Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)


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In the starlit festivities of Penacony, she meets Caelus, a figure shrouded in mystery who shines as a beacon... Еще

Prologue: Nihil Introduction
Chapter One: Embers Kindling
Chapter Two: Blossoming Encounter
Chapter Four: Wise Fortune
Chapter Five: Memokeeper
Chapter Six: Accidental Tear
Chapter Seven: Masked Fool's Attraction
Chapter Eight: Poor Dormancy
Chapter Nine: My... You
Chapter Ten: Meet the Crew!
Chapter Eleven: Family Interrogation...?
Chapter Twelve: Stellaron Hunter's Vacation
Chapter Thirteen: Mother Kafka!?
Chapter Fourteen: Bleak
Chapter Fifteen: Caelus' Disappearance
Chapter Sixteen: Fire To Fly
Chapter Seventeen: Redeemed but Hopeless
Chapter Eighteen: Planned Legacy
Chapter Nineteen: Oni's Confession
Chapter Twenty: Flame-Chaser's Inheritance
Chapter Twenty-One: Diligence Delivery
Chapter Twenty-Two: My love, You

Chapter Three: Kind Invitation

2.6K 83 4

In the kaleidoscopic heart of the Golden Hour, where the dreamscape unfurled its splendor like a canvas painted with the vibrancy of a billion stars, Caelus found himself at the epicenter of an unplanned spectacle. He had crashed—no, more accurately, plummeted—before the grandiose vista laid out before them. The scene was a masterpiece of urban fantasy: buildings stretched towards the heavens, adorned with luminescent billboards that sparkled like jewels against the night's embrace.

Gleaming pathways intertwined like silver streams, guiding the dream's denizens on their ceaseless journeys. Neon signs danced in a riot of colors, their reflections a mesmerizing ballet upon the polished surfaces of the city's skin. Here, palm trees swayed gently, as if to the rhythm of an unheard cosmic symphony, their leaves whispering secrets of otherworldly sojourns. At the heart of it all, a structure reminiscent of a ship awaiting its voyage into the depths of the dreamscape stood proudly, its form a fusion of reality's finest architecture and the boundless possibilities of the dreaming mind.

Caelus, prone in his meteoric crater, dared not let the grandeur around him distract from the celestial goddess who peered down with a furrowed brow of concern. Acheron's silhouette cut an imposing figure against the neon backdrop, the light casting her in a halo of urban fantasy. Her worry was evident, and to Caelus, it felt as if his heart pounded with the force of a thousand drums.

"Caelus?" Acheron's voice cut through the air again, her tone now laced with a growing urgency that sent ripples of alarm through the fabric of the Golden Hour. Passersby offered them sidelong glances, their eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and indifference, a testament to the dreamscape's nature where oddities were the norm and spectacles a mere diversion.

Despite the ignoble nature of his entrance, Caelus couldn't help but appreciate the view from below. To gaze upon Acheron's entirety was indeed a bonus, though her beauty was an inferno to his already scorching embarrassment.

"Right," he muttered to himself, his internal admonishments cut short as he swiftly righted his disheveled form with a grace he hadn't known he possessed. With a final, somewhat frenetic glance that confirmed his dignity remained intact, he met Acheron's gaze. "I'm fine! Just an accident, hehe~," he attempted to convey nonchalance, but the reaction—or lack thereof—from Acheron spoke volumes.

Forced to avert his gaze, Caelus grappled with the burgeoning disappointment within him. Yet, despite his turmoil, he felt compelled to unburden his recent cascade of emotions, from startled entrance to sheepish acknowledgment. "Haha... I'm sorry, I tried to look cool there," he confessed, his voice carrying a mix of laughter and a slight twitch of discomfort, his eyes squeezed shut.

Acheron remained a pillar of composure, her understanding gaze softening the edges of his mortification. "It is quite alright. Often, we find ourselves in situations such as these," she began, her words a comforting balm to Caelus's bruised ego. "And as your first time here, it is normal to experience any setbacks that may or may not hinder your adventure, even if they are small."

Within Caelus, a spark of something undefinable flickered to life at her words, her wisdom resonating with him in inexplicable ways. Yet, Acheron, unaware of the internal shift she had initiated, continued, "As a follower of Akivili, such occurrences are not uncommon, so please, do not let yourself be embarrassed by what happened here."

'No, that's not why I'm embarrassed,' Caelus reflected, the true source of his chagrin being the desire to impress the woman who had so captivated him. But these were not thoughts to voice aloud; instead, he opted for a semblance of gratitude. "I understand, sorry about that," he said with a subdued solemnity, quickly mustering a brighter disposition.

A faint smile touched Acheron's lips, pleased by his understanding and the simplicity of his response. Silence enveloped them, filled only by the symphony of the dreamscape—car horns blaring, balloons popping, and children's laughter as they chased each other, encapsulating the exuberance of dreamers and their dreams.

Yes, this was indeed awkward, yet beneath it lay the burgeoning roots of something that Caelus could only hope to understand with time.


As the hues of the Golden Hour draped over the scene like a curtain of pure celestial artistry, Caelus's thoughts meandered. He realized he was yet to hear from Mr. Welt or Miss Himeko, who were likely engaged in whatever it is that seasoned warriors - he's not going to call them old people - do when they step away from the fray. And March, she was off chasing her own slice of paradise, her stories of it as enchanting and vague as the concept of wonderland itself.

Struck by inspiration amidst the grandeur of Penacony's dreamscape, Caelus turned his attention back to Acheron. Her eyes were closed, perhaps pondering her next move within this realm of endless possibilities. His own eyes sparkled with an animated light, a reflection of the grand idea taking shape within his mind.

"I have the finest plan," he silently assured himself. Emboldened by his newfound resolution, he gently broke the silence that had fallen between them. "Hey, Acheron," he said, watching as her eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze.

"I was wondering... if you'd like to explore around with me? It seems it might be your first time here too," he ventured, his voice losing some of its initial confidence and instead taking on the tone of earnest curiosity.

Acheron hummed in response, her attention drawn momentarily to the surrounding spectacle—the glittering facades of the buildings, the cheerful noise of the festive streets. "I did say that we'd meet in the Dreamscape..." Her voice tapered off into a whisper that seemed to blend with the whispers of the city.

Caelus seized upon her words with the tenacity of a man clinging to a lifeline. "And that's a promise!" he declared, imbuing the phrase with all the weight of an oath. To him, their conversation the previous day was more than just words; it was a commitment he intended to honor, implications notwithstanding.

Acheron's sigh filled the air, laden with acceptance yet tethered by conditions. "Very well, it did sound akin to a promise. Yet I will brook no detours should complications arise," she stipulated, granting him his wish while safeguarding her own expectations.

Caelus nodded in agreement, his innate sense of duty and protectiveness rising to the surface. "I understand. Though we Trailblazers may not be immune to danger, I will be there to support you, should the need arise." His pledge was genuine—a reflection of a benevolence that confounded Acheron, who was so accustomed to the independence of a solitary path, even within the ranks of the Galaxy Rangers.

'You are too kind,' Acheron thought to herself, contemplating the nature of the man before her. His compassion, particularly from one man to a woman, was a rarity she had seldom encountered across the galaxies.

The faint smile that had graced Acheron's features now blossomed into a radiant expression, unveiling the beauty that had previously only been hinted at. Caelus, catching sight of her transformation, felt a blush warm his cheeks and hastily covered the lower half of his face in a comical attempt at composure.

"You are a man of persistence and heart. Lead the way, then," Acheron invited, her smile encouraging Caelus to a burst of exuberance. His cheer erupted in a series of joyful leaps, his shadow dancing across the dream-lit pavement.

The moment was etched into Acheron's memory—a tableau of pure, unguarded enthusiasm from the kind-hearted Trailblazer, set against the backdrop of the Golden Hour's enchantment.

End of Chapter

A/N: Hello, everyone. I apologize for the short chapter, but I hope it still provides some entertainment. The next chapter will introduce another character (not an OC) into the story. Can you guess who it will be?

As always, I'll see you next Saturday. Have a great day and thank you for reading!

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