking." 

The Union Infiltration Arc is a LONG one

Also, Who's your favorite Antagonist in this story?

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