Final Fantasy 7 remake Fanfic...

By Vanitaswife20

278 7 0

As the story of Final Fantasy 7 Remake progresses, Luna Havillande emerges as an outstanding fighter and ally... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

34 1 0
By Vanitaswife20

Angeal's response was delayed, as if he was trying to figure out exactly what to say to her. "We're going to the slums of Sector 7. I want to check something there." Luna almost flinched at his words, but kept herself under control. Sector 7 was her home! Not only was her hiding place there, but also her Avalanche Headquarters, 7th Heaven. Had Angeal noticed something was wrong with her? What could have given her away?

"May I also know what exactly you want to check? "I mean, if I have to come with you, maybe I should know what it's about," Luna felt herself starting to get nervous.

"A few Turks claim to have seen a blonde soldier from the first rank. However, there are currently no blonde soldiers. At least not in the first place. "I'm just curious who he could be," Angeal explained. Luna relaxed. Cloud, there was no one else Angeal could mean, was currently riding his motorcycle outside of Midgar and wouldn't be returning for a few days.

There was one more thing, however. "And why do you want me there? "Someone like him has to be eye-catching and, given your size, you have a panoramic view that I can only dream of." She looked up at him questioningly. He was a good two heads taller than she was and would be able to see everything even in a large crowd .

"I thought it wouldn't hurt to take someone with you who knows the slums inside out. That applies to you, doesn't it?" Angeal looked her straight in the eyes. She couldn't refuse. Not without a good reason.

Luna nodded resignedly. Angeal was right. The slums were her home and she knew every corner better than the pockets of her uniform. With a bit of luck, she would come across her Avalanche comrades and could use them to cover Cloud's trail. She couldn't talk to them without Angeal noticing, but she didn't have to. She had worked out numerous strategies with the others to be able to communicate with short hand signals, looks or music. This meant they could send messages to each other without anyone else noticing.

After just a short time under the plate, Luna remembered why she wore a mask that covered her mouth and nose in normal cases. The air of the slums stung her airways unpleasantly. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. Home or not, she would never get used to it. A quick look at Angeal told her that the taller one probably didn't feel the same way, on the contrary. He wore a relaxed smile. Angeal seemed to enjoy the informality of the slums. Why had it remained so small?

The two soldiers walked slowly forward, constantly casting wary glances on all sides. The people on the street gave her a wide berth, at least Angeal. Due to its effect, Luna had to stay close to his side to avoid getting lost in the crowd. Its size made it unimpressive and therefore too much space for all the slum dwellers. She was also uncomfortable with large crowds. That's why she preferred the secret routes and narrow alleys to get around, through which one could get to any place in the slums without having to push through the crowd. Lots of people in a pile made it impossible to plan movements in advance and, as a small person, you couldn't see what was coming next. Angeal's proximity upset her. They were enemies, even if he didn't realize it. She didn't like being so close to him. Others might have been afraid of the armored sword on his back, or the strength of his body, but there was something else that worried Luna about him. It was his character. It was his ability to know exactly how the other person was feeling and this constant kindness that Luna couldn't tell if it was real or fake. Her mistrust prevented her from properly assessing him and that frustrated her.

The feeling of uneasiness left her immediately as she spotted Jessie in the crowd.

The actress weaved through the crowd straight towards her. Time for one of the contingency plans that had been put in place in case of higher-ranking soldiers wandering around Sector 7. Jessie would act like a curious fan in front of Angeal and Luna to find out what was going on. Luna now had to think quickly about what they were going to do. They had to throw Angeal off Cloud's trail, but how?

"Angeal Hewley, right, or am I right?" Jessie had reached them. She stood in front of them with a cheeky look and looked up at him curiously.

"You're right," Angeal replied in a friendly tone, with his arms folded loosely over his chest and a smile on his lips that probably attracted all the fangirls.

"How cool," Jessie squeaked excitedly and Luna felt her face blush with embarrassment. Did Jessie have to exaggerate so much? A little adulation would probably have been enough.

"So what brings two soldiers to the slums? That doesn't happen that often. Especially not from the first rank," Jessie wanted to know.

Angeal looked at her for a few minutes, then said: "Maybe you can help us. We are looking for a young man with blonde hair and mako blue eyes. He is said to have a great resemblance to a soldier and is said to be in the slums here. Have you possibly seen him?"

Luna rubbed her nose and shook her head slightly as if she was sneezing. Luckily for her, she was standing diagonally behind Angeal, so the taller man couldn't notice her signal, but Jessie had a good view of her. The actress moved her eyes around as she thought. So her eyes inevitably fell on Luna. Bored, she dug around in her pocket, pulled out a folded beer mat and played with it in her hand. Your sign for the seventh heaven. It was risky, but at least they would be on safe ground and the others could escape if things got dangerous. They also had to let Tifa know that someone had discovered Cloud. When she was sure that Jessie had understood, she put it back in her pocket and crossed her arms over her chest.

With a nod, Jessie turned back to Angeal, she had understood. "Well, I saw a guy who looked like that a few days ago. But that was only a few times. He was gone as quickly as he appeared," she told the soldiers.

Was Luna mistaken, or did Angeal look disappointed? "Where did you see him?" Luna intervened in the conversation and stepped out of Angeal's shadow.

"Mmh, there's this bar, the 7th Heaven. I often visit it with my friends. He sat there at the counter and acted like we weren't there. He was actually really cute, but you never know. That's why we didn't talk to him." Jessie's eyes literally sparkled, as if she had fallen head over heels in love with the sweet stranger.

Angeal scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Then we'll go there, or what do you think Havillande?" Angeal looked at Luna questioningly. He always used his stupid last name. She almost rolled her eyes.

"It would be worth a try. Maybe the people, who work there know more." Luna just agreed with him casually and continued to look around the street. She turned away from Jessie, she was dismissed.

The brown-haired woman grinned. "The drinks are amazing. Okay, but then I have to move on. Good luck with your search!", with that she disappeared back into the crowd.

Angeal shook his head: "She was in a hurry."

Luna waved her hand. "You're making the slum dwellers nervous. You're not used to soldiers in this part of the sector," she said. "Come on, I know where we have to go. It's not far to 7th Heaven."

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