Dragon Ball Super X Male Saiy...

By Lewis8334

24.1K 428 163

A young boy saiyan goes by the name Y/N L/N. he was born on the different planet and raised on earth with Gok... More

Y/N'S Bio
Y/N'S Power Level
Y/N'S Love interests
Y/N'S Clothes
Goku's Bio
GOKU'S Power level
Vegeta's Bio
VEGETA'S Power level
Gohan's Bio
GOHAN'S Power level
Chapter 2: Battle Of Gods (Finale)
Chapter 3: Resurrection F (Part 1)
Chapter 4: Resurrection F (Finale)
Chapter 5: Tournament Of Destroyers (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Tournament Of Destroyers (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Tournament Of Destroyers (Finale)
Chapter 8: Travel To Universe 6 (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Travel to universe 6 (FINALE)
Chapter 10: Future Trunks (Part 1)

Chapter 1: Battle Of Gods (Part 1)

1.9K 31 12
By Lewis8334

Narrator: Once upon a time in a little known corner of the earth there was an encounter that seemed rather insignificant at first glance. but this was the beginning of a long and extraordinary adventure for Goku and his friends. More often than not these escapades revolved around the mystical dragon balls and the countless battles fought to possess them for whoever controlled the seven starred orbs could summon the dragon shenron and be granted almost any wish. It was the rough battle with king piccolo and a fierce rematch that followed years later. there was a struggle against vegeta where goku saved the earth from being conquered. A battle against frieza on the crumbling planet namek and the defeat of the androids in the fearsome cell games. Then the final showdown against majin buu where the entire universe was pulled from the brink, time after time new enemies arose redefining the meaning of strength, yet Goku always answered the call. He became the super sayian and along with his growing sons gohan and goten, he has saved the earth from every threat, all enemies have been vanquished and tranquility has come at last... Or so they fought.

On supreme kai planet

(Kibito kai and elder kai looking up in the sky and knowing that the god of destruction has awoken)

Elder Kai: So you're sensing it to supreme kai?

Kibito kai: Yes he's certainly waking early this time isn't he?

Elder kai: should have known. it never ends well so much for a long lasting peace.

Kibito kai: The dust has barely settled since those worlds were made a new.

Elder kai: I assumed the lower Kai's noticed we shouldn't take any chances, perhaps we should let them know just in case.

(Kibito Kai nodded and looked up in the sky)

Kibito Kai: Yes I'll tell them now.

(On king Kai's planet Goku and y/n were jogging for the exercise and king kai were speaking and listening to the Kai's)

King Kai: I hear you supreme kai loud and clear, yeah of course, sure I know this his energy like a freight train,[he heard and look at the 2 panting for jogging] HEY COULD YOU BE QUIETER YOU TWO I'M TRYING TO TALK!

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (base form) 100 million.

GOKU'S POWER LEVELS: (Base form) 70 million.

Goku and y/n: Hmm?

Kibito kai: Goku and y/n, you mean they're with you two right now?

King kai: Yeah afraid so, they like using my world to train.

Kibito Kai: We can't let either one of them find out, if one learns of the other you know what could happen!

King Kai: Oh right right good point things could get sticky fast mines the word on lord beerus, yes sir. (sigh)

(Goku and y/ n were listening and goku walk up to king kai. Except y/n cause his father told him about everything when he was younger)

Goku: Lord beerus what are those?

(King kai got sweat and walk away to the other side)

King kai: Uh nothing just mumbling random words heh.

Goku: Uh do they taste like root beers?

King Kai: Oh ahem uh yep lord beer tastes great in the float kind of that surprise but nuttier.

Goku: Hold on no it can't be that simple you wouldn't sound so nervous about it, heh heh.

(While Goku were eating and y/n were sitting on the chair drinking a bottles of water to make it feel better and hydrated, but he still heard and listens to know what he was on about)

King kai: Alright the truth is it's a secret classified kai stuff

Goku: Now I have to know that sounds juicy.

King kai: Drop it Goku I'm not telling you

Goku: Fine you were talking to supreme kai right, I'll just go ask him myself.

(Goku is going to use instant transmission but king kai stops him)

King kai: AAGH Alright alright no instant transmissions just drop the fingers and we'll talk!

(While king kai was driving in the car with goku and y/n, king kai told them everything but y/n already heard about his past)

King kai: Just promise you won't tell supreme kai that you heard it from, it's like this you 2, there are deities whose purpose is to create life in the universe to watch over and protect it like supreme kai, but there are also those whose purpose is to destroy.

(While Goku and y/n are eating food and king kai is drinking)

Goku: So he's bad - beerus I mean he's one of those evil destroyer guys?

Y/N: he's not evil Goku, but he is the destroyer of gods.

King kai: He's right Goku he's not a matter of evil, but he is a god of destruction.

Goku: Why would god destroy things what's the point of that?

King kai: Creation and destruction, both forces are necessary they check each other, without them the universe would go all out of balance.

On supreme Kai's planet

(Mean while kibito Kai was standing looking up the sky)

Kibito Kai: I wonder how many planets will fall victim to his rampaging this time?

Elder Kai: Beerus the destroyer awake already, I still can't believe it a few decades of calm, is that so much to ask for?

On king Kai's planet

(Goku change to his gi and y/n change to his saiyan gi.)

King Kai: Um why are you two wearing your butt kicking clothes?

Y/N: It's not my butt kicking clothes, it's my gi.

Goku: So a god of destruction's got to be pretty strong am I right?

King Kai: sort of a job requirement yeah?

Goku: I can't wait to see what he what he's made of this is great.

Y/N: Seriously?

King Kai: You are completely blanked!!

Goku: Why what did I do?

King Kai: were you even listening to half of what I just told you?!, beerus the destroyer is the the strongest destructive force in the whole universe it's in he's name, he's at a level you didn't even know existed he's he's so moody he'll wipe out a cluster of galaxy if someone looks at him funny, even supreme Kai pee his pants a little bit if they're in the same quadrant are you two hearing me?!?!

Goku: well we heard the part about him being the strongest and I can't wait.

Y/N: I heard what you said king Kai but I don't think my far beyond super sayian 4 would not be strong enough to beat lord beerus.



On Lord Beerus' planet.

(A tall man walk up to the longest stairs, he made his way to wake him up from sleeping his dreams)

???: lord beerus it's time, time to wake up, and don't fall back asleep, recall that it was you yourself after all who set the alarm bomb to go off at this time, I'd hate to see you over sleep and for of your backup alarm.

(The alarm bomb blows up that causes to wake lord beerus up)


Lord beerus: fine whis I'm up.

Whis: (sigh) I don't want you sleeping in for 15 years too late and waking up groggy like the last time, but if you require some more coddling, (cough and holds the microphone) I'm always happy to show off my vocal range with a singing performance to rous you.

(Whis was about to sing his vocal first but beerus shout at him and gets up)

Lord beerus: The count is truly restful slumber I have to get at least 50 years, 39 is little more than a catnap.

Whis: Lord beerus again it was you who chose this wake up time, and if I may why did you choose this date.

Lord beerus: There's something I need to check for myself.

Whis: Well in any case I've prepared a bath for you, go on before it gets cold.

Lord beerus: I'd rather not you know I hate baths.

Whis: You're covered in soot from those explosions Lord and after your nap I'm sure you've got mold in your ears... now

Lord beerus: What if I refuse?

Whis: That beerus the destroyer may be powerful but boy does he stinks up a room, soon they'll start calling you the destroyer of noses. (smile)

Lord beerus: Whis your pitiful attempts at humor make me want to go back to sleep, maybe I should destroy you.

(In the dining place Lord beerus eating his food for his meal)

Lord Beerus: I'm curious whis while I enjoyed my all too brief slumber, did that upstart frieza manage to eradicate planet vegeta for me?

Whis: Yes without a trace in fact.

Lord beerus: ah good to hear it I could have given the bumbling upstarts on that planet an eternity to shape up but there still be nothing but trouble, and I would have been happy to blow up the whole planet myself but it's so off a beaten path wouldn't you agree? Rather use the time for a nap all that said I'm no fan of frieza's either, so self-important if we cross paths again I'll gladly wipe the entitled bugger out.

Whis: Impossible I'm afraid during your nap someone already defeated frieza.

Lord beerus: WHAT?!?! Some more powerful than frieza?

Whis: Allow me to explain.

(Whis got his staff and tap it on the floor and the hologram revealed to be Goku who is transformed into super sayian and fight frieza)

Lord beerus: Funny this scene looks strangely familiar, who is that man in orange and blue?

Whis: He is a Saiyan, answers to both kakarot and Goku.

Lord beerus: When you said planet vegeta was no more, I assumed the same went for the Saiyans.

Whis: Yes it's most of them did perish, however a few who happened to be on other worlds at the time were spared, including I should mention the king's heir prince vegeta.

Lord beerus: isn't Saiyan hair supposed to be black? I have to say I'm surprised to Saiyan could be capable of defeating frieza.

(Lord beerus holds the egg and one tap it till turns to dust on his hand)

Whis: Well the saiyans have harnessed a technique method of powering up whereby they transform into what they call a super sayian.

Lord beerus: Why was that? Super sayian is that uh (thinking) super sayian huh ah super sayian... that's it, that's exactly what it was.

Whis: What was?

Lord beerus: Let's see it was super sayian something uh super sayian god yes! I have a dream about, where I fought against a super sayian god who looked just like this one!

Whis: huh.

Lord beerus: You know what it was don't you? A premonition A PREMONITION!!

Whis: And you sure it wasn't just a dream?

(Whis tap his staff and all the holograms were inside of the staff)

Whis: Forgive me but your premonitions they don't have much history of coming to fruition do they?

(Lord beerus sat down on his chair)

Whis: If you'll recall that dream you had a while back about the pop star moving here didn't exactly pan out

Lord beerus: You're mocking me aren't you?

(Lord beerus got out of his chair)

Lord beerus: Fine come with me whis.

(Lord beerus and whis were walking out of the his house and ask someone to come out)

Lord beerus: Oracle fish where are you?

(The oracle fish start to appear around so fast and then it landed and talks two of them)

Oracle fish: I was taking a walk what is it?

Lord beerus: 39 years ago did you not prophesize, that in 39 years time an arch rival worthy of me would appear.

(Oracle fish starting to think about 39 years ago about Lord beerus's rival)

Oracle fish: Did I say that?

Lord beerus: Yes that's what you said.

Oracle fish: Yes I did.

Lord beerus: (Look at whis) Hear that the Oracle fish's prophecy confirms my premonition and archer rival of mine will reveal himself soon and he shall be a super sayian god!

Whis: Huh this all sounds rather far-fetched to me, it's difficult to imagine one such as yourself even having an archer of rival Lord beerus.

(Lord beerus flies on top of the tree and sits down with his crossed legs)

Lord beerus: Well even if the oracle fish exaggerated the strength of the particular foe, a a fascinating adversary is due to emerge and that's why I prematurely woke from my slumber.

Whis: Ah I see that's one solve mystery solved, so I take it this means you intend to pay a visit to the Saiyans?

Lord beerus: Of course I do I must track down this so-called super saiyan god.

Whis: Super saiyan god super sayian god such a grandiose over the top name isn't it? Sounds tacky if you ask me.

(Whis Looked at the staff to find the Saiyans and they found it on earth)

Whis: And I located them it would appear that most of the surviving Saiyans by my count five of them are currently in 4023 green on planet 877 it's a little world called earth.

Lord beerus: Is that right I'm pretty sure I've been to that planet before though it's been a while, wasn't that the one all those dinosaur creatures with there attitude problems they were so rude I drove them all to extinction.

Whis: huh now this is odd one of them the same Saiyan who defeated frieza in fact is at this very moment on north king Kai's world for some reason.

Lord beerus: The Saiyan at the Kai's place is quite suspicious, what could it mean?

(Lord beerus jumped of the tree and landed on his feet)

Lord beerus: Tell me whis how long would it take for us to get there?

Whis: roughly 26 minutes.

Lord beerus: so about the length of your average anime episode, I hate long flights but what choice is there I'll suck it up and go.

Whis: Alright we'll depart at once (did a pose) to the planet of the north kai.

Lord beerus: (did a spin pose) Oh yeah!

(Whis tap his staff on the floor, Lord beerus holding on to him and travel to the north Kai.)

(On capsule corp bulma's birthday party for the z fighters and friends and everyone enjoys the party)

Gohan: Bulma we like to wish you...


(The z fighters and everyone celebrating bulma's birthday and party well they almost forgot about one thing)

Bulma: WHAT not coming?! Why would they be training on king Kai's planet during my birthday party?

Piccolo: You really need to ask that?

Bulma: seriously I said the two guys has saved the date more then a 6 months ago.

Gohan: Hey uh where's vegeta?

Bulma: Looks like he's off training to, I've just about had it with you Saiyans.

(At the party hercule, majin buu and the dog named bee enjoy there foods and hercule need another drink so he asked dr. Briefs for another drink)

Hercule: Uh hey you mr white coat are you working on this party or not come fill me up I'll give you an autograph later if you're quick about it.

Dr. Brief: Certainly what's your drink of choice pal?

Ox king: Hold on mr. Satan I think you're confused he's not part of the staitstaff he's bulma's father dr. Brief.

(Hercule drop his glass and realise what ox king said)

Hercule: *gibberish* you mean the most famous scientist in the world dr. Brief?

Chi-chi: don't forget the richest in the world he's that too.

Panchy: My goodness dear you're the richest man in the world I didn't know that.

Dr. Brief: I wasn't really aware of it myself.


Dr. Brief: don't mention it now what kind of drink do you want?

Hercule: Oh I couldn't ask a man of your status to serve a humble and not nearly as low the world champion like me (walk up to dr. Brief) I should give you a drink what would you fancy?

Dr. Brief: Oh that's nice but I'm okay thanks.

Hercule: Oh come on it'll be my pleasure, there must be something you like hmm?

Dr. Brief: I guess... a cola?

Hercule: cola great choice your wish is my command I'll grab you a whole case. (Runs of to get a whole coca)

Videl: oh dad how embarrassing I can't take him anywhere.

(At the party bulma having a conversation with chi-chi, android 18 and krillin, ox king talks to dende and oolong)

Ox king: I put in a tie cuz I figured bulma's party would be a classy affair that's just my tank top right? (Laughs)

Krillin: between you and me just how old are you today is it a big birthday?

Bulma: Like I tell you never ask a woman that!

Android 18: Is it true that the bingo prizes in the bingo tournament including a fully furnished castle and a private luxury jet?

Bulma: That's right but if it's too much trouble I can get the winner cash instead.

Chi-chi: One of the perks of being the richest person in the world, oh I hope Goku and y/n will find time to drop in at least for the bingo tournament.

Roshi: So uh I don't suppose any of those prizes are dirty movies?

Bulma: NO!


(On king Kai's planet Goku realised they messed up big time)

Goku: NO NO NOOOO!!!

King Kai: What Goku is he here?!

Y/N: why did you scream, did we forgot something important?!


(King Kai ran after him but he got tripped over by a floor)

Y/N: Crap we totally forgot about it!

Goku: This is really bad king Kai, she's gonna be pissed!

King Kai: Don't scare like that my heart almost exploded!

Goku: But you don't know how she gets, man I'm not sure who'd be scarier that destroyer guy or bulma when she's mad!

(King Kai wiped the dirt of his head until he felt something coming towards his planet)

Goku: King Kai?

Y/N: Are you okay?

(King Kai start to sweat and worried)

King Kai: You two were for some serious trouble and it's heading straight for us!


Y/N: it's not her it's him, Lord beerus coming!

King Kai: He's right goku, as we speak beerus the destroyer is rapidly approaching this planet!

Goku: Huh really?

(Goku tries to sense something but he can't sense anything)

Goku: Are you sure cuz I'm not sensing anything.

King Kai: that's because you can't sense the presence of deities, remember above all else whatever you do refrain from anything stupid! And you y/n I trust you to do what I said!

Y/N: You got it King Kai. (Look at goku) let's go inside. (Start walking inside the house)

(Y/n gets inside the house)

Goku: How hard can that be? I'll be fine? (Turns around and got his excited) Alright!

King Kai: You worry me... !! Goku get inside the house now!

Goku: Huh why?

King Kai: JUST DO IT!!

Goku: (walks inside the house slowly) Man would it kill him to say please.

King Kai: HURRY!

Goku: All right.

Y/N: good you inside what king Kai told you.

Goku: (Sigh) Your right.

(King was still standing thinking about beerus is coming back here)

King Kai: (Sigh) I don't understand why would beerus come here of all places it doesn't make sense.

lord beerus: Why indeed.

(King Kai heard what lord beerus said and realised he knew he was here right now)

King Kai: Oh lord beerus it's you!


Goku: Oooh so that's him huh? The mighty beerus, he does look mighty important.

Y/N: Keep I it down will you? He'll might hear us.

King Kai: What a pleasant surprise welcome to my tumble abode I-I appreciate you coming all this way just to see me.

Lord beerus *YAWN* It's been awhile hasn't it north Kai?


Goku: Wait that's beerus he looks like a big hairless house cat.

Y/N: Goku I told you to keep it down!

Lord Beerus: you know I must say your world it's on the small side.

King Kai: huh well yes I suppose it's a little cozy um please excuse the um cramped accommodations.

Whis: Long ago after Lord Beerus lost an especially spirited game of hide-and-seek he destroyed this world shrinking it.

Lord beerus: Really whis I did that?

Whis: Of course you had this planet restored didn't you king Kai, it could have been returned to full size easily I'm sure a Kai of your level knows that, guess you simply prefer it to be small and cozy.

King Kai: Anyhow to what do I owe you a pleasure of your company Lord Beerus?

Lord Beerus: *YAWN* There's a small matter I'd like to discuss with that Saiyans you're harbouring.


Goku: Busted!

Y/N: I told you!

Lord beerus: Come on out.

King Kai: Oh where are my manners I should have introduced you to them Goku, Y/N come say hello to our guest Lord beerus.

(Goku jumps through the window and run up to him, y/n was walking through the door and walk towards him)

Goku: Hey it's me Goku and I'm a saiyan from earth.

(Before Goku can speak more, king Kai punch him in head for being disrespectful.)

Goku: Ow that hurts!

King Kai: I had a feeling you were going to say that you're old enough to know some respect!

(Y/n walks up to Lord beerus and gently bow to his respect)

Y/N: greetings my name is y/n l/n, it's an honor to meet you Lord beerus.

Lord beerus: it's an honor to meet your as well y/n I'm surprised that you know me.

(Y/n look at whis)

Y/N: And you are?

Whis: Whis it's a pleasure to meet you y/n.

Y/N: Of course it's an honor to meet you whis.

(Goku walks up to Lord beerus and finally speaks for his respect)

Goku: Uh well hello there so I'm go-uh sorry I mean my name is sir Goku sir it's an honor for you to meet me.

Lord beerus: If you say so, now that that's out of the way there's something I was hoping to ask you about uh let's see super...

Whis: super saiyan god I believe it was?

Lord beerus: Yes yes so now what can you tell me about the existence of this super sayian god?

Goku: Super Saiyan God let me think well I know all about just plain old super saiyans but this super saiyans god stuff isn't ringing any bells dude.

(King Kai glares at Goku for what he called Lord beerus dude for some reason)

Goku: I know not of it good sir.

King Kai: I must admit that this is the first time and myself have heard any mention of a super sayian god.

Lord beerus: And what about you Y/N did you know anything about the super saiyan god?

(Y/N starts think for a moment and then remember what his F/N told him about the super saiyan god)


F/N: Y/N. Have you ever heard of a story called super saiyan god?

(Young) Y/N: No I haven't heard of it dad.

F/N: well let tell about the legend of the super saiyan god, a good hearted Saiyan who helps his pure hearted Saiyans to obtain super sayian god but there is an evil Saiyan who turned into a great ape try to kill all the Saiyans but the super Saiyan god is born with pure hearted Saiyan they fought against each other but the super saiyan god gave all of his power to defeat the evil Saiyan and after that the super saiyan god is now gone without the gods power.

(Young) Y/N: Whoa that's amazing dad you're good at telling stories.

F/N: I know but but listen the only way to achieve super sayian god is you need to do the ritual, you need five righteous saiyans to hold there hands in a circle and transfer there ki into a saiyan whoever becoming the super saiyan god they will be strong enough to defend and protect.


Y/N: I... I remember what my F/N told me a story about the super saiyan god. I can tell you how I need to do the ritual but not on king Kai's planet but on earth.

Lord beerus: I see, your F/N tells you a story about the super saiyan god (looks at Goku) and whis here tells me you are the one who slayed that bastard frieza.

Goku: Frieza? uh yep that was me all right I beat him sir.

(Lord beerus look at Goku and check to see if he's stronger than frieza)

Lord beerus: it doesn't seem possible that you could defeat him, as you are but I understand you're capable of transformation into one of these super sayians.

King Kai: Yes it's quite the power up you're very well informed.

Lord beerus: And yet you know nothing about of the super saiyan god goku. and for you y/n you already know how to find a super sayian god, say whis is prince vegeta able to turn super saiyan as well?

Whis: Yes as are each of the other three saiyans who presently reside on earth.

King Kai: Wow you really are a knowledgeable fella aren't you?

Lord beerus: They all have this power huh, that strikes me as odd though perhaps I'll need to go ask them instead.

King Kai: But Lord beerus I doubt they know anything about a super saiyan god than Goku does.

Lord beerus: That may be but I won't know unless I ask them will I, whis how long to reach earth from here?

Whis: About 3 minutes I'd say.

Lord beerus: That's not too bad then it settled it's time I checked out this earth.

King Kai: How about that you're not planning to destroy or anything are you?

Lord beerus: As long as nothing happens there annoys me.

Goku: Hey listen you're supposed to-sorry I mean Lord beerus I have heard that your lordship is incredibly strong how about showing just a teensy bit of your strength sir?

Lord beerus: You want me to demonstrate my power, what have you in mind?

Goku: We can toe-to-toe in a sparring even if only for a minute!

Y/N: *Mind* Goku! What the fuck is wrong with you today?!

King Kai: Silence goku that's enough out of you!

Lord beerus: I have lived for a very long time yet never in my years have I been issued a challenge such as yours, you certainly seem quite sure of yourself or could simply be that you're just an arrogant fool.

King Kai: Yes he is a fool he's a big dumb stupid fool just look at him?!

Lord beerus: Why not, go ahead and come at me with everything you got.

Goku: Sweet-I mean uh thank you very much sir but are you sure you want my full power right off the bat? If I hurt you I don't want you getting all ticked off and taking your anger out on this planet?

Lord beerus: You have my word well let's begin, what about you Y/N are you going to give everything you have?

Y/N: ...Alright just this once and I'll give you everything I had.

Goku: Alright y/n let's do this together! HAAH

(Y/n and Goku turn super sayian)

GOKU'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan) 3.5 billion.

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan) 5 billion.

Goku(ssj): See first we have to go super sayian.

Y/N(ssj): The power of a super saiyan and goku was the first one to achieve.

(Goku and y/n turn super saiyan 2)

GOKU'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 2) 7 Billion.

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 2) 10 Billion.

Goku(ssj2): And the next we go up to super sayian 2.

Y/N(ssj2): Much stronger than a normal super saiyan but drains a little more energy.

Lord beerus: Hmm.

Y/N(ssj2): & Goku(ssj2): HAAAAAAAAAAH

(Y/n and Goku starts powering up and goes super saiyan 3)

GOKU'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 3) 28 Billion.

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 3) 40 Billion.

Goku(ssj3): Now finally comes the one you've been waiting for a legendary super saiyan 3.

Y/N(ssj3): This transformation is far more powerful than a super saiyan 2 but this super saiyan 3 takes a whole lot of energy and drains a lot of stamina. There's 6 more things I want to show you.

Lord beerus: And why is that?

Y/N(ssj3): *Smirk* Hmph you'll see. HAAAAAAAHH!!!!

(Y/n starts to roar and powering up even higher than before, king Kai's planet began to crumble like it was, after 20 seconds he finished his transformation, he turned super saiyan 4)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 4) 400 Billion.

Y/N(ssj4): This transformation goes far beyond then a super sayian 3. Call this super sayian 4. This transformation is more powerful than a super saiyan 3 and the energy known as primal ki.

(King Kai runs back to his house and bubble goes inside the house)

Lord beerus: Well well this is a surprise, it seem that all that super saiyan talk wasn't just a bunch of hot air after all, *looks at y/n* and for you y/n your super saiyan 4 is very primal and yet you gained your primal ki and I'm impressed, but what is 5 thing you want to show me?

Y/N(ssj4): I'll show you later.

Goku(ssj3): Heh heh not bad huh? but if you want I can dial back to two for ya.

Lord beerus: No no that won't be necessary.

Goku(ssj3): Huh?

Lord beerus: Well just try your best.

Goku(ssj3): You still doubt me fine come on y/n let's do this together!!

Y/N(ssj4): Sorry Goku but I think I should go last.

Goku(ssj3): Fine have it your way!

(Y/n was standing and watch to see how far can Goku can go all out himself)


(After Lord beerus knock Goku out in his super saiyan 3, y/n was still standing and watched everything)

Lord beerus: Well that's too easy.

(Lord beerus look at y/n is still in his super saiyan 4 and he watched everything)

Lord beerus: Why don't you come at me with everything you've got?

Y/N(ssj4): I will but first I'll show 4 things for you. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/N powers up even higher than before, he transformed and just like a regular of his super sayian 4, but his aura around were yellowish orange fiery on the inside and that fiery red aura on the outside)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 4) [Full power] 2 Trillion.

Y/N(ssj4fp): This is my full power of super saiyan 4. This form is even stronger than a normal super saiyan 4, but the aura around me is different. Now there is 4 more things I want to show you. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/N roar and powers up even higher and the wind blows away and he finally transforms into far more powerful super saiyan 4, but his hair is red, his aura around him were fiery yellow)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (Super Saiyan 4) [Ultra-Full-Power] 4 Trillion.

Y/N(ssj4ufp): This is my extended full power of super saiyan 4! Call this "ultra full power super saiyan 4". This form gives me much more potential but there's 3 more. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

(Y/N powers up even higher than before and finally he reveals himself to his new form, his hair is much longer than super saiyan 3 hair but his hair is silver with his fur, his aura around him were red electric)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (Super Saiyan 5) 10 Trillion

Y/N(ssj5): This is called super saiyan 5.

Whis: Oh my! I never heard of This form called "super saiyan 5" before.

Lord beerus: Same here whis, I never heard of that form before in my life. Y/N your "super saiyan 5" is quite powerful and I think you're the first strongest saiyan in this universe.

Y/N(ssj5): Well there is 2 more thing I like to show you. HAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!

(Y/N keeps powering up even higher than before and finally he transformed into his new heights, he just looks like a regular super saiyan 5 but his aura around him were fiery and blue electric around him)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (super saiyan 5) [Full power] 200 Trillion

Y/N(ssj5fp): This is my full power of my super saiyan 5! This form is very powerful and stronger. There is only one more thing I need to show you.

Lord beerus: Go ahead Y/N, show me the last one you want me to see.

Y/N(ssj5fp): Right! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/N Powers up even more, even higher than before, the planet began to crumble and it started to crack. As the light blinds everyone's eyes and the blind lights begin to shine away and Y/N finally revealed to his extended of his full power of his super saiyan 5, his aura around him were shiny blue)

Y/N'S POWER LEVELS: (Super Saiyan 5) [Ultra-Full-Power] 4 Quadrillion

Y/N(ssj5ufp): This is the extended full power of my super saiyan 5. This form gives me so much potential and strength, so that means I'm strongest saiyan in this universe!

Lord beerus: Well that's a bit of a surprise, I didn't know you tapped into something greater than your full power of your super saiyan 5, Why don't you come at me with everything you've got?

Y/N(ssj5ufp): You asked for it!

(Y/n goes charge at Lord beerus at high speed with his attacks at him and punches him with ease but Lord beerus easily dodge and catches his attacks and movements, he teleport behind him he could easily neck chop to make him pass out but y/n caught it with his tail)

Lord beerus: *Mind* He caught it. But he is far stronger than goku.

(Y/n punch Lord beerus right in the face and send him out of the planet and Lord beerus got a little surprise by his tail, but he realise y/n teleported was behind and go for some punches and kicks at him but Lord beerus dodge his attack but y/n goes for his rapid punches at him)


Lord Beerus: *Mind* His form is even more powerful than he was before. But a little bit closer to super saiyan god level if I'm correct.

(Lord beerus catch his attacks and send y/n crash in the crater, Lord beerus flies over the crater to clear the dust and found y/n stand and still okay and reverts back to his base form and powered down so Lord beerus walk over to y/n, he's in his base form and goes for a handshake and beeru accepted)

Y/N: It was a good match Lord beerus, thank you.

Lord beerus: it was indeed, your full power of super saiyan 5 is quite astounding and yet you're even stronger, powerful then goku in his super saiyan 3.

Whis: Our time has come to an end.

(Lord beerus walks over to whis and prepare to go to earth)

Lord beerus: Indeed, north Kai I bid you a good day.

(With that Lord beerus and whis blast of to go to earth. King Kai runs up to Goku and y/n to see if they are okay but y/n is still stand with his feet but nearly fall down to his back)

King Kai: You two got your butt dum dum I'm surprised you two are still alive.

(King Kai then look at his planet that were damage)

King Kai: Oh dear now earth's in danger too I got to contact vegeta and get him up speed on beerus.

To Be continued on part 2.

Wow that was my first time making this story, if you all enjoyed please make sure I'll be continuing this story ok? Bye!

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