Steven Universe: Dragonstone

By SelemenceTube

131K 4.7K 979

During the gem war the diamonds ordered the creation of a powerful gem to turn the tide of war, the Dragonsto... More

Character Bio
The War Beast
Aftermath and Diamonds Betreyal
Gem Glow
Laser Light Cannon
Steven on a Mission
Together Breakfast
Steven and the Girl
Serious Devestation
Underground fight club
Steven and the Lion
Arcade Chaos
Giant Woman
By the Blade
Beach Fiasco
The room
Fusion War
Monster Buddies
The Mirror
The Sea and The Dragon
Family Meeting
Warp Trip
Past Memories
Steven's Day with Dragonstone
Playing Marbles
The message
Its Over
Cell to Cell
Where to Go From Here
Catching the Dragon
Lies of a Pearl
Cold Scaly Shoulder
Friend Ship
Lapis' Learning Day
Catching Pests
Fear of the Rain
Barn Days
Think when You Speak
Steven's Birthday and Couples Council
It Couldve been great
They know
Log Dates
Cluster trouble
Same Old World
The third wheel
The Ruby Rangers
Alone at Sea
Crack the whip
Lapis Vs Amethyst
Bismuth and Farm sweet Farm

Age gap

2.2K 82 7
By SelemenceTube

Dragonstone Pov
Amethysts room

We were venturing through amethysts room filled with junk as I was walking at the back of the line and Pearl and Amethyst were arguing

Pearl: covering her nose "How can you live like this?!"

Amethyst: "It was find till you guys started whining." She said while makijg mouthing gestures with her hand

Pearl: "Whining?! The whole temple reeks!"

Steven: "I found it!" Picks up a silver object

Pearl: "What manner of magical alloy is this?" Steven unwrapped it revealing it o be a mouldy burrito

Garnet: "It's a Burrito."

Dragonstone: sighs "A very. Very old burrito."

Amethyst: takes it from Steven "It's the tuna burrito from Aqua-Mexican!"

Steven: "That place closed like 5 years ago." He said in disgust before amethyst bit it, Steven shuddered "Huh?" Walks over to a pile "What's this? It kind of looks like you guys and my mom."

Pearl: speaks excitedly "Oh, Steven, that is us!"

Steven: Pearl picked up the picture "Really?"

Garnet: "The hard part was getting the shark to pose. And Dragonstone to show show his face."

Steven: points at the portrait "Why is everyone dressed like old-timey people?"

Pearl: "They are old-timey people." Puts the portrait down

Steven: "W-wait. But that would old are you guys?"

Pearl: "Much older than any human." She said while they all stood together

Steven: excitedly "Does that mean you'll live forever?"

Dragonstone: "We don't age, but we can still get hurt and die, some of us harder than others." Points at Amethyst who turned pale grey before falling over "Luckily, that won't kill her. But she will feel everything."

Steven: "I jut can't believe you guys are like a bazillion years old!" He threw his arms up "How do you find a cake big enough for all those candles?"

Garnet: "We don't really celebrate birthdays" Dragonstone shook his head

Steven: gasps in shock "Why not?!

Garnet: shrugs "It's not our way." Dragonstone nods his head

Steven: "Well, I can't just ignore this tramesty of unjustice! I pledge that you will have your birthdays! With all the candy, cake, and ice cream you've been denied!" Amethyst throws up

Timeskip—same day
On the beach

Steven has us all on the beach sitting on chairs with balloons tied to them as he put amethyst on a thrown and put a crown on her head

Amethyst: "And the birthday queen is...Amethyst! I hope you like it. Dad made me this outfit and it brings me special birthday luck every year!" He turns on a toy mic and starts singing a birthday song but he was cut off by lion playing with a birthday had behind him "Hey! It goes like this." Puts on lions party hat as the animal starts trying to take it off

Pearl: "Um, Steven...I know you put a lot of effort into...putting faces on things, but could it be we're just a tad...mature for this ritual?"

Dragonstone: sighs "Also, why'd you put these head covering on my horns? And why are they cylindrical pyramids? I thought hats were meant to stop rain and sunlight from harming your fragile human bodies." Amethyst poked pearls nose with her party hat as they gem chased her

Steven: "Wait!" He ran up to amethyst and gave her a bath "here!"

Amethyst: he eyes lit up "Aww! I'll use it all the time!" She was about to hit Pear with it

Steven: gasps "No! It's for the piñata!" He points up before Amethyst is blindfolded and  swings at the piñata Steven is holding "The piñata is an artist from ancient aqua Mexico" amethyst nearly hit him as he runs screaming and give it to Dragonstone who gets hit in the face by amethyst who missed the piñata

Amethyst: hits him "Am I" hits again "Getting" hits him again in the face "Close?" Dragonstone sighed

Dragonstone: "Try going further back and aiming higher, Amethyst." Amethyst pulled her blindfold up slightly and hit the piñata sending it flying into the ocean

Amethyst: chuckles and tosses the bat aside "What next Steven?" She turns to the boy who's hiding behind Dragonstone

Steven: "Well, you were supposed to get delicious candy when you broke it open-..."

Amethyst: gasps "Wait. You had candy and you didn't give it to us?" She said with a sad face

Steven: "There will be more sweet treats at pearls party. I promise"

On top of a hill overlooking beach city

We were now sitting on a blanket in the grass, I still had two birthday hats on my horns as Amethyst did the same making me sigh and roll my eyes as we looked at Steven in front of us who had a oversized shirt on and a rainbow head wear as well as white face coverings and a red nose

Steven: "Happy birthday!" Squeezes nose "Honk!"

Amethyst: "Steven, that is a brave look."

Steven: "No, it's funny."

Pearl: "How?" Steven stammered

Steven: "uh...oh, geez, I breaking character. Wait, wait,wait! I wrote some jokes!" Pulls put a paper from his pocket "Why did Pearl throw butte out the window?"

Dragonstone: "Pearl threw butter from a window? Why? Was it dangerous?"

Steven: "To see a butterfly!"

Pearl: "I never did that. Steven, are you telling lies?" She said with a hurt voice

Steven: "N-no! Oh! I know. Pear, do you like pie?"

Pearl: nods, smiling "I do like pie."

Steven: "Well, you're in luck! I baked you a pie!" Pulls a pie from the basket and walks over to Pearl "I sure hope nothing happens to it!"

Pearl: smiling "Yes, me too." Steven trips

Steven: "wh-whoops!" Pearl moved quickly to him

Pearl: catches him "Whoa, Steven! I've got you! Be careful. You almost fell right on that..." Steven suddenly slapped the pie on his face as Pearl gasped

Steven: "See, Pearl? It's funny!" He laughs while Pearl whispers to Garnet

Garnet: "Pearl says she's all partied out and she's ready to go home."

Beach city

We were in an urban Neighbourhood area in the city and garnet was in the birthday suit while Steven revealed tiny cars to them with strange whistles he called kazoos.

Steven: "It's kazoo racers! You get in the car, you play a kazoo..." he plays the kazoo "What more would you want?" He offers the kazoos to them "Dad used to do this for me every year."

Pearl: whispers "I think this I why ageing makes humans die."

Dragonstone: "I wish I could die right now." Sighs and whispers to Garnet "Tell him something before it's my turn."

Garnet: steps forward "Steven, thank you for the birthday parties, but I don't think we'll need anymore."

Steven: "Why not?"

Garnet: "Our age is only an illusion. And Pearl's pretty sure this ritual is more for human children." Takes off the crown

Pearl: "Nothing against children!"

Steven: "Children? Everyone gets to have birthdays! Seriously. Give it a try! You're never too old!" He pushes the gap car to Garnet

Garnet: "We're just too big."

Steven: "You're not too big. Y-y-you just get in and then, uh..."

Amethyst: "I can fit!" They looked at Amethyst who turned into a human baby as she drove around

Steven: "What if birthdays are just for little kids. What if, I'm too old." Amethyst drove up beside him

Amethyst: "No way! You can still fit!" She picked Steven and and threw him down into the car "Oh, wait, you are too old." She dove off laughing before driving into Dragonstone who was looking down at her

Dragonstone: "That wasn't very nice."

Amethyst: gulps "uh...googoogaga?" Dragonstone picked her up and went back to the temple with her and the other gems "Hey! Put me down!"

Dragonstone: "Act like a baby, get treated like one." I said sternly

Timeskip-later that day
Beach house

I was sitting on the couch in the beach house while Amethyst laid her head on my lap and i laid back on the couch with my hand over her head as she looked content and had a smile on her face

Pearl: she came from her room and scoffed "I really wish you wouldn't allow that! She isn't an animal." Amethyst turned into a cat out of spite "Ugh! You're impossible!"

Dragonstone: "I don't see the problem." I tilt my head

Amethyst: "Someone's jealous~" she laughed and got up rubbing her cat form against Dragonstone's body "Meow~"

Pearl: she grunts in frustration "That's so uncalled for and inappropriate!"

Dragonstone: "Could you two not find a problem with every single thing for once?" I narrow my eyes

Pearl: "I just feel that you are too soft of Amethyst."

Amethyst: "Well I feel that you are jealous! It's not my fault Dragonstone is closer to me!"

Pearl: "It's only because you think that just because you two were so close in the past that you can throw it in my face!" Dragonstone stood up and walked to the door

Amethyst: "Thanks a lot Pearl!"

Pearl: "Me!?" They kept arguing while Dragonstone went outside and leaned on the porch balcony letting out a sigh before looked to the side to see lion running up before dropping Steven by me

Dragonstone: "Steven!" Pearl, Amethyst hd Garnet come outside and knelt down to him

Pearl: covers her mouth "What's wrong with him?!"

Amethyst: she held Steven up "His fine! Just really, really, really, really old."

Pearl: "Gems can't die from ageing, but his half human" her eyes teared up

Amethyst: "Can't we fix him?"

Steven: speaks weakly "My birthday suit might help." They looked at Garnet who pulled off the crown and cloak before they put it on Steven as lion laid by him

Amethyst: "Goof as new, right?"

Steven: "Thanks, guys. But I guess this birthday suits all out of birthday magic." Sits up "We had a good run." He started getting older

Garnet: breathing heavily "More birthdays. Now." She grabbed the three of them as they all started doing birthday activities as Garnet and Amethyst tried doing kazoo racers but it failed and Steven aged more

Steven: "Kids stuff." Amethyst shape shifted into a piñata but Steven kept aging

Garnet: "It's not working!"

Amethyst: "Pearl! Get over here!"

Pearl: "I cant!"

Dragonstone! "for Steven!" I carried her in front of Steven before placing her down as she was crying as she walked forward and hit the pie in her face while breaking down

Amethyst: "Are you trying to kill him faster!?" Pearl looked at amethyst with watery eyes before she hugged amethyst and sobbed before Garnet pushed through and picked Steven up before shaking him

Dragonstone: "Garnet!" I stopped her as she put him down

Garnet: "I thought violence would be the answer." They kept arguing while Dragonstone knelt down to Steven with a smile

Dragonstone: "Hey, Steven. Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay"

Steven: "Would you guys please just..." he turned into an adult version of himself "Try to control yourselves!" He then became awkward as they looked at him "Oh, oh no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled." He then became an adult again "But I can't stand to see you freaking out like this!"

Pearl: "Whaaaa..." garnet came forward

Garnet: "Steven, your changing!"

Dragonstone: "Your age is changing with your emotions! It must be your gem!"

Amethyst: "Steven! Stop feeling old!"

Steven: "But I wasted your time." He became a teen again "We all have such little time..." he became old

All four: "Steven!"

Pearl: "You have to feel like yourself, sweet and considerate, and only occasionally obnoxious." Steven became a teen again

Steven: "You really think I'm all those things?"

Garnet: "Yes!"

Amethyst: "Why else would you throw us all those parties?!"

Steven: "My gosh! You're right!" He aged down again to his normal age "I am pretty great." Pearl and Amethyst embraced him while Garnet put a hand on his shoulder and Dragonstone ruffled his hair

Dragonstone: "you had, worried." I smiled softly

Garnet: "We'll work on the rest later." Steven looked down at his legs which were still adult as he danced around and laughed while the gems watched

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