Dark roots


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This is a dark romance story about a girl named Ashley. The story will contain multiple topics that may not b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 39

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I still can't believe that I just had a threesome with both Simon and Jhonny, while being in Shadow Company's base. Life gets pretty great sometimes, or should I say crazy.

It felt amazing to be with both of them, I had finally been able to relax and clear my mind. They had done a great job in easing my worries and let me enjoy our time together.

But now that we were done, I couldn't help but wonder how things will go on from here on out. Was this just a one time thing? Or is this the new normal?

There was still a lot to talk about, and that fueled the constant overthinking in my head. As time went by, every lingering glare or the smallest sigh would make my heart speed up. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

I took a step back to create some space between myself and Simon, but I didn't get far. His arm possessively wrapped around my waist and pulled me back closer towards him. It was a sweet gesture that turned my cheeks red.

Jhonny walked over to open the door only just enough to peak his head through. One Shadow soldier stood on the other side of the door, requesting our presence in the conference room. Jhonny told him we were on our way right before he closed the door again.

He turned around and walked over to stand in front of me, a smile was placed on his face when he looked at the hoodie I was wearing, his hoodie. He reached for his jacket right before he stopped to place a sweet kiss on my lips.

I placed my hand in his outstretched one as he guided me out of the room, with Simon following close behind me. It couldn't be happier nor feel safer when I had both of them so close to me.

Simon wasn't the kind of man that enjoyed showing public display of affection, which was fine for me. I know he struggled with it and I respect his boundaries. I don't love him any less for it.

Jhonny on the other hand loved it, he was proudly walking around the base while holding onto my hand. He'd parade me around like I was some sort of trophy, it was adorable.

They were so different, like fire and ice yet when they were together, I feel complete. Now that I've had a taste of them both, I wouldn't be able to go back to how it was before.

We reached the doors to the conference room, right before we were about to enter did I take my hand back. Jhonny entered the room first and the muscles in his back stiffened. Something was wrong.

I peaked over his shoulder to see a glimpse of Price, who had his back turned towards us. As I walked further inside, did I noticed Shepard standing right in front of him, frozen to his spot because of the gun Price had aimed towards him.

You could cut the tension with a knife. We came to a halt when we reached the table the others were standing around. My eyes widened when I saw more Shadows storming inside, with their guns held high, aiming it at Price.

Jhonny took a step to the right, his shoulder was now in front of me in a protectively way. Like he'd use his own body as a human shield. With Simon standing right behind me, it felt like I was standing inside a protective bubble.

"What's going on in here?" Simon said, clearly as surprised as the rest of us.

Nobody said a word, they just continued their staring contest. Graves was on high alert, standing next to Shepard trying to calm the situation, but Price didn't listen to him.

"Price?" The nerves made my voice brake.

"We're leaving." Price said while finally lowering his gun.

He turned around to face us and placed his hand was on my back as he guided me towards the door. But the Shadows that stood in front of it didn't move. It made my body stiffen, as if it could tell that something was going to happen.

"I firmly suggest that she stays here in our base." Shepard's thick voice came from behind us.

"There is no chance in hell that I'm leaving her here with you rats." Price fired back. The longer we stayed here arguing, the higher the chance was that someone would get hurt.

"It wasn't a suggestion John." Shepard replied as he sat down behind his desk.

"You don't care about her safety, all you want is to capture Makarov. No matter who gets hurt." Jhonny said through gritted teeth from beside me.

"Start thinking with you head and not your dicks." Graves took a step closer towards Jhonny, until they stood inches away from each other. "We all want to capture Makarov before he kills thousands of innocent people. And since he wants her, she is our best chance of getting to him."

Jhonny's hatred was still fueled by the pain of Graves his betrayal. They had worked alongside each other for a while, assisting one another in a lot of missions the past year.

When I noticed Jhonny was about to release some of that anger and attack him, did I place my hand on his arm and stopped him. I took a step forward and angled myself in between the two, not wanting him to get hurt.

"I don't trust you with my safety," My eyes turned from Graves towards Shepard. "If you want me to lure Makarov out of hiding, then they stay here with me."

"Who are you to make demands here?" Graves spitted in annoyance.

"You need me, so I suggest you start playing nice." I fired back, having both Jhonny and Simon right behind me gave me a great confidence boost. It was like having two guard dogs that were ready to attack.

Graves opened his mouth again to start arguing back but got caught off by Shepard, who agreed with my demand. I had to try my hardest to keep the smile off of my face when I saw the displeased look on Graves his face.

He ordered Graves to show us to the rooms we'd be staying at. It was located at the end of the base, specially made for guests. But we were surrounded by so many Shadows, and that caused a lot of tension in the team.

Price had contacted Gaz, who'd gather the rest of the team and make their way towards us. We were about to fight Makarov and could use all the help we can get.

After a few hours they reached the base and we all went to collect them at the gates. Gaz walked over, followed by Frost, Chloe, Roach and Maria.

"Maria," I heard Graves shout from behind us. He walked over to us with his arms hung open, right before they wrapped around her in a tight embrace. "Welcome back!"

My mouth fell open when I saw the two of them hugging. I always knew I didn't like her and felt that something was off about her but I didn't expect this. She was a spy, a lying snake who worked with Graves and pretended to be a part of task force 141.

There was a big grin displayed on Graves his face when he looked at our shocked expressions. "You see, if I wanted you dead, you would've been dead a long time ago."

Maria and Graves walked back to the base, being too busy in catching up. The rest of the team was guided towards their cafeteria by a handful of Shadows. We sat their for a while, but I had barely touched my food.

After dinner we went back to our rooms, both Simon and Jhonny had been by my side the entire time. They haven't left my side for even a minute.

My head was pounding so I decided to change into some more comfortable clothes. Meaning I stole Simon's shirt when he was in the shower, removed my pants and settled down on the bed.

Jhonny just returned to the room with an extra pillow and blanket underneath his arm. I guess it's safe to say they're both staying in my room. He placed the stuff on the foot of the bed before he sat down next to me.

"So were you able to take a test?" He said with his voice hardly above a whisper.

My mind went back to the pregnancy test I took yesterday right before everything went south. Those same emotions came rushing back to me which made it difficult to talk so I simply nodded instead.

"What did it say? Are you...?"

I felt a lump forming inside my throat and shook my head. He must have seen the sadness in my eyes because he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

My head was resting on his shoulder, listening to the beating of his heart calming me down. I hadn't noticed that Simon was done showering and had walked back into the bathroom until I heard his voice.

"What's going on?"

I knew I had to tell him the truth eventually. We had the entire night to ourselves which gave me the opportunity to talk to him, even when our circumstances were terrible. Being in Shadow's base, surrounded by Graves and Shepard was hardly a romantic scene, but it had to do.

I was fidgeting with my fingers, feeling very nervous all of a sudden. I had my eyes locked on my hands while I thought of a way to tell him. He had never told me anything about his future expectations.

"So the reason I went to the store yesterday, was because I had been throwing up a lot. Amelia convinced me to go buy a pregnancy test."

I took a pause and just stared at him, waiting for any kind of reaction from him before I could continue. His eyes widened and I saw the color being drained from his face.

"It was negative though."

"Oh thank god." He said under his breath, but despite the deep sigh of relief he let out, I heard him clearly.

"Seriously? Thank god?" I snorted in disbelief. "Cuz it would be so awful if I was pregnant? We sleep together yet you act like I killed your dog."

I got up from my seat, I was so furious that I wanted to storm out of the room, but he pulled me back inside by my waist. I was frustrated by his reaction, mostly because I feared that if I ever did get pregnant he'd leave me to deal with it alone.

Once I started it was hard to stop the spiral of negative thoughts. My vision became blurry and a tear ran down my cheek. He pulled me closer in a tight hug from behind, with my back pressing into his chest. His warm breath blew over my neck.

"Simon do you ever want kids?" My heart dropped to my stomach when he stayed silent. "If you plan to leave me because we want different things then you should tell me."

His arms loosed from around my waist and he spun me around so that I was facing him. He cupped my face in his palms and used his thumb to brush away the tears from my cheeks.

"My sweet girl, don't start overthinking just yet. I love you and any child that you may-..."

"You what?"

I stood there in shock, looking up at him. We looked into each other's eyes so intensely that I though I might have imagined it. That he didn't just say those three little words.

But his eyes widened, he just realized what he had said to me. I thought he was going to stress out, but he simply smiled at me and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"That's right, I love you."

"I love you too." I replied with a big smile on my face.

His hand moved to my neck and he pulled me closer until our lips touched. The kiss was filled with affection which warmed my heart. My arms wrapped around his neck. His hands roamed over my body and reached my ass, which he used to pick me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me to the bed. There he softly dropped me on my back, Jhonny was now sitting next to me, watching as Simon started removing my shirt.

"Jhonny go get me towel please." Simon said.

He was grinding himself against me, feeling how he turned hard with every stroke. His hands cupped my breast and he started playing with my nipples, which caused a moan to slip from my lips.

Jhonny had returned with a towel and handed it to Simon. We both eagerly looked at him, curious about his next move. He took out a pocketknife from one of his side pockets and started cutting the towel in smaller parts.

He used one part to tie my hands together and the other part around my eyes. He pulled me upwards to my knees and started kissing me again. I couldn't see a thing so I let him guide me.

He ordered me to turn around and sit up straight, using the headboard to keep me up for support. I felt something move underneath me and two hands gripped on either side of my hips, pulled me down.

I wanted to jump away when I felt a tongue lick alongst my slit, but the grip on my hips only tightened and prevented me from moving. Knowing I was sitting on someone's face made me unable to relax at first, afraid that I might hurt him.

But when he started sucking on my clit, I leaned into his touch. With my eyes covered, my feelings were intensified and I moved my hips, grinding against his face.

A pull on my hair made me snap my head back, I felt a hot breath on my cheek. He sucked at me ear before I heard Simon whisper, giving me goosebumps all over my body.

"You want a baby? I'll put one in you right now." He was lined up at my entrance. His hand was wrapped around my throat, he was holding me in place as he pulled me in for another kiss while also thrusting himself deep inside of me. "Say it again."

"I love you." I mumbled in his mouth.

I was already on the edge with Jhonny underneath me and now Simon was thrusting in me from behind, it was all too intense. My walls clenched around Simon's cock, making us both cum at the same time. I heard some satisfied mumbling from underneath me.

I didn't get to ride out the pleasure of my orgasm, as Jhonny moved higher on the bed so his crotch was now pressing against my sensitive nob. I wasn't done yet and started grinding against him, but Simon gripped my hips and kept me from moving.

Underneath me, Jhonny had removed the rest of his clothes and I leaned forwards to kiss him, tasting myself on his tongue. He pressed my hips closer until I felt him enter me. He kept me close to his chest and started to thrust faster.

A warm fluid dripped on top of my bare ass and Simon's finger started teasing my ass, before he slowly entered one finger in. I flinched away for a second but Jhonny's arms around me prevented me from going too far.

The pain slowly started to turn into pleasure, and then he added another finger. He slowly thrusted his fingers inside of me. I felt how my body adjusted to him, another moan slipped from my lips.

"Tell me if it hurts too much and I'll stop." I heard him say from behind me.

Jhonny buried himself deep inside of me but stopped moving. Simon was hard again and lined himself up at my asshole. Slowly he pushed the tip of his cock inside.

A small scream left my lips, having both of my holes filled by them was almost too much. Simon's hand traveled down my body and started rubbing circles on my clit to try and relax my body.

Simon pushed in further while Jhonny pulled me in for another kiss. With his hands massaging my breast, I hadn't noticed that Simon was now fully inside of me.

They slowly started pulling out at the same time before thrusting back inside. At first they moved at a slow and steady pace, that was until all I felt was pleasure.

Their trusts turned faster and my entire body felt like it was on fire. I was overly stimulated and wouldn't last much longer. My legs started shaking as I felt another orgasm taking over my body.

They made me ride out my orgasm, right before they reached their own high. I collapsed on top Jhonny's chest, he wrapped me in a tight hug alongst with placing multiple kiss on top of my head.

Simon got off the bed first and helped me to the bathroom where he filled the bath with warm water. He helped me inside and cleaned me up.

We settled in the bed, my head laying on Simon's chest while Jhonny hugged me from behind, his arm hand over my waist while he pulled my body closer to him. That night I had the best night sleep, feeling utterly protected and loved.

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