Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (...

By 6sempiternallove9

268K 9.5K 1.6K

Noalani is trying to become a successful lawyer and she's determined to let nothing get in the way. She meets... More

Chocolate (1)
Vanilla (2)
Swirl (3)
Chocolate (4)
Vanilla (5)
Swirl (6)
Chocolate (7)
Vanilla (8)
Swirl (9)
Chocolate (10)
Vanilla (11)
Swirl (12)
Chocolate (13)
Vanilla (14)
Swirl (15)
Chocolate (16)
Vanilla (17)
Swirl (18)
Chocolate (19)
Vanilla (20)
Swirl (21)
Chocolate (22)
Vanilla (23)
Swirl (24)
Vanilla (26)
Swirl (27)
Chocolate (28)
Vanilla (29)
Swirl (30)
Chocolate (31)
Vanilla (32)
Swirl (Epilogue)

Chocolate (25)

4.3K 189 44
By 6sempiternallove9

It's the next morning from meeting Dillon's parents and I feel sick. I look over to my side and Dillon's all dressed up as if he has to be in court or something.

"Goodmorning." I tell him heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Goodmorning girl. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept well, but I feel sick. I feel nauseous and I have a headache." I tell him frowning.

"Do you think you're pregnant?"

I just playfully glare at him. Dillon and I haven't had sex in forever, and I'm most definitely not cheating on him, so I can't be pregnant.

"Just kidding" He says under his breath. "Well, I'm sorry you feel sick, baby. Hopefully it'll pass soon." He tells me placing a kiss on a forehead.

"Mhm, I hope so too. Hey, if we end up having kids with each other, how many would you want?"

"Honestly, like 6 or 7. How many would you want?"

"I would only want 2." I tell him giggling. I don't like kids that much. They're so annoying. I only like them when they're ages 3-7 after that they start having nasty attitudes. "Why do you want so many?"

"Well I really like kids."

"Okay then. So why are you so dressed up?"

"I have to be in Tallahassee by this evening. It was last minute." He says shoving random socks and ties into a suitcase.

"Awe. When will you be back?"

"Um in four days which is like Thursday."

"Who all are you doing it with?"

"Just Jenny."

"Ew. I don't like her. She's a freaking slut."

"I know you don't like her, but don't worry, I'm a loyal guy." He tells me with a wink.


"Well I've got to get going I'll see you whenever. Stay safe." He tells me giving me a long tight hug.

"You too. I love you!"

"I love you too."

I plop back down in bed because I'm just too tired and my headache feels like it's getting worse, but then I hear Ronald shout my name from his room.

"Goodmorning sweet child."

"Goodmorning! Are you going to make me waffles today?"

"I'm too sick to make you waffles, can you just have crackers or something?"

"Please!! You promised!" He tells me pouting. I just can't say no to his pouty face, He's too cute.

"Fine, but only if you promise to behave the rest of the day."


I go downstairs and let him help me make him some waffles. I don't eat anything because I probably won't be able to keep it down, I don't want to throw up. I just take some medicine and sit down in the living room with Ronald and watch Teen Titans.

Right before I start drifting off to sleep again, I receive a phone call from Mr. Jones, my boss, on a Sunday. Great.


"Hello Miss DePierro. I need you to come in this morning and do some research for me. I'll be sure to pay overtime."

"Oh yeah, okay."

"See you soon."

Really? I would have found a way to get out of it, but I really need the money because I saw these great boots at Nordstrom, they were 1,200 bucks and I was going to buy them, but Dillon wouldn't let because he thinks I waste too much money. Whatever.

I get ready with my usual work attire, put on my most comfortable heels and take Ronald to daycare. When I get to the firm nobody is anywhere and it's so weird because it's usually pretty chaotic. I take the elevator and make my way to his office.

"Hello Miss DePierro!" He tells me reaching out for a hug.

"Hi Mr. Jones." I awkwardly return his hug. It's weird that he hugged me because we've never had any type of physical contact.

"Sorry for making you come in this today, I just needed a bit of help with something."

"Oh it's fine." Thank goodness my medicine kicked in.

We work for about 4 hours until we finally finish.

"I'm going to grab some lunch. Would you like to join me?"

"Really?" I ask him confused. Why would he want to take me to lunch.

"Really. You know, just as a treat from me to you. On me."

"Well I guess so." I tell him with a smile and he just gave me this weird grin.

We decide to take his car just because. He drives an all black hummer and it's beautiful.

"So where are we going?" I ask him. When I looked at him I noticed he has a tattoo behind his ear. That's nice.

"I was thinking Chicken Salad Chik. Are you okay with that?"

"Yep. Sounds good to me."

We drive in a comfortable silence until he starts playing country music. I freaking hate country music.

"I love country music." He tells me grinning.

I just laugh at him.

When we sit down I order food on the cheaper end of the menu because I was taught when people offer to pay for your meal, to be considerate of the price even though I know he can definitely pay for whatever because he's just got a crap ton of money, I mean, he owns like 10 different luxury cars.

"You sure that's what you want?"


We wait in an awkward silence for the food to arrive. When the food finally gets here we start eating in silence, so I decided to break it.

"I like the way you eat." I tell him awkwardly, I didn't mean to say it like that. Oh my gosh, he probably thinks I'm weird now.

"What?" He tells me chuckling.

"I didn't mean to say it like that, sorry. I mean that you don't eat like my boyfriend. He's always eaten quick and messy."

"Oh okay I see. So how long have you two been together?"

"About 3 years."

"Wow, that's nice." He tells me playing with his food.

"Mhm. So are you in a relationship?"


"That's hard to believe." It really is hard to believe, He's got good looks and he seems like he's a nice guy, but I don't know him like that.

"Is it?"

"Yea. You seem like a nice man." I leave out the fact that he has good looks because I don't want to send out the wrong message.

"Well thank you." He tells me blushing.

"You're welcome. Soo, what do you do when you're not working?"

"Lame stuff, but when I'm not doing that, I'm a little League soccer coach."

"Awee that's so cute! Must be fun."

"It really is. So what about you?"

I tell him basically everything and he seems very intrigued so I keep blabbing on and because I talk a lot and he actually opens up to me. I didn't expect him to. He actually has an ex wife and he's 32. They got married by accident in Las Vegas. I totally lost track of time talking to him and it was actually fun. He's not as serious as I thought he was.

"Well I hate to put this to an end, but I've gotta go pick up my baby now, it's getting late, I enjoyed our long lunch, Mr. Jones." I tell him with a smile.

"You've got a son?" He asks me surprised.

"Oh no, He's my stepbrother. I'm just his legal guardian."

"Oh okay. Well I enjoyed our lunch as well. I'm glad I got to know you better and you can call me Jordan, Noalani." He tells me with an actual smile instead of that weird grin of his. His smile makes me feel happy.

"Oh okay, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Jordan." I tell him smiling back.

"You have a really nice smile."

"So do you."

I really enjoyed our dinner and I really like Mr. Jones, or Jordan, but I don't want to be friends with him, it seems like it would be awkward. I just want to work for him and that's it, so from now own I'm going to try my best to avoid him.

After picking Ronald up from daycare, I decided to treat him to a movie since there's nothing better to do and we end up watching inside out, it was pretty darn good, it's much more different going out with just Ronald than it is going out with Dillon. First off Ronald behaves with Dillon, and second, people don't stare at us or give us looks at all.

When we get home, I decide to take a bath and face time Dillon and he actually answers.

"Hey baby girl. How was your day?"

"Great. I had lunch with that man today and Ronald and I went to watch a movie."

"Sounds nice. I wish my day was as calm as yours." he tells me running his hand through his hair. He does look a little more stressed than usual.

"Awe. Dillon you'll be all right baby. Don't stress too much, you'll raise your blood pressure and that's not very good. And you are only 29, so relax."

"Man I'm really old."

"No you..."

"Oh I've gotta go! I love you and i'll see you soon. Tell Ronald I said goodnight and I love him. Bye!" He tells me hanging up immediately. Right before he hung up, I think I heard another female talking in the background. He better not be cheating on me. Just to make sure he isn't, I'm gonna surprise him tomorrow night.

*The next evening*

Today has just not been a good day for me. So first, Kai called in sick today so I had to do a load of work, by myself, then right when I finished, the computer started glitching and random parts of my work got deleted. Then in the afternoon, Mr. Jones sent me instead of his little favorite slutty secretary, which everyone knows they've hooked up plenty of times in his office, to get him Starbucks coffee. When I got back to his office he totally came onto me and I felt so violated. When I was walking out, he came up behind me and casually grinded himself on me and I just pushed him away and walked out. I thought he was a nice guy, but he obviously isn't. He's just another manwhore. I would totally quit, but I won't really have anywhere else to go and it'd be wrong working for Dillon. Then when I picked Ronald up from preschool, he told me he felt sick and right when we got home he threw up all on me because I carried him in. I hate throw up so much and it just disgusts me, but at least he felt better afterwards. Today has just been a hot mess, hopefully going to see Dillon will make my night good.

I take Ronald to my little "safehouse" or getaway condo which is a condo I bought a little while ago, that Dillon doesn't know about because I bought it when he made me really mad and I just wanted to be away from him, to have a babysitter baby sit him there. I don't have people babysit him in Dillon's house because he has a lot of valuables.

I decide to drive the 2 hours from here to Tallahassee just because there were no flights. When I get to Tallahassee, I go to buy him some of his favorite snacks, twizzlers, gingersnaps, and red wine candy. I also write him a little encouraging note because I'm a nice girlfriend.

On my way to the hotel I get lost, of course. I always get lost. but I end up at the hotel at 10 which is fine. Of course they are staying in a fancy 5 star hotel. Dillon loves everything luxurious. Just like me. When I walk up to his room door and hear another woman's laughter and my heart just sinks. Before I knock I double check to make sure I have the right room, and I do. I just hope to myself maybe it was just the tv, but it wasn't.

When I knocked on the room door, Jenny openes it, half freaking naked in lingerie. What the hell is going on. It totally caught me off guard.

"Looking for Dillon?" She asks me with a nasty smirk on her face.

"Yea. Where is he?" I ask her trying to maintain my cool.

"He's busy right now. What do you need?"

"I just wanted to see my boyfriend, soon to be ex, but that's okay. Give this to him for me please." I tell her handing the things I bought for him.

"Will do. Bye." She tells me with a wink shutting the door in my face.

I want to cry because I'm so angry right know, but I won't. Nope, I'm just gonna leave. I'm taking Ronald, and leaving him because I don't feel like stressing over this. I'm not positive he's cheating on me with her, but it sure as hell seems like it and I don't want anything to do with someone who seems to be cheating on me, so I'm going to ignore him until I feel like talking to him. I never expected to be cheated on him by him. It just breaks my heart.

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