The Autobiography Of An Alien

By RegTheRag

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!! Sequel to In Search of Home. If you haven't read that, you'll be a little confused! !! After the humans in... More

Chapter 1 - On First Impressions
Chapter 2 - Technology
Chapter 3 - Loneliness and Why It Is Awful
Chapter 4 - Company and Why It Is Not
Chapter 5 - Education
Chapter 6 - Earth Customs
Chapter 7 - Alliance, part 1
Chapter 8 - Alliance, part 2
Chapter 9 - Alliance, part 3
Chapter 10 - Alliance, part 4
Chapter 11 - Alliance, part 5
Chapter 12 - Alliance, part 6
Chapter 13 - For the Faint of Heart
Chapter 14 - Procrastination
Chapter 15 - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 16 - The Competition
Chapter 17 - Change
Chapter 18 - Hatchlings, part 1
Chapter 19 - Hatchlings, part 2
Chapter 20 - Hatchlings, part 3
Chapter 21 - Hatchlings, part 4
Interlude: Vokkra Viktor
Chapter 22 - Complications
Chapter 23 - Victorious
Chapter 24 - Reluctance
Chapter 25 - Entrapment, part 1
Chapter 26 - Entrapment, part 2
Chapter 27 - Entrapment, part 3
Chapter 28 - Entrapment, part 4
Chapter 29 - Firsts
Chapter 30 - Festival Fiasco
Chapter 31 - There Is No Forgiveness
Chapter 32 - Without Forgiving Yourself
Interlude: Venomous Viktor, part 1
Interlude: Venomous Viktor, part 2
Chapter 33 - Cowardice
Chapter 34 - Fatherhood
Chapter 35 - Guilt
Chapter 36 - On Espionage
Interlude: Valorous Viktor
Once There Was
Chapter 37 - The Cons of Immortality
Chapter 38 - Plan Inaction
Chapter 40 - The Hunt

Chapter 39 - Ambuscade

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By RegTheRag

Draft #268 - Exasperation

The Spirits are supposed to care about my species, but all they do is give me a headache.


There were a thousand questions asked and not one of the Founders had the answers.

"-And my people!" cried the Montet leader.

"-been keeping us like livestock!" the Clorklaxt leader shouted.

"Never liked them," announced Omphu. "Never once liked them!"

"-what do to with them?" asked Avo. "How does one punish fear itself?"

"Punish!" laughed Roxn, the leader of the Roxen. "I say we kill 'em. Just like they've slaughtered us!"

Rulshkka quite liked the sound of that, and he was content to sit back and watch the chaos unfold. Only, of course, Kohgrash stood up, his son in his arms, and shouted, "HEY!"

The sudden shout made everyone who wasn't paying close attention to the human (read: everyone but Rulshkka) jump in surprise. Kohgrash cleared his throat, suddenly looking shy. "Um. Bickering won't do us any good. We're all angry, I know, but the more we fuck around, the longer the Outkast has to figure out what we're talking about and leave this fucking place."

"Fucking place," Vi'mrakka repeated proudly. Chitters and giggles, most half hysteric, filled the hall while Rulshkka gritted his teeth. Kohgrash grinned at him unapologetically.

"Lord Kohgrash is correct," Heth said loudly, interrupting the clamor. "There is proof here; Vokkra Rulshkka has provided what we have asked for."

He sounded reluctant and embarrassed, both of which made Rulshkka positively gleeful.

"Now we must determine what is to happen to them. They are, unfortunately, not of the Alliance, so they are exempt from our rules." Heth likely knew that this would cause outrage, as he said it all in one breath. "But-! Please, listen, all of you!"

Angry stomping, shouts, and screams for justice filled the hall, and Rulshkka just stood there, basking in it. Kohgrash whistled sharply (the little hellion had practiced that for weeks some years ago, snickering every time it made Rulshkka glare at him) and caught everyone's attention.

"I- well, we have a plan for the Outkasts, but, uhh, it might need some background information," he said nervously. He carefully picked his way down to the Orb, wincing every other step. Rulshkka felt terribly guilty even though Kohgrash had sworn up and down this morning that it was fine.

"That's alright, Kohgrash. We can listen to your explanation. Patiently," Avo said loudly. It took some time, but most species adored the human race (it helped, too, Rulshkka thought, that he had saved them from space pirates his first visit. Thinking about it now, was anything ever easy with this creature?) and settled in to listen.

Rulshkka steadied the human when he came near, eyeing the Orb suspiciously. Vi'mrakka was already reaching out, and any attempts to grab the hatchling from Kohgrash were met with loud whining.

"Tap it with your hand," Nelcu, the leader of the V'srks, offered.

Kohgrash reached out to tap it, and when his hand connected with the Orb, both his and his son's eyes glowed white.

"Oh, Spirits," Rulshkka breathed, grabbing Kohgrash's shoulders and trying to pull him away. Not here! Not here!

"Oh, about time," Kohgrash murmured in unaccented Vokkran. He ran his hand over his chest. "Hmmm, what'd they do to you?"

"Kohgrash?" he whispered, glancing between him and Vi'mrakka, who was simply leaning on his human.

Heth touched his shoulder tentatively, and Rulshkka whipped around with a snarl. Before he could say anything, a slow, faint ebb of calm trickled in from the back of his neck.

"Hush, Vokkra. Both the curious little thing and our egg are fine," Kohgrash said, grabbing his wrist and tugging him away from the Anlam leader. He was surprisingly strong.

"What-?" Rulshkka questioned, completely and utterly confused. Kohgrash turned on him, working his mouth until it morphed into a smile.

"Ah, there. Came so naturally to this face! Look at you! My Vokkra!" Kohgrash cooed, reaching out to touch his face. He was suitably distracted by Vi'mrakka, whose presence got in the way. "And Its perfect little egg." Kohgrash bumped his head against the hatchling's gently, and it was then that Rulshkka started to realize that this wasn't Kohgrash.

"Spirits," Rulshkka said faintly. "This was your...?"

"Shh," Spirits-Kohgrash said, patting his hand. "The curious little thing is a great vessel - he's very loud, were you aware? Through the egg and into the, hm, there's a word in here... speaker."

"I'm sure he'd say the same of you," was his reply before he could remember who he was talking to. "Being loud, that is. I- Oh, Spirits."

Spirits-Kohgrash rumbled with laughter, which sounded strange coming from the tiny human. "That is It, yes. This is a unique experience, for all of us. It mustn't be too long; else One-who-destroys might find It."

"Excuse me," Heth said faintly. Rulshkka didn't even care about where they were right now, and what they had been planning on doing. This... this was insanity. "Lord Kohgrash, are you alright?"

Spirits-Kohgrash turned to him, eyes still blindingly white. He blinked. "Oh! Calm down, little curious thing. Hmm, a spider? Oooh, look at those things. What else have you in here?"

"Spirits," Rulshkka said hesitantly. It felt strange - having his friend being a- a vessel for his god - and he was frightened of what angering the Spirits might do to him. The Spirits turned to look at him, and that funny little smile appeared on Kohgrash's face once more.

"Always so protective," he murmured, and Rulshkka felt another pinprick of calm blooming in his chest. It was not as effective as it was back on A1-308. Spirits-Kohgrash turned back to observe Heth curiously. "You are... Heth. It is the Spirits, of Its planet. Hmm, what do you call it, little thing? A1-308? How charming." He paused. "Of course, it's a name. How silly you are."

Oh, Spirits. Kohgrash was antagonizing them. Of course, he was. What an idiot.

Heth spluttered, his tired mask of calm cracking completely. "Spirits? You are the exodus of the Vokkran planet?"

Murmurs in the hall arose, and Rulshkka startled at the noise. He'd almost forgotten where they were.

"Is that what the Fortieth Child has called themselves?" Spirits-Kohgrash chuckled. "Well, I suppose it's just as good as Spirits."

The Founder ducked his head respectfully. The image of Heth bowing to a tiny thing like Kohgrash was almost comical, especially with the way he smiled at Vi'mrakka every second he wasn't speaking. "It is quite the honor to show yourself to all of us; might I ask... what exactly you are here for, if it not too forward of me?"

"It will speak," Spirits-Kohgrash announced. "It must tell you a tale. It is the truth, do not forget."

The entire hall seemed to hold their breath as the Spirits spoke in quick succession, the battle of their Creator and the subsequent shattering of One-who-destroys and what became of It. It still freaked Rulshkka out, and he's had a year to digest it. When the Spirits were finished, the hall remained quiet. They all looked in various stages of comprehending the tale.

It seemed that no one wanted to break the silence. Spirits-Kohgrash turned to Rulshkka, looking amused. "Has It broken them, my Vokkra?"

Rulshkka gave him a tumultuous smile, "I'm uncertain, O Spirits." He glanced at his son, and the Spirits followed his movement.

Spirits-Kohgrash pressed his forehead against Vi'mrakka's, and the hatchling, in whatever strange trance he was in, merely sighed happily. "He is growing quite big," he remarked.

"They do that," Rulshkka said weakly. "He's running around now. Um, not very quickly."

"You wish him quicker?" The Spirits questioned. "Wish him different?"

"No! By the Spir- you- no, no thank you. Spirits. He will get quicker naturally," Rulshkka spluttered. "No, my son is perfect."

"It teases you," Spirits-Kohgrash huffed. "Curious thing, cease bickering so. It likes the Vokkra."

Rulshkka was a little touched.

Heth finally regained his composure. "Oh Spirits... you say the Outkasts are primordial... How are we meant to contain them? To make them cease their torment?"

Spirits-Kohgrash hummed, swaying side to side and patting Vi'mrakka. "That's an idea, little thing. How intelligent you are for a mammal."

Rulshkka looked skyward, just knowing that Kohgrash was about to say something stupid. Spirits-Kohgrash chuckled in response. "Reptiles? Hmm, what is this one? A turtle?"

"Spirits," Rulshkka whispered, aware of the diety's tendency to rummage through Kohgrash's mind endlessly. The human's complained his ears off about the headaches they've given him. "The idea...?"

"Oh, fine. You are a pushy one, Vokkra. When's Kohgrash to awaken this and what's happening to the egg that," Spirits-Kohgrash grinned with amusement. Rulshkka wanted to splutter in disbelief. "You, exodus-child, your question. You all must gather your Spirits' strengths. Some of Its Siblings are faint, but even their blessing will protect you. It has spoken to the ayoi and the koiy-eh; they wish to help. Let me see their Creations now."

The leaders of the Arnoxi and Montet stood, looking bewildered. Spirits-Kohgrash hummed with interest. "How fascinating you are."

Both Avo and the Montet leader mumbled their confused, if not flattered, thank yous.

"Your Creators... do they have a chosen?" the Spirits asked. "A vessel to amplify them beyond their home?"

Avo piped up, "Oh Respectable Spirits," Honestly, what a show-off. "My people have kewtins, great beings closely connected with the ayoi... but they are deep water-dwellers. They are unable to commute here."

"The koiy-eh are rooted within my planet," the Montet leader said. "They speak in vines and flowers. They have no vessel you speak of."

"Tell them to make an object," the Spirits said dismissively. "To the others, pray to your beings, ask for their blessings. One-who-destroys is no petty foe."

"And to get all of the Outkasts here, Respectable Spirits?" Heth asked tentatively. Rulshkka thought they were sucking up rather obviously.

A sharp pain in his wrist. Rulshkka yanked his arm away abruptly. Kohgrash - or the Spirits, he supposed - pinched him!

"Be nice, you silly creature," Spirits-Kohgrash said smugly. Rulshkka tried not to think that they would enjoy all this attention, but the thought was there nonetheless. "Hush." He blinked down at Vi'mrakka, who had a little frown on his face. "Oh, my egg, I'd never hurt your sire. Such inanity you three host."

Rulshkka schooled his features. Being rebuked in front of the entire Alliance was embarrassing. At least no one else could read his thoughts.

"Worry not, child of exodus," the Spirits said. "It and Its Siblings will bring them here. When you are ready."

The Spirits turned away from the Alliance. It was clear they were done discussing the matter - they have said what they needed to. There was no doubt in any being's face. Rulshkka was relieved.

Spirits-Kohgrash gestured for him to get near, inspecting the human's fingers as he did so. Rulshkka obediently crouched near. Spirits-Kohgrash patted his cheek affectionately and bumped his forehead against his. There was a trickle of warmth underneath his collarbone, where he often felt fondness for Kohgrash.

"Worry not, Vokkra. The curious little thing and our egg will sleep - but only for a while. A very short while. Hmm, a day perhaps," Spirits-Kohgrash assured him. "You've done well. Do not kill that Outkast. Come home soon. It misses you."

He paused. "Hm, perhaps not the curious loud thing." Another pause, and then a chuckle. "How silly."

Rulshkka's hands went to the human's arms, grabbing hold. "Spirits..."

"Oh, very well. Farewell, my child."

It was a good thing that Rulshkka was holding Kohgrash, because as soon as the Spirits left - evident by the way Kohgrash's eyes went back to their golden hue - the human stumbled and slumped forward into his arms. Vi'mrakka was already snoring.

"Ohh, whadda fuck," Kohgrash mumbled. He held tighter onto Vi'mrakka as Rulshkka scooped him into his arms. "They fixed my freaking ribs, dude. My freaking ribs. Ouch."

"Go to sleep, Kohgrash," Rulshkka told him. "I've got you." But he was already passed out.

The meeting adjourned quickly after, and everyone was sworn to secrecy. If word got out to the Outkast onboard, it would surely spell disaster.

Rulshkka spent the rest of their visit to the Core simply waiting for the moment that the Outkast would find out. When Kohgrash and his son awoke, he confined them to their rooms, much to both of their dismay. Still, he dare not leave the relative safety of their room for anything other than meals.

Though, their chants of bored, bored, bored almost drove him insane. It didn't help that Vi'mrakka found it to be the funniest word in the Universe, happy to repeat it until the end of time.

When the time finally came for them to leave the Core, Rulshkka eagerly sent them out the door. They were waylaid briefly by Avo, who wanted to chat with Kohgrash. And since he'd kept the human away from socializing for most of their trip, Rulshkka waited (im)patiently for them to finish.

"And don't worry," Avo's voice dropped to a whisper. "I will speak to the ayoi."

Kohgrash scrunched his face up in confusion before he said, "Ohh, that. I was like... barely aware during that whole thing. It was like I was dreaming. They were so freaking loud."

Avo bubbled with laughter. "I am glad you came out unscathed for once."

"Aw, they're a good, uh, guy. They wouldn't hurt me."

"Speaking of," Rulshkka hissed, rapping his knuckles on the top of Kohgrash's head. Vi'mrakka giggled and leaned forward to do the same. "We must get going. It'd be unwise to linger."

"Yes," Avo sighed with a hint of nervousness. "Best not to tread water."

Kohgrash gave Avo a hug and told him he'd see him later. Rulshkka was relieved when they left the Core without any issue, even if he still felt like there were eyes burning holes in his back.

And now... all they had to do was wait. Wait for the others' responses and pray that the Outkasts did not catch any wind of it. It was all terrifyingly out of Rulshkka's control, but with each message he received from Heth, the more his worries diminished.

Most beings received only blessings from their Spirits - when he'd curiously questioned the Spirits, they told him their siblings merely slumbered and could do nothing else. When Rulshkka asked why they weren't sleeping, the Spirits had said something about the planet's core and Rulshkka had been quickly lost in the explanation - but a few received objects to act as an amplifier.

Heth claimed they could toss these into the replicate Kindred in the Core - it already had a gift from each planet; throwing Spirits-blessed objects would no doubt only increase its ability to conduct a Spirits' will.

Honestly... Rulshkka barely understood any of what was happening. The Spirits tried explaining it to Kohgrash and him, but they kept getting distracted by the wonders of Earthly fauna.

It is quite like the arachnid spider on its web, they explained, the Mirror humming and pulsing in repetitive motion. Vi'mrakka ran as quick as he could after a wisp of light that the Spirits were dragging around the room for him. It feels your souls like a spider would feel the vibrations. curious thing, does it drink blood? truly?

"Uhhh," Kohgrash said, but the Spirits continued on nonetheless.

an object with Its will - in this case; Its little chosen - compares to a set of large vibrations; it is extremely easy to find him, they rumbled. Rulshkka's stomach seemed to fall to his feet.

"My son will need to be there during this - this confrontation?" he asked loudly. The Spirits flicked calm toward him but the anxiety roiling in his chest would not be pacified.

"Oh, Jesus. Can't we just do what we did before?" Kohgrash asked, grabbing onto Rulshkka's claws. The pinpricks of pain he hadn't realized were blossoming on his palm vanished as Kohgrash intertwined his fingers with his claws. "Possession ghost stuff?"

Rulshkka huffed in torn amusement. Honestly. Ghost stuff?

The Spirits rumbled nonverbally, twisting the light on the walls to lead Vi'mrakka back to the pair. Upon seeing them, the toddler picked up his pace, lifting his arms up. Kohgrash let go of his hand to pick up his son and spin him around.

he will be fine, my vokkra, the Spirits whispered to him. you will all be fine. no loss of life shall occur. They blanketed him in fuzzy reassurance that did little to warm the cold pit of dread in his guts.

The Spirits went on to explain that their siblings would have objects that made it easier to locate the Core, to keep their attention focused, and consequently... lead the fragments of One-who-destroys right to them.

Rulshkka had little idea of what happened to the Outkast they had on the Core after they had left the Alliance meeting. He assumed Heth was handling it, but now he really wanted to know. Had they kept it onboard or tossed it out? It would not matter in the end; the Spirits assured them that One-who-destroys' desire to wipe out the Children was strong enough to overcome Its haziness fragmented life.

fret not, the Spirits urged as they pushed them away from the Mirror. Kohgrash's face scrunched in pain and even Vi'mrakka looked grumpy without his afternoon nap. it will all fall into place. soon. for now, you must wait.

Waiting, as it turned out, took a long time. Rulshkka wasn't quite sure what they were waiting for, either.

The days passed slowly, but they quickly snowballed into weeks which tripped into months before Rulshkka could even blink. Their annual festival slid by without fuss, which was a welcome reprieve. Thruul and Kohgrash allowed him to buy plenty of clothing for Vi'mrakka, who didn't want to stay still long enough for Rulshkka to hold it up to him. He ended up guessing what would fit him or not, throwing them into the cart with eagerness. He even found several adorable Earth-themed ones!

"Hah," Kohgrash said, voice taking on a bit of sadness as he held up some coveralls. "My dad would always put me in one of these. I always shoved rocks in this little pocket here. He hated that, 'cause they'd end up in the washing machine."

Rulshkka floundered, as he always did when Kohgrash brought up his sire. He was healing well, he'd thought, and then he'd bring up bittersweet moments like this... "You can put rocks in my pockets," he offered, even if the thought made him cringe. But Kohgrash laughed.

"I'm good, buddy," he replied.

The next Competition was upon them. Rulshkka sincerely hoped he did not need to save the Universe with Kohgrash the day after, because honestly, that sounded like a nightmare. Rukka told him that she'd do what she could to postpone it to the last possible second, but it wasn't here for another year and a half.

Rulshkka could live with that, he supposed. Maybe his people would go easy on him if he saved the Universe before that.

He got more updates from Heth as the days rolled by. The message he'd last received was encrypted and it detailed just how they were containing the Outkast on the Core. By some miracle, it remained unaware of their plans.

Heth hedged ideas on how to gather them up to the Core, throwing out plans of a party or a banquet in their honor. Even the ruse made Rulshkka sick to his stomach and he assured the Founder that his Spirits had it handled.

He hoped they did, at least.

The Montet had stopped their exports to any species, claiming drought and illness upon their planet. This was a lie, of course, and the Montet secretly dealt to their larger trading partners (which included the Vokkrus, much to Rulshkka's relief).

But nothing else changed. Everyone was aware that a primordial being was and had been in their midst for eons and... nothing changed.

But after days, weeks, and months, the Spirits prodded him awake in the middle of the night and whispered, you must go now.

"Huh?" Rulshkka mumbled incoherently. A more persistent prodding made him get out of the bed.

"My lord?" Thruul mumbled from beside him, reaching out and settling his claws around his tail. "Where y'going?"

Rulshkka hummed in reply while the Spirits pinched and pushed wakefulness into his system. Across the room, Vi'mrakka woke up and sleepily whispered, "Spiries?"

Thundering up the stairs and suddenly, Kohgrash was in their room, too, looking far more awake than Rulshkka felt. The yawn that cracked his face when he said,"We gotta go?" told a different story.

yes. now, the Spirits said, and so Rulshkka spent the next half hour waking his family up and getting ready to go.

"You are certain you do not want to stay?" he tried pleading with his mate. Thruul simply patted the side of his sce affectionately.

"Don't be so foolish, my dear," he replied. "If you are to save the Universe and die trying, I wish to be there. Besides, Vi'mrakka is already going - if you think I will sit here idly..."

Rulshkka was frightened for his mate's safety but he was even more frightened of his mate's wrath, so he just nodded, yanking him into a hug. Thruul's hands ran over his back soothingly. "You are my everything, Thruul," he whispered.

Thruul rumbled. "You could count all the stars in the sky, and I would still have more reasons to why I love you."

Rulshkka's face warmed, and he was just about to say something as sappily profound when Kohgrash, Vi'mrakka in tow, squirmed their way into the hug. A thick cloud of reassurance wrapped them up.

They would be alright, Rulshkka thought.

yes, the Spirits hummed.

Or maybe not, Rulshkka reflected some time later. Vi'mrakka was screaming as if his tail were on fire, dodging any attempt of Rulshkka's to grab him.

"Please," he begged, making another lunge for his son. Vi'mrakka hopped out of the way, urged by supernatural speed. His face scrunched up. "Come here, Vi'mrakka!"

"NO!" he shouted, stomping his foot. "No! No!"

"I don't think he wants to wear that," Kohgrash commented dryly, sitting as far away from the rampaging toddler as he could. Considering they were on a ship hurtling toward the Core, it wasn't that far.

Rulshkka ignored his witty comments, something he's perfected over the last few years. "Come, Vi'mrakka, we need to look presentable. It's just for a little while!"

He was simply trying to get the boy to wear jewelry! Thruul had let him decorate to his heart's content, looking breath-taking in jewels and golden chains. Even Kohgrash had allowed him to braid his hair with strings of gold and silver. All Rulshkka wanted to put on the boy was a few necklaces and bracelets!

But any time Rulshkka got close to his son, he would move. Or Rulshkka's hands would slip on nothing and move the opposite way he'd intended.

Thruul was no help - he had battled with Vi'mrakka just to get his clothes on. The hatchling was just not having it today. His mate simply watched, giggling at his expense.

"I will give you a treat if you let me put this on," he bribed. Vi'mrakka shook his head vigorously, running over to where Kohgrash, Shul, and his other guards sat and diving underneath the bench. Scattered yelps of surprise covered up Vi'mrakka's incessant cries of no, no, no!

"Oh, Spirits above," Rulshkka groaned, crouching down to peer at his son. He hid behind Shul's legs, only his tail visible. "Fine. Forget the jewelry," he muttered to himself, getting up and collapsing beside Thruul. His mate patted him on the knee in solidarity. "Only the end of the Universe. No need to look nice."

"Stop stressing so," cooed Thruul, leaning into his side. Rulshkka wrapped an arm around him.

"I don't know how you are not stressed," he confessed.

Thruul smiled wryly. "I am... just not thinking about it. I get to see the Core! I have never been."

Rulshkka brightened. "That is correct. I will have to show you around."

"I expect nothing less."

Vi'mrakka graciously allowed him to put on a bracelet when they landed, to 'be Ohras' as he proclaimed. Kohgrash looked rather smug.

"I don't know why you'd want to copy an animal," Rulshkka told Vi'mrakka conspiratorially. He wasn't exactly sure if the little guy knew what he meant, since he just giggled at the funny voice he'd pulled. Rulshkka fixed the bracelet on his wrist securely. "There, all pretty. Daddy's beautiful boy."

"All pwetty!" Vi'mrakka repeated happily, all traces of irritation about the idea of jewelry gone. What a relief. He did not want to deal with a raging child in the Core. What a nightmare.

"Fuck you," Kohgrash muttered as he passed him, shoulder bumping him. Rulshkka did not move. "You're stupid."

"That's no way to speak to me," Rulshkka said imperiously. Kohgrash look over his shoulder and stuck out his tongue. Rulshkka watched, a smirk on his face, as the human ran right into the back of Thruul who stopped at the end of the ramp to look at the Core in all its splendor.

"Oh, God, sorry, Thruul. Your stupid husband was being a jerk. You should do something about that," Kohgrash chirped, bouncing around the Vokkrus and grabbing ahold of Vi'mrakka, who eagerly wanted to run forward.

As Thruul replied, likely defending his honor, Rulshkka was waylaid by Sir Heth. Unfortunately.

"Your group was the last, Vokkra," he said with preamble. "Whenever your Spirits are ready, we are, too."

"Everything is in place?" he questioned, glancing up at the miniature Kindred. It did look a bit more busy this time.

"Yes. Will you throw anything up there as well?"

Rulshkka hadn't planned on it. He supposed that the Vokkrus contribution was his son. "No," he started, a bit awkwardly. Heth made a sudden noise of understanding.

"Yes, your offspring and Lord Kohgrash... They are vessels for your exodus. I believe you are the only ones, however. Everyone has either gotten blessings or offerings."

Fantastic. Despite the worms gnawing at his ribcage, Rulshkka was not nervous.

"Have you any estimate as to when this will... occur?" Heth asked gently, likely seeing the conflict on Rulshkka's face. He schooled his features.

"Soon," Rulshkka guessed. "The Spirits awoke me and my family late last night; that it was time."

And he was terrified. Heth rambled on about how he'd shipped back the representatives that wanted to leave and urged for the others to go, too. Shul wouldn't come along unless L'rrim left to A1-308 (and Rulshkka had to pull some nasty strings to get her to leave; he hoped Shul never found out how he'd threatened his mate to go or else Shul would be dismissed from his post - a bold lie, but a useful one nonetheless) and Porrafka had relocated the entire library's stock to a nearby moon often used for material storage.

Rulshkka barely heard any of this. He nodded and hummed along, but he didn't listen.

Heth suddenly sighed, the noise startling enough to make him pay attention. "-I know most species are hesitant of this. I do not blame them. But I thank you and your Spirits for aiding the Alliance in this way. I fear, without your interference, the Outkasts would have eventually..."

Rulshkka grimaced, and Heth wisely closed his mouth, pincers twitching uncomfortably.

"I do not think I had a choice," Rulshkka admitted. "Mine and Kohgrash's fate was apparently sealed long ago."

Heth hummed noncommittally, which prompted Rulshkka to ask, "Do you believe in such a thing?"

Heth paused. "If I did not, I would not have believed that it was your exodus speaking through Lord Kohgrash. The Universe.... is very vast, Vokkra. It is foolish to assume anything."

Rulshkka huffed. A century ago, he was barely surviving on the streets. A half century ago, he was crowned Vokkra. A few decades ago, he'd assumed a new species to be nonsentient. Several years ago, he grappled with the fear of being a father. And now, here he was. He never would have guessed that this is where he would have ended up, the fate of the Universe weighing heavily on his shoulders, but mostly on his friend's and his son's.

Rulshkka was terrified.

"It is," he replied. "Sir Heth... I suppose that we should break the ice, as Kohgrash says."

Heth tilted his head curiously. Rulshkka's seen ice before, of course, but Heth likely hadn't. He waved his hand dismissively. "It's just a saying. I believe it means to get more comfortable with one another."

Heth's mandibles twitched. "Of course, Vokkra. That phrase - bygones be bygones?"

Rulshkka extended his claws. If he were to destroy One-who-destroys, he wished to be able to rely on the people at his back. "You can call me Rulshkka," he said lightly, hesitantly.

All eight of Heth's eyes crinkled. He grasped Rulshkka's claws tightly. "And I prefer Heth."

The day progressed after that; Rulshkka finally learned exactly what happened to the Outkast on board (it had been given some tea and forced into slumber by the medical ward; Heth relayed that it had been extremely easy to force feed it, but that it woke quickly. They were essentially pumping it with a powerful sleep aid near constantly so it won't alert the others), set up their trap (really, it was everyone preparing with weapons aplenty, though they were not certain what use it would be to a primordial god), and... waiting.

Waiting for the call to war. 

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