ego death | blue lock

By 12yun21

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"i let my ego down and then i rise back up." male reader x blue lock omegaverse au More

ego death | blue lock
(shameless) story advertisement


385 24 22
By 12yun21

whats good yall yk that line in the description of the story (i let my ego down and then i rise back up)

its from a song called ego death by ty dolla $ign and fka twigs feat. kanye west, skrillex

omg who knew that the title of the song is the title of my story 😦

majority of the song does kinda sound like its missing something especially in the chorus 💀 but trust its actually catchy (the end is the best part so push through) anyways you should listen to it fr 😝

some of ygs might recognize it from old 2022 edits 💀

these next few days are supposed to be 'stamina tests',

but you know how i rolled my ankle in the entrance exam game?

yeah, i'm exempt from participating in these little 'stamina tests'.

honestly i can't tell if this is a good or bad thing but what i do know is that my ankle is still a little swollen and i probably wouldn't be able to do those tests even if i was required to do them.

i've been in an ankle brace for now after icing my ankle for a good hour yesterday, but i'm still looking mad goofy limping around.

so anyways what i'm actually saying is:

i have too much time on my hands and nothing to do in that time.

first of all, i don't have my phone on me. i absolutely CANNOT contact b/n and make sure he's doing alright with ba-ya. i'm already breaking the promise i made with him right before i went into blue lock.

second of all, blue lock is literally a prison. actually wait, an asylum. the people here are weird.

all i see are off-white colored walls with minimal blue colored designs on them and an array of rooms sprawled out in different corners of the facility. i can't even count how many times i went into the wrong room or ended up lost inside the hallways in a span of TWO days.

i mean i'm not complaining, the facility is very nice. you can definitely tell that the JFU paid a huge sum of money for this project. but they could've at least.. know what i don't even know what i'm yapping about 💀

so other than the extremely lightweight training i've been doing to maintain my condition, i decided to get to know the team z weirdos.




"oh it's l/n. how's your ankle doing?"

"it's a little better. thanks, chigiri."

chigiri hyoma was the first guy who talked to me after that crazy entrance test. he was asking about my ankle and making sure that i was fine. i thought that was really sweet of him.

oh and i'm pretty sure he's a beta. thank goodness.

but now that i think about it, he seemed a little too concerned for a guy i just met.. maybe he was previously injured before or something?? most people would not care that much if a random stranger rolled their ankle.

"how are the stamina tests going?" i asked, genuinely curious since i haven't done shit since i came to blue lock.

"trust me, you don't wanna be in the same training room as those weirdos." chigiri deadpanned.





where the hell is the bathroom. i have to piss right now.

it's not even funny. i just drank a shit ton of water earlier because i was hiccuping and now i can't even find the damn bathroom. im actually tweaking.

i limped around the hallway, trying to find the little directory poster that was in every hallway. it doesn't even help sometimes but I NEED TO PISS RIGHT NOW.

"wait i was just here..?" i heard somebody say in front of me.

oh it's bachira.

bachira meguru, otherwise known as mr.sleepy, was the little weirdo who decided to have a nap during the entrance exam.

he's an alpha, which means i'm probably going to try to distance myself away from him as much as possible. even if he wasn't an alpha, i'd probably still try to stay the fuck away from him. bro is in his own little world..

i'm not even gonna lie, why the fuck is he at blue lock? he should've been a gymnast with those crazy acrobatic moves he pulls off out of nowhere. hell, he could've done some flips while he was sleeping.

"oi bachira, you lost too?" i called out.

"oh l/n! i'm trying to get back to our room but i can't remember how to get there."

is he slow?

"i would help you out but i have to piss so badly right now. i can't even find the damn bathroom. do you know where it is?"

"the last time i tried to find the bathroom, i ended up in the cafeteria." he replied bluntly.

right, why am i even asking the guy who can't find our team's room?




i went into the weight room early in the morning. just to take a little peek and explore since i couldn't sleep.

one of the guys in the room snores like a dad and another is heavily breathing in his sleep. not to mention mr. sleepy who's sleep talking.. it's impossible to sleep in there.


i was surprised to see someone inside the weight room. the silhouette was in a perfect squat position with the barbell placed over their shoulders. talk about perfect form..

ah wait it's the greek god, kunigami.

kunigami rensuke, otherwise known as the greek god, was the bastard who was targeting me in the entrance exam the whole time. he's also the asshole who made me roll my ankle.

in summary, he is my opp.

as of right now though? i don't even wanna get close to him. why?

1. his alpha pheromones are engulfing the entire weight room.

2. his muscles are fucking bulging. i'm not gonna go fight someone i know i'm going to lose to.

3. i'm not gonna talk to the guy who thought that throwing me at bachira was a good idea.

i hope i'm never forced to interact with this bitch in the future.




i was in the training room, sitting on a bench while doing some lightweight training. just a few reps of curl-ups with the dumbbells couldn't hurt.

"how's it like being weak shrimpy?! imagine not being able to do the stamina test, HA!"

okay do NOT get me started with raichi.

raichi jingo was the person who was yelling and cursing at people during the entrance exam. he's mad annoying because he doesn't know how to shut the fuck up and stop provoking people. he thinks he's all that because he's an alpha. what an ick.

i finished the last of my reps for curl-ups before i limped over to raichi's treadmill. with the biggest fake smile i could muster, i sped up his treadmill at least 10 times before limping away.



i stuck out my tongue as i exited the training room.




i sat down after placing my food tray down on the table. the relief i felt when the weight was off my uninjured foot felt so good..

"you have pickled radish?" the person in front of me asked.

oh it's isagi.

isagi yoichi was the person who officially ended the jewel of japan's football career during the entrance exam. surprisingly, he's the most decent guy (in terms of respect) out of all of team z.

and he's an alpha, but i can't really smell his pheromones compared to the rest of the alphas in team z for some reason. i think it would be okay to talk to him and stuff.

"yeah. and you have natto? wow, that's nice."

"i'm starting to become sick of natto.. and it's only been 2 days." he sighed, stirring his natto with a pouty expression.

"if you don't want it, can i have it?" i asked, genuinely hungry. i never got to try most of these side dishes before. as of now, i'm so used to eating spam for dinner since that was pretty much all i could afford to eat.


he slid the natto over to me. i grinned at him and thanked him before inhaling all the food.

he muttered a 'no problem' before looking down at his food. the tips of his ears were slightly flushed red.




"i hope i get to see some girls soon.. UGH! if only they didn't take up our phones."

i can definitely tell this is imamura.

imamura yudai is one of the most insignificant people on the team. like he literally blends in with all the people because of how basic he is.

he's a beta, brown hair, brown eyes, slightly above average height..

well i mean, everybody here is either really tall or somewhat short 💀

the only thing he talks about is girls and how he wants to talk to them and stuff. dude, i think you need to calm down..

if i'm being completely honest, does he even pull bitches? he's actually mad ugly. the only strong point i'll give him is his voice. it's probably the best thing about him, which is actually crazy.

(shoya chiba is his va, lowk his voice is actually pretty nice 💀)

i've never talked to him before and i don't plan on it either. he can stay delulu for the nonexistent girls at blue lock.




i was limping around our room to make sure i stay active instead of just laying around like slob (me rn fr 😔). i had the same song in my head and i kept repeating the lyrics as i started my third lap around the room.

wait what is that red thing on the floor?

i crept closer to see that it was some kind of red hair tie. it looks kinda familiar..

step step.

"hey, that's my hair tie." someone said behind me.

i flinched, surprised because i wasn't expecting anyone to come in since all of them were in the training room.

oh this was gagamaru's hair tie?

gagamaru gin is one of the most noticeable people in team z because of his height and hair. even i'm wondering why he's playing football when he's 191 cm (6'-3"). he could be doing better things with that height.

"oh, then here you go."

i got up from my crouched position and gave it to him. he looked at it and turned away, walking out of the room.

i forgot to mention that he's a little weird too.




"ugh, i can't reach the fucking hair dryer.."

who thought it was a good idea to place the hair dryer on the top shelf? whoever used it last is my opp.

i was on my uninjured foot looking goofy trying to reach the hair dryer in the bathroom.

"here, i got it."

a kind soul went behind me and grabbed the hair dryer for me, placing it in my hand.

i turned around to face kuon, who had given me the hair dryer. thank god for his 185 cm (6'-1") ass.

kuon wataru wasn't that significant during the entrance exam, but he has shown that he is an important presence in team z as the mediator. he's always making sure that we aren't beating each other's asses up. he's a beta too so i can pretty much talk to him all the time without problems.

in other words, mommy kuon.

"thanks, kuon."

"no problem, let me know if you need anymore help."

what a gentleman.

(just to clarify i hate this bitch 😦 )




"iemon does have a goalie face! i'm serious!" imamura said loudly.

now that i think about, he kinda does..

iemon okuhito is one of the people in team z. to be honest, he looks too old to be in blue lock.

at least he's very nice and helpful. another gentleman of the team.

"stop saying that, imamura.." he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.

surprisingly, he's not as scary as he looks. he may look old but he kinda acts like that one caring kindergarten teacher taking care of too many rowdy kids.

he's also a beta, like kuon. sometimes i like to imagine kuon and iemon as the mom and dad of the team since they have to deal with our bullshit.

i hope he doesn't become fed up with us because that would be scary..




"HA HA! i can't stop making fun of gagamaru's chicken scratch handwriting! your toothbrush looks mad ugly because of it!" naruhaya jested, running in circles around gagamaru and poking his shoulders.

"hey shut up.." gagamaru replied weakly.

naruhaya asahi is one of the shortest players i've seen so far in blue lock. i wouldn't say he's annoying even though he is sometimes because he actually has manners and knows when to be polite. he's kind of like a teasing older sibling in a way..

"in your dreams! i'll never stop making fun of-"



naruhaya somehow ran into me while poking gagmaru, causing the both of us to fall over. thankfully, i didn't injure my ankle any further.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY L/N! ARE YOU OKAY? IS YOUR ANKLE OKAY?" naruhaya asked, immediately getting up and checking my ankle to make sure i was okay.

yeah, this is why i can't call him annoying when he does this.

"oh no, don't worry i'm okay. thanks." i replied hastily.

he extended a hand and helped me get up, still apologizing even after i forgave him.

some of the kids in team z need to learn from naruhaya..




so far i think i can remember everybody's name in team z by now, which is crazy because usually i remember faces but not names.

i probably remember so well because team z is filled with a bunch of weirdos 💀

hopefully the opps won't come near me and the decent people stay decent. i definitely have to remember who's an alpha and who's a beta though, which may or may not be a problem because i might have forgotten..

but for some reason, i can't shake off this bad feeling i have..

i think something big is gonna happen.



hey guys 😽

im planning on making naruhaya a best friend bc yall are both older siblings yk

just telling you in advance 😛

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