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By ChampagneandBubbles

22.2K 937 226

After Drogon flew her away, Daenerys believed she was done, that the gods had enough. She would later laugh... More

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3.3K 139 24
By ChampagneandBubbles

girl on fire | Alicia Keys

❝looks like a girl, but she's a flame
so bright, she can burn your eyes❞

Daenerys's tinkling laughter echoed through the Red Keeps halls as she ran. Her footsteps were light and easy as she hurriedly sprinted away.

Her elaborate braids came loose as she moved. A mischievous smirk painted on her angelic feature, a smirk that many would say resembled the rogue princes down to the little details.

Rumors flooded the keep, rumors that spoke of the crimson queen's fiery disposition that bore certain resemblance to the long famed exiled princes. Her love for weaponry and strong bond with her black beast had only been matched with his and Caraxes.

So caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice the person she ran into.

Ser Griffith Goode, name after his ancestor who served Aegon the conqueror stared down at her - and curse her short 6-year-old height - with a certain amusement.

"Ah" he mused, "and pray tell, where are you going Princess" he questioned, eyes crinkling together as he struggled not to smile.

Daenerys drew herself together, the picture of confidence, "I was simply making my way to the dragon pits, Ser Griffith, my mother allowed it" she says smoothly, not fumbling over her words, the very image of innocence.

The older man eyes gleam with mirth "is that so little princess?"

Daenerys gave him an offended look, as if the idea of her lying was so bewildering to even think about, (it wasn't).

She opens her mouth to speak - "PRINCESS" comes the screechy voice of the Septa she loathed.

Ser Griffith raised an eyebrow, glancing once more at her small form, "allowed huh?"

Daenerys flushes, glaring at him "Oh shut up" comes the fiery hiss, her loyal king's-guard only snickers in response.

He quickly ushers her away, still snickering much to her chagrin.

"So, what'd you do to get her this angry, I've never heard her irritated enough to yell at the favorite daughter of Viserys" he says teasingly, eyes sparkling.

Daenerys scoffed dismissively "I barely even insulted her, all I told her was that I would never use embroiderer anything useful, that only woman with no lives become septa and the reason that she is unmarried is because she is so unlikeable, people would rather let their family's legacy perish than marry her".

Ser Grifith stared at her blankly "if that is you barely insulting someone, I'd hate to see what a deserved insult is."

The Stormborn Princess blushes, refusing to meet his gaze.

He snorts, quickly herding her away with a sigh, "I suppose I could always say that I came for your protection" he muses tiredly.

Daenerys grins at him, violet eyes alight with mischief, an mirthful smirk sliding across her face .

"Sȳz morrow" she calls out to the dragon keeper, giving him a curt nod. [Good Morrow]

"Dārilaros" he responds back. [princess]

She had become a regular occupant at the pits despite Drogon not residing there. Her winged shadow had become adept at recognizing when to fly to the dragon pit in order to take to the skies together. He had always been there minutes before her, something that had greatly astonished the keepers. Of course, she usually traveled outside the city rather than make her beloved son fly to the pit.

Years in the wild had allowed him to be even larger than he had been at 6 years, now twice as large as the stables. Far larger than any dragon had ever been at that age. Daenerys had learned long ago that chains had only restricted their growth with the added addition of Drogon had become a skilled hunter, allowing his natural instincts to grow had allowed him to grow at a rapider pace. When combined with the fact that Drogon was a war-bred mount - mounts known for theirs quicker growing size, viciousness and blood lust - and it makes sense why he is of such a large size. An aspect Daenerys herself was unsure of, but she believed the time she spent with Drogon - more time than any of her ancestors had with their mounts - had led to an increase in growth.

She had no doubt he was growing even quicker than in her previous life, something which caused the fiery pit of pride inside to swell enormously.

Daenerys allowed a warm smile to cross her face as she found her mount waiting impatiently for her, webbed tail swaying to the side.

She raised her hand to his spiky beard, Drogon affectionately lowering his head to her.

She easily hoisted herself up, using the protruding spikes as steps to clamber up on as he shifted slightly, making it easier to adjust her body.

She had never used a saddle on him, using two narrow spikes to sit between.

Her entire family had loudly protested against this, but once it was proved that she wouldn't fall off they had relaxed, barely, but still eased up.

Drogon rumbled in frustration as they still remained on ground. The princess rolled her eyes, but relinquished, desperate to do one of her daily flights "Soves Drogon".

He raised his wings and with a great sweep, they were off.

Daenerys laughed delightedly as they landed in a nearby forest, mouth stretched into a wide smile. In her past life she had never truly had a chance to simply ride. The freedom was liberating, Drogon let a small happy rumble, letting her emotions calm him.

He lazily wandered off no doubt to find prey to eat.

She lazily sat underneath a tree, relaxing in the shade, letting her thought wander.

She had been bitter that she had poured so much blood and pain for it to be all for nothing, to watch someone else sit on her rightful throne stung more than she would like to admit. The sting had subsided slightly when she had learnt of her half-sister being the heir.

It had returned abruptly when she learnt of her foolishness.

Getting caught in a brothel with her uncle, siring not one, but two bastards with a man who was clearly not her husband, for Balerion's sake, she couldn't have even picked a man who resembled the Velaryon man, no, instead she had picked a man with brown eyes and hair. She had wanted to scream.

Because this opportunity had dropped into Rhaenyra's lap, this opportunity to prove woman were more than object, than toys. Instead of grasping it she had thrown it all away, expecting the kingdom to simply bow because the king had said so. She was a child playing king.

And failing.

She had heard of Rhaenyra's tantrum in Dragonstone when her mantle of youngest dragon rider was taken by a child of 4 had been legendary. It had passed throughout the entire kingdom, even reaching the north in a matter of weeks, it was yet another blow to her reputation, another reason why men were superior.

Failing miserably.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when her lovely son approached, ebony teeth and maw stained with a bright crimson. Drogon huffed, his breath heavy with sulfur and the dead. She scoffed slightly, pushing his large head away from her playfully. He blew a puff of horrid smelling smoke in her face in retaliation.

She glared at the beast, clambering on reluctantly, not ready to face her mother's disapproval.

She swung her legs over his large body as released what sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

Drogon landed on the outskirts of the city. The large beast shifting his body to allow his mistress to dismount safely.

He watches, unconcerned, but still wary as she makes her way to the brown eyed woman she recognizes as his mother's mother.

He lets a threatening growl escape as she takes a step forward. His step moves the earth, despite still being young and smaller than others, he was strong and any threat to his beloved mother was a threat to him.

The woman freezes, the scent of fear washing over him. His head snaps at her, baring his teeth, showcasing his crimson tipped teeth.

The woman flinches back, as do the horses leading the moving house, they rear up, kicking their hooves frantically.

He continues watching, completely enraged as she wields a short dagger at him. His fury clouds his mind as he opens his great maw and releases a spurt of fiery hot flames.

They collide on the ground, at the place where Alicent is, or rather was.

Because instead, his mistress jumps in front, pushing her sire away. His flames die down, jolts of panic coming from his end of the bond.

He lowers his head to hers, apologetic noises escaping him, Drogon nudges her bare body slightly, coming to curl his body around her, much like how a dragon would hoard his treasure.

His tail swishes back and forth and his eyes narrow defensively, his head snaking closer to the now terrified girl. He gently pushes her away from the horses, despite his attempts to scare her, he knew his mother would be angry and sad if she died.

The foolish woman studies him who wielded a dagger, studies him, fear and relief marring her features, he gives her one last snarl, eyes narrowing coldly at her. He only tolerated her and his mistress's siblings, he would never like them or their mounts.

He raises his wings and with one mighty sweep he's taking to the air, he lets out a deep, bellowing roar and flies swiftly to the direction of where he knows Cannibal stay. He would be back soon, for her, for his mistress, for his mother.

He would return to his nest in the cave located inside the cliffs above the pit afterward.

He gives one high-pitched shriek - so different from his monstrous roars - and turns to fly.

Daenerys smiles sheepishly as she clambers off Drogon's back, easily sliding down his extended wing.

"Daenerys Targaryen, how dare you abandon your Septa and go galivanting off on the back-" Alicent, her mother takes a step forward, anger and concern equal in her panicked gaze.

She flinches back, as Drogon snarls, gaze fixed solely on her mother. He also moves, making his way to Daenerys.

Daenerys moves to reprimand him, but he cuts her off by snapping his mouth at her, baring his sharp blood tipped teeth. Displeasure and frustration rise within her chest as the horse's panic, and her mother's eyes widen, walking back, making her way to the horses, too close.

And as Alicent screams, a sound full of fear, having never been this close to a temperamental, territorial and very angry dragon. She makes a foolish mistake, running of adrenaline and survival instincts, she turns to a guard, removing a dagger and holds it in front of her, towards Drogon.

Drogon bristles angrily, opening his jaws and releasing his flames. Flames that were of the darkest onyx black, tinged with a bloody crimson red, a truly beautiful combination.

It was wild, gorgeous, destructive. Daenerys let out a desperate cry, not wanting to see her family hurt, and she lunges forward.

Her form, despite being small, was strong, strong enough to push her mother out of the way.

And instead, the fire washed over her.

She could feel a slight warm feeling douse her, as if she had simply taken a bath, and was not currently standing in fire hot enough to destroy kingdoms and empires.

The flames slowly died down as her winged beast realized it was not in fact her mother. It slowly died to a few dying empires.

Daenerys would never forget the look of utter fear on her mother's face, fear for her, it turned into a burning relief, her eyes furiously roving over her small form.

Drogon stares at her, feelings of panic and guilt overwhelming the bond as he stops his flames. His large head comes down to her eye level. He let out an apologetic croon, still nudging her despite knowing she would be fine. She chuckles slightly, a faint thing but still there. Her clothes are ash, she shivers slightly, the evening chill washing over her. His webbed tail pulls her body to his. A ridiculous notion if you compare their sizes. His head curls protectively around her as she whispers reassuring words and sends sweet emotions through their bind as he calms.

He slowly unwinds himself from her, sending one last disgruntled look at Alicent as he raises his wings.

She sends her black beast a grateful look, as he lets out a thundering roar, taking to the skies.

He - once more - lets out a sharper, high-pitched roar, one meant just for her. She lets feelings of love and warmth flood through her as he flies to Dragonstone.

Dreading what was to come, she slowly turned her head to her mother.

Her mother, who currently looks as if she doesn't know whether to hug her or yell at her, a strange mix of concern, relief and pure shock swimming through her eyes.

Instead, she turns and storms off into the carriage, where the door was promptly opened by a servant.

Oh yeah, this is going to be bad.

She sends feelings of betrayal through her bond.

Inside her head she can faintly hear draconic rumbling laughter.

"Reckless behavior, you could have died, Daenerys, what were you thinking jumping in front of fire" she snapped.

Alicent glared at her daughter, softening once she caught wind of the tears in the corner of her eyes. "I just want you to be safe Dany" she said softly, crouching down to her eye level.

Daenerys nodded, making sure to keep her eyes glassy and allow flairs of guilt to be seen.

Sure, manipulating one's mother was bad, but it surely wasn't so bad when you actually felt guilty.

"I understand mother" she said softly, allowing her bottom lip to tremble.

"It's alright child" Alicent sighed, "just be careful next time." Her voice softens, becoming filled with wonder and disbelief. "A truly amazing thing though, what you did with the fire" her voice trails off, still staring at her daughter.

And Daenerys knows, deep down, that no matter how proud she says she is, she will no doubt use this as an excuse to why she should stop spending time with Drogon.

Instead, however, Daenerys nods tearfully, genuinely apologetic, she had simply wanted to get away from her Septa, she hadn't wanted to make her mother worry.

Even after 6 years she still forgot that people actually cared for her. Every other time ended in betrayal, even with Jon, that had been the way it ended. She could not stop the brief pain that tugged at her heartstrings when she thought of him.

She had been betrayed by her allies, what she had needed was support, a foundation to support herself, someone to pull her out of a dark place.

Instead, he declared her unfixable.

Then drove the dagger through her chest.

She still remembered how he looked at her.


Like he couldn't even muster up an ounce of guilt for the woman he claimed he loved. He stared at her as if he believed he was right doing this. He didn't care enough to help her, so he took the easy way out.


She had loved him. Cared for him. She had let him ride her precious Rhaegal, and that had been how he repaid her?

She was shaken out of her dark thoughts by Alic - her mother's confused look.

While Alicent hadn't been the best mother, she at least tried, at that was more than anything she could have asked for.

News of Daenerys' feats spread like wildfire, the unburnt they call her. The smallfolk revere her now more than ever.

A blessing the whisper.

She holds the god's favor they muse.

And Daenerys thinks she may be well on her way to reclaiming all of her old titles.

She shouldn't find that idea appealing.

She does.

Daemon scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stared at the letter sent by his brother - his foolish, pathetic brother.

Dear brother,

I hope this letter finds you and that you yourself are in good health. I do wish you would come visit, and if you fear any punishment to do with your marriage, do not worry, there is nothing to fear, all has been forgiven.

He raises an eyebrow, offence and a cruel detached sort of amusement filtering through him.

My daughter - Daenerys - grows bigger every day, oh you should see her, fiery wild thing she is, she reminds me of you if I am to be honest.

He is not sure whether to be insulted or not. His brother comparing him to Cunttowers granddaughter. He wants to laugh, as if a half-breed Targaryen could ever be like him.

He would regret those words when the time came.

My hand - Lyonel Strong - you remember him, don't you? He suggests betrothals be prepared for the future; I wish to see her grow before she is sent of like most woman are. She is only 6 name days old though, she will not be sent off soon, I hope.

You should see her beast. The spitting image of Balerion, right down to the colouring of his horns. He is quite larger than any dragon of 6 should be. I don't suppose you've heard the rumors. My daughter has proved to be a true Targaryen, fireproof, oh I have never been prouder of being a father than I am now.

At this he pauses, raising an eyebrow. He would forever deny the shock that flooded him at the news that his youngest niece could withstand fire. A small flare of pride surged through him before he quenched it.

As he read through the rest, he could not deny the slight offense that filled him when he said he was proud of her. What about Rhaenyra?

The Rhaenyra who had already felt slighted when news arrived about the youngest Dragon rider arrived. Balerion reborn, however, that part was interesting. Maybe it was time to meet this little niece of his.

A squawk signalled him to the raven flying towards him. A letter from Dragonstone, Rhaenyra.

He could practically feel the rage seeping from it, like acid. He scanned the letter, quickly, frustration amounting him as he took in the hateful words that coated it, apparently, his niece had heard about her sisters accomplishments.

He sighed, not bothering to keep the irritation of his face.

He rolled his eyes, he had much better things to do than spend the next few minutes reading about his nieces anger at how her life had turned out.

He threw it in the roaring hearth and stalked off.



And yes, I made him friends with Vermithor and Cannibal. Honestly I can sort of see Drogon being the annoying child with anger issues to Vermithor and like a protégée to Cannibal.

Is this weird.


Do I care.


So as you can tell I did speed up Dragons' growth, in all honesty, I wasn't sure how big to make him, and I made him smaller than Caraxes, the website I found shows that Drogon is bigger and stronger at 7 years old, and he grows to be even bigger than at 8 years.

This is what I found (Down Below) {

By the age of 10, Drogon, raised outside of the Dragonpit and free to hunt, would likely be closer in size to Vermithor rather than Dreamfyre, given his potential for growth under optimal conditions. Vermithor, known as the Bronze Fury, was one of the largest and oldest dragons during the Dance of the Dragons, second only to Vhagar. While not as large as Balerion at his peak, Vermithor was still a formidable dragon, capable of significant destruction and combat prowess.

Dreamfyre, on the other hand, was smaller than Vermithor. She was still a powerful dragon but did not reach the same size as some of her contemporaries like Vhagar or Vermithor. Given Drogon's rapid growth observed in the earlier seasons of "Game of Thrones" and assuming that trajectory continues in a world with ample food and freedom, it's reasonable to assume Drogon could reach or surpass the size of Vermithor by the age of 10.

This estimation assumes that Drogon's growth mirrors that of historical dragons who benefited from similar conditions of freedom and bonding with a Targaryen rider, along with being an exceptionally skilled hunter. Given these factors, Drogon at 10 years old being around or even larger than Vermithor size is within the realm of possibility.


I'm going with slightly cause Caraxes hasn't been chained up for a few years so he is expected to have grown even bigger. So by the time the Driftmark ep rolls around Drogon's is gonna be around just smaller than Vermithor's size.

I just went of what I thought it should be cause I was like:

---- this is Drogon's second life, he's gonna be bigger than before

---- he spent his entire life with his bonded, whereas most cradle-eggs spend more time chained up

---- I'm gonna make it that Drogon has a little war experience that stayed with him

All in all he is pretty big for a 6 year old dragon, and he is only gonna get bigger.

As you can tell Drogon basically hates everyone except his mother. This is gonna change when he meets Daemon/Caraxes. I can honestly see them getting along with each other.




Don't forget to vote and comment!Anyway have a great day and hope you enjoy the story.

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