Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}

By Mwithabook

16.3K 514 96

" Please dont go..." ... More

one| Season One
Genie| Recap 1
Fourteen| Season Two
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
Genie |Recap 2
twenty four|season three
twenty five
001- 1k special
twenty six
twenty seven
Twenty eight
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
002-5k special
thirty six

twenty nine

186 10 2
By Mwithabook

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Waking up, your head was pounding , like it was threatening to split open as your eyes adjusted to your surroundings.

Clearly, you were located in the lab part of the old  pizza parlor, your arms strapped on the table with  black tape, and handcuffs.

"Can i go.. fuckin please" you whined, the handcuffs hurting

"Not yet! You dont want a bigger explanation?" Moyo questioned from the table, making your nose cringe up.

" I do actually, because how could you fuckin lie to me about my brother? Who you really had captured here all along? What the fuck was my life for the last 3 months? a big fluke?" you screamed

"Well, in some ways yes! But dont take that out on me! Take it out  on your mom, the woman who pays me.

You see, all the money you were giving your mom, was given to help her buy this and in a way, buy me and others.

She was gonna take my quirk, but offered to save my life if I used my quirk to her advantage.Thats how you found me in building that you did, being as she placed me.

My life was dedicated to be being an actor . Someone who could be any character they wanted because i could morph into them, yet was taken in a blink of an eye. But , your bitter ass mama took that from me. And now, Im taking that from everyone." He declared a sinister smirk on his face

"But wait! If you help me, I can use my quirk for the greater good ! I can wish you money! I can wish you to be famous! You're not thinking  logical! While she's gone, we can save everyone here!"

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"How about  this. take the quirk restraints off and ill make a wish for a bunch of money to appear in your account. If it doesn't, you csn kill me on the spot. Put a knife to my throat if you want "

You were smart, and  clearly had a plan. With your wish, you planned to route a bunch of money from a well known bank in your name into his account, hoping someone would get the hint that a million in american currency had been put into his account. That way, he could trust you and you could be  tracked down.

Whispering the wish, the mans bank statement reloaded, now holding over a million dollars within .

"Do you trust me now? "

"Fucking hell...! This is more than your mom said she'd pay me!" he giggled happily.

"So, are we gonna save these people? theres more where that came from if you do!" you bribed.

"Fuck... We have four hours to do it!"

"Then lets get to work!"


" her phone was left here... I thought she was asleep but shes not here... I havent seen her , my child , or Moyo!" she cried into Aizawa's arms.

Your grandmother on your mom's side had been looking for you, her oxygen tank pumping through the tubes hooked to her nose.

"Did she say anything at all about  her mission?"

"No! I thought she was here to visit me!"

Bakugo's mind was going crazy with the thought that you were gone, somewhere he couldn't reach you. He had took so long to realize he liked you, yet as soon as he realized he could have feelings for anyone besides himself, he could be loosing you and he'd destroy himself once over if he did. You helped him with the all might situation, even when your were struggling , the kidnapping, the stupid press situations he sometimes got into , and he couldnt wait to return the favor.

That is, if he found you.

"Thank you G/M... We'll find her, I promise." Aizawa declared, bringing Bakugo, Kirishima, and Midoryia back out to the black SUV.

"Alright you three. I know, this is a brand new area , but im order to find her, we're gonna start looking through abandoned buildings. Keep your locations on at all times. If you find something, dont engage til you backup. Remember your ultimate goal is to find your friend, Y/N. Am i clear?"

The group of boys let him know they understood, before heading out, splitting into different directions to find you. Little did they know, they walked right past where you were captured.


"Okay. So , theres no trackers in them? Where are their quirks?" You questioned, your arms crossed.

You were unstrapped from the table, and were in a time crunch to save everyone, including your real brother. If that took you having to work with Moyo, so be it!

" Your mom has some of their quirks within her, so some of them are kinda screwed.... The rest are labelled in that closet but i dont have the key."

you shrugged, wishing for the key for the closet, causing it to appear in the lock.

Turning it to the right, it unlocked, falling off as you swung open the closet.

Inside, say 35 capsules, making it obvious there was offically 40 people inside.

"How long do we have until shes back?"

"Sundown.... You were knocked out until noon so.... about 3 hours."

"Lets get it done!"

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