My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right !

بواسطة MuskanShaik

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21 years old Kim Yn was never the one for marriages or relationships, she considered her freedom to be more i... المزيد

My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️: The proposal
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:The day
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:Living together
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️: Butterfly
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️:Pitter patter
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️- friends?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️: You got me, I got you
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right!✔️: It's you
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Beautiful you
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Vacation?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:A Romantic Set-up?
My Mr. Wrong's Mrs Right✔️:The first day
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:Dinner date?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right ✔️: Day2
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right ✔️: Ephemeral happiness
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Misunderstandings
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:The misfortunate night
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:Save me
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:The fear
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:The truth
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs Right✔️:The distance
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:Alone once again
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️:Moving on?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs Right✔️:The end for 'us'?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: One more chance?
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Breaking down
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right ✔️: Please be fine
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Not his Mrs.Right
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Happiness
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: sadness
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: I am fine
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: way back home
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Reunion
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: dates and surprises
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Stay
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️ : lucid dream
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Before you go
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: A promise.
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: little things called love
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Moon and earth
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: First impressions
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Not ready to let go
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Too good to be true.
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Young love
My Mr.wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: This love
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: she's crazy but she's mine
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Never not
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Amusement park
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: These little things
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: I'll be with you
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Farewell my love
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Without you
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Rain
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: New Times
My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Start of Something New

My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: How you feel

112 6 3
بواسطة MuskanShaik

"Yes, jungkook."

You say as there is silence on the other end before you hear him sigh out in what you believe is relief.

"Finally, it's getting difficult to catch the network here. . . I had to walk more than yesterday,"

Jungkook says and you feel bad as you pout to yourself,
"It's midnight jungkook it's not safe walking at this time,"

You say because as much as you would love talking to him you wouldn't want him to risk himself while doing so.

"But i need to talk to you, so it's alright."

Jungkook says and you just sigh in response-this man, his words are making you miss him even more.

"Jungkook, as much as I love talking to you and hearing your voice, it's alright. You don't have to do this, it's already way too cold there, i wouldn't want you falling sick with no one to look after you. I will write you letters instead, that will be totally fine."

You say folding your hands and smoothly transitioning to scolding mode and jungkook doesn't feel bad hearing your firm tone, instead he smiles to himself like a teenager.

As you are way too lost telling him how he should be taking extra care of himself you hear him giggle and you stop talking, feeling offended.

"Did you just laugh at me?"

You question in disbelief and that somehow makes him laugh even more as you scoff, feeling surprised.

"Jungkook, seriously? I'm telling you something important here and you are laughing at me?"

You say again and this time jungkook stops chuckling as he speaks,
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just kinda missed this side of you, I don't know, is this weird? Am I going crazy? Do i miss you to that extent, that even your scolding feels good?"

Jungkook says and you pause holding your breath, you don't know why but his words make you emotional.

Jungkook is trying hard to smile but he can't help but find his own emotions complicated.

"I wasn't like this before yn, earlier somehow I used to live here years, by myself. . I don't know why it's way too hard this time. . it's just been two days and I feel as if I'm going crazy,"

Jungkook says and he immediately looks up at the sky when he feels tears stinging his eyes, he doesn't want to cry, not when he's talking to you atleast.

Because he knows that would make you cry too and that you would be worried about him the rest of the night, he doesn't want that.

He can't understand why he's feeling so overwhelmed all of a sudden, he was fine just moments ago and now he's barely able to hold his tears in.

You can already feel those tears that are brimming inside your eyes as you think deeply about his words.

Somehow you can relate to his words because these past two days have been nothing less than that, you were constantly being attacked by various emotions all at once.

"I am sorry, I. . I shouldn't have said all that. . you should sleep it's getting late,"

Jungkook rushes to say as he wipes at his eyes before sniffling feeling guilty about opening up regarding his inner turmoil.

You instantly speak up after listening to his words,
"Hey jungkook, listen to me. Do you think you have a strong enough network to facetime me?"

You say and jungkook is caught off-guard by your words as he pulls his phone back to look at the screen.


He says dumbfounded, you breath in sharply before speaking again.

"Facetime, I want to see you jungkook. . Do you think that's possible?"

You say sounding desperate and jungkook doesn't like hearing your voice like that so he speaks up immediately.

"I-I don't know yn. . maybe? Let me try,"

He says not sure if this would work out, his heart was pounding at the thought of being able to see your face but the disappearing network somehow told him that it was going to be disappointing.

The call comes to an end as you stare at your phone screen, hoping desperately that you get to see him, you needed that.

After a few minutes your phone starts to vibrate, you hold your breath as you slide your finger over the green button accepting the video call.

As soon as you do that you are met with a blurry silhouette of what you can make out to be jungkook in his uniform.

You can't even see him properly but you aren't sure if it's because of the network or your tears that are blurring your vision.

Jungkook although starts moving in order to get better network and a better picture of you as he can already hear your sobs.

At some point his image starts to get a little clear and you just look away from the screen because he looks like he has lost a good amount of weight in just a couple of days.

Jungkook keeps looking at the screen and stops when your image becomes clear as he just stares at your crying form.

You look up to meet his eyes as he is just watching you with his big doe eyes that have turned glassy.

"Are you not eating well? Are you not taking care of yourself jungkook?"

You ask him trying to bite back the sobs that try to cut your words off.

Tears silently roll down your cheeks but you wipe them away, jungkook just watches you silently taking in your eyes that are screaming for sleep.

You look tired and that kills him on the inside, you look like you haven't been taking care of yourself either.

Your cheeks that were chubby had almost disappeared and that makes his heart crumble in worry.

"And what about you? You look like you haven't slept in days yn. . Just look at yourself,"

He says his voice wavering as you just shake your head,
"It is not about me jungkook, I'm talking about you. I have everyone over here to look after me but you don't, so it's important that you take care of yourself."

You say hoping he understands you and starts looking after himself, you can't be at peace knowing that he's being careless about his health.

"Look at yourself, you look like you aren't eating properly. Please don't do this jungkook I'm worried about you,"

You say almost crying again and jungkook looks down feeling guilty,
"I am trying yn, it'll take some time but I'll be alright soon. . I guess my body is still in denial, I got way too used to home-cooked meals. . . It's taking time to get used to all this. . Living without you,"

He says looking around and even though he's talking to you he still feels lonely, at this moment.

You see that in his eyes, there is this sadness that has replaced the spark that used to be in his eyes.

It's painful watching him look like this, look so lonely and sad, that made you realise that he had been pretending to be fine all this time.

You knew he missed you, you knew he was sad but you couldn't imagine that it was to this extent.

You felt as if you failed him as his wife, you couldn't understand the trouble he was going through, you should have known, you say to yourself.

"You should have told me. . jungkook i want you to be open to me about everything you feel. . You shouldn't feel guilty about that.

I want you to lean on me, i want you to know that you can trust me, you know that, right?

I want you to cry and laugh, be your real self, show your real and raw emotions to me jungkook because I love you. . I love all those sides of you, I love every bit and piece of you."

You say telling him the real reason why you had wanted to facetime him, the moment he had started to apologise for letting you know how he felt, you wanted to tell him that you were happy to hear him speak his mind.

Jungkook looks at you and it's the way he looks at you that tells you, he needed to hear those words.

"Earlier when you told me that you felt as if you were going crazy. . You know what? I had been feeling just like that and that's when I found the call book you made for me in the closet. . And somehow I started feeling better.

Be vocal about how you feel jungkook there's nothing wrong about it, you are not worrying me by sharing what you feel but you will be worrying me by not telling me what you feel.

I love it when you show me all your emotions and feelings, if you feel like crying then let's cry together, other times I'll make you laugh, when we told each other that we liked each other in jeju, do you remember that day?"

You ask him and jungkook instantly nods his head, how could he forget that night? The night he confessed to you about how much he likes you.

"We promised to laugh and cry together, so let's do that. . I know it's hard staying apart like this but we will be fine alright? Soon a day would come when we would be looking at each other, that day hug me and tell me that you missed me a lot. I'll do the same for you."

You say and he nods his head wiping his tears away and when he looks back at you he finally realises that you weren't at the apartment.

"Are you somewhere outside?"

Jungkook asks concerned as it hits you, you forgot to tell him that you were at jihyo's apartment.

You were about to tell him originally until it all went off-track.

"Yeah, i am at jihyo's apartment, i was about to tell you. . Anyways did you have dinner?"

You ask him and he nods his head he feels relieved knowing that you are not alone and are accompanied by your friend.

"Say hi to jihyo from me, it's good that you are there. I had my dinner, what about you?"

He says and you smile a bit at his words,
"I had it a while ago, we were watching movies but she was knocked out in the middle of all that so I decided to call you because I was missing you,"

You say and he smiles at your words feeling a bit better and that smile on his lips feels as if a huge boulder was lifted off your chest.

Although it's ephemeral because soon the video starts to get glitchy as you can barely make his face out.

"Jungkook- jungkook? Can you hear me? I can't see you-

You said pulling your phone closer as jungkook does the same your voice isn't clear anymore.

Your voice keeps getting static until the screen just freezes and the call ends automatically.

You stare at your screen dumbfounded as you try to call him but the call just doesn't get through.

Jungkook tries to call you multiple times but the call comes to an end before connecting to you, he looks at the network bars on the top of his screen to realise there's almost no network.

He feels disheartened as he begins moving around while shaking his phone vigorously just to get a bit of network so he could tell you not to worry about him and sleep.

You text him but he doesn't seem to receive those texts, you grow concerned, was he alright?

Did he accidentally fall and hurt himself in the darkness, you told him not to walk out at this time of the night!

You start pacing around worried, you needed to hear him say he was alright.

You try to call him a few more times but all in vain, after a few minutes of walking through the bushes in the dark jungkook seems to get a bit of hope as there's some network available.

He quickly calls you and you lift the call in a heartbeat as you instantly speak.

"Jungkook? Are you alright? What happened, are you fine?"

You say and jungkook speaks immediately to calm you down,
"I am alright- there seems to be-network issue, I'm--you should sleep--i'm fine,"

You still can't make much of his words but you understand that it's the network issue so you take in a deep breath as you speak.

"Okay jungkook, I get it. Take care of yourself, good-

You are about to greet him good night when the call ends once again and you just sigh staring at your phone in disappointment.

You are not satisfied, you wished you could talk to him for a bit more as you sigh lowly looking up at the sky.

Maybe it's better to write him a letter as soon as you get back home, you say to yourself as you stay there for a while.

It's just wishful thinking that he might call you again and staying here would allow you to lift his call in a minute.

Although to your dismay jungkook doesn't call you again and you convince your hopeful heart to return back inside.

You turn around and walk back into the room after closing the balcony's door as you look at jihyo who seems to be in a deep sleep.

You lie down next to her although you don't fall asleep instantly, you keep on thinking about his words, his face keeps on flashing whenever you close your eyes.

You feel extremely worried about his health as you wish there was something you could do to help him, to ease his pain.

It's morning in just couple of hours, the night seems to pass by in a blink for you.

Jihyo wakes up feeling refreshed while you barely had slept, jihyo is surprised to see the dark circles under your eyes as she watches you concerned.

"You look more tired than you did when you came here yn, you didn't sleep last night? I'm sorry I fell asleep, i don't even remember when I fell asleep,"

Jihyo says feeling guilty that she didn't even knew if you needed something last night, she should have been there for you if you were having any problem.

"Hey, what are you sorry for? I just couldn't sleep, it's not your fault. I am fine,"

You say as jihyo shakes her head before moving closer to you and holding your hand as she speaks.

"If you weren't here with me, in my apartment and something would have troubled you, I wouldn't know unless you would tell me. . but me being here with you yet being unknown and unaware of the struggle that you are going through makes me a bad friend yn and an even bad observer,"

Jihyo says as you just sigh at her words before speaking reluctantly, you don't want to turn the atmosphere gloomy.

You have rarely seen jihyo be this happy and carefree, you don't want to spoil it for her but she looks as if she's not taking silence as her answer.

"It's about jungkook. ."

You say and you are reminded of his face once again, that face and his words, those tears that brimmed in his eyes, that wavering of his words it all was haunting you all night.

"What about him, is he alright?"

Jihyo says getting concerned as you shake your head before speaking,
"I don't know jihyo. . Last night I facetime him only to realise how-lean he looks jihyo-i don't know. . .

I didn't expect him to look like that since the moment I saw him i feel as if my heart is crumbling down i can barely breath all i can think of is-is he doing alright?

The distance, the seperation is affecting him more than me. . He is all alone there jihyo with no one to open up to, he is a naturally reserved person he barely tells me how he feels and despite that he was crying jihyo. . .

He told me he was going crazy there, how am I supposed to be fine knowing he's struggling so bad there?

I want to talk to him every second just to let him know he's not alone, I want to comfort him but there is this huge network issue-we can barely talk for more than just a couple of minutes. . I am so worried about him Jihyo,"

You finally pause wiping your tears away while jihyo feels sad seeing you in this condition.

She leans closer and pulls you in for a hug in order to comfort you but that just breaks you even more.

You let the tears flow all the while feeling as if your heart was bleeding and maybe it really was bleeding.

You felt as if you were falling apart, your head was bursting in pain and your eyes were sore and red, they were burning due to the lack of sleep.

Jihyo sighed watching your state as you were now sleeping on her bed, jihyo had quickly made some soup for you and gave you medicines for your headache.

You had told her how you weren't feeling really well and jihyo knew it was because of the lack of sleep combined with the amount of stress you were taking.

You seemed to fall asleep due to the medicines and jihyo wished you would sleep for a couple of hours because you needed it.

As long as you would be awake you would be constantly thinking about him and worrying yourself.

Jihyo walks out of the room after closing the door as to not disturb you.

She settles down on the couch when her phone starts buzzing and she smiles a bit seeing the name pop up on her screen.

She lifts the call placing the phone against her ear to hear his voice as he says.

"Hello jihyo, good morning are you asleep? Did I wake you up perhaps?"

Jin says suddenly wondering if it was too early to call? Did he probably disturb her? He just felt like ages passed since he last talked to her although it was just yesterday.

"No, no jin-ssi. . I was awake,"

Jihyo says and then sighs as jin sits up straight immediately noticing that something was off.

"Are you alright jihyo? You sound down,"

Jin says and jihyo simply looks towards the closed door of her bedroom worried about you as she speaks.

"It's about yn, I called her for a sleepover yesterday,"

Jihyo says and jin raises his eyebrows in surprise as he speaks,
"Yn is there? How is she? Is something wrong with her? You both are fine, right?"

Jin asks getting concerned for the two of you and jihyo smiles a bit at his concern before speaking.

"She is not fine jin-ssi, she is worried about jungkook. . It seems as if the seperation is taking its toll on them, she is too stressed."

Jihyo says and jin sighs feeling sad for jungkook and you as he speaks.

"I couldn't talk to him since he went back either. . I think it's natural for her to be worried about him because they are not used to it. Jungkook's vacation brought them close to the point they got too used of each other's presence,"

Jin says and jihyo nods before speaking,
"She was saying that jungkook wasn't taking care of himself and that he had lost a lot of weight, she didn't even sleep the entire night. I made her some breakfast and gave her medicine so she could rest a bit."

Jihyo says and jin understands the seriousness of the situation as he says.

"Please take care of her and also take care of yourself jihyo. I'll try and contact jungkook, tell yn not to worry about him,"

Jihyo feels a bit better knowing him was going to talk to jungkook because jin was like jungkook's older brother and jungkook would listen to him no matter what.

"Okay, thank you jin-ssi. Ah, yeah yn told me there is a huge network issue over there so it might pose a problem connecting with jungkook,"

Jihyo says and jin nods his head as he speaks,
"Alright, thanks for telling. Thank you once again jin-ssi."

Jihyo says and jin just shakes his head before speaking,
"Don't thank me jihyo. . I'll talk to you later then?"

Jin says and jihyo nods before answering him,
"Okay, bye."

With that jin ends the call and jihyo sighs before closing her eyes and resting her head against the couch.

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