Magician of Cote

By Soumyadeep02

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka , Demon of 4th generation arrives at ANHS in search of freedom from his past. He will go t... More

About the story
Vol 1-Ch-1 The ANHS
Vol 1-Ch 2-The Fortune
Vol 1-Ch-3 The Introduction
Vol-1 Ch-4 The Stalker
Vol-1 Ch-4.5 The Dorms
Vol-1 Ch-4.75 The Keyaki Mall
Vol-1-Ch-5 The childhood friend
Vol-1 Ch-6 The Boys
Vol-1 Ch-7 The Angel from Heaven
Vol-1 Ch-8 The Pledge
Vol-1 Ch-9 The One Stop
Vol-1 Ch-10 The Turn
Vol-1 Ch-11 The Mask
Vol-1 Ch-12 The Best Friend
Vol-1 Ch-13 The Horikitas
Vol-1 Ch-14 The Angels and Demons
Vol-1 Ch-16 The Prestige
SS- The Frenemy
SS-The Anomaly
Volume 2 - Prologue
Vol-2 Ch-1 The Date
Vol-2 Ch-2 The Trap
Vol-2 Ch-3 The Case
Vol-2 Ch-4 The Creep
Vol-2 Ch-5 The Shy One
Vol-2 Ch-6 The Convincer
Vol-2 Ch-7 The Sleight
Vol-2 Ch-8 The Gaff
Vol-2 Ch-9 The Final Stand Part-1
Vol-2 Ch-10 The Final Stand Part-2
Vol-2 Ch-11 The Aftermath
SS-The Genius
SS-The Amusement Park
SS-The Birthday
Volume 3- Prologue
Vol-3 Ch-1 The Cruise
Vol-3 Ch-2 The Surprise
Vol-3 Ch-3 The Rules
Vol-3 Ch-4 The Fellowship
Vol-3 Ch-5 The First Day

Vol-1 Ch-15 The Clown

1K 60 36
By Soumyadeep02

"So, would you mind telling me, why you didn't say anything about class representatives?" I glared at Sae.

We were sitting in her cabin in the faculty office.

"So, you came to know about that. I was hoping you wouldn't." she answered.

"Why? I am helping you, aren't I?"

"Because you are an unreliable variable. You didn't tell anything about point system to your classmates, just for your entertainment. I will not accept that you are helping me, unless you bring in good results. Being a class representative is a serious role. Once submitted, they can't be changed unless the person is expelled. The power they hold is immense. They have the final say in class related matters, even the teacher can't interfere." she explained.

"Cool, then submit my name to the school. Whole class has already agreed to it. You can go and ask them, but that would be just a waste of your time."

She sighed and gave in. Knowing that it was worthless to try and change the outcome.

"Then whose name are you submitting as the co-leader? In your absence, he or she will hold the powers of the leader."

"Kouenji Rokusuke"

"What!!" she shouted.

"There is no need for shouting woman, I was kidding. Matsushita Chiaki is the name."

"I swear you will be the death of me. I have noted the names and I will submit it. Now if you don't have any other inquiry, you can leave."

"Is it that time of the month, why are you so irritated?"


I narrowly escaped death. That woman could really throw things at insane speed.

As I started walking towards cafeteria, my new friend joined me.

"Judging by the way you came out running, you said something inappropriate, didn't you?" Kushida said.

"Did I? I just stated the facts. Anyways, you got the recording I sent you?"

"Yes, I still can't believe that you were able to record me, during my ranting session. I never felt your presence."

That was good, it means Chiaki is a good stalker. Yes, she is the one who recorded Kushida. I gave her the task to stalk Kushida, 24x7. Well not exactly 24x7, because she didn't stalk Kushida during her sleep. That's why I had to take her group sessions.

"I told you, Kushida. I am someone you cannot comprehend to defeat. So let go of thinking such trivial things."

"That's something, I have come to understand. But why did you invite me to lunch. You have some plans, don't you?"

"I am glad you are catching on fast. Yes, we are going to the cafeteria to buy the exam question papers."

"I will not even ask. But why did you need me?"

"Kushida, if it comes down to dealing with a boy. Although I will prefer to deal with a girl. You are the perfect bait, do you understand what I mean."

"Yes, even though I don't like it. I will follow you." she said with genuine sadness.

It was three days, since that incident. But she is already much more open around me. Her genuine emotions are only seen by my eyes.

We reached the cafeteria and I started to search for a perfect candidate but then my eyes fell upon two beautiful girls. By the looks of it, they were from second year.

One of them had waist-length chocolate -brown hair that was adorned by a hair pin in shape of sunflower along with purple eyes.
The second one had long platinum blonde hair and crimson eyes.

I approached them. They were sitting in isolation. As I approached them, the hair pin girl noticed me.

"Hello there Kōhai, do you guys need anything?" she asked.

"Yes, actually. I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, this girl here is Kushida Kikyou. I need to ask a favor, would you mind?" I asked in a professional voice.

"Not at all, by the way my name is Asahina Nazuna. How can I help you?"

"Can you please take a look at this question paper and tell us if you have seen the questions before?" I asked.

"Why would you want to do that? Ayanokoji." The platinum haired girl, sitting beside her asked.

"Call it intuition, but I have a feeling that the question paper for the first mid term of the first-year are always repeated."

Both of them were shocked although the platinum haired girl was grinning like a maniac.

"You would be correct, Ayanokouji. The papers are repeated. Do you know why?" she asked.

"So that the academically weak students are not expelled right away?"

"You are an interesting one, which class are you from?"

"Class D, surprised?"

"This just gets better and better."

"Ayanokouji-kun, you are a magician. I don't think I have ever seen Fuka-chan, talk to someone other than me."

"I am flattered, really. But I need to ask another favor. Would you please give us your first year mid term question paper."

"I am really sorry, but I can't do that. Not for free, you must pay something to buy it, it's the rules." Asahina said.

"How about a date? Nazuna senpai. Just a friendly date, if you want. I really don't have anything to pay and if I don't get those papers, my classmates will be expelled. Please, Senpai."

"You want to go to a date with me? Why?"

"Why not, you are the most beautiful senpai at this school."

Which wasn't a lie. She clearly was one of the most beautiful girl in this school. It also helped that she had a model like figure. Especially those thighs. I feel I would never wake up if I slept on them. Focus! What in the world was that?

"I get it that you want to flatter her so that she gives you the papers, but don't forget about me Kōhai-kun. I feel hurt."

"I am terribly sorry, Senpai. You are quite beautiful as well but clearly not as much as Asahina-senpai."

The subject of the conversation was blushing furiously.

"You are such a tease, Ayanokouji-kun. Just give me your number and I will send the picture of the question paper. But don't forget about the date."

"I get the question paper, then I get a chance to go to a date with a beautiful senpai and now I am getting the number of the said senpai as well. Should I buy a lottery ticket next?"

"It's a shame you didn't try to flirt with me. Maybe your day would have been a lot more lucky. My name is Kiryúin Fūka. But you can call me just Fūka."

"Nice to meet you, Fūka-senpai. Although I wouldn't mind your number as well."

As we were exchanging numbers. A guy with light blonde hair and light blue eyes came to our table. He had an entourage of people following him.

"Hello Nazuna, what are you doing with these people. Come join us." he said while looking at me.

Hey, what did I do wrong?

"Sorry Miyabi, I decided to spend some time with Fūka-chan today." she answered.

"Then who is this guy over here?"

"Hi, I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Pleasant to meet you." I extended a hand for shaking. But he ignored it.

Well someone is on a high horse.

"Which class are you from?"

"1st year, Class D."

"Ah, so you are one of the defects. No wonder you don't know who I am." he said with a smug grin.

"Miyabi, you shouldn't talk like that with a kōhai. I apologized on his behalf Ayanokouji-kun." she said to me.

"It's not a problem. If bragging in front of a first year helps him sleep at night then let it be." I smiled at her.

"I don't have time for such petty talks, student council has been exceedingly busy, nowadays. Do you know how much responsibility a vice president has?" he thought I would be impressed or intimidated by his rank. Pity, he didn't know I blackmailed the president himself.

"What work does student council have other than to just exist as a showcasing body?"

"You wouldn't understand, there has been a big scam going on. Millions of points has been stolen from the accounts of the second and third year students, in its place fake points has been shown. It is a very complex case that I am investigating, not for your simple brain."

"Okay, then it must be someone for the first years. Only the seniors were attacked, weren't they? It's a simple case."

"You would think that. But I am smarter. The investigation show that this attack happened by a program that breached the school systems. It happened during the first week of April. There is no way a first year student, could have done something like that. It was a fakeout to fool me." he boasted.

Looks like my bait worked. I knowingly left the first years because it would be suspicious. Along with the timing, it would either look to good to be true or impossible. He chose the latter.

"That's all good, but should you reveal such sensitive information to a first year student? How will Horikita-Senpai take that?" I smiled innocently.

"You bastard, you think you can just snitch to senpai and I will just sit back. Be careful, you are playing with fire." He glared at me. I had seen better.

"There is no need for that. I got what I came for. Thank you, Asahina-senpai. I will be taking my leave but Asahina-senpai, don't forget our date. Message me the date and timings, you have my number." I said to her before leaving. But actually I was bragging in front of this Miyabi guy. He was pissed.

Kushida and I started walking towards another table to eat.

"You know, seeing you trash talk the vice president. I think I made the right choice. Although why did you ask a senpai for date?"

"Why, you jealous?" I winked at her.

"No! I was just asking. Don't think I will ever feel any affection towards you." she replied defensively.

"Ouch! You hurt my weak heart, Kushida-chan. Here, I thought you would be thankful, because I didn't use you to lure a boy. I could always send you to a date with Ike and Yamauchi, if you want."

"Shut up, you wouldn't dare." she glared at me cutely.

Amidst all of this, I saw a group of people holding down Sudo.

As we came close, I saw a guy with shoulder-length magenta hair that is styled on either side, and sharp magenta coloured eyes that would strikes fear and trepidation onto anyone he comes into contact with.

"He is Ryūen Kakeru, you can call him the dictator of Class C. I have heard he is a delinquent and everybody in Class C fears him." Kushida said.

"I know a girl who doesn't."

"Hey, Walmart Hitler. Don't you understand the assignment. We should not misbehave in front of the camera. So, kindly tell your 'Wehrmacht' to back off." I said aloud drawing everyone's attention.

"What is 'Wermat'?" Kushida asked me.

"'Wehrmacht', It was the name of Hitler's army."

"If it isn't the angel of Class D. Keep your dog from barking." Ryūen said to Kushida.

"If we were using kindergarten insults, you should have informed me. Mr. Walmart Hitler."

"Got a lot of confidence, have you? A single slap will bring you down to earth." he said as he moved towards me.

"I don't know about that. But first you would have to make contact. Are you capable of that?" I asked tilting my head.

"Hey, know who you are talking to. Ryūen-kun took down Albert. Who do you think you are?" said the boy with dark green hair.

"Grrr, there is still time to free me and apologize or I will beat you all up." shouted Sodou.

"Sodou, calm down. Unlike these uncultured swines. We don't want to lose points." I said.

"How can you lose points, when you don't have them? Now piss off little guy." Ryūen said.

"Okay, first of all. Your first line was good. But second line ruined it. Second, nobody here has right to call anyone a little guy, when that tank is standing there." I pointed towards the tall Afro-Japanese male, he was muscular and heavily built.

"Ah, meet Yamada Albert. He is one of my henchman, this hair is Ishizaki Daichi." Ryūen introduced me to Yamada.

"Hello there, nice to meet you both. I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." I said.

"Hello." Albert said one word.

"Hi, I am Ishizaki." he reintroduced himself for some reason.

"It's weird, how you guys went from fighting to introducing each other." said Kushida clearly confused.

"We boys tend to do that." replied Ishizaki.

"So, are we going to settle this, in peace or in chaos." I looked at Ryūen.

"Kukuku, I like the cut of your jib. Let him go, Ishizaki. We have got what we wanted." he said and left. The others let Sudou go and followed him.

Got what he wanted. Interesting.

"Sodou, kindly refrain from getting into these types of situations. Not only you would have gotten hurt, you would have hurt our class points as well." I said to him.

"I could have taken them all. Don't interfere next time." he glared at me and left.

"Sure you would buddy, sure you would."

Kushida and I finally sat down at a table and opened our Bento box. When the attack happened.

"Ayanokouji-kun, you are so brave."

"Yes, you were so cool. You stood up to that bully. When other guys were hiding."

"I told you, Ayanokouji-kun is the best. He could have beaten all of them."

"Yes, have you seen his biceps. What wouldn't I give, just to feel them."

And the onslaught continued. Looks like I won't get to eat my lunch in peace.


It was Thursday, classes for the day had ended, everyone were stressed as tomorrow is the mid terms. Before they could leave, I stood up on the podium and faced the class.

"Boys and girls, may I have your attention please. Kouenji, I believe you won't be interested to what I will say, so you can leave." I announced.

Everybody stopped what they were doing. Well everybody except Kouenji, who got up and left. I didn't have a problem with that as I knew he would get good grades without any help.

"I know everybody is anxious and nervous about tomorrow, but there is no need to. You all have worked so hard, last three weeks. You gave everything you got, just remember those lessons and be confident in your own abilities and I am damn sure no one can beat us."

"Yeah, we will win!" everybody cheered, the mood was lifted.

"But, before leaving. Don't forget to collect tomorrow's question papers, from Kushida."

At this the whole class fell silent.

"What are you saying, Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Hirata.

"As I said, these questions will be coming tomorrow. Every question from every paper in the same order." I said confidently.

"What! Did you steal the question paper from the school?" said Horikita with concern.

"I did no such thing, the method I used is totally legal. It doesn't breach any rules. So take it, read it, memorize it and ace tomorrow's test. Just trust me." I said and left like Kouenji. I trust Kushida will handle the rest.

In the class -

"Kushida-san, is it true? What Ayanokouji-kun said." asked Inogashira.

"Yes, everybody. Please trust Ayanokouji-kun and read these questions thoroughly. He did all of this so that you all could pass with flying colours." Kushida said.

"If Kushida-chan said, then it must be true. Thank you so much Kushida-chan. If you weren't here, we would have failed." Ike said.

"Hey simp, say if Ayanokouji-kun wasn't here what would have happen. He is the one who saved us." said Karuizawa. All the girls and boys except for the idiot company nodded.

One by one, everyone took the papers and left. Everybody thanked Kushida and said to her to give Ayanokouji-kun there thanking as well.


I met Kushida again, at our meeting spot. It was night time and a pleasant breeze was blowing.

"You are cruel, Ayanokouji-kun. Calling to meet me here. It brings back bad memories. You should care about how I feel." she said in her usual sweet voice.

"So, I take it all went well."

"Yes, everybody took the papers. I even gave the paper with wrong answers in English questions to him. Nobody suspected anything." she informed. I nodded in satisfaction.

"You did well, want a gift?" I asked her.

"Gift? What kind of gift?"

"You hate Horikita for some reason, don't you?"

"Are you a psychic, I never slipped up, in fact if anyone saw us would have thought the opposite. I guess, nothing can be kept hidden from you."

It was a simple deduction, the data showed that Horikita went to the same school as Kushida. There was no way Horikita didn't know a single thing about Kushida's incident. From there, Kushida constantly trying to make Horikita her friend was explained. The hate part was easy. Kushida Kikyou hates everybody.

"So, how would you feel seeing Horikita get slapped by her brother."

Her eyes lit up like a child hearing about buying his favorite candy.

"Show me, please." she gave me the puppy dog eyes, at least that's what Kei told me they are called.

After watching the recording of the Manabu incident, she leaned against me. We sat there quietly for a while until Kushida broke the silence.

"So, would you explain why you didn't gave the question paper before today, since you knew about buying papers thing when the mid terms were announced. Wouldn't they have better chances of getting good grades?" Kushida asked in her original voice, all the sweetness gone. I preferred this one.

"All is going according to my calculations. If our classmates were lacking in any subjects, I would have given them the papers before. But the study groups were effective. Even if I hadn't given them the papers, they would have at least passed. Other classes don't even know the whole syllabus, especially Class A which is the biggest threat. So I took a gamble for long term benefits." I explained.

"But how did you know about the paper plan in the first place?"

"Remember what sensei said before giving us the question paper for the test that happened the day I revealed the system. She said these are for future reference. I ran some Moreover, when she said she was confident that there was a way for all of us to pass, even the idiot company."

"I ran some hypothesis, I arrived at a point where I thought for what reason the second and third year questions were given in the paper. From there answer was clear."

"You thought all of that, just from the two unimportant lines that nobody would have paid attention to. I can't even believe it." she was so shocked that she was silent for quite a while.

"But what about that date? Was it a part of your plans too?" she asked.

"It was something I came up with at that moment. Since the day I beat Kouenji in the swimming competition. He has been showing off to me, about how many senior girls he has been with. So I thought why not? Maybe I should go on a date with a senior too."

"I never took you as a person who would engage in such petty competitions, Ayanokouji-kun."

"It's not petty if you get to date a beautiful woman." I said. She was silent after that.

I didn't know an hour had passed. It was 10 pm already. I looked at Kushida, who was still leaning against me. On further observation, I found out that she was asleep.

What do you do in such a situation? She looked so adorable. I never noticed but Kushida did have a good body. My eyes wandered from her legs to her gorgeous thighs then to her chest. I shook my self out of it.

It was a weird feeling, one that I never felt before. It was not love, if the things about love I have read correctly but something related.

Now, in those stories the boy carries the girl to her bed and tucks her in. Should I do that? So I did the best thing I could have done.

"Kushida wake up, Ike is fantasizing about you and jerking himself." I shouted in her ear. Her eyes flew open.

"What! That bastard, I will kill him." she said aggressively.

"He is in his room. Want to go beat him up?" I asked her seriously.

"You are so mean. You could have just carried me to my room when I was asleep." she said with a pout.

"No can do, if I were to be caught. I will be done for. So walk yourself home." I said and left.


Another one,

This one introduced a lot of important characters.

Still nobody has beaten Nazuna on the poll so I set up that route.

There were some continuations about previous happenings like the scam that Koji pulled off is now noticed by the school. None other than our resident clown is investigating it.

Next chapter will be the mid terms and the last chapter of volume 1. Pretty excited for volume 2.

We have reached 10k views on the story so thank you very much guys.

Anyways that's all for now.

Have a wonderful day and night😇😇

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