The Devil's Angel

By visove

4.4K 177 260

Good and Evil, earth is a place where the two meet. We all crave for mercy, redemption and transformation, e... More

Straight From Hell
Sweet Smell of Cigarettes
Mrs. Bee
Eye Gazes
Bruised Plums
It Was You
Bad Coversations
Hell's Dove
Bite An Angel
The Night Is Young
Father and Son
Human Nature
Dress Up Problem
Pale Moonlight
Tarot Cards
Everlasting Evening
Back To Hell

Cross Necklace

176 6 5
By visove

Bill: "Uhh..."
He nervously laughs

Angel looks up at him, waiting for him to say something
Bill: "Well.. Why not?" he gulps
*She smiles*
Angel: "Good, theres a service tonight.. We usually have them every Wednesday and Sunday"
Bill's face falls...
He has to go..
Ugh... He can barely prepare for this
Bill: "Okay.. Darling"

He weakly smiles

Alondra: "He's not the type to go to church"
Raina: "Now thats just stereotyping"
Bill gives them an amusing look
Bill: "It is stereotyping, thank you sweetie"
Raina blushes and looks at Angel's reaction, which seems to be unbothered
Angel: "Well, make sure to dress well"
Bill: "Oh you know I will.. And if I go, you'll go to the dance with me, correct?"
Angel reluctantly looks at him
Angel: "Yea I guess..."
Bill: "You don't sound so excited"
Angel: "I'm not"
Damn, why is this bitch so cold... Isn't she an angel?

*Bill leans in, closer to her, smirking*
Bill: "Why do you act like that?"
Angel: "Like what?"
He glances down at her small chest
Bill: "So cold.."
Angel tilts her head and shrugs
Angel: "Well, I just tell the truth, I never really thought about lying"
Bill: "Hm.."
Angel: "Hm?"

They both stare at each other
Angel looks up at him with an open mind, and Bill stares at her in perplexing curiosity
He never was more confused in his life
It was probably her energy
It was vibrating at a very high frequency


Bill: "My dad's calling me... Excuse me"
Raina: "That's such a weird ring tone"
Alondra: "Red flag."

Bill: "What is it dad..."
Dad: "Just checking in with your progress"
Bill: "I'm going to go to the dance with her soon"
Dad: "Just so you know. The longer you wait, the weaker we are getting, meaning you need to kill more people. Now, I'm fine with a few people getting killed here and there... But a lot of people? I can't let you get caught. You can't go to prison"
Bill rolls his eyes
Did his dad really have no faith in him?
Bill: "I've NEVER gotten caught"
Dad: "You never know. And by the way, that Mrs. Bee bitch had low energy. It wasn't enough... If you are going to sacrifice anyone right now, please let it be a higher vibrating being... Now get that angel."
End Call

The pressure of his father was starting to get to him, a throbbing headache enters his skull...
and a nauseating feeling
Probably from stress
Or the energy starting to wear off
But he ignores it, he has to be in perfect shape for "Church"


6:30 PM

Bill's heart THUMPS as he stares at the church
He did not want to feel the wrath of God, especially since he had just killed someone...
(and did much worse before... One could only imagine)
Bill: Fuck fuck fuck....
He mumbles under his breath
Not only that, but Bill had no idea of how to act in a church... He never had been to one...
What do people do there?...
How should he dress?
He didn't have any suits, so he decided to wear a cross necklace to be "festive"

Bill: "Fuck.. Angel better pay for this.. Hopefully she'll suck my dick or something" he thinks....
At a far distance, he sees Angel
She's wearing a white A-line dress... With a headband to match
How cute...
Bill smiles a little, and for the first time, is free from dirty thought
Bill: "You look cute"
Angel: "Thanks.. But what are you wearing?"
Bill: "A cross, it kinda fits the theme.. I don't know"
Angel giggles, It was funny to see Bill so clueless... She found it almost endearing

Angel: "Lets go inside"
Bill: "Well YOU have to lead the way.. I don't know the way around churches..."
Angel: "Fine... Follow me"
She grabs his hand and leads him through an old white door.
A door that looked old, with many chips, yet it remained strong, lasting for many years

Everyone around Bill, STARES
They never saw some dark clothed stranger...
Old man: "Ugh.. You are going to hell" he whispers under his breath
Angel looks on as Bill looks confused and lost
Angel: "Just ignore the old people... They are weird..."
Bill: "Clearly, the fuck is there problem?"
Saying that was a mistake...
Everyone turns around to look at Bill
Even the pastor
Pastor: "Young man, have some manners"
Bill: "I'm not allowed to say "fuck" in here?"
Pastor: "Oh you got some nerve..."
The pastor inches near Bill, an angry look on his face
Angel: "Dad, I invited him... Don't be so unwelcoming" she looks at her dad with disappointment...

Angel always had the belief to be welcoming to everyone, no matter how sinful they were
Bill: "That's your dad?... Oh you are a pastor's daughter.." he laughs
Angel: "So what? I'm not embarrassed"
Bill: "Never said you should be.. It's pretty cute" he smirks
She sighs and shakes her head in disappointment, ignoring Bill's comment

8:30 PM

The sermon was absolutely dreadful..
Bill never knew how horrible it was sitting in a seat for an hour and a half until now...

Bill: "Oh shit.. We can finally go??? Thank God..."
Angel: "Did you like it?"
Bill scoffs...
As if he was not feeling the flames of hell the entire time
Bill: "I loved it sweetheart, thanks so much for bringing me"
Angel: "Your welcome" she looks at him suspiciously, knowing he's lying
Bill remembers what his dad told him...
He needs to get Angel quick...
Bill: "Need a ride home?"
Angel: "Ill pass, thank you"

Bill refrains himself from rolling his eyes...
Ugh what would he even expect from her
She would always be too innocent for him...
It almost made him sad
Too innocent
while he was
too evil...
He knew he would never be good enough for her and her heart
But for an odd reason, he wished to be.

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