Superman & Lois: The Last Son

By XxLegacy214xX

6.9K 301 47

This the Story of Jason Kent, the Son of Superman and Lois Lane, but this son was from a different Earth one... More

The Last Son
The Loves that Ground Him
A Whole New Earth
Heritage S1:E2

Smallville S1:E1

1.4K 60 6
By XxLegacy214xX

Three Months Later...

   As the bright stars shined a light down over the night skies of Metropolis in a certain apartment Clark Kent and Lois Lane-Kent were setting the table.


   "He's here." Clark said with a soft smile as Lois grew excited just as she always did when he showed up.

   "Boys, Jason's here!" Lois yelled out as she went to her front door just as her twin sons Jonathon and Jordan came down the stairs.

   "Hi Jason." Lois said with a massive smile as said young man smiled back before he grabbed Lois in a tight hug.

Jason POV:

   "Hi mom." I said with a smile before Lois let me go to which I walked inside with bags of Chinese food.

   "What's up Jason." Jordan said with a rare smile gracing his lips making smile back as I grabbed him in a headlock and rubbed my knuckles into his head.

   "Nothing much short stack, you doing alright?" I asked as Johnathon laughed before I let go of Jordan and did the same to John.

   "Alright boys, come eat." Clark said to which I let go of John before we all sat down and prepared to eat.

   "So Jason how's Smallville?" Clark asked as I smiled at the thought of my home.

   "It's been great and grandma Martha has been a huge help with me getting settled in." I stated making Clark smile as I started to dig into my food.

   "That's reminds me. Tomorrow, we are still on for lunch right?" Lois asked as I smiled nodded.

   "I wouldn't miss it." I said as a high pitched ringing entered my senses.

   "That reminds me I have a project I have to finish up, see you tomorrow." I said giving a quick goodbye to my 'adopted' family before I left the apartment and quickly flew into the sky.

   "Sounds like another Melt down." Clark said as he appeared beside me as we flew towards grandpa Sam's location.

   "You think it's like Oyster Creek?" I asked as I heard Clark sigh.

   "Maybe." He said as we approached the reactor.

   "I'll get the ice." I stated to which Clark nodded before we went our separate ways with heading towards the ocean where I used my freeze breathe to freeze a piece of the ocean before I flew under and lift an ice berg sized piece of ice out of the water and flew towards the reactor.

   "Cmon Jason, you got it." I heard Grandpa Sam mutter making me smirk as I hovered over the reactor before I slowly descended down into the core.

   "Nice and easy, nice and easy." I muttered to myself as Clark floated next to me.

   "You're doing good son, just a little lower." Clark said as the ice melted into the core causing it to start to cool down.

   "Talk about melting point, am I right?" I joked causing Clark to shake his head in amusement.

   After dealing with the Reactor Clark and I flew out of the core and landed in the middle of the workers and D.O.D with my grandfather Samuel Lane waiting for us.

   "It's just like Oyster Creek." I stated as Clark nodded while we walked with Sam walking in between us.

  "Same kind of crack in the cooling tower." Clark said as I shook my head not seeing the pattern.

   "How is it that no one saw anything at either plant?" Sam asked as I shrugged.

   "Fear, intimidation. Could be anything really." I stated as Clark nodded agreeing with me.

   "We don't know yet, but you can't get equipment in here unnoticed." Clark stated as I thought back to the crack made at Oyster Creek.

   "Both cracks are man-made." I stated as Sam nodded.

   "That's what concerns me." Sam said as I nodded.

  "Okay I gotta go. I have lunch with mom tomorrow." I stated as Sam smiled and gave me a quick hug before two finger saluted Clark which he returned before I flew up into the sky.

Clark POV:

   "That kid is something special." Sam stated as I smiled and nodded while I looked into the sky watching as my son from another Earth flew farther and farther away.

   "Sometimes it's hard to believe that he is my son, and Lois feels the same." I said making Sam smirk.

   "How's it feel? Not having the weight of world solely on your shoulders anymore." Sam asked as I sighed before a soft smile made its way onto my face as I listened to Jason greet my mother.

   "Grandma I'm fine. See not a scratch on me." I heard Jason say making me chuckle before I cut off my enhanced hearing focusing back on where I was.

   "If I'm being honest it's freeing yet also terrifying." I stated as Sam chuckled before he patted my shoulder.

   "Welcome to fatherhood." Sam said making me shake my head before I started to float into the sky.

   "Goodnight Sam." I stated as Sam nodded before I flew away headed home.

Twenty Minutes Later...

Jason POV:

   After getting back to smallville I went to grandma Martha with her medicine.

   "You only have them for a short time longer before they go off into the world." I heard Martha say as I entered her office causing her to smile.

   "Cmon Grams time for your meds." I stated to which Martha giggled amused.

  "Well Clark it seems like it's time for me to head to bed, goodnight sweetheart." Martha said into the phone before she hung to which I gave her the pills with a glass of water.

   "Thank you sweetheart. Having you here has meant the world to me." Martha said as I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her giving her a hug.

   "I wouldn't haven't any other way grandma." I stated before I helped her out of her chair before we walked to her room where I helped her lie down before I laid the cover over her.

   "Goodnight grams." I said as Martha softly smiled.

   "Goodnight sweetheart." Martha said to which I smiled as I shut off the light and closed the door before I went out to the barn and floated up into my very own bachelor pad.

  "Sweet dreams everyone." I said as I let myself hear the world for a few seconds before I put on my over the head headphones cancelling out the world's noise and closed my eyes ready to sleep.

Next Day...

   As the morning sun pushed away the darkness of the night a new day has begun in the town of Smallville, Kansas with me getting to work on all the farm work for the day.

   "That's one Hay bail and that's two." I said as effortlessly tossed the bails onto the pile as Martha came out onto the porch.

  "Jason!" Martha called out to which I walked out of the barn and into the blazing sun before I walked up towards the porch where Martha was holding a glass of water.

   "Thanks grams." I said as I took the glass and started drinking.

   "Lois told me to remind you that you two have a lunch date." Martha said with a soft smile as I nodded smiling back at her.

   "I know." I stated letting Martha know I remembered before i handed her back the glass and got to work finishing my other chores for the day.

Four Hours Later...

   "Grams I'm heading out." I yelled as I came down the stairs after getting dressed only to get no response.

   "Grams?" I said as I walked into her office only to see no one there to which I then walked into her room where I found her lying in her bed.

   "Grams!" I muttered  panicked before I sped to her side and grabbed her hand only to feel coldness before I tried to hear her heartbeat only to get no response.

  "GRAMS!" I shouted as I shook her only to get no response to which I called 911 from my phone.

An Hour Later...

   As I sat here listening as the paramedics told me Martha was gone Clark suddenly came through the door before he went to Martha's side and cried before I went next to him and kneeled before I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

   "I'm so sorry dad." I muttered as Clark turned and grabbed me in a hug before we cried into each other's arms letting everything out.

Two Weeks Later...

   After the Funeral we all stood in front burial getting ready to watch as they lowered grams casket into the ground.

   "Thanks for everything Grams. You were the best and I'll love you forever." I said as I laid my rose onto her casket before I stepped back while Clark put his hand on my shoulder showing me support.

   "Goodbye mom." Clark muttered as the casket was lowered into the ground before everyone started to depart leaving Clark and I standing here alone.

   "I'm gonna miss her." I said as Clark wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side.

   "Me too buddy, me too." Clark said before we walked away with me wrapping my arm around Clark as we walked.

The Kent Farm

After the burial of Grandma Martha the Kent family and I returned to the farm where other citizens of Smallville gathered to celebrate Martha.

"Thanks for everything Grams." I muttered as I sat in my room inside the barn before Lois came inside the barn and climbed the ladder up into my room.

"Hey sweetheart." Lois said as she entered my room before she came and sat next to me while I held a picture of Martha and I.

"You know when we told her about you and where you were from she didn't care she was just so happy to have another grandson." Lois stated as tears welled up in my eyes.

"You know when I first got here and I learned that you and dad were still alive I thought all of this was a dream that I would wake up from." I said as Lois grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"And now?" Lois asked as I turned to her showing the fresh tears that slid down my cheeks.

"Now I know it isn't a dream." I stated as Lois opened her arms before I hugged her with Lois combing her fingers through my hair trying to calm me.

"It's okay Jason, I'm here." Lois said as I wiped my tears before I stood up and took a breath.

"No more sad stuff. Grams lived a full and happy life and instead of crying about the loss we should celebrate the time we had with her." I said as Lois stood up and smiled at me.

"I knew there was a little bit of me in you somewhere." Lois stated as I grabbed her hand.

"Mom I know it seems like my Kryptonian side overshadows the human side, but I want you to know that I value that humanity inside of me because back home that half of me was my connection to you and it still is." I stated making Lois smile before Clark came into the barn.

"Everything okay?" Clark asked as Lous and I smiled at each other.

"We're fine. Just having ourselves a small mother-son moment." Lous said before she climbed down with me following behind her.

"You know that was once my room don't you?" Clark asked as I smirked.

"Oh yeah. Grams told me all about that room." I stated as Clark gulped before I laughed.

"Don't worry dad. Your secret is safe with me." I said making Lois laugh before we went our separate ways with me heading towards my two younger brothers.

"Hey boys." I said as I approached them and Sara Cushing, Lana Langs daughter.

"Hey Jason." Johnathon said as Sara smiled with light blush on her cheeks.

"Jason you know Sara?" Jordan asked as I nodded before sat down at the picnic table.

"Yeah. How you doing Sara?" I asked as Sara smiled at my concern.

"I'm okay Jason, but how are you?" Sara asked as Jordan and Johnathon wanting to know as well while I sighed.

"I'm not okay right now, but I will be." I said as Sara smiled at my honesty while Jordan wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Alright I'll let you kids go back to doing you, and Sara tell your dad I'll be by tomorrow to take a look at that generator." I stated to which Sara nodded before I got up and walked away towards the house.

Ten Minutes Later...

As the gathering started to wind down when suddenly I heard a groan causing me to dash into the barn to see Jordan on the ground as the metal beams started to fall.

"Jordan." Johnathan yelled as he jumped on top of him before I ran and huddled over the boys protecting them as the beams fell on us.

"J-Jason?" Jordan said as he looked up at me.

"It's okay Jordan." I said as I stayed in my hands and knees keeping the pipes in my back so they wouldn't smash my brothers.

"Boys!" I heard Clark yell before a pipe was pulled off his causing Clark and I to lock eyes.

"I've got 'em." I said before Clark moved the rest of the pipes only for me to notice that one of the pips landed in the boys, but neither of them are hurt in any way.


As the moon sat in the sky letting the sun rest paramedics came out to house to check on John and Jordan.

"You're saying all we have are mild concussions?" Jonathon asked the EMT while Jordan looked over at me.

"What about Jason? Most of those pipes landed on his back." Jordan asked as Lois placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine boys don't worry." I said with a soft smile as Jordan looked away upset before the paramedics packed up and walked out.

"Come on boys you've had a long day. Head upstairs." Lois said to which the boys stood up before they walked off upstairs while I sighed as I leaned against the wall to which Lois and Clark turned to me.

"What is Jason?" Clark asked as I turned to Lois who nodded at me.

"We both know after having those metal pipes dropped on them they should be in a worse condition than just a mild concussion." I stated as Lois agreed with me as Clark sighed before he walked out onto the porch with me joining him.

"You think Johnathon has powers?" I asked as Clark looked over at me just as Lois came out onto the porch.

"You don't?" Clark asked as Lois turned to me as I shook my head.

"I think it's Jordan who has powers." I said remembering the grip Jordan had on my arm when we laid under those pipes.

"What makes you think that?" Lois asked as I crossed my arms.

"When we were lying under those pipes Jordan held my arm, and maybe I'm just imagining it but I swear it felt like strength I once had when my powers first showed up." I stated as Lois nodded before she turned to Clark.

"So at least one of them has powers Clark. We should tell them the truth." Lois said as I nodded agreeing with mom.

"I can't lose him Lois. Jordan has pulled so far away from me already." Clark said as I sighed.

"Everything will work out." I said as I looked up at the stars while Clark and Lois smiled as they watched me before I suddenly heard a car approaching.

"Grandpas here." I said to which Clark looked down the road and saw his SUV driving this way.

"That's not good." Lois stated as Sam's vehicle pulled into the drive way.

Ten Minutes Later...

"Had my team analyze security camera footage from both nuclear plants where the ruptures occurred, and this is the only commonality." Sam said as he showed a miraged image of a being.

"Whoever it is moves fast." I said as Clark agreed with me.

"That's not all. We also discovered a sub-microscopic etching at both sites. Thought maybe it was a finger print at wasn't." Sam said as he pulled up the image of kryptonian writing.

"You are not a hero Kal-El." I spoke in Kryptonian while Clark spoke it in English.

"Whoever did this knows you dad." I said as Clark held my shoulder trying to keep me from getting worried.

"He's studying you Clark. Now I know there is a phone booth somewhere in this podunk town where you can suit up." Sam said as Lois came into the room.

"Now? No." Lois stated as we all turned to mom who held worry in her eyes as she looked at me.

"Lois." Sam said as I smiled at mom.

"I get it. There is a powerful something out there that doesn't like Superman or Nuclear Power Plants, and that is a bad combo." Lois stated as I nodded.

"But now is not a moment Clark and Jason can just take off. His mom just died, Jason's grandmother just died." Lois said as I sighed while my head dropped making me look at the floor.

" I mean it Clark." Lois said as Clark went to reason with her before I held grandpas shoulder causing him to turn to me.

"She's right Grandpa. Right now this family needs us more than the world does." I stated as Lois smiled before I went and hugged her making Clark smile.

"The world will always need Supermen, and when there is a problem you both will be there for them, but right now this family needs you more." Lois said as Clark nodded before Grandpa grabbed his stuff and walked out.

"He'll get over it, don't worry." Lois said making me chuckle before I I hugged Clark.

"I'm heading to bed, goodnight." I stated to which Lois and Clark bid me a goodnight before I walked out of the house and flew into my room in the barn and went to bed for the night.

Next Day: Mid-Afternoon...

As I flew through the sky feeling the wind in my face I couldn't help but smile when suddenly I heard someone causing me to turn my head just as some type of metal man grabbed me.

"Where's Superman?!" The man's distorted voice said as I growled.

"You're looking at him." I said as I lifted my hands up and smashed them down into the strangers back causing him to let me go before we flew at each other and started exchanging blow for blow.

"You wanna be like him, then you can die like him." The stranger stated before he shot rocket at me causing an explosion which blew away and through a nearby building before I laid there as shrapnel of Kryptonite laid imbedded in my chest.

"Where is Superman?!" The stranger said as he landed in front of me.

With Clark:

As the boys left angry after learning my secret I looked at the ground disappointed with myself knowing that Lois was right all along when suddenly a voice entered my ear.

"DAAAAADDDD!" Jason yelled causing my eyes to widen in worry as Lois turned to me.

"What's wrong?" Lois asked concerned.

"It's Jason." I stated before I flew into the sky and listened for his voice and when I found it I quickly flew in his direction only to find a man in a suit standing over my son causing it eyes to glow red.

"Get away from him!" I growled as I clinched my fist before the stranger flew at me with me doing the same before he uppercutted me sending me flying into the sky with him following behind me.

Jason POV:

As I watched the Stranger and my father go flying off into the sky I tried to move but the Kryptonite was pushing deeper and every time I moved.

"Cmon man. You call yourself Superman for god sakes." I muttered as I gritted my teeth before I quickly started yanking the shrapnel out of me.

"This is going to hurt." I said as I close my first around the biggest piece of Kryptonite that was lodged into my chest before I took a breath then pulled the damn thing out.

"Shit that hurt." I stated as I stood up before I flew off into the sky only to see my father falling to which I flew at him.

"DAD!" I yelled as I caused a sonic boom before I caught Clark in my arms bro which I pulled the Kryptonite out of his chest.

"J-Jason?" Clark groaned as he stood upright before I clasped his shoulder.

"Glad you're alright." I said Clark smiled before we heard sirens from Smallville to which we quickly flew off before we landed at a fire to which we quickly changed clothes before Clark went to Johnathon while I ran to Jordan.

"Jordan?" I called out causing my brother to turn to me before he stood up and ran into my arms where I hugged him tightly.

"Jason I didn't mean to." Jordan cried as I held him while I looked around at the fire.

"It's okay buddy, it's okay." I said as I turned to Clark who looked at Jordan in surprise.

Kent Farm

After returning to the farm we learned that it was Jordan who protected Johnathon from the beams that didn't hit me before the boys went up to bed while Lois, Clark, and I stood in the kitchen.

"You were right." Clark said as he looked at me while I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. Jordan is going to go through a lot of changes now that his powers are starting to manifest." I stated as Lois came by my side.

"How long did it take before you gained all of your powers?" Lois asked as I thought back to when my powers manifested.

"It was about two years before I gained all of my abilities, but learning to control them took longer." I stated as Clark sighed.

"Good thing is that unlike me Jordan has you here to teach him." I stated as Clark looked at me shocked with Lois looking at me the same way.

"Was I already?" Clark asked to which I nodded.

"Yeah. You and mom both were already gone by the time I gained my powers." I stated as I started to walk out of kitchen.

"Don't worry though. Flying was the hardest for me to learn so you still have time." I stated making Clark softly smile before I walked out of the house and flew into the sky.

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