The Unlikely Cupid

By incognitoxhinjo

362 52 2

[Season One of Aurora National High Series] Ria's heart hammered against her ribs as Kai complimented her art... More

Ch. 02: Confessions on Hold
Ch. 03: Rewriting Love
Ch. 04: Love's Masterpiece
Ch. 05: Destiny's Tender Touch
Ch. 06: Brushstrokes of Love
Ch. 07: Colors of the Heart
Ch. 08: Defying Expectations
Ch. 09: Painting a New Path
Ch. 10: Painting a Team's True Colors
Ch. 11: A Whole New Game
Ch. 12: The Polished Canvas
Ch. 13: Crossroad of the Heart
Ch. 14: A Symphony of Hearts and Art
Ch. 15: The Aurora National Saga
Ch. 16: A Tale of Art, Basketball, and the Spirit of Aurora National
Ch. 17: Aurora National's Journey from Brawl to Beacon
Ch.18: Between Loyalty and Fear
Ch. 19: Ria and Kai's Journey Through Social Barriers
Ch. 20: A Clash of Hearts
Ch. 21: Ria's Artistic Odyssey After Kai's Departure
Ch. 22: Past Demon
Ch. 23: A Love Rediscovered
Ch. 24: A Second Chance at Love
Ch. 25: A Second Chance at Forever
Ch. 26: A Dance of Hearts at Aurora National
Ch. 27: Unspoken Melodies
Ch. 28: Art of the Heart
Ch. 29: A Dance of Desires and Decisions
Ch. 30: Unwritten Pages
Ch. 31: The Clean Slate Symphony
Ch. 32: The Harmony of Uncertainty
Ch. 33: Echoes of Doubt

Ch. 01: Beyond the Frizzy Hair

37 3 0
By incognitoxhinjo

Ch. 01: Beyond the Frizzy Hair

Ria hated picture day. Every year, it was the same torturous ritual: shoving herself into the scratchy polyester uniform, wrestling her wild, frizzy hair into a semblance of order (a losing battle, every time), and then facing the unforgiving glare of the camera. This year, though, was worse. A particularly enthusiastic pimple colony had taken up residence on her forehead, resembling a miniature, inflamed mountain range.

Across the room, oblivious to her internal turmoil, was Kai Modesto. Kai, the pride of Aurora National High, their star basketball player, and the living embodiment of "blessed with good genes." Caramel skin, a smile that could launch a thousand ships, and hair that fell in perfect, tousled waves – the kind that seemed to effortlessly defy gravity after even the most intense practice session. He was like a walking advertisement for Clearasil and hair gel, everything Ria wasn't.

They were classmates, a fact that still surprised Ria sometimes. Sure, they shared the same English class, but their worlds felt like galaxies apart. Kai, surrounded by a constant orbit of admirers, his laughter echoing through the hallways. Ria, a permanent resident of the back row, with her sketchbook as a shield and oversized headphones as a defense mechanism.

One rainy afternoon, their paths collided quite literally. Huddled under the meager shelter of a bus stop awning, Ria was desperately trying to salvage her already-soggy sketchbook when a figure loomed over her. Kai, soaked to the bone, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Hey," he said, his voice a low rumble. Ria, startled, almost dropped her precious drawings.

"H-hi," she stammered, shoving a stray curl behind her ear self-consciously.

Thus began an unlikely friendship. Rain became their unlikely matchmaker. Every downpour found them huddled under the same bus stop, sharing stories, dreams, and a mutual love for cheesy Filipino rom-coms. Ria discovered a side of Kai she never expected – a goofy sense of humor, a surprising love for classic rock (which he discovered through her meticulously curated playlists), and a vulnerability that mirrored her own.

She started looking forward to rainy days, a secret thrill blooming in her chest whenever Kai's laughter filled the air. But Ria knew, with a dull ache in her heart, that this was a friendship built on borrowed time. The sun would eventually shine, and Kai would return to his world of admirers and trophies, leaving her back in the shadows.

One cloudless afternoon, as they were walking home together (a rare occurrence on a sunny day), Kai stopped abruptly.

"Ria," he started, his voice serious. Ria braced herself, her heart hammering against her ribs.

"You're amazing," he said, his gaze holding hers. "The way you see the world, your art, it's incredible."

A warmth bloomed in Ria's chest, chasing away the familiar chill of self-doubt. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for a different kind of story. A story where the girl with the frizzy hair and the constellation of pimples got the guy, not because of a makeover, but because he saw the beauty that shone from within, the beauty that had bloomed under the shelter of a rainy bus stop.

Ria's cheeks burned hotter than the afternoon sun. Kai's words hung in the air, a sweet, unexpected melody. A million questions bubbled up, but all she could manage was a breathless, "R-really?"

Kai grinned, the familiar, heart-stopping kind that made Ria's stomach do a happy flip. "Absolutely. You make the world look like a living, breathing masterpiece, Ria. Even a boring, sunny afternoon like this."

His compliment sent a shiver down her spine. Could this be real? Was Kai Modesto, the golden boy of Aurora National, actually interested in her, the perpetually frizzy-haired, pimple-prone artist?

Suddenly, the sound of a car horn jolted them back to reality. Kai winced, checking his watch. "Shoot, Coach Reyes is probably pulling his hair out waiting for me. Practice starts in five." He scratched the back of his neck, his smile sheepish. "Listen, I know this is a huge favor, but any chance you could bring me some water? Coach goes ballistic if we're dehydrated, but..."

He trailed off, his eyes pleading. Ria understood. Between juggling practices, games, and studying, Kai's schedule was a whirlwind.

Ria squeezed his hand, a newfound confidence taking root within her. "Don't worry about it, Kai. I'll bring you water and a double dose of inspiration for that essay due tomorrow."

Kai's face broke into a relieved smile. "You're a lifesaver, Ria. I owe you one."

The walk to the gym was lighter than usual, a comfortable silence hanging between them, punctuated by the occasional flutter of Ria's heart. Reaching the gym doors, a wave of nervous excitement washed over her. This was uncharted territory – venturing into Kai's world, the world of pounding sneakers and echoing whistles.

Taking a deep breath, Ria pushed open the doors. The gym floor was a cacophony of squeaking shoes and shouted instructions. Kai's teammates, a group of lanky giants, turned to stare at her, momentarily forgetting their drills.

Ria felt her cheeks flush again, but before self-consciousness could take hold, Kai jogged towards her, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Hey, guys," he called out, introducing Ria as "my friend, Ria." The giants, initially intimidating, mumbled greetings, their eyes curious.

Ria found herself a seat on the bleachers, sketching the scene in her notebook – the blur of movement, the focused expressions, the energy that crackled in the air. Glancing up, she caught Kai's eye over the heads of his teammates. He gave her a thumbs-up, a silent thanks that warmed her more than any compliment ever could.

As practice wore on, Ria noticed the intensity on Kai's face, the way his muscles strained with every jump shot. There was a raw passion in his movements that mirrored the emotions swirling within her. Maybe, she thought, staring at the intricate lines she was drawing, beauty wasn't just about flawless skin and perfect hair. Maybe it was about passion, dedication, and the courage to be yourself, even when the spotlight wasn't shining on you.

Just then, the whistle blew, signaling the end of practice. Kai jogged towards the bleachers, sweat dripping from his forehead, a genuine smile lighting up his face.

"You saw the whole disaster, huh?" he joked, grabbing the water bottle she offered.

Ria shook her head, handing him her notebook. "Not a disaster. More like..." she searched for the right word, "like a symphony of focused energy."

Kai took the notebook, his brow furrowing in concentration as he studied her sketch. A slow smile spread across his face. "Wow, Ria. This is incredible. You captured everything - the tension, the flow, even the squeak of Coach Reyes' shoes."

Ria's heart soared. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't just a one-sided crush. Maybe, under the unlikely shelter of a rainy bus stop, a story had begun to bloom, a story waiting to be written, one messy sketch and stolen glance at a time.

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