Land to sea -a SMG34 fic-

By WeirdShipper3451

220 12 7

Just a little story inspired by "The Little Mermaid" and "The Coffee Prince and The Frog" by Shygirl4991 defi... More

Who are you?

Mystery 'man'?

64 5 4
By WeirdShipper3451

Three grumbles as he swims off to the nearest shore he can remember, hauling the huma-SMG4 in his arms, making sure to keep his head above the water. "It'll be fine Eggy, I just have to get him to shore and make sure he's alive." Three was taught to just let a human die if they were drowning in their oceans, but three felt something off about this human. The merman, looked around and found a secluded cost of the land he believes this human was from. It was also near the above-water castle as he called it.

Three hums and swims off to the land, carefully placing the human down. "Uhm..Hello...are you alive, dumbass?" Three slaps his face a few times and gives him a couple shakes, before SMG4 coughs up water, making three grimace "ew.." He observes the human more closely, he studied his features 'hmm odd' he though, before checking his was faint. He looks up at fours face, touching a scar on his forehead, possibly from his fall. Three frowned as he realized he probably wouldn't survive and tries to shake him harder, before sighing in defeat.

"I'm gonna have to use my sirens song aren't I" Only mermaids and those of royal status have the ability to use a siren song(my story I do what I want👹) That's why three possess one.

Three hates using his siren, because he has to sing. But he was a bit of a pushover and used it if he had to, and in this moment he felt he needed to. He sighed and experimentally hummed before reluctantly singing a small melody "What would I give to live where you are...what would I do to stay up here, what would I pay to live up here, every day, Where would I go, what would I learn, if I could stay all day in this...sun. Just being free wish I" Three didn't notice four stirring awake, fours squinted at the figure above him, they looked kinda odd. "Part of god dammit I'm so cri-" Three freezes as he sees the human half awake and is about to say something when he hears a group of people, looking for four.

Four looks up at the figure, awestruck, he's never seen anyone with red eyes before, or weird markings like that on their face. He sees the person shuffling to move away and he grabs their wrist. "Wait!-" Fours looks at the person confused, they looked odd and had weird fin-like things where their ears were mean to be 'probably some weird cultural jewelry' he thought, and their 'legs' were under the water, so he couldn't see much and his vision was still a bit blurry.

Three pulls his hand back in a panic and dives into the water, swimming away fast "fuck fuck fuck fuck" he looks back up at the surface and looks through the water to see the strange human being carried off by a group of other humans all dressed weird, in silver. Three pops his head back through the water and watches as they carry him off, he lets out a pleased hum and swims back to his cove. His interest desire to explore the human world only grew.

Back at the above kingdom (don't know what to call it😭)

"My son is awake minion?" "Yes your majesty, but he's going on and on about a mysterious man who saved him.." The queen sighs and rubs her temple, she knew taking in that lost child would come up to her one day. SMG4 comes through the fancy doors that lead into where their dinner table was. "Any sign of that guy yet?-eat something SMG4..there was no one" Four huffs in impatience "No, he was real, he saved my life!" "Four.." "Have you checked the neighboring islands.. 'no-' Then I will" "SMG4!" Four grumbles under his breath and faces his mother. "I'm not hungry mother" "Four clearly these voyages are too dangerous, why even go on them? For the thrill?"

Four huffs in annoyance. "The 'thrill' mother, I'm trying to get in touch with inter civilizations...doesn't that mean anything to you...? On this voyage we got so much more resources from trading and-" The queen grimaces and sets down her napkin. "And where are they now? the bottom of the ocean, Four." She sighs and looks down. "Clearly these aren't safe...I will no longer be allowing it" "but mother-" "Enough! These silly trips are over, you are not leaving this castle for a very long time do you understand?" Four just grimaces and storms off, not having the patience to deal with this right now.

Back under water, Three is humming and looking at a small school of fish, still thinking about the odd encounter at the surface. "Three!" Three flinches at the sound. "You gonna help us with this crap?" "Yeah yeah" Three grumbles and helps Belle, a friend, to clean up the debre from the shipwreck "Do these humans have any idea how much damage their shipwrecks cause?" Three gives her an odd side eye "I don't think they intended to have a shipwreck-" "They're careless Three." "I mean I know some are dumbasses, but that doesn't mean all humans are-What about humans?"

Everyone looks up to see the sea king "Look at what their shipwreck did! It will take thousands of years for this coral to grow back, properly.." He looks around infuriated and throws his trident into the sand "They got what they deserved...they are the most dangerous species of all, you see it now Three. They're monsters, that have no respect for the balance of the oceans!" Three gives him a glare. "They aren't the only ones that have no fucking respect.." Three swims off with a sigh.

"What's going on with him now?" One of the dead memes asks. "Oh he's just being a grumpy guy, y'know like teenagers do? Hm, wonder who he's crushing on?" Belle laughs and shakes her head, only joking. The king gives her a glance and looks down in thought, deciding to follow the odd royal...

Three grumbles as he heads back to his cove, giving Eggdog a small pat when he arrives. "Well he's being an ass, but it doesn't matter because I found so much more cool shit when I was cleaning." Three hums and goes through everything he found curiously, he didn't really understand most of it but did his best to. "What did I say about this..." Three stiffens and turns around to meet an angry king "I can expl- No! What have I told you about this obsession, humans are dangerous!" "Not all of them! SMG4 didn't seem like that-" "SMG4!?" Three sighs and looks down "You saw a human? How?" "He was drowning in the shipwreck,I had to save him... I don't know why but I did" "You should've let him drown...then maybe they would learn something...promise me that this will stop, and that you will never go up there ever again." Three flinches but stands his ground "I can't promise that...I just can't and you can't convince me to"

The king gets enraged and his trident starts to glow. "I guess I'll have to teach you to stop" "What are you-" He furiously stars to destroy all the artifacts in sight, Three panics and grabs the trident "THE HELL ASSHOLE!" The king finishes his destruction and faces Three "This is for your own good, no more of this human nonsense...ever again.." He leaves an angry three alone who just sighs and pets Eggdog on the head "fucking ass.." he says under his breath, picking up his pet.


AUTHORS NOTE: Hello, people who are reading this. Sorry if the last chapter felt rushed, this is my first book and I still have a lot to learn about writing. I am going to change certain elements of the original story and hopefully chapters shouldn't take too long to put out. Although I am in the process of moving to another state so please bear with me 😭🙏. I have had this idea in mind for a long time and I am grateful to everyone who is reading and will read this book in the future, even if you read this once it really helps so thank you <3. I'll see y'all in the next chapter (I might also redo the cover of this.)

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