a soft place to fall // Seve...

By alias_b

28.4K 1.3K 920

**Smut/Slow burn** Herbologist Wren Valentine has worked as Professor Sprout's assistant at Hogwarts after Du... More

000 ❁ Intro Summary
001 ❁ Burning Up
002 ❁ Signature Colors
003 ❁ What Friends Are For
004 ❁ Take Me Home Where I Belong
005 ❁ Language of Love
006 ❁ The Potions Master
007 ❁ Once Upon A December
008 ❁ Eye of the Storm
009 ❁ Nights in White Satin
010 ❁ Dumb Luck
011 ❁ Graceless Heart
012 ❁ A Unique Beauty
013 ❁ Air Into Gold
014 ❁ All Grown Up
015 ❁ Not One For Goodbyes
016 ❁ Breeding Monsters
017 ❁ A New Ache
018 ❁ Like We Always Do
019 ❁ Amortentia
020 ❁ Exist For Love
021 ❁ Perfect Impression
022 ❁ Married to Her Work
023 ❁ Better Than Nothing
024 ❁ Black Water Lilies
025 ❁ Singing Lotus
026 ❁ My Cotton Candy Side
027 ❁ Cure For Me
028 ❁ Under Cold Silk
029 ❁ The River
030 ❁ Head Over Heels
031 ❁ Only Human After All
033 ❁ Bloody, Heroic Mosaics
034 ❁ Magnificent Tremors

032 ❁ Order to Chaos

344 24 52
By alias_b

A/N: Enjoy the chapter and please don't press me anymore for updates especially if you don't uplift or interact with the story at all on the sites I post to. It hurts. Please don't be unkind in comments on here or ao3. I'm a person, not a machine. I really love writing but I've been so discouraged on both my fics lately. Thank you for tuning in. 

Umbridge struggles to keep control as Wren cracks. 

** ** **

   Minister Fudge arrived with Kinglsey. A silent greeting swept him and Wren as they came to Dumbledore's office and explained what was known. Minerva standing behind the desk near Fawkes. Marietta in another room. Percy Weasley sneered as he entered the doorway.

"I have this, Miss." He stole the parchment from Wren to take notes. She wanted to smack the little weasel herself but was frankly glad to not be doing the task. Harry was dragged up by Umbridge moments later in a huff for his interrogation. He locked eyes with Wren and saw her frown apologetically.

The questioning only got worse when Marietta was shown in. Still covering her face. Dolores faked some sweetness to get the girl to show her disfigurement before she was wailing into her hands again. Wren stepped forth but Dumbledore made a barely there motion with his hand to still her.

Through the shouting and bickering, Dumbledore had a sort of secret smile on his serene face. Kingsley muttered something. An invisible spell had Marietta calming. Just hiding her face. He winked at Wren when she caught his eyes.

"Dear, tell us about the meetings. You said they'd been going on the last six months, correct?" Umbridge had a sickly sweet smile. "You can just nod."

To everyone's awe, the girl shook her head.

A memory charm, Wren realized. Lip twitching only once. The moment ended because Dolores seized the fifteen-year-old by her arms and started shaking her violently. Too many things happened at once. Dumbledore was on his feet. Wand out with Kingsley at his side. Barking to stop it. Wren took the direct approach.

"Professor, she's just a child!" Wren found herself between them. Not knowing how she moved that fast in the first place. Dolores' hand swept out. Nailed Wren in the mouth instead in the commotion. She spun at least once before hitting the floor. A sting vibrated her face as Marietta was dropped.

"You will not manhandle my students or strike my staff," Dumbledore's tone was venom. Harry came to Wren first, saw her touching her mouth that was bloodied.

"She got in the way!" Dolores gestured wildly at her assistant. "Ack! My hand. She bit me. Stupid girl! Your job is to be silent and stand behind me at every turn!"

"You hit her in the teeth!" Harry had his hand on Wren's arm while her awareness flooded back. She saw his eyes and thought Lily was there in the blur. Minerva hurried over to help pull Wren to her unsteady feet. It took Harry a moment to realize the blood on her teeth was Umbridge's and not her own. Even as her lips swelled. Dumbledore checked Marietta and came to Wren. Cupping her face.

Behind him, Fawkes was puffed in a threatening display. Ready to charge.

"Miss Valentine is dismissed. She needs the hospital wing. Please take Marietta with you," he watched her eyes blink with vague alertness.

Protect the girl. Protect the child. They need you. Wren chanted that to herself over and over again. She plucked Marietta up. Brought her away in a hurry. As they got down the steps, something banged. Shock the entire floor until they were sent over.

Wren, still floating with blood on her teeth, seized the Ravenclaw protectively. They sped further away. This wouldn't end well.

** ** **

"That outburst! You made me look like a fool!"

"I didn't want you to get into trouble with the Ministry is all. The display of anger would have looked ill on you. It was irrational," Wren's low voice tried to be level. Tried not to leap forth and strangle the woman. The woman now in Dumbledore's chair with his absence. Headmistress Dolores Umbridge. Another decree nailed into the wall. The entire staff was in an uproar.

"One more chance, Miss Valentine. That is all I am granting you. Get out of my sight for the rest of the evening."

Wren was gone in a flash. Pacing down the steps without thinking toward the one person she wanted to see. Severus, who had flocked to her side after the hit before she was called in to be scolded. She snuck him up to her chambers after. Begged to be kissed better. He obliged in those gentle murmurs that calmed a storm raging. A bite. Felt like Umbridge might be undoing all the careful work she put in after Dolohov. Still out there lurking. Waiting.

"Harry?" Wren froze upon seeing the boy race from Snape's class. Passing Wren without even skidding. Several crashes followed so Wren lurched into a sprint. "Severus!"

A handful of jars filled with random slimy ingredients had crashed into the wall by the door. Severus was breathing too heavily. Black hair in his face while he held his wrist. Palm gashed by a jar he squeezed too tight, shattering it.

Wren slammed the door and came to him to help. Snape made an ugly scratch in his throat. Jerked violently away from her touch that was too tender.

"Get out!" He howled like a dying animal. Wren just stood there.

"You're bleeding, what happened?" She begged, still wrestling to take his hand and cover the nasty gash. He was still growling at her but got too weak to fight it. Slipping in front of his desk so she came with.

"Potter!" Severus snarled. "He saw it! He looked into my memories and he saw it!" A slew of curses followed and then something choked. And he started crying. Angry, welling tears while he snipped. A starving wolf caught into a beartrap. "I tried to apologize, I lashed out at her. I did. And James Potter, his bloody lot. They tortured me for years. It doesn't still what I did but they...and he saw it! Probably laughing about it with his friends as we speak!"

"Severus, I don't think Harry will tell anyone," Wren eased, wiping his hand clean so she could heal the cut with her wand. "He looked distraught. He did. I think...I think he understands. I think you're embarrassed, yes, but I think through these lessons...you're both are more upset you have things in common."

"I have nothing in comparison with James Potter's spawn!" He clawed away to push up. Wren followed in a huff.

"Hate James all you wish, but that's Lily as well! Your friend. Your friend who stuck up for you! That empathy, Harry has it all the same."

"Do not speak on things you know nothing about!" He swiveled to roar in her face. Wren didn't even flinch. Glaring hard and intent. Deathly low.

"I know you, Severus, and I know you live your life in guilt. You saw Harry's memories too. I've gotten to know that boy. I'm aware that something in his home life threatens to eat him. Same as it tried to eat you. It's alright that you both understand something, even something horrid that touches us. I wish it were different for you both," Wren reached out, settled her hand on his arm, and didn't get shaken off. "It's not fair to hold Harry to such a standard, the same way it wasn't fair to see Lily when you looked at me those early years."

Wren pushed herself into him. Held him tight even when he turned to marble. Snape's chin came to her shoulder. She angled to steal his lips. Let him get lost in her kiss until rough hands pulled her body in.

"It's alright," she kissed him. "We have each other." More pleas to just be kissed better. "Just feel me. Forget everything else, Severus. Severus, please." Her skirt rode up when she was on his desk. More feverish kisses. His hand in her shirt, tugging buttons open. Wren moaned aloud.

And then the door flew upon.

"Snape! I need the Veritaserum to question Potter tomorrow!" Dolores marched in barking. Stopped dead while Wren tried to close her blouse as Severus flew away from her. "Whore! Tramp! Filthy slut! You disgusting, wretched-" A wand flew out before the couple could react. "Crucio!"

Wren's horrific scream bloodied. Echoed through the empty dungeons. She convulsed on the floor. A ball of light surged from Snape's extended wand.

"Obliviate!" He charged. Umbridge soared back and crumbled to the floor. "Wren," he turned his shaking lover over. Saw her eyes change. A nasty growl flew out her lips. Teeth bared. On all fours like a dog ready to attack. Murder in her eyes. A feral expression of pure evil twisting he'd never seen on the passionate Herbologist's face. Something Dolohov etched into her back with all the scars. "Wren! Enough!"

He grabbed her before she could fly at the unconscious woman. Held her while she clawed. And she laughed. She laughed a horrible cackling sound that wasn't the magical tone she usually had. Undone. A wand pressed into her head before she was limp.

Snape picked her up. Brought her to his room and locked the door before he was returning to Umbridge. Conjured a stretcher to take her off to the Hospital wing with a fake story about how she took a tumble down the steps. Waking Minvera came next. She frowned at him in light confusion.

"Severus, what is it?"

"I...I am unsure of how to handle this..."

Snape braced to explain. Minerva wore a tartan robe. Her hair in a long braid as she swept down to the dungeons. Snape hot on her heels.

"I've had suspicions about you two. The lipstick didn't help. Charity and I had a little bet going," Minerva watched him flash clear displeasure. "She won, you dunderhead, so thank you for that."

Severus hummed in misery.

"She's in here, resting," he opened the door so Minerva swept to Wren's side. "I cannot take her to the hospital wing."

"Dumbledore was better at soothing her. Every time she broke though, it was rest that helped. She'll just be exhausted tomorrow," Minerva took Wren's limp hand. "Dolohov left his impression. St. Mungo's was hesitant to release her for the obvious. Let her sleep it off. Be gentle as she wakes. Earl grey tea is-"

"I am aware it's her favorite," Snape clasped his hands.

"I see," Minerva still had the slightest smug look. Petting Wren's loose hair aside. "As Wren's close friend, I'm obligated to tell you to be decent. My girl's been through too much." A serious pair of eyes flashed at him briefly. Told him that to disobey would mean his end.

"...Yes, I understand."

"Calming draught. Dreamless sleep potion. Nothing too strong beyond those. Dumbledore and I witnessed her detox after St. Mungo's and it was...horrific in truth. Little terror in his cottage on the beach," Minerva sighed, "she bit Albus once. Left a scar on his forearm. Only time it was truly bad. The adjustment period took time before he brought her here. Wanting her to engage. Make friends. Open her heart to this school that's become her home."

"I have the needed potions in my supply." Snape squared his back while she stood.

"If you truly have things from here, I'll retire. If anything else comes up, let me know," Minerva sighed elsewhere. "That beast of a woman looming over this school. It can't last. Do not get caught, Severus."

"We won't. I have her from here," he paused. "I appreciate you taking time to check...and your discretion." Minerva hummed at him.

"Keep her comfortable until she wakes. Make her feel as relaxed and normal as you can. She tends to beat herself up about this and tries to retreat," she moved as he got the door. Severus bowed his head once and she was gone. The door locked behind her.

Snape pulled a chair up to Wren's side. Hesitating before he took her hand and smoothed his thumb across the warm skin. A fire crackled not far from them. Dwindling embers a fluttering shade of tangerine. He stayed there with her in total silence until she roused about two hours later when midnight crept up.

Head pounding, Wren slipped from him to touch her temple. Severus had been close to dozing himself but perked upright in seconds. Waiting for her awareness to flutter before she sprang up in white-hot fear. Scrambled back into the headboard.

"Umbridge! She saw us...she...and I...I..." Wren was seizing to take in air so he hurried to her side. Hands out to soothe the panic.

"Wren," he eased. "I've handled it. Umbridge will wake in the morning with no memory, believing she fell on the steps." Wren narrowed at him to blink, chest heaving for longer breaths.

"I lost it."

"It's my belief that the stress of this year and her use of the cruciatus curse pushed you over the edge," he swept up when her breathing leveled to go into a cabinet. "I have a calming draught. We'll get you cleaned up and back to your chambers for the night. You need more rest..."

Severus trailed off upon the sound of sniffling. Wren crushed in on herself. Curled up into the tiniest ball she could make herself to cry into her hands. More than he'd seen from her before. It was stark that Albus had likely seen this in full. The worst of her. The vulnerable pieces she refused the world at large.

Dumbledore wasn't here but Severus was. So he crossed without words. Pulled her taut into his chest until she was burrowing into his black robes. Seeking out solitude. Comfort. His scent that stuck with her since she was immersed in that smoking cauldron of dreamy Amortentia. Wren felt his palm tight upon her back. The other one gingerly touched her skull. Patted awkwardly at first until they were melting together.

Colors seemed to pool. She thought of her long days near the water collecting plants in the early morning. Rising with the sun and fresh dew on grass. The stillness of her work that brought her so much peace. Felt it right here beating inside his chest like a hummingbird. Water rocking on distant shores. Petals on the wind. A storm brewing even. The natural elements settled Wren. They always had no matter how wild or destructive. There was order to every bit of chaos within them. Something clockwork with the changing seasons.

Wren felt herself weaning. Dropping against him as her cries gentled. Hearts slowed to delicate hymns. Her head lifted, eyes finding those obsidian ones in an instant. The palm upon her head smoothed down, cupped one supple cheek. He thumbed a tear aside. Watched the silver speck trail toward his palm. Wondered if the memory was joyous or somber.

"I'm sorry, Severus, I couldn't help it," she sniffled. Pink in the nose and cheeks. Freckles glowing with her upset.

"Do not apologize, you're alright now," he let instinct take over. Kissed Wren's warm temple. Her lashes fluttered and damp as he came out. "Drink this and we shall get you washed up."

He walked her to the bathroom after she obeyed. Wren's feet wobbling. She trembled but unbuttoned her blouse and he turned the hot water on.

"Are you in pain?" He paused, sounding almost harsh. "Don't lie."

"No, it's fading," she stared at him. Shedding clothing. He lifted his eyes politely as if he'd never drunk her in before. "You can look." Severus opted to meet her gaze. Tired earthy eyes. Flowers bending over because they required nurturing. "Undress. Get in with me."

"I am not sure that is wise," his stomach stirred regardless.

"I'm not a daisy," she seemed to almost read his mind. "You can join me if you like. Or not." Wren stared at him as she pulled the curtain back. Water pounded. The bright light of the monochrome bathroom seemed almost startling to the eye. She jerked the curtain aside to get under the spray. A sigh into steam had every joint relaxing.

Wren didn't falter when the curtain pushed back again. She hummed when a body pressed behind her. Wet hair pushed aside so Severus could kiss her neck.

"I tried to quit," she mused, turning to get into his arms. Bodies idly pressed into the cool tiles. "Several times in my first three years. While you were applying for a new position. Trying to dig yourself deeper. I gave up. Not sure why it's funny. I'm trapped in a paying job I adore because there are papers filed away that mark me unstable."

Wren laughed a pretty sound. Stopping only to kiss him.

"And now I have a pink monster trying to get me, a secret Muggle-born, a job in the Ministry of Magic," Wren slipped her arms about his neck. Sighed into the palms pressing her back. Soothing her further.

"You'll be back to the gardens," he murmured, mouth shifting along her jawline. "This won't go on much longer. Students and staff alike are starting to rebel."

Wren only hummed again. Somewhat thrilled. Steam filled the room. Flesh on flesh. Water running hot.

"Finish what you were starting earlier, Severus," Wren gave a pout, hand slipping to feel him. "Please."

Release was craved utterly to escape the mess she was in. Mashed into tile, they fused together. Kisses melting needily. One of her legs shifted up along the edge, braced into the wall. They moved. Moaned together. He moved in her, gave her what she begged for. Felt nails dig into his back. Wren buried her mouth into his shoulder. Bit down gently.

Just to stop three words she was too afraid to utter.

** ** **

Umbridge was her unpleasant self when Wren resumed her duties that next day. No memory of the attack. Chipper even to be sitting in on mandatory career advice meetings the Head of Houses had with their students. Which meant Wren would be sitting in there as well. Taking her notes because she was a good, little assistant. Seen and not heard.

Pride welled as Dolores snipped in rudely to give her own opinions because every Head of House defended their student's goals. Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout all seemed completely through with this new Headmistress. Wren gave little smirks in her corner. Followed Umbridge obediently when those fingers snapped.

"Something is wrong with this batch of Veritaserum, I'm certain of it," Dolores led Wren back to her office for some review. She tossed a little bottle into the trash with a scowl. "I'll just have him make more."

"I'm certain the potion is fine and working effectively on anyone you've used it for," Wren set the clipboard and quill aside. "You've gotten many answers already."

"It's not enough and I cannot take unfinished work to the Minister when he calls on me," Umbridge plucked up a mirror to fix her immaculately curled up-do. A high-pitched sigh played up the theatrics. "You know something, Wren, I often think this all is more trouble than it's worth. The Minister could crack down at anytime and they're lingering. Don't repeat that."

"Of course not," she eyed the clock. "I assume you have that group detention coming?"

"Yes, yes, I have plenty of quills for those little devils," she smacked the mirror down. Wren tried not to wince thinking of all those students leaving the halls with scars on their hands. She'd developed an ointment with Dittany. Passed as much of it to them in secret as she could to ease the pain.

"May I ask something out of turn?" Wren decided.

"Hm? Yes, I suppose."

"Do you truly believe You-Know-Who isn't back?"

"Oh, Wren. It's all fear-mongering to attack our good Ministry," Dolores only smiled. "We'd know if You-Know-Who was back. We have this all under control and we always will. The community looks to us first. Not some boy with a decent, tragic name and talent for storytelling."

Wren nodded her head once, watching Dolores sit back.

"These children. They're too young to understand the things we do. It almost broke my heart at first," she said, "sending those Dementors after Harry Potter."

A chill etched. Wren tried not to react strongly. Blinked a few times and tilted her head.

"You sent the Dementors, ma'am?" She sounded out. Even as she could.

"Of course I did, I always remind myself. Every single thing I do, I do for this great Ministry. I hope you, of all people, understand that. You'll have to if you want to be climbing the ranks."

"Yes, Headmistress, I do," Wren's hands squeezed together. "Is there anything else I can do for you before dinner?"

"No, no, off you go," Dolores swept a lazy hand toward the door. "Oh, actually. Request the potion from Snape for me. I have detention prep to handle."

"Right away," Wren's robes flicked as she jogged down the steps. Instead, she rushed to the Owlery. Scribbled a vague note someone from the Oder could decipher and sent the warning off with Clove.

"They'll find it easy to believe," she muttered as Hemlock came out of her pocket. Sunset loomed over the castle, painting watercolor that almost distracted Wren from the budding disasters at hand. She made it halfway back down the winding steps before a distant explosion threatened to knock her over.

Wren gripped the banister and looked over the side into the open evening air. Several bangs and fizzles cast. Light pulled. Zipped toward the sky to explode. More fireworks followed. The obvious work of the Weasley twins.

The sight brought an unexpected smile to her lips before she was racing off toward the lights. Just to watch beautiful chaos unfold. 

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