Rainbow Kisses | Tyler Posey...

By anonymouuuscherry

22.3K 663 138

↞ A Tyler Posey Fanfiction ↠ ↞Can be read as a normal book ↠ Just Pixie. When Pixie, a normal teenager bump... More

Wait For You
Bonus Chapter ; The After Life


1.5K 47 16
By anonymouuuscherry

Sango // BB Don't Cry (It's Gon' Be Alright)



It was a bleak day as usual. No sun, No blue sky, only rain and a dark sky.

Pixie pulled her hood over her head and pushed the doors of the mall open. It's been a week since she came out of the hospital and the news still hadn't died down. Everyone knew who Pixie was and how weak she was.

Pixie hates it. She hates everything lately. Her parents, the world, her friends, but mostly, herself.

Her parents refused to let her out of the house by herself, but Pixie needed some alone time. She hoped that after she burned all the memories, everything would be okay, but there's still this heavy weight on her shoulders, pushing her into the ground every day.

Pixie immediately felt eyes on her and she knew that she wasn't imagining those. Her black sunglasses and baggy clothes didn't help her disguise at all.

People looked at her with disgust, pity and some just looked out of curiosity, but Pixie can't stand all the attention.

So many magazines, talk shows and reporters have been calling her for information or an interview. She ignored them all and stayed under the radar for a short week.

Pixie pressed her earphones further into her ears to block out the whispers and the world. Pixie came here to have some time for herself hoping it all died down, but it's a small town, barely anything happens here and when it does, it blows up.

Pixie walked to the Subway to get a sandwich to go and also one of their amazing cookies.

"Hello can I take your orde- OH MY GOD." Pixie looked up from the glass where all the ingredients to a sub laid behind. Cheryl.

It was Cheryl. The girl Pixie met weeks ago, she'd never forget a girl like her. Her curly hair, big black glasses and short frame are practically hard to forget. Her liveliness made Pixie happy and Pixie doesn't forget someone who makes her smile.

"Pixie! I never thought I'd ever see your gorgeous face again!" Cheryl exclaimed with her hands on her cheeks.

"Cheryl," Pixie said trying to smile, but it hurt. Not only mentally, but also psychically. Pixie's whole body still ached. Her ribs were still killing her and her arm is still in a cast and she was still covered in bruises and healing scars.

"I heard about it all, I- Let's talk about this in ten minutes. Then I end my shift." Cheryl said and Pixie nodded looking around deciding whether to order a beef or teriyaki. She decided with a beef sub, m&m cookie and a bottle of water.

Pixie sat down and watched Cheryl do her job with a genuine smile on her face. Pixie wish she could be as happy as her, genuinely happy. Pixie hasn't smiled in weeks and she feels like she can't even do it anymore.

When Pixie slowly finished her sandwich, Cheryl was off duty. Cheryl was back in her casual clothes and still had that big smile on her face.

"Are you ready to go? We can go to the park ten minutes away. We'll have some privacy." Cheryl offered with that big smile of hers. It's really contagious.

Pixie nodded and grabbed her trash to throw it away. After that she followed Cheryl out of the Subway and into the mall again.

"So, how are you?" Cheryl asks, as they were walking towards the exit of the mall. "Bad." Is all Pixie could say. "You?"

"Same here. I had to get another part time job to support my parents to pay for my college and my condo, my boyfriend broke up with me and I also have trouble finding a new roomate." Cheryl shrugs.

Pixie wondered how Cheryl could still stay this happy. With all the trouble in her life, she's still as lively as ever.

"How do you... manage?" Pixie asks looking around her and saw people looking at the both of them.

"I just do, when everything's going wrong in life, doesn't mean you have to be sad about it all. Well, of course you're sad, but you gotta see the bright side in it all. That's how I manage."Cheryl said and walked through the open doors.

Pixie listened to every word Cheryl said and realized she was right. There's no point in dwelling on the problems, you gotta stay positive. Pixie knows she can't do it, but she has to try. She has to be happy.

Pixie followed Cheryl to her car and it stood at the end of the parking lot of the mall. They stopped infront of Cheryl's Lada Niva. A really, really old car. It was an army green one on top of that.

"Cheryl, is this really your car?" Pixie asked amused. Cheryl nodded ashamed. "As I said, we're short on money, always have been so this is the best I could get. My father gave it a entire make over. He changed the interior and even gave it a complete spray tan. He also made it drive way more comfortable than it was before." Cheryl said and unlocked her car.

Pixie stepped in and Cheryl started a cd. "I hope you like Fall Out Boy because that's one of the only cd's I have. Either this or The Blackveil Brides or Haim." Cheryl said and started the car. Pixie was very confused, she didn't know any of those artists so she kept quiet.

Cheryl started driving until she arrived at the park. The ride was peaceful and not many words were spoken, but it was comfortable.

"So, what happened? I promise I'm not some paparazzi or some thirsty news reporter. I can sign a contract to prove." Cheryl said and sat down next to Pixie on a wet park bench.

"It's okay." She said lowly. Her voice has been low for a while now and she knows that it probably won't change.

"Okay, tell me everything. I knew there was something fishy about you. You were so closed off, vulnerable." Cheryl said and Pixie looked into nowhere.

"I bumped into that Tyler guy of yours." Pixie says with a her new deep voice. Cheryl got quiet, but you could see that she was about to burst out.

"Ohemgee fucking Tyler Garcia Posey?! That hot piece of American slash Mexican slash Scottish slash English slash Irish slash German piece of chocolate. Sorry you may continue." Cheryl said and leaned against the back of the bench, calming herself down.

"Yeah him. Well, he spilled his coffee over me. He introduced himself and apologized many times, but I ran away because I couldn't talk to anyone. I bumped into him at the target about three or something days later and he confronted me. Apologizing again and wanted to give me a $100 Macy's coupon." Pixie said and Cheryl listened carefully with a suprised look on her face.

"My EX-boyfriend was very possessive over me. He saw Tyler talking to me, and I wasn't aloud to talk to anyone. He hit me and started fighting with Tyler. In a fucking Target, infront of many people, with camera's." Pixie said with her head in her hands.

Cheryl noticed how much Pixie has changed, even though she only met her once before. Her attitude became more rudderless, more pessimistic.

"Did he make you dye your hair back?" Cheryl asked after a while of silence. Pixie simply nodded and exhaled loudly.

Cheryl and Pixie sat in the empty park while it was raining for at least an hour. Pixie hasn't talked this much in months. She literally poured her heart out to a stranger, she had to get it all out. She doesn't know why she told Cheryl all this, it's just that, she had this feeling around Cheryl. She feels like she can trust her and she needed someone who doesn't know her and her past. You know what they say, sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than someone you've known for quite a while. Why? Because they know nothing, nothing about your past, your personality, nothing.

Pixie's parents kept on calling her, but Pixie ignored all the calls and text messages. She needed a break from them. Even Raye and some of her other friends tried to call her, but Pixie declined them all.

"What now?" Cheryl asked with her head between her knees and her back against the bench.

What now. That's the question that has been roaming around in Pixie's head since she came out of her coma.

Her old lover used to be the reason why Pixie lived. Her whole life used to revolve around him, he was the man she saw everyday. She didn't know anything else than her old life. Cooking, cleaning, damage sessions was basically her whole routine for more than a year.

"I don't know." Pixie said sitting in the same position as Cheryl.

"Maybe go to the community college? All the other colleges are too expensive." Pixie said sighing for the hundredth time today. Her hair was sticking to her face just like the hood of her purple hoodie. Cheryl's hair has completely blown up, curls were all over the place and it made Pixie smile. Water drops covered Cheryl's glasses and Pixie found it amazing that she could still see through them.

"You can go to the same college as me? Averett University, you can major in music? You said that you were pretty good in playing the guitar and singing and your grades are amazing so you might even get a scholarship. I major in music too and it's awesome." Cheryl said and Pixie huffed out.

"As if I'm gonna get a scholarship. I'm international news and it isn't anything positive. No college is going to accept me, it's a miracle if a community college is going to let me in." Pixie said and felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. She grabbed it to decline and turn it off, but saw that it was an anonymous number and got curious. Cheryl watched her every move, seeing her facial expression change.

"Hello?" Pixie said into her new Samsung phone. "Pixie?" Pixie. One word was all Pixie needed to fall apart again. one step foward and two thousand steps back.

"Orthon," Pixie said and started to cry. She didn't know for sure if it were her tears or the actual rain that was pouring down on the two girls.

"It is you, I still love you so much sweets. I need you." Orthon said loudly, loud enough for Cheryl to listen along. "How did you get my number?" Pixie managed to say after a moment of silence. "That doesn't matter, I can't live without you, I need you. The week has been brutal, I'm erratic without you." Orthon said.

Pixie's world got turned upside down once again. Why did the man she loved and still loves to pieces, break her into so many pieces? How could she still have loved a man so evil as Orthon.

How did he dare to still bother Pixie, after all he's done. Ruin her, put her in a hospital. He treated her like shit, like trash.

"I can't- why?" Pixie said and her voice cracked during every word she said.

"I love you Pixie, I'm sick, you're my medicine. You're the only one who can cure me." He said and Pixie shook her head.

Cheryl couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed Pixie's phone from her ear. "Enough is enough loverboy. I don't know how you got this number, but your psycho shit needs to end. We'll see you in court fuck face. Don't bother calling again." Cheryl said and hung up.

Pixie looked at Cheryl with shock written all over her face. She's grateful for what Cheryl's done, because she knows she would've given in. She still loves him, after everything. She can't help her heart, it speaks for her.

Cheryl groaned in frustration and handed the phone back to Pixie. "I've never met this fuck face, and he may be hot --from what I've seen on the news-- but I hate him to pieces. Piece of shit." Cheryl said and dropped herself on the wet grass.

"Thank you," Pixie says and stands up too. Cheryl looked at Pixie confused, not knowing why she thanked her. "For what?"

"For grabbing the phone, I would've fallen for him again. And also because you were willing to listen to me for more than an hour, thank you just for being here with me." Pixie said and dropped herself next to Cheryl.

Cheryl smiled at Pixie and then looked back up at the dark sky. She was more than happy to stay here with Pixie. She loves to help people and since the day she met Pixie, she became interested in her. She thinks Pixie is different than everyone else, in a good way though.

"No problemo chicka, I'm always here when you need me. Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me." Cheryl said doing a little dance that made Pixie laugh.

"Kim Possible? Seriously?" Pixie said and laughed loudly. Cheryl loves her laugh. Cheryl knows what Pixie's been through, she needs a laugh more than anything. Cheryl's main goal is to cheer her friends up when they're down.

"Yeah, I used to love that show when I was little, I always wanted to be her. But later I realized, that I'd never be like her." Cheryl said, a little less joyful.

"Why? You could be her if you wanted. Who told you that you couldn't be her?" Pixie asked Cheryl who was now looking at the sky, thoughts running through her head.

"People, I don't have red hair nor am I tall and as skinny as her or you know, white?" Cheryl said with her eyes closed. Pixie leaned on her elbows and looked at Cheryl with her eyes narrowed.

"You shouldn't listen to those negative people. You can be who ever the fuck you wanna be. It doesn't matter what you look like or what race you are. We're all equal. You should believe some more in yourself and be more confident." Pixie said and suprised Cheryl. Pixie has come out of her shell so much since the past almost two hours of being with Cheryl and Pixie hasn't felt this good in years.

"Thank you Pixie, you're right. I'm happy to see you this happy, really." Cheryl said and Pixie nodded. She completely agreed with Cheryl, she was happy, for the first time in a while.

They both laid in the wet grass, like they were making snow angels with rain pouring down on them, but they both didn't give a damn.

They laid there for ten minutes, saying nothing, just enjoying the cold rain seeping into their clothes. They knew they'd both be sick by tomorrow, but they enjoyed it too much.

"You know I have a few ideas that might help you." Cheryl said and looked at Pixie with a smirk. Pixie was hesitant to answer, but she asked what.

"Um, okay?" Pixie said and stood up just like Cheryl did.

"You need a place to stay right?" Cheryl asked and Pixie merely shrugged. She doesn't really need a place to stay, since she has her parent's house, but she's almost twenty and she's starting to get extremely annoyed by them.

"Not really, I have my parents, but I don't wanna stay there any longer than I could." Pixie said Cheryl's smile got even bigger.

"What if you become my new roomate? Apply to Averett, ask for a scholarship? Get a job to keep yourself busy." Cheryl said and Pixie thought everything through. It was indeed an ideal offer, she was able to get her life on track and live like a normal person again.

But what if Orthon finds her?

Pixie shook the thought out of her head and turned to an avid looking Cheryl, impatiently waiting for Pixie's answer.

"I-I like it." Pixie says and turns to a smiling Cheryl. One of Cheryl's problems has been solved too.

After discussing their plan, they both decided that it was getting a little late.

The two girls stepped into Cheryl's car, getting embraced by the warmth. They only realized how cold it was outside, when they arrived at the car.

Pixie gave Cheryl her address and they drove towards Pixie's house. On the way they chatted a bit about their plans and about other small things.

"I'll text you when I get home about the deets for tomorrow or whenever you're free." Cheryl said and Pixie nodded before opening the passenger seat door. "You sure you don't want me to come along?" Cheryl asked. Pixie shook her head, it was her problem so her responsibility. She was away from home for over four hours, without answering the texts and phone calls she got, except for Orthon's.

"I'll survive," Pixie said and smiled at Cheryl. "Once again, thank you for today." Pixie said and Cheryl shook her head. "My pleasure." Cheryl said and started her oldie again. Cheryl waited for Pixie to cross the street and to walk inside, but she noticed a group of people standing on the front porch.

Pixie waved one last time before Cheryl drove to her own lonely home.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Chara screeched wrapping her bathrobe tighter around her. "Pixie," Pixie answered stubbornly and walked past her parents and three friends.

Pixie wants to start over again. New friends, new place. It sounds like she's abandoning her friends, which she kind of is doing, she needs to be happy. And if you wanna be happy, you should surround yourself with good people that can make you happy.

"You just think you can stay away from home for over four hours after all that has happened. God knows what could've happened! And why didn't you answer your phone?! Even your friends were worried to death." Chara, Pixie's mother shrieked out loud standing in front of Illiam, Pixie's father. He looked as angry as Pixie's mother, but let her do all the talking.

"I'm almost twenty, I can do whatever the fuck I want." Pixie said pissed off by her parent's reaction. She was still beyond angry about her arrival back home. She was all alone on her first day back home and she was scared to death yet they have the audacity to worry about her now. Pixie has had enough of their bullshit.

Chara held her hand over her heart in shock, she has never seen her daughter acting so violent towards her. "Watch your language, you still live under our damn roof, and for as long as you do, you will obey us." Illiam growled, putting his arm around his sobbing wife.

"If that's the case, then I'm out of here." Pixie said and grabbed her phone while walking upstairs with her drenched clothes.

Raye and her two other friends, Rita and Lana looked at Pixie bewildered. They've never seen her behave such way.

Pixie called Cheryl once she locked herself in her almost empty bedroom. She had also ripped the wallpaper off because it was too light and happy.

After the second ring Cheryl picked up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cheryl asked and Pixie shuffled around the room collecting her necessary stuff.

"Is it okay if I move in with you today?" Pixie asked grabbing her old Nike duffel bag she used to use for baseball. Pixie used to play Baseball in high school. She was the only girl in the team, that says how good she was.

"Yeah, of course. I'm on my way right now." Cheryl said and Pixie heard her pick up her keys. Pixie thanked her and hung up quickly.

She stepped out of her wet clothes and threw them in a plastic bag, so she could take them with her and changed into some black sweats and a red ripped sweater with stars on them. She threw her Converse in the bag too since they were soaking wet too and stepped into her black Dr martens. She put her hair into a quick bun and started packing her stuff.

She grabbed three Nike duffel bags and threw all the clothes she would wear in it and all her underwear of course. In the second one she placed her shoes and sleeping stuff. Pixie grabbed the last Nike duffel bag and threw in some pictures, throw pillows, paintings, just stuff for her new apartment.

In her backpack, she placed her toiletries, her laptop, phone charger and all those stuff. When she heard a car honk, she smiled and slipped on her leather jacket and walked out of the room with the heavy bags.

She saw her parents and friends discussing something in the living room, until Pixie walked down the stairs.

"Oh my koukla*." Chara said and walked over to her daughter with open arms, but Pixie walked backwards. "No mama, It's too late now." Pixie said and quickly walked out of the house, giving her father and her friends one last hollow look before walking out of the door.

"Hey, let me help you." Cheryl said and stepped out of the car and placed the bags in the trunk and in the backseat, since the trunk isn't that big.

"Up to your new house." Cheryl said and started her car. Pixie smiled and it was sort of genuine, she felt a little bit of the weight fall off her shoulders. This house was a real burden. Everything in that house reminded Pixie of her previous relationship since they used to spend quite some time in there.

Pixie is doing something she never expected herself to do.

She's actually moving on, with baby steps, but at least she's moving on.

Posey action next chapter *insert smirk emoji here*

*koukla = doll (greek)

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