The lord of pure Chaos

By Axelngr18

181 5 1

"The Lord of Pure Chaos" transports us into the gripping story of Jay Wali, a young immigrant prodigy who ove... More

The chaos
Chapter One: The Call of Chaos P1
Chapter Two: The Call of Chaos part 2
Down Fall Part 1
The Past 1
The Past 2
The Dark Truth 1

Down Fall Part 2

13 1 0
By Axelngr18

**December 19, 2023 - Spring Courtroom**

Here I am in the courtroom, standing alongside my lawyer, Mr Doggy, and my family, my father, my stepmother, my stepsister and Dylan. On the opposing side, the Campbell family, accompanied by their lawyers, awaits trial.

"Wait, Chloée!" I said.

Chloée Fletcher turns to Jay, her expression ready and determined.

"Hello, Mr. Wali," she acknowledges.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, visibly surprised to see her.

"I'm here to support your lawyer," Chloée responds softly. "I have more courage and knowledge, and I don't think he will take the risk of defending you well because all the lawyers who defend these types of families very well are blacklisted and their careers end."

"You're up against an influential, wealthy family. Almost everyone can afford to do whatever they want," she explains, her voice barely audible.

Jay, intrigued and worried, insists: "What do you mean by that? Do you know the consequences?"

"The judge has arrived, the hearing will begin soon. We will talk about it later," Chloée responds enigmatically.

"Trust me. I'm here for you, Mr. Wali," she reassures him with a smile.

"Okay, I trust you, Mrs. Fletcher," I respond, smiling back.

**Judge:** [Gavel knocks] "Order of the court. We are here today to hear the case of Natalie Campbell against Jay Wali. Ms. Campbell, please present your case."

"Your Honor, my client, Natalie Campbell, accuses the defendant, Jay Wali, of rape on Friday, December 8, 2023," Natalie Campbell's lawyer says.

"Mr. Wali, how do you plead?" the judge said.

"Not guilty, Your Honor," I answer.

"Alright. Let's move on to the testimony and evidence," the judge said.

Throughout the trial, Natalie Campbell's lawyers present evidence and testimony, but the case lacks concrete evidence linking Jay to the alleged crime.

"The testimonies are suspicious," Chloée whispers.

"Yes, maybe they are paid actors," I said.

"They will all try not to tarnish their image," Chloée said.

"Your Honor, even though there may be inconsistencies in the evidence, my client stands by her accusation because such action deserves punishment," Natalie Campbell's lawyer says.

"Mr. Wali, do you have anything to add to your defense?" the judge said.

"Your Honor, I maintain my innocence regarding the rape charge. However, I must confess to hacking into Techram University's servers to change Chloée's grades to help her succeed and stay in college," I said, broadcasting the proof of messages and all the computer code that I used to enter the server.

"Natalie was a fairly intelligent girl but not at the level to be admitted and stayed at Techram, so each time I had to help her study, she preferred to go partying with her friends, all whores like her. I then had to hack the notes system each time to change the notes to make them better." I said. 

A wave of murmurs filled the courtroom following my unexpected confession.

"I see. Mrs. Fletcher or Mr. Doggy, do you have anything to add?" the judge said.

"Your Honor, while Mr. Wali's actions regarding the university's servers were undoubtedly wrong, they were not malicious. We ask for leniency given his cooperation and remorse, he remains a young man broken by the weight of life," Chloée defended.

The judge deliberates before pronouncing the verdict.

"After careful review of the evidence presented, I find Mr. Wali not guilty of rape due to lack of conclusive evidence. However, I cannot ignore his unauthorized intrusion into Techram University's systems," the judge declares.

"Mr. Wali, you are hereby fined for your unauthorized access to Techram University's servers and expected to contribute your talent to reinforce their IT system. This will serve as a reminder of the consequences of such actions," the judge said.

As the courtroom reacted to the ruling, I had an expression that reflected a mix of relief and concern for what lies ahead.

"Thank you, Your Honor," Jay says.

After my time in court, I now had to face the harsh reality of my life which was beginning to change outside the courtroom.

"Jay, how are you feeling?" Dylan says.

"Tired, but relieved, I guess. I'm just glad this matter is finally behind me." I'm saying

"Yeah, I'm happy for you, man. But listen, I need to talk to you about something." Dylan says

"What is happening?" I ask.

"My family...they don't want me around you anymore. They say it will hurt the family's reputation to be associated with you after everything that happened in court even- if you're innocent the Cambells will do everything to ruin your life, your family, and also Chloée..."Dylan said.

"Damn... Why are your families so obsessed with this reputation thing?." I ask

"It's more of a business relationship than a reputation, the Cambells and my family have been long-standing partners for around 100 years," Dylan said.

"So all the rich know each other and help each other to keep their wealth," I said.

"Yeah, I know, but that's how it is. And another thing, I'm leaving for Kitchener tomorrow morning, my parents are moving me there to make sure we never see each other again" Dylan declared.

"Wait wait What? Why? For them to see each other more, they have to make such drastic decisions."

"Yes, so I won't be tempted to see you anymore. It's better this way, Jay." Dylan says

"So you're going to leave me alone in this shit," I said, shocked and disappointed.

"You put yourself in this FUCKING SHIT, you didn't listen to me from the beginning when I told you that Nat was a whore and when I told you not to publish the videos," Dylan said angry and tired.

"And you think Jay that I'm going to stay and potentially ruin an important business relationship for my family." Dylan continues.

"You didn't listen to me and now you have to face this shit alone maybe Chloe will be the only person by your side not for long, then you'll be alone because you don't listen to anyone, not me, William, or your step - mom. That's it. That's why you always have problems with her," Dylan says.

"Screw it" I shout followed by a punch on the table.

"You're right, I should have listened to you, but you can't just leave like that, especially when I need you the most, William was shot now he is in the hospital , my family probably won't want to talk to me anymore and you're leaving," I said with sadness and anger.

"Everything is already planned in Kitchener, I'm going to study at Hilton a private school and I'm going to play hockey for a branch of my current team which is in Kitchener," Dylan said.

"I don't know what to say..." I said, my voice trembling.

"We don't have anything more to say, Jay. I think it's best for both of us, to just take care of Chloée while she's still here and have some quality time with her." Dylan says.

"Yeah...I guess you're right." I say defeated.

"Hey, before you leave, tell me what's going on with Chloée?" I ask intrigue.

"She suffers from an illness that makes her weak at times but the doctors said that tere is nothing to worry about and that it will just take someone to take care of her in case of problems" Dylan finished.

"Oh ok, that's why she takes so much medication and often misses school for three days. I understand" I said.

"Yes. Take care of her and yourself, Jay. Maybe we'll see each other again someday." Dylan says a little sad.

"Yeah...maybe that day will be the last," I said before we parted ways.

In just 3 days, I lost everything. I got kicked out of Fisher Valley, and I lost my Techram scholarship because of my hacking. My step - mom doesn't want me at home anymore so she can protect her daughter from me. I'm a predator with a broken reputation, and my father was a little disappointed in me and he returned to the Congo a day later.

Now I'm here in a park alone with a desire to no longer live.

"Why, why, why," I said.

"I don't understand anything about my life anymore. Why is all this happening to me now? I thought that this year would have been different from the others, that I could finally live my life and finally forget all the difficulties that marked me during the first 3 years in this country," I continue to talk to myself.

"Now what am I going to do with my life without a future, almost without family and friends? The Campbells have all done so that I have a reputation in this whole region despite my innocence. Damn it all," I said with all hatred and sadness.

"What to do, why to do it, when to do it, I'm lost. I lost everything, my future, my family, my only two best friends," I said sobbing and angry at the same time.

"I'M GONNA DO WHAT NOW? LIVE ON THE STREET UNTIL I DIE? I have everything to succeed and become someone in this society!!!" I said with a knife in my hand.

"I can't take it anymore, I FUCKING CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" I'm screaming like crazy all alone in the park.

"Should I do it kill myself? Why live now, I just prefer not to live like this anymore," I ask to myself.

"I think you're right, yes you're right, YOU'RE RIGHT, YOU'RE RIGHT, YOU'RE FUCKING RIGHT. I CAN JUST KILL MYSELF AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OVER" I scream like crazy because I was in the middle of becoming one.

"JAY!!!" Someone with a familiar voice shouts out

"No, don't ever say that again." I turned around to see that Chloe was right behind me. I quickly throw the knife away.

"What do you think you're doing there?" she asks me.

"Nothing," I answer.

"You think I didn't hear you losing your mind like a drug addict?"

"How long have you been here?" I'm saying.

"5 or 8 minutes, I didn't want to bother you and I'm waiting for you to protest but when I saw your knife I had to intervene," Chloe said.

"Ah, so you heard everything, okay," I said.

"I know you're not feeling well right now, but remember you're not alone," Chloe said.

"I'm always here for you, Jay. Can you talk to me about why you've been trying to avoid me for days?" She says.

"I didn't want to damage your image even more. You've already had enough problems because of me," I said.

"I chose to go to court to defend you because you risk prison for a long time, my dear Jay," Chloe said.

"I am very grateful for your help, but

Her face got closer to mine, my heart beat very quickly and I didn't understand what was happening to me and what she was doing until our lips met.

"Jay, I no longer have a future. The Campbells have not dramatically changed your life only, but mine too. I no longer have my place at Fisher; all the universities have withdrawn their scholarship offers that they had given me and a family I haven't since I was 12. Jay, I'm here for you," Chloe says a little sad but with a smile.

"Why did you risk your future for me? I am nothing compared to the successes and all the beautiful things that await you and you decided to burn them all why, why for me, Chloe Fletcher, for me? No, no, no.." I said surprised.

"I'm at risk because you're my future. I love you, Jay Wali," Chloe says and kisses me a second time.

"Wait, WHAT!!! and how do you love me?" I ask.

"Jay, love is hard to explain but yes, I love you. I love your smile when you laugh stupidly with Dylan," Chloe said.

"We laughed so weirdly," I said.

"I like how you talk, how you treat others with kindness even if he doesn't reciprocate, I like how you always try to find excuses for being late to you and Dylan you are creative," She continues.

"Jay, you are an extremely intelligent young man you can dominate, destroy, or develop this world which does not deserve you, as they never deserved my parents," Chloe said with a sad voice.

I kiss Chloe with tenderness and hold her in my arms for a few minutes.

"Do you want to come and live with me? You don't really have anywhere to go and I live alone," Chloe said with a little smile.

"My cousin lives with friends a little further away, so it's just the two of us at home," She continues.

"Okay, I think I have no choice, let's go. We know very well what we are going to do. Do you want to drive my car?" Chloe asks.

"Really, of course, yes," I said, almost snatching the keys from her by force.

"Look at you, you're like a child who has just bought a toy," She said laughing.

"Ah, Shut up Mrs. Fletcher," I say and she laughs even more.

We leave the park and 30 minutes later we are at her house.

"Wow, you live in a good neighborhood and a beautiful house," I declare.

"My parents left me the house as an inheritance. They weren't super rich but they were comfortable," Chloe said.

She opens the door and comes in. I sit down directly in the living room.

"Would you like something, I have some leftover pizza?" Chloe asked.

"I'll take this with water, thank you, my dear," I said.

She looks at me with a smile and says, "I'm your wife now," before joining me.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

"Let's watch a movie to try to forget a certain moment," she says and turns on the TV and puts on a good movie.

We kissed at least three times before abandoning this film, to create ours. We kissed with passion and we started to lose a few pieces of fabric and went up, and I picked her up so that we could go to her room. She was very happy and very light.

I pin her to the bed and start to pleasure her from top to bottom and she does the same in turn until she is ready for my entry and exit 3 minutes later.

But I'm not finished yet; I had my fingers left so I go down, I touch her, I touch her, I touch her. She makes a noise ("Jay"), she makes a noise ("please"), she makes a noise ("faster").

Until she stopped to hug me and said, "I love you, Jay," with a very heavy breath. I replied, "I love you too, Chloe," and now there we were lying on her bed talking while finishing the film we started 30 minutes ago.

Thank you for reading this chapter, it is a little shorter but very important because we get to the heart of this story.

Image taken from Pinterest.

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