Demon Hunters: Restogen Acade...

By ANEStudios

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When cleaning his grandmother attic one morning, a 16 year old boy, Finn, finds a key opening the door to an... More

Prologue- The forest of Bloodshed
Chapter 2: Meet Squad's 1 and 3
Chapter 3-Goodbye Restogen
Chapter 4- Life Isn't Sunshine and Rainbows
Chapter 5- A Chat Over Cookies

Chapter 1- You shouldn't rift on a full stomach

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By ANEStudios

   Finn was suddenly awoken to a broom hitting his butt. Then his blanket ripped from his body. "Huhh? squinting up at whoever did this. "Wake up! You need to start cleaning!" His grandma's voice boomed, instantly waking him up. He quickly sat up but his vision was still blurry, rubbing his eyes to clear them up the sun blasted them when he did. Blocking the sun with his hand he looked at the clock on top of his bedside drawer, it read 11:54 am. "You've been sleeping in too long and you promised you'd help clean." His grandma said opening the other windows curtain allowing more sun to blare in. It doesn't seem that late to Finn, it's only twelve I haven't slept in long, He thought in his head.

  Getting up he stretched his arms and turned side to side for his back, "I saved you some eggs and waffles." His grandma called as she walked out into the hallway. Finn changed his shirt and put on his shoes before brushing his teeth in his bathroom, stopping for a moment to act like his toothbrush is a huge sword; Slashing it through the air, " Die!" He muffled with a mouthful of toothpaste, droplets of water fell from his toothbrush as he slashed. 

  Walking through the hallway one picture of Finn and his parents hung on the wall surrounded by others of memories of him and his grandmother's life. But only one of his parents. Glancing away from the picture he walked into the living room, an opening in the living room led to the kitchen, heading towards the right Finn entered the kitchen to see his grandma setting out a plate on the table. "Thank you grandma." He said with a smile. "You're welcome, now eat quickly. I have a lot of work for you to do in the attic. Rats might be up there." She pointed towards the ceiling where the entrance to the attic was. "Alright grandma, I'll get it done." She left the kitchen, patting the puffy gray curls on her head, she seemed to always be patting them.

  Finn quickly ate the eggs and waffles, he thought he didn't have an appetite but was surprised when he finished everything. Now it's time for the attic. Usually they say not to be active right after eating but I don't really feel like waiting, he thought. Leaving his plate in the sink he walked towards the living room, he was going to ask grandma where she wanted all the trash but when he entered the living room he could see she fell asleep sitting on the recliner, TV remote in hand and a random channel that seemed to be advertising vacuums. Finn smirked. And she said I was sleeping in. He turned back into the kitchen, squatting in front of the sink and opened the small cabinet doors. He grabbed a duster and a few trash bags before kicking the doors closed.

  Setting the stuff on the floor under the attic door he grabbed a table chair, stepping on top of it he opened the door by pulling a latch that held it closed. It flung open revealing a stench and dust. Finn coughed twice before covering his nose with his sleeve. Stepping down he grabbed the bags and duster, thrusting it into the hole in the ceiling he grabbed his phone from his pocket; Turning on the flashlight. Raising his arms up he used his elbows and arms to lift himself up, his hand touched a layer of dust that had formed on the attic floor. Successfully lifting himself inside he shined his flashlight around. The attic is small, it has a cone shaped ceiling and smells like something died in it. Finn looked around his feet to see boxes spread everywhere, dust covered most, and cob webs connected between the gaps of most boxes. Finn began cleaning.

  Looking down at the watch on his left wrist the green numbers glowed 12:30. Looking around at his work so far he had cleaned the first half of the attic, there was only the back half to do. The boxes had been stacked against the wall and the floor was dusted, these together made the attic more spacious and clean. Finn turned around and focused on the rest of the boxes, this section had boxes that seemed too full, the cardboard half slabs that keep the box closed are hanging  half open. Finn began to push boxes aside as he made his way into the pile. Reaching the corner he found a black metal box, it was behind a few heavy boxes. It caught Finn's attention. The rest of the boxes were cardboard and mostly small metal boxes but this one was sort-ave big. It's about a foot long and a foot wide. It has two gold latches that are welded on the side of the box. The weird thing is the latches don't have any way of un-clipping them to open the lid, they are welded to both sides sealing the lid shut,  Finn looked on the other side to make sure he was looking at the front. On the other side were two small hinges that swing lids open. Finn's curiosity grew as he turned the box back over. Something is inside, it's not heavy but it sounds like metal hitting the inside wall of the box; He thought as he lifted it and shook it.

    Looking at the gold latches again he noticed a circle engraved in the center of the box in the middle of the two latches, it's about the size of a penny, for a moment Finn thought it was a keyhole. But there was no hole shaped for a key. Hmm what could this be? He wondered. A small hole is in the middle of the engraved circle. Without thinking, Finn touched the circle with his finger, out of nowhere a stinging sensation pierced through his index finger, "Ow!" he immediately dropped the box, yanking his hand back. He looked at his finger to see a spot of blood formed on his skin. But his attention was quickly taken away from the blood spot and the stinging when the box in front of him clicked slightly open.

  "Welcome Arthur Restogen" Said a woman's voice from inside the metal box. His dads name. Why the hell did it say my dad's name?! He questioned. He quickly opened the lid of the box fully, inside the black box is a brace like machinery, on top of the brace is a black screen. Next to it a row of buttons line on top of each other. The machine connected to a wrist tightener. Finn examined it for a moment before lifting it up, it was heavier than it looked. Turning the brace over it revealed another side that had another black screen, this side has more buttons but also a few squarish buttons that were able to be slid across the bottom of the screen. Turning the brace back over he noticed some buttons he missed before,  on the bottom, towards the right of the brace is a shield emblem on the shield is a plus sign, across the plus sign going downwards toward the right is a sword that seemed sharp. Going across the opposite way was the handle of what looks like a hammer. Finn brought the button closer to his face, trying to get a better look. It seemed to be some sort of logo.

  Bringing the machine away from Finn's face he paused and stared at it for another moment, debating in his head whether or not to put it on. Battling with the mystery of this gadget Finn just found, he finally decided to risk it. Slowly slipping his right hand into the brace, the metal was cold against his forearm. The brace was slightly too big but he tightened the wrist band and looked down at his arm. The machine covered his entire arm, it made Finn feel cool. He doesn't know what he's found but he thinks it's cool.

  Finn lifted his arm closer towards his face, wondering what the button on top next to the screen would do. Bringing his left finger close but hesitating to push the silver button he lingered for a moment, thinking if he should risk this far. Dropping his finger onto the button it pressed into his skin slightly as he pushed the hard metal. Nothing happened for a moment, after waiting a second Finn assumed it was broken, reaching to take it off before he grabbed the machine it jolted to life.  A beep let out from the brace followed by the once black screen lighting up. Before Finn could react the metal brace sprang to life tightening around his forearm, a sharp sting similar to the one he felt on his finger pierced his under arm. "What the heck!" He fell onto his butt grabbing hold of the brace trying to pull it from his arm but it was no use, the grip was irremovable. The beeping stopped, and a small green line appeared on the screen. It began to rise and fall in bumpy waves. It immediately reminded Finn of a hospital life line on the machine. A dim glow of different colors shined behind the shield logo, red glowed behind the sword, green glowed behind the plus, and a faint brown glowed behind the hammer. A glowing white surrounded the edge of the shield. The different glowing colors made the button way more tempting to push. Another button next to it glowed to life, this one was different from the shield logo but not in color. A letter H stood next to the letter A in a bright white behind the two was the same plus sign, on top of the sword and hammer. But it was surrounded by a box instead of a shield. Turning his arm over the other screen came to life as well, this one had a faint glow of dark green but had a small green dot in the center. A line passed in a circular wave around the dot. What could this be? Questioned Finn, it reminded him of a radar.

  A small keypad glowed on the bottom of the screen. It was small, so small Finn didn't and wouldn't notice it if it wasn't for the glow of white surrounding the pad. Turning his arm back over after examining the bottom of the brace, his attention was caught by the shield again, curious thoughts of what that button does flooded Finn's mind. He reached his left hand forward but pulled it back. His mind battled between pushing the button or bot. What could this button possibly do if I push it? This question lingered for a while, Finn had no choice but to figure it out by pushing it. Sitting on his butt, he reached his hand forward, pointing his finger forward but hovering it over the shield. He could feel the bump of the emblem, he waited a moment, this time no thoughts ran through his mind. Closing his eyes he took a breath. After letting it out he didn't stop his finger from putting pressure onto the button. Instantly Finn felt a sensation of the air around him blurring and shifting, suddenly he felt a swift jolt upon his lower body, his vision blurred and his head grew fuzzy. As he felt a feeling of his body being lifted for a moment, he looked down to see a blurred image of what looks like his lower body and legs folding up towards his chest, a second later it all ended. Darkness blinded Finn's vision.

  The same fuzzy feeling exploded throughout Finn, a bright light came into view but Finn was unable to see. Looking down he could see the same blurry image of his body, this time his lower body was unfolding, as his vision cleared the same blurring and shifting of the air could be seen. Finn was hit with a nausea feeling as he fully felt his feet touch the ground, grabbing hold of his knees he looked towards the ground which was a white floor. Then uncontrollably Finn let out a burst of vomit from his mouth, it spilled onto the floor forming a small puddle. Then Finn heard the strangest thing. "What the hell!" yelled a boy's voice from behind Finn. "Ew, why is he throwing up?!" Screamed a girls voice from the opposite direction. Finn looked up quickly to see he was in the middle of a classroom. Kids who looked his age stood along the wall of the class and separated assuming because of him. Where the heck is he? He wondered. Looking in all directions, in front of him is the side of the class, three windows line the wall along with four desks. And now students. The dudes wore slacked gray pants and collared white shirts, they were all buttoned and tucked in an order fashion. The girls are wearing matching gray skirts with the same shirt. Immediately Finn noticed the shield logo on the right side of their chests. It was stitched onto the shirts and was the same exact one as the button he pushed. "Hello? Who the heck are you man?!" A tall guy with dirty blonde hair barked to the right of him, he has a crew cut styled haircut. "I don't- I don't.."   Suddenly a burst of exhaustion spread over his entire body. Finns head dropped down and he staggered towards the left but before he fell into the hard floor he was caught from the side by a girl with brown hair. She grabbed hold of his arm lifting it and putting her head under to support him. After she grabbed his right wrist that hosted the brace. "Lifeline Off." She spoke in a soft tone towards the machine but it didn't respond the way she hoped. "Negative voice doesn't match blood type, orders cannot be carried out." The same woman's voice from the box replied to the girl. "What? Blood security, but those are only used by...." She quickly stopped talking and started to help Finn to the door. The door was just now opened by a tall man in a red cloak, the cloak draped over his body and hung down to his mid legs. He had black hair styled close to Finns hair but he also has a mustache. "What is going on?" He busted into the room quickly. The room fell silent, no one spoke to inform the teacher. The teacher walked over and helped the girl. "He rifted into the class, but he threw up." She answered. He looked towards the ground and now noticed the vomit. "We need to take him to Med Bay. Chase you are in charge, everyone answers to him." The teacher called out to everyone as he and the girl helped Finn out the door. A smirk grew on his face. Yup i'm in charge, all of you guys answer to me! Chase thought in his head. A moment after they exited the door the teachers head peered back inside the class, "Oh and Chase, clean up the throw up." He ducked his head back outside the door, "Ha-ha, good luck" said a guy from the back of the class and Chase's grin melted.


   Finn awoke to a white tiled ceiling, a dim light shined in the middle of the room. As his eyes opened he looked beside him to see a girl sitting in a chair. Finn thought for a moment and remembered she's the same brown haired girl he saw in the classroom he was in. The classroom I randomly appeared in. He thought. But how? He was in his grandma's attic a moment before that. Messing with some type of machine... He lifted his right arm from under the blanket, as he expected the metal brace is still connected to his arm. "What's going on?" He said looking back towards the girl who was quiet and only stared at him. She didn't speak for a few more moments. "Where did you get that Lifeline?" She finally asked. "Lifeline? What do you mean lifeline?" Finn was confused at the word she said. She pointed towards his right arm. She meant the metal brace. Why is she calling it a lifeline? He questioned in his head. "How did you get it?" She asked again. Staring into his eyes. "No, first you have to tell me how I got into the class." Finn paused for a moment thinking maybe she'd be able to tell him that if she knew how he got it. "If you tell me how you got it I can tell you." She let out a sigh after saying it, clearly getting inpatient. For a second he couldn't help but feel dumb. He expected she'd say that but it still didn't help. "Well I um... Found it." He replied. "Found it?" She asked "Yeah, while cleaning my grandma's attic it was in some type of metal box, it was weird the box poked me then opened and this was inside." He lifted his arm in the air. For a moment Finn debated whether or not to tell this girl about how the box had said his fathers name. "If you are telling the truth then you have come across a piece of technology that is used in combat and to travel, what you did was... Basically teleport. We call it rifting." She explained. The word teleportation spooked Finn, he didn't know that's possible. He's only seen it in movies. Then he thought of the word Rifting. The word was unfamiliar to Finn, in fact its something hes never heard before. "As for the box it belongs to the Lifeline and the owner of the two. How you were capable of unlocking it I have no clue-" "The box said my dads name when it opened!" Finn interrupted her, he doesn't know why he blurted the rest randomly but he did."What, but how is that..." She paused for a moment. "What is your fathers name?" She continued. But as she finished her question the door to the room opened and a tall man with glasses entered the door frame.

  Entering the room Finn can see he's wearing a light brown suit jacket with a white collared shirt, similar to the one the others wore but he also wore a dark gray tie, no design or pattern decorated the tie. Finn quickly noticed the same shield emblem stitched on the front of the suit, he wore matching tan pants that  weren't baggy nor wrinkled in the slightest, an intense crease can be seen down the middle of both legs. His feet wore pitch black shoes that somehow reflected the dim light. "Mr. Finn Restogen, glad you are finally awake." He smiled and lifted the metal looking cane that he walked in with, as well as his other arm in a welcoming gesture. How does he know my name? Immediately fear creeped into him. After hearing his full name Finn noticed the girl's eye widened, she wore a shocked expression on her face when Finn glanced towards her. But she quickly switched her expression back to an emotionless gaze. "Well then, you've been sleeping for five hours, maybe you want to stretch your legs." The man stepped aside, lifting his arm towards the door. "Amber if you'll follow, I know you've been waiting for Finn most of those hours, good thing you're one of our top students and can skip class." The man chuckled after saying that. Instantly he was surprised at the fact that he'd been sleeping for that long. Finn took the blanket from over him, sitting up and slipping on his shoes that had been set to the side of the bed. So that's her name, Amber. He thought as he stood up. Amber had reached the door and the man in the suit was close behind. Finn followed behind him hearing the clank of each stab of the cane against the floor.

  Stepping through the door they entered a hallway that looked like the room with all white walls. The wall is plain and only hosts papers hanging on it. Doors lined the wall in front of them Finn assumes they are classes. Windows lined on the ceiling allowing the evening sun to peek through. Now that they were in a brighter area Finn could get a better look of the man in the suit, he had black hair that was sort ave lengthy and hung slightly over his eyes. He noticed the man is very young, maybe in his mid twenties. His round glasses hung high on his nose. "I am the principal of this academy, Mr. Lobotomy, nice to meet you Finn, he tossed his cane into his left hand and reached his hand forward. Finn paused for a moment before shaking it remembering the machine on his arm, or as they call it Lifeline. "It's alright, yours has been turned off, unfortunately the healers were unable to remove the Lifeline from your wrist due to the voice recognition, it's considered a top security feature for lifelines." The principal explained, Finn took a moment before shaking his hand. "Oh dear, maybe I've said too much." The principal made a frowning expression. "Healers?" Asked Finn. "That's easy to explain, I'm glad your first question is easy. Yes healers are what we call medically trained here. They are far more advanced than regular doctors." He explained letting go of Finn's hand. "Oh" replied Finn. "Ha-ha, and this is Amber. She is a first year but top of her class since she was so determined to wait around while you slept she'll be with us." He gestured his right arm towards the girl. "Nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand and smiled. And for the first time Finn noticed how pretty she is, faint freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. Her light brown skin was greatly complimented by her hazel eyes. Her hair is tied back into a bun by a ribbon but a strand fell loose. Finn gladly shook her hand. "Now shall we start a tour of the academy?" Mr. Lobotomy turned his left shoulder back, lifting his cane towards the hall.

  Suddenly Finn thought of his grandma, she must be terrified that I've been gone. "No I can't, my grandma is probably going crazy because I've been gone." Finn shook his head looking behind his shoulder for an exit. "Thank you for letting me rest on your bed but I have to go-" "Mr. Restogen, your grandma is alright. I personally went with my assistant and visited her." The principal said, lowering his cane. "What do you mean you visited her." Finn furrowed his eyebrows immediately wondering what this man means by he visited her. I wont lie to you I used a tactic of saying something to your grandma then releasing gas from my Lifeline." Finn grew angry by his response. "What the hell do you mean a tactic with gas?!" Finn stepped forward clenching his fists, suddenly when he did his lifeline roared to life, the screen turned on and buttons lit up. "Whoa, whoa, calm down, it's a harmless gas that has been developed in our labs. It simply convinces her of whatever I say the moment before, I told her you decided to spend the night at a friends and left already." He lifted his right hand up, he raised an eyebrow when the lifeline turned on, Mr. Lobotomy examined it for a moment. The softest smirk on his face, one Finn doesn't notice. Finn realized he was now looking at the lifeline too. Why did it turn on randomly. "The top button next to your top screen will turn it off." Amber stepped forward, grabbing Finn's  wrist and pulling it towards her. She clicked the top button next to the screen the same one Finn had pushed to turn it on. The lifeline instantly turned off. Now that they are standing side by side Finn can see he's slightly taller than her. Amber quickly let go of his wrist and backed away, "Why did it turn on randomly?" Finn questioned, he looked towards Amber but her face read no answer as she looked towards the floor. Finn turned back towards the principal who had a relaxed expression. "I don't have an exact answer for you, but I suspect it was because of your strong rise in emotion. I am willing to assign our researchers to take a look at your Lifeline but I feel as we go on this tour I can explain a lot that may help you figure out a lot more about that Lifeline." He lifted his cane an inch from the ground and pointed it at his arm. Finn thought for a minute, wondering whether or not he should go on the tour or return to his grandma... "Alright, I'll go on the tour." He finally said. "Great! Follow me, and if you have any questions while I explain the different classes just ask." He smiled but quickly turned and headed down the hallway, Finn followed the principal, glancing over his shoulder he noticed Amber followed after Finn but waited a moment before doing so. "The floor we are on is the fourth floor of our medical building, a few classes are hosted on the second floor but most rooms on the second and third are developing medical technology. And the top floor, which is this one, hosts the medical rooms that are often needed to be used." The principal gestured his left hand toward the left wall. So I was wrong, those aren't classrooms, this isn't even the school yet. Finn thought while looking at them. As they reached the end of the hall they reached a square opening, to the left was a door. Next to the door hung a small sign with a staircase image. Finn looked to the right wall to see what looks like elevator doors. "These are our two choices down." The principal spun around and pointed both arms, one with cane, towards the exits. Behind Mr.Lobotomy Finn noticed a long window. Noticing it he walked passed the principal, interested to get a big view of the outside. "Oh, well..cure the curiosity I say." The principal smiled pointing his right finger up in the air in front of him.

  Looking out the window Finn can see a tall square-ish building straight across from them, the building has a brown color and hanging down the side is a banner with the same plus sign, sword and hammer. But now that Finn thought about it, he must be seeing it wrong. It's a medical plus, like the ones at hospitals. Looking to the left Finn can see another squared building that lined across from the brown one he stared at, its way taller than the brown one and looks like a dark red. Looking down he can see the buildings are connected on the ground by a small gray roof. Trying to squint his eyes Finn can see small windows in the roof, maybe its a hallway? As he was looking down he noticed a building on the ground. It isn't as tall as the other two buildings but its rectangular shape had length. It is lined along the gray roof but at a distance, Another roof is peeking behind the window but Finn can't get a view, even after going on his tip-e-toes it was no help. "Don't worry you'll see everything soon, just choose which way we go down." The principal said from over his shoulder.

  Turning from the widow Finn could see Amber waiting close by a well, probably waiting for him to make his decision as well. "Lets take the elevator." Finn said. "Excellent follow me, maybe a question I can answer so our way down isn't boring." The principal said taking lead quickly as Finn had to quicken his pace, he thought for a moment wondering what has bugged him. He thought for a moment that he should ask why the box had the Lifeline, Finn felt the screen of the machine. Said his fathers name when he opened it but would Mr. Lobotomy be able to answer the question? "Can't decide on one or just not confused?" The principal looked back towards Finn while he clicked the elevator button. Another question birthed in Finn's mind that had been a bug since the moment he opened the box. "Can you explain the shield symbol I've been seeing? First I saw it on the Lifeline or whatever and now it's everywhere at this academy." The elevator dinged and the two doors slid in opposite direction. "Of course, I certainly can explain the symbol you see." The principal steppe into the elevator and Finn followed. "The shield symbol represents the different duties that this academy teaches to carryout." He clicked the number one button with the end of his cane and Finn noticed Amber was no longer behind them, sticking his head out for a moment to see where she went but he felt a metal like force hold against his chest. It was the principals cane, "Are you listening Mr. Restogen?" Before Finn could answer or question Amber's disappearance Mr. Lobotomy continued. " Starting with the medical plus sign that is on top of the others." The elevator door slid closed.

"After students first year here they are allowed to choose to fully undergo the duty of the medical field, the medical field has different jobs but the main ones are researching and developing technology that's far advanced in the medical aspect. Their jobs reside on the third floor." Finn noticed as the principal said this a white letter three displayed on a small screen above the elevator doors. "As well as the second floor. Another job is on field action with the Hunters." The name immediately struck Finn confused. "Hunters?" He interrupted. "Yes, i'll further explain them and their duty when I explain the sword. This job undergoes the same training as a hunter and is also trained to be equipped with the medical technology that is created in the lab." As he explained Finn can't help but wonder what the hunters are and why they would need to train or need medical support. The many questions that piled overloaded his head. His attention was taken from the questioning in his mind when the elevator halted to a stop. Shortly after, the doors slid open again.

   Unlike the plain top floor Finn walked out of the elevator into a hallway that looked a lot more like a high school. Looking to the left down the hall a desk could be seen in front of a door. A young woman sat behind the desk she was focused on a computer in front of her. A few gray lockers lined the dark green wall in front of them. Finn looked to the lockers examining the simplicity. There was no usual openings nor a latch to open them, the only way Finn knew they were lockers at all was because of the tall compartments and the hinges on the side of each one. "This way." The principal said walking down the right side of the hall, Finn quickly followed after. "Wait you said students get to choose after their first year? Why?" Asked Finn when he caught up to Mr. Lobotomy's side. "Well that's because first year students are considered cadets, the board above our academy saw it fit that first year students train in all subjects for a year before being allowed to choose a field and advance." It made sense to Finn and made it more interesting to him that students can learn all subjects, but what were the others? As if reading his mind the principal continued. "We call this entire building the Med-Bay, the healers and researchers here play a huge role in the academy and help the Hunters a great deal." There it was again hunters, Mr. Lobotomy had told him he'd explain when he explains the sword but Finn's curiosity couldn't help but be drawn to them. They passed two doors on either sides of them and reached the end of the hall, the hallway turned left, looking around the corner Finn can see the same colored  doors on the left wall. But no lockers, straight ahead led to two big gray doors that had a small window on both. "This way leads to the hallway connecting the med-bay to another building. I'm sure you seen it from the window, this one is is quite smaller than the med-bay it doesn't have four floors but I think you'll like the way that ones built." He said walking towards the gray doors and pushing one open. Finn followed the principal through the door entering a wide hallway that was a lot more spacious than the hallway they left, instead of having green colored walls and ceiling this hallway was completely gray, small windows lined along the ceiling a lot like the ones on the fourth floor.

  Spaced by far, wide windows lined along both walls, looking out the first one on the left Finn could now see the small building he couldn't see from above, it was a cabin like building built of long wooden logs, the building to the right of it was very similar but it seemed older because of the wood being a lot darker. "Ah, the cadets sleeping quarters" Said Mr. Lobotomy looking over Finn's right shoulder. "They live on campus?" Questioned Finn. "Yes, the board as well as the teachers have found the students' training to be a lot more successful if it's implemented in a daily schedule." Answered the principal, wonders of what the students are training for came upon Finn again but the principal continued walking. "Now moving on from the medical sign you have the hammer. The hammer represents the forging and building of the invention you wear now. There duties not only stop at building Lifelines they also forge weaponry that is used by the hunters." Weaponry? Wondered Finn, what type of weapons could they be making. "There job is sometimes called the hardest due to the difficulty of forming weapons from melting metal and being around intense heats but it's quite the debate." Mr. Lobotomy chuckled. "Weapons?" Asked Finn. "Yes, the forging of weapons. Many different blades for knives in different sizes and forms are made. As well as firearms and ammunition designated for those guns." It was shocking to him, how can the making of blades and guns be allowed on a school campus? "How-" "Once you learn the purpose of these weapons your question will be answered. Bare with me the sword is after this one." The principal interrupted Finn.

  Reaching the end of the hall the principal pulled the right door open, before following Mr. Lobotomy in, Finn glanced out the window next to the end of the hall and could see the huge building he'd seen from the fourth floor window, now that he's on the ground the building towers over him greatly. Entering the door he walked into another hallway that is a lot like the first floor of the med bay but the color of the walls were brown and fewer lockers lined the wall. Two gray doors lined the wall in front of him, "These are some tech rooms for building lifelines but most are down that way." He pointed his cane down the hall with his right hand. Following his cane Finn turned his head to the right."  And some on the other side of the building. But this way leads to where we want to go, the exit and entrance." Mr. Lobotomy gave a smile then headed the opposite way he pointed. Not speaking for a moment Finn didn't say anything either and just followed him, then he spoke. "This building is only one floor above the ground." It was weird to Finn that the other buildings towered high but this one was only one floor. "But where we're going will take us underground, underground is where we've found forging of the weapons to be best hosted." What, underground? Finn didn't believe him for a moment then realized he wasn't joking. " What do you mean underground?" Finn asked. "With the great heat and the severity of the task, underground floors have been established. An elevator will take us down, we will only go down one floor but I would like for you to see the metal that is used to forge these weapons." They reached the end of the hall where a banner of a different shaped shield than the other Finn has seen hung. Down the middle of the shield is a hammer that stood alone with nothing around it. "The buildings are known to host banners that only have the symbol of these jobs, not to separate themselves from the rest but to isolate the symbol that represents them." Said the principal looking up at the banner but turning right continuing down the hall. Turning right was their only choice and as they did Finn could see two doors down the hall along the left wall. It must be the exit, thought Finn. Continuing down the hall they reached two sets of elevator doors in the right wall. Mr. Lobotomy stopped in front of the closest one to the two of them. Clicking the elevators down button he removed his glasses, taking a small red fabric from his pocket and wrapping it around the glasses. "Steam from the heat may fog them." He said noticing Finn watching him fold them in the fabric.

  The elevator doors dinged closed as he put the glasses inside his suit jacket. "The weapons down here are forged from the melting of a certain metal we use called, Araspin. We don't have a clue where it originated from or how long ago it began to form but it's quite old, the test results from recent testings have responded around the millions of years range." After he said it the elevator halted again, followed by the opening of the doors. Immediately they were hit by a wave of heat, "Whoa" Finn said, blocking his face with his hand. "It's quite overwhelming your first time." The principal said unfazed by the wave of heat. "After you." He backed to the side and Finn walked out. Stepping out of the elevator, Finn quickly noticed the emptiness of the hallway, nothing lined the wall besides three doors that were spaced apart in front of him. "I believe a class is forging now." The principal said walking towards the middle door in front of them, he opened the black door and instantly the heat tripled. Finn couldn't help but turn his head for a moment but he forced himself to push through the boiling sensation. Following Mr. Lobotomy into the room, it only got worse, the room was squared and hosted student that scattered along the walls and room, none turned their attention from what they were doing. Students faced away from them towards the wall where a long table lined the entire wall. A small mountain of different sized metal shards piled in a bin in the corner of the room, the thick metal slabs were a pitch black color, the pieces had a rough looking surface and sharp looking edges.

  Along the wall straight ahead Finn could see students swinging hammers down towards the table they faced. Looking left he could see two large table like bins that are filled with a red and orange glowing liquid. Smoke rose from the thick looking liquid it moved in a slow motion as it was stirred by a guy standing in front of the bin, he's wearing a mask that looks similar to one a welder would wear, hes wearing a long brown cloak that's hanging slightly passed his mid leg, as Finn looked around he noticed they all are wearing  cloaks. "As you can see students grab metal from that corner." Mr. Lobotomy pointed towards the corner. " They then bring it towards the bin that heats and melts the metal." While he explained the procedure a student was finishing pulling a metal rod from inside the red liquid, at the end of the metal rod was a smaller looking version of a bucket, it filled and lifted a puddle of the steaming liquid. "After its melted, students extract some of the liquefied metal and take it to a mold they've prepared on their tables." The principal walked a few steps forward getting a closer look of what the students were hitting. Finn reaching his side could see a student closest to them at the end of the table hitting his hammer against a long sword, the long blades glowing a menacing dark red, with each bang of the hammer a small dent formed in the metal. The student repeatedly flipped the blades side and hit in different spots. Looking down the table, Finn could see another student hitting what looks like a smaller sword but the blade curved at the end. "I'm sure you know what they are doing here." Mr. Lobotomy said, looking over his shoulder at Finn." Finn was amazed by the crafting of weapons but he really longed to learn who these weapons were used on and why these so-called hunters use them? The principal noticed Finn's thinking face and turned away from the table. "Shall we head back up and continue to the hunters building, I think that's the one you've been waiting to learn about most." Finn nodded his head and the principal started towards the door but stopped when he reached the end of the table, looking down at the table the principal then picked up a small fragment of metal that was lying next to other bigger pieces.

  Exiting the room Finn was relieved when he closed the door behind him, the heat wasn't radiating as bad as before. "Here a little souvenir from your tour." Mr. Lobotomy said tossing the fragment towards Finn, he caught it; The metal is about four inches long but not wide, it looks to be a chip from a bigger piece. Finn lifted the metal close to his face he examined the depth of the darkness of the metal, it's darker than he's ever seen. "Thanks." He thanked him then shoved the metal into his back pocket. "Of course but be careful, even a fragment as small as that could be used as a weapon. following the principal towards the elevator. "Now as we move on from the hammer and move towards the sword keep in mind everything I tell you further is not allowed to be told to anyone." The doors opened and they entered the elevator. "For reasons I don't think it will be necessary for you after our talk but telling anybody else including family and friends is punishable by us." it struck Finn when he said it. "What do you mean punishable by you guys?" Finn looked to Mr. Lobotomy but he remained staring at the elevator doors. "Due to the information being crucial to the works that are carried out here, telling others that aren't affiliated with the academy is punishable by death if necessary." The word death struck Finn in the face as soon as the doors slid open. What does he mean punishable by death?? The principal walked out of the elevator, Finn stood frozen for a moment pondering on what he was just told. What could be so important about what he's about to be told? Finn shook the thought and followed him out, he followed the principal towards the right passing the other elevator doors. For the first time a student entered the doors ahead, as they got closer Finn could see their appearance. It was a girl wearing a brown cloak, the cloak opened as her arms swayed while she walked, Finn could see she had the same white shirt and skirt but unlike the other girls she has black leggings. The cloak draped slightly longer than others too, hers hangs at her ankles. Part of her long black hair hung in the front, covering the sides of her eyes. The rest in the back looked to be tucked into her cloak. "Evening Principal Lobotomy." The girl spoke in a soft tone as she passed the principal ahead of Finn. "Good evening Mrs. Christine, do stay ahead of your classes." He looked left and smiled as she passed. Finn glanced at her and saw she did the same at him. "Mr. Restogen don't allow my words before to bother you." He said reaching the doors the girl entered from. "It's a mere warning I have no doubt at the end of the tour you'll be determined to protect this secret with your life." He let out a quickie chuckled before pulling open the door open allowing Finn to walk in first.

  Entering the hallway Finn quickly noticed this one was the exact same as the other, looking out the window he could see the buildings that he looked down on earlier. He looked up at the medical building to see it painted in the same green that colored the first floor. A banner hung alongside the building with a different shield from the other two, this one had a v shape at the bottom and the two corners of the shields slanted making the entire outline look like a huge v. Inside the shield is a medical sign. Looking to the right Finn could see another building, this one was about the same size and height as the red building, it towered over the medical building by a good amount. "The hunters, ill start with what they do then explain how they work." Finn was slightly annoyed that the principal isn't telling him what they hunt first. They started side by side walking down the hallway. "The hunters undergo harsh training in all aspects. Some being agility, many forms of combat, training in almost all types of blade combat, firearm handling, and they train their bodies to be able to fight and move around in different places." But who are they fighting? Finn thought to himself. There duties that are to be carried out is the preparation of exterminating the prey they hut as well as research them." Reaching the middle of the hallway Finn looked to the left out of another window, this time he could see in the distance metal dummies lined in an open area, close by what looks like weights to Finn lined in a row. It must be some of the stuff they use, he thought. " They do all of this in groups of four, here they are called squads. The squads are numbered here they start from one and go to eight. Each squad is led by a second or third year leader. Moving on to what i'm sure you really want to know...what they hunt." Finn look ahead at the principals left shoulder. "They hunt.. Finn creatures of... darkness. Not creatures... demons." The word demon immediately made Finn want to burst up laughing. "Demons?" He said in a tone he hoped didn't sound too much like a laugh, he grinned behind the principals back, what does this guy mean demons? "Don't believe me if you want but what I will tell you soon may convince you." Finn stopped grinning, now interested in what he has to say. " These vial demons are unlike anything you've ever seen, we don't know where they come from but we know they form from the ground, I've only seen a few myself during my cadet days; There presence is horrifying, the evil presence that fills the air when they form is petrifying to some." The description caught Finn's breath. " From what we've seen they have the appearance of a dark skeleton head, attached to a skeletal neck. It goes into a ripped black cloak, at the end of the cloak black smoke trails from behind, they often have skeleton arms that they reach from under their cloaks. But sometimes they form into animals or deformed creatures of different forms. They let out loud terrifying screeches when flying around their prey. I've never seen it but it's said that when a demon grabs hold of a human it kills them in various gruesome ways, it's often said they rip limbs from the body while the humans are alive." As Finn pictured the scene his body shivered in fear, the thought of something like that happening to him. "But it's been learned years ago that the metal you just saw is capable of being used in the form of a weapon against these demons, I myself have used a weapon against one of them and the blade evaporates them entirely. The smoke is instantly disintegrated as the metal pierces them. That is the reason the forging of weapons is done and the researching of medical technology as well as the training of a skilled hunter, trained in every aspect of killing. They all help each other as one against the evil of the vial creatures that torment humans." As he finished they reached the end of the hall.

  The principal paused in front of the door for a moment allowing Finn to digest everything he had just been told. Thinking of the description of things he described he couldn't help but feel a sensation of fear among his body just from the thought of those creatures called demons. Finn stared at the white floor his mind racing from description to different things Mr. Lobotomy recently explained. " Before we enter this building I'm going to tell you something that will greatly impact your life." The principal turned back and faced him. " It will massively affect what you've been told about your past life already and I understand if you don't want it messed up, so, if you would like me to stop talking I will politely ask you to close your eyes as we enter this door and after we pass the wall in front of this door well head down the hall and finish your tour. But if you'd like me to continue and tell you something that could greatly affect your life." The principal finished, not talking any longer allowing Finn to think about his decision. Finn thought for a moment. "Will it greatly affect my life for the good or bad?" Finn asked, looking up from the ground and at him. "That is up to how you choose to accept it and decide to continue." He immediately responded. Finn looked back towards the ground, what information could possibly affect his life more than it has already? He's teleported into a classroom using a machine he found in a box and he's now fishing a tour of an academy destined to teach students how to hunt, forge, and heal. How could his life be impacted greater? Questioned Finn, lifting his head once more he had a face that showed he was set on a decision. "Continue explaining."

  The corners of Mr. Lobotomy's mouth rose as he smiled. "Nothing would make me happier." He paused for a moment, not explaining anything... Then he spoke. "Your parents, Finn... Funded the building of this academy, being trained hunters themselves with a high role in the agency above your school, they were capable of making it happen." The words stung Finn like iced water being poured over his entire body, as the words echoed in his head Finn had no thoughts. Not a single question nor thought formed in Finn's head for a moment, he stood frozen at the end of the hallway. Mr. Lobotomy standing in front of him. "My parents?" Were Finn's first words after moments of being silent. "Yes Finn, your parents. They were trained hunters who attended another school that used to stand before this one. Not in this exact place of course but the other school used to be built a far way from here. I understand this is a lot to take in-" "No... No you're wrong, my parents died in a car crash when I was a kid and were never any so-called hunters." Finn suddenly interrupted Mr. Lobotomy. He remained looking at the floor. "I'm sorry Finn but you were lied to about your parents death as well, this is not the time nor place but I will continue. Your parents were killed in action fighting against a great force of demons... They were the last defense during an attack on another school close by; that is also the same attack that caused its destruction." Mr. Lobotomy replied in a tone that tried to reassure Finn. But he said nothing nor moved.

The principal reached his right arm forward grabbing Finn's shoulder, "I'm sorry Finn-" But as soon as he finished his hand was pushed away by Finn. "No you're wrong!" He barked in a louder tone than before. "That's not how they died! You don't know what you're talking about!" Finn backed away looking up now Mr.Lobotomy could see tears swelling in his eyes. But Finn quickly wiped them away with his sleeve. "Finn let me ask you something for a change when you found that lifeline you found it in a box correct?" He looked and pointed the end of his cane towards his arm. Finn didn't reply for a moment... "Yeah.. How do you know?" He answered. " It's common that when Lifelines aren't used no longer they are put into a secure box that is designed to be unbreakable. Now tell me Finn, when that box clicked open what name did it welcome back?" Immediately reminding Finn his dads name popped into mind. Arthur Restogen. "M-my fathers name... How do you know it says a nam-" "That Lifeline belonged to your father Finn, whether you believe it or not it did. The only reason you're capable of wearing it is because your blood is a match to your fathers. Because of the small needle on the bottom that pokes your skin when tightened it reads your blood and thinks you are your father." Finn was shocked by what he said, for a moment he considered what the principal explained. "Now that you know it's a match, what exactly happened that opened the box?" The principal asked. As Finn thought of the answer he already knew what he'd say. "I touched a circle that was engraved on the box, when I did it poked me..." Finn answered. As soon as he did Mr. Lobotomy smiled once again. "Yes it poked your finger to scan your blood, it opened and welcomed back your father because they belonged to him. Finn it all adds up you can't deny the truth." Finn didn't reply, looking at the principal's dark shoes he began to consider the possibility of it being true. But part of him still rejected it. And Mr. Lobotomy figured because he stepped aside, "Well if that isn't enough follow me into this door, what you'll see is sure to convince you." Finn looked up to see the principal turning towards the door and pushing it open. Finn didn't follow yet, he stayed standing there debating whether he should reveal the other side to himself.

  Setting his mind on revealing the mystery of what the principal said would convince him of the new "truth" about his parents he followed the principal into the door. As soon as he entered he noticed the shift to a darker color on the walls, the walls and ceiling is painted a dark blue. What caught Finn's attention right in front of him was the weirdest thing he'd seen all day. The school's logo hung on the wall in front of them; this one had two white ribbons going across the top and bottom of the shield. What was written in the ribbons shocked Finn, in a black cursive spelled in the top ribbon was the name, Restogen. Written in the bottom ribbon was the word, Academy. Seeing his last name on the wall immediately slapped Finn in the face, what was his last name doing written on the school logo. Mr. Lobotomy turned and spread his arms looking p at the logo. "See, the board decided to name the academy itself after their last name." Finn walked forward closer to the shield on the wall, fixated on his last name somehow his eyes were unable to be taken from his name. "But" Finn began but quickly stopped talking, continuing to stare at the emblem. " Finn, your parents wanted you to find their school, that being the only reason why your fathers Lifeline was left in your grandmother's attic. You were meant to find the academy and be faced with the choice." The principal said behind him. "Choice?" Finn asked, finally turning away from the shield and looking back towards Mr.Lobotomy. "Yes choice, Amber insisted I wait to offer it to you when she met us here but I don't see her-" He stopped talking when he looked right, Amber was now standing close by. Finn hadn't noticed her. Has she been standing there the whole time? Wondered Finn. "Oh Amber, glad you could make it. I know you wanted to be here for this part." Finn noticed her expression did not change from its usual straight face. Mr.Lobotomy turned back to Finn. "Mr. Restogen you have the choice today to join the academy your parents built, you may undergo a year at the academy and decide whether or not you'd like to enter any fields of duty." As if he hasn't had enough surprises Finn was shocked again at the offer that was made. "But I- How am I able to?" The question left in a weird tone. Mr.Lobotomy smiled, "Well first off it's only your birthright to attend this school but also I believe you are interested in what we do here your parents aside, I believe you're interested in the hunting of demons and the training of a hunter." The principal squinted through his round glasses, Finn who was looking back up at him wondered when he put them back on, he never saw him take them from his pocket. " I... I don't know." Finn responded after a moment of silence. He looked toward the ground as he thought of his decision but looked back up. "What about my grandma?" He asked. The principal sighed then answered him, " I think this is something you should discuss with her, maybe your decision would be better made with her help." But Finn was quickly confused by his answer. "But I thought you said I couldn't tell anyone." He replied. "Yes I did but this case is different. Really this is something she should tell you but I have great suspicion that your grandmother knows of your parents and the academy." Immediately Finn thought of the principal using the gas he described earlier. "Then why did you use that gas on her?" He asked. "That was done because if you decide not to consult her, making the decision on your own and choose not to join, you can give us the box and lifeline and act like you never found it; and forget this day ever occurred." The principal gave another soft smile.

Finn guessed the answer to the question that popped in his head but asked anyway, "And how would I do it if I want to join but I don't want her to know." A guilty expression grew on Finn's face as Mr.Lobotomy grabbed his cane with both hands and centered it in front of him, he looked to the floor; Finn is unable to read his expression. "Finn I will tell you something I've told many students here, the academy is a huge thing. What we do here is even bigger. In the case of my suspicion, should you decide to join, I advise you to tell your grandma." The principal looked back up, this time a serious expression read on his face. "But know this... Every student who is chosen to join the academy is required to complete an assignment before they can fully join. They must... slip a pill created in our labs into their family's food, the pill will open as a small amount of heat is applied thus spreading thousands of microscopic particles, these particles are what's created in the medical labs. After eating the food the family should be told aloud by the student that they are leaving to school, they don't know when they'll be back." The principal paused a moment to let Finn take in what he's explained so far but didn't allow time for question. " Hearing this statement the particles that are immediately absorbed into the person's body; advance the belief of this statement in the frontal lobe, no matter which part of the stomach that the particles fall. Sorry if it's not what you want to hear but I'm almost done, the student can leave for school however long after they choose as long as it's before twenty-four hours after the pill is taken. These kids, ages starting at seventeen since it's the age requirement for a first year. Have to basically drug their families and leave them. After countless research this has been the best way found by the board." Finn thought of the process of the pill, at first it seemed harsh but he began to think about what the students would be doing, and how hard that can be to explain to your family. Then the number seventeen struck Finn. What? You have to be seventeen to join as a first year? He questioned in his head, not that he's set on joining but even if he is he will have to wait a whole year for his birthday. Finn shook his birthday from mind and glanced at Amber wondering how it was for her to do this, of course her face didn't reply to what the principal explained. "That sounds hard... I don't know if i'd be able to do it." Finn finally said, looking back to the principal. "Right, I believe you won't have to do it, if you choose to join the option is their, yes telling her is a big risk but i'm sure you've taken a lot of those today; what's one more." This risk seemed like a leap over a mountain, nothing made Finn think his grandma knew of his parents, she rarely ever talks about them. Although my dads Lifeline was in her attic. He thought, trying to determine what he should do. Mr. Lobotomy, noticing his thinking, spoke again, "Please, don't decide now. You may spend the night in the cadets quarters. At the principal's request I'll have a bed set for you." He grabbed his can with his right hand and lifted his left hand. Finn stopped thinking about the risks of this entire decision. The principal looked down at a black watch that was suddenly on his left wrist. "Oh dear it's almost time for a meeting I've set, will you be staying the night?" He looked up at Finn who thought about the decision for a moment, he wasn't able to see that part of the school and his grandma doesn't think he'll be back until tomorrow. Looking up at the principal Finn replied, "Yeah, I'll stay." The principal smiled, "Great! Amber, will you please guide Finn to the cadets quarters to get him situated in a bed?" He looked to the right at her. "Yes sir." Her soft voice surprisingly reached them, Finn thought.

"Thank you! Now Finn." The principal stepped forward and grabbed Finn's shoulder with his free hand, this time Finn didn't push it away. "I know you'll make the right decision." Finn stared up at him since the principal was way taller.  He backed towards the door they came from, Amber walked up to Finn, "Oh and Finn one more thing, You can choose to learn to rift tonight or tomorrow morning I suggest tonight just so you're prepared." What? Rift like the teleporting? Finn questioned in mind. Mr. Lobotomy noticed the worried expression on his face, "Don't worry it's not as scary as it seems but I understand your slight fear because of your last time rifting." Finn quickly straightened his face. "And, you'll be taught by the best." He nodded towards Amber, Finn looked to his left and realized she had walked next to him now, she no longer wore just a white collared shirt now tied around her shoulders is a long gray cloak, it's similar to the one the other girl wore in the forging building besides color the school emblem is the same. He looked back towards the principal who was stepping through the door, "Wait, what about the lifeline?" Finn called from behind him scrambling forward and holding open the door, the principal who was already walking forward replied from over his shoulder. "Hold on to it Finn, it will be at the right place wherever it goes. And should you want to take it off Amber will show you how." The principal quickly distanced as he finished. "Goodbye Mr. Restogen and welcome to Restogen Academy!" Mr.Lobotomy shouted as he reached further down the hall.

  Finn couldn't help but smirk at the sound of his last name being said in front of an academy, a cool one too he thought as he looked at the back of the principal's brown suit. "Let's go." A voice behind Finn called him, he looked over his shoulder to see Amber walking down the hall. Quickly leaving the door t slowly swung closed behind him, Finn slightly jogged trying to catch up to Amber who walks surprisingly fast. Reaching her left side she spoke again. "You'll have to be faster if you choose to join the academy." She stayed looking forward as she talked. "I can get faster." Finn replied, trying to maintain a steady walking pace behind her. Looking to his right dark gray doors lined the wall, as they walked forward the end of the hallway came into view in the distance. "You know I don't want you to join the academy." This time she looked over her left shoulder at Finn. Her words surprised him, why doesn't she want him to join. His eyebrows scrunched as he prepared to demand a reason but before he could she smiled and let out a giggle. "I'm only kidding, you should see your face, you look angry." She looked back forward and Finn couldn't help feeling embarrassed, he thought she truly meant it. "Haha, you were joking, right." Finn replied, trying to laugh it off. Looking towards the ground in front of him now. "Hey you didn't get to tour the hunter building right?" Amber asked as they walked. "Uh no, wait, how do you know?" Finn thought about it and he doesn't remember seeing her around anywhere. "Do you want to tour it?" She asked, ignoring his question. "What?" Finn replied surprised by the question, he looked forward for a moment, a blue banner came into view with a shield outline on it, different from the rest he's seen, this one curves and meets in the middle at the bottom, but there's a point right at the end. The top is hard to make out but what Finn could clearly make out was the bold sword that always caught his eye every time he saw it, there it is, standing straight down the middle of the shield. Finn was fascinated by the far glimpse of the sword alone. Amber who looked through the corner of her eye could see the fixation of Finn on the hunter banner ahead, she couldn't help but smirk a little. "Finn, would you like a tour of the hunters building or not." She asked looking at him, Finn stayed looking straight for a moment then looked at her. "Sure."

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