By BTSgazers

152K 6K 1.4K

"Honey now what did I say about obeying me?" - he said. She looked at him with teary lashes peeking up at him... More

24: XXIV


5.9K 202 76
By BTSgazers

n.(great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression).


"Mom please if Seth comes tell him I'm not home otherwise he will kill me today" shouted feya in  panic and hid behind the kitchen counter where her mom was cooking dinner.

"What have you done today feya I'm sure you must have bullied him again otherwise you won't be hiding like this" asked claire but immediately looked up when she heard someone calling her name urgently.

"Mrs. Archer have you seen feya? Is she home yet?" asked Seth while bending down with his hands on his knees breathing rapidly as he literally ran all the way to their house in his school uniform.

"No she has not arrived yet but what happened my child did she do something asked" claire in a worried voice very aware of her mischievous daughter's actions.

Seth hesitated for a minute as he did not want create trouble between the mother daughter duo.

"Don't worry you can tell me I won't be mad at her".

"Uhmm Mrs. Archer when we were walking towards home after academy we stopped by a convenience store to by some protein bars but I saw her secretively buying some ice-cream"

"She did not have any money on her so I was paying for the stuff but i accidently saw the bill and saw that she had hid some ice cream. I told her to return it as she gets cold easily and you and Mr. Archer have denied her to eat any cold stuff so she tricked me and ran away before I could take the ice cream from her".

As Seth finished his sentence he heard a light whisper calling him tattletail and he immediately recognized the voice to be of feya's and his eyes widened when he saw claire bending down and picking up feya by her ears.

"Ouch ouch mom please leave my poor ear it hurts ow ow"

"How many times feya? Why are you so naughty. He was just concerned for you and did his part as your bestfriend. You have sinus that is why you cannot eat ice cream" Claire scolded feya who was glaring at Seth.

"Don't glare at him you are grounded go to your room" said Claire as she was fed up with her fiesty attitude

"Who is getting grounded" came a voice from the main door and everybody looked towards it and saw daniel coming in with his briefcase loosening his tie.

"Good evening Mr. Archer" said Seth respectfully as he saw daniel coming towards them.

Daniel nodded his head at him smiling and patted his back in acknowledgement.

"Daddy" shouted feya and wriggled out of her mother's hold and ran into her father's arms.

"My sweet daughter" said daniel coddling his daughter in his arms.

Claire huffed folding her arms as she knows that daniel will pamper her and forget her punishment.

"This is all your fault. You pamper her way too much. She is getting out of hand" claire said and shot daggers at both of them who were looking like scared kittens infront of her while Seth was just standing in a corner obersving the family drama with a dumbfound expression.

"What did you do my child" asked daniel to feya who was looking at him with puppy eyes.

"I haven't had ice cream in months daddy. I was craving it way too much so I bought them at the convenience store and Seth saw it so he complained to mom" said feya missing the main detail of the story purposely.

"That's not the whole story why dont-"but before Claire could finish her sentence Seth stood forward.

"It's alright Mrs. Archer it's not a big deal. I'm sure feya understood her mistake don't scold her for it anymore" said Seth also defending her.

"You guys have absolutely spoiled her. What can I even say" said Claire but also melted when feya looked at her with her irresistible puppy eyes.

"Alright you are out of trouble for now but if this happens again you are going to be in big trouble Missy" said Claire and hugged feya.

"Thankyou for being such a great friend Seth.We are really grateful. I hope whenever she gets a boyfriend he is just like you so that we can be carefree" said Claire.

"Mom what are you saying" whined feya blushing profusely and embarrassed while Seth was also evidently blushing combing his hairs and looking down.

"Rubbish. She will not get a boyfriend until she's 40. Don't teach her nonsense" said daniel making everyone burst out of laughter.

"That's enough honey. You are getting very protective".

"Yes daddy who will wait for that long" said feya but immediately shut up when she saw her dad looking at her intensely.

"I should go now it's getting late. Goodbye Mr and Mrs. Archer and goodbye feya" said Seth bidding his goodbye and leaving their house still shaking his head and red tint visible on his cheeks unable to hide his huge crush on her.


Feya woke up from her sweet dream which displayed some of the most fond memories of her life.

She looked around her surroundings and saw herself laying on a huge bed which could fit atleast 10 people easily.

Luxurious silk bedding was under her and silk comforter was covering her figure.

The room looked like it was straight out of a palace. Everything looked like it was covered in gold and it was so big that she could not even see the main door.

Slowly past flashbacks surrounded her mind and she realised where she must be right now.

The last thing she remembers is being unconscious in jungkook's arms and seeing Seth all beaten up and bloody.

After remembering that she immediately slid out of the covers and stood down from the bed and saw herself covered in a luxurious silk robe.

She covered her body immediately horrified thinking who changed her into this from her wedding dress.

Feya moved around in the vast room unable to find the door but got startled when she heard someone walking in and turned around only to face a female who was carrying a trolley full of food.

She looked like she was in her thirties.

Hairs tied neatly in a bun with minimal makeup and professionally dressed up in a worker's uniform with a stoic expression.

"You woke up" that female said and feya stepped backwards not liking the stranger's company.

"I'm Areum. I'm in charge of this mansion's maintaince and head of the staff".

"I'm also a very close confidant of Master since years and now I'm assigned to serve you as you are his wife now"

"Please take a seat on the dining table I will serve you breakfast".

Areum took the trolley near the 4 seater dining table which was located near the balcony of the room.

She opened the curtains allowing feya to see the outside surroundings.

Feya moved near the balcony trying to open the window.

"I'm afraid you are not allowed to enter the balcony without master's supervision. I've been given strict orders to make sure you eat well " she said changing the subject.

"Take it away. I'm not gonna eat anything" said feya frustrated as she was trapped in this huge yet suffocating room.

"Where am I? When did I reach here? Who changed my clothes? I want to get out of the room please help me" said feya and grabbed areums hands pleading her.

"Please keep a distance from me madam. If master gets to know about this he will kill me. Also I'm not allowed to give you any answers. Please eat the breakfast or I will be in trouble" said areum like a robot looking down at her feet.

"Call me feya please. Tell me areum how do you know him? You told me you were a close confidant of his please tell me about it" said feya now sitting on the chair trying to get some answers out of her mouth.

Areum hesitated for a bit but replied to her afraid of angering her.

"I met him in college. We were in the same major. I was a scholarship student so I was bullied a lot and he saved me from the assault and gave me shelter and completed my studies. He gave me the responsibility to look after the maintance of his properties after we graduated from college and from then onwards I'm working for him since the past 13 years and i am always in debt of him".

"You are married to him now and it is my duty to serve you devotedly as well" areum completed her sentence and continued looking down.

Feya did not fail to notice the dissapppointed and heartbroken expression on her face when she mentioned them married.

She is in love with him.

It was very evident as the pain in her eyes was so visible.

"How old are you" feya asked as indirectly she wanted to know jungkook's age.

She figured out that they must be of the same age as they were in the same college.

She already had a rough idea that he must be in his 30s but never bothered to search anything since she was not interested at all.

"I'm 34 and Master turned 35 this year in case you wanted to know" said areum able to guess the motive behind her question.

Feya was in shock. They had a 13 year age gap.

She is 22 and he is 35.

All of this was making her sick.

Disgusting is what she thought.

Ofcourse he knew about her age.

How can he even think of forcing a girl to marry him with such a big age gap.

Moreover she was already committed.

"You are his friend right? Please make him understand I'm not right for him. This is all a mistake. I will help you get closer to him. I can see that you like him. But please help me get out of here" begged feya joining her hands infront of her making areum panick.

"What are you doing" said areum separating feya's hands.

She looked around the room aware of the cameras watching over them.

"He knows everything. Please don't put me and yourself in trouble. Accept this marriage. He is your husband now. The sooner you accept the better it is for you"

Again. The same thing suwon said.

What is up with these cruel people.

Are they made of stone?

Don't they have any empathy?

"I'm afraid I have to leave now. Please finish your breakfast. I will come again in an hour to check on you. If you need anything please ring the bell besides the bed" said areum and took the empty trolley with her ignoring feya's pleads to help her.


"Where is she" asked jungkook entering the mansion with rapid movements handing his coat and briefcase to areum.

The entire mansion was empty expect for the three of them.

For privacy reasons the staff leaves the mansion ast sharp 9:00.p.m and only areum stays to serve jungkook until he reaches his bedroom and then only is she allowed to leave.  Which she does happily.

It was almost midnight and he was supposed to return to the mansion around 9:00 p.m but got stuck in solving some urgent matter which could not be delayed.

Although nothing comes before cherishing the first night with his wife but he is a tycoon of the biggest empire ever and there are a lot of responsibilities over his head.

"She is in your bedroom master. She cried the whole day and refused to eat anything despite my begging. Due to exhaustion she felt asleep an hour ago".

Areum was left stunned when jungkook grabbed her neck choking her and her feet were in air due to his strength.

"Our bedroom areum. Make sure to use proper words next time. You had one job to take the best care of her but you failed to do that. What should I do with you?" said jungkook with his eyes blood red almost on the verge of killing her.

While areum had no emotions except love for him in her eyes.

She was so blinded by his love that she ignored the fact that she was almost on the verge of death.

But soon her figure came in contact with the floor and she soothed her neck with both her hands.

"I'm married now. Do you get that? If I sense any threat from you towards my butterfly you know the consequences" said jungkook trampling over her feelings which he was very aware of and left to claim his long awaited price leaving a heartbroken areum dissapointed over how he could think so lowly of her.

How can she ever hurt feya?

Sure her heart hurts everytime she sees her but anything previous to him is precious to her.

Her love is so devoted for him that she ignores all the toxic traits and pain of the unrequited love.


Jungkook punched his fingerprints on the door and it opened instantly.

The long walk to the bed where his butterfly must be sleeping was making him loose his patience.

Why did he have to make the bedroom so huge he cursed in his mind.

As soon as the main area of the bedroom came in his view his heart leaped out of his chest.

She was not on the bed.

Where is she?

"Feya" he shouted very aware that she must be around here somewhere as there is no way she can escape from this space.

The only place where she can hide is the bathroom so he strided there and banged the door.

"Do you want me to loose control baby? Come out while I'm being patient otherwise I don't think you are going to like what I will do" said jungkook threatening her.

Feya was shivering in fear while her back was against the door.

As soon as she heard his footsteps she dashed in the bathroom and locked herself there.

She cannot get out of here.

The monster will ravish her and suck on her soul.

He will take her without her consent.

Another bang made her cry out of fear and she hugged herself to provide some warmth but it was of use since the sheer and almost transparent lingerie was making her feel like a whore.

At least she had her previous robe to cover herself.

When areum told her to wear this to bed at night she threw it away across the room but wore it instantly when areum reminded her that her family was still in his clutches.

She was tired of constant threats regarding her family.

How long does she have to endure that.

As if the fear was not already eating her alive her heart stopped the moment she heard clicking noises.

He has the keys.

She instantly stood up but before she could run inside the bathroom a hand grabbed her hairs making her shriek out of pain.

Tired of her disobedience jungkook opened the bathroom gate with the keys he had previously kept with him aware of the stunts she could pull.

There is no way he is going to be gentle with her after her constant disobedience.

She needs to learn a lesson.

He grabbed her by her hairs and turned her around so that she came crashing on his chest.

He picked her up on his shoulders and threw her on the bed making her bounce.

"Fuck" he whispered loosening his tie and looking at her body which was slightly visible as the robe had loosen up.

"What the fuck is this" he shouted in anger noticing the robe covering his prized possession.

He tore it away making it snap in an instant leaving nothing but a thin lingerie to cover her dignity.

Feya whimpered and tried to drag her body towards the other corner of the bed.

But a slap was enough to hold her in place.

She touched her cheek where he had just slapped her and rubbed it with her palm to make the sharp pain go away.

She burst our crying due to the pain and fear combined.

Feya shrieked again noticing him stripping out of his clothes.

"I was going to take my time to devour you".

"But you bring the worst out of me" said jungkook and threw away his pants only leaving him in boxers and pounced on her.

Feya struggled with her hands trying to hit his chest as hard as she could but he held both of them together and tied them above her head with a piece of the torn robe which was still on the bed.

"Please don't do this" said feya in a whisper loosing hope to save herself.

"I have full claim on you my butterfly. I'm going to make sure to wreck your body so that from now on there will be no doubt in your mind that you are mine" said jungkook and kissed her forehead.

Then her eyes.

Her nose.

Her lips

Her neck.

He made sure to leave as many marks he could on her body.

He slid down the straps of her lingerie making her breasts visible to him.

They were the perfect size.

Soft,tender and perkey breasts with pink nipples.

"Fuck you are a goddess" he groaned  and sucked on her nipples like his life depended on it.

Her struggle was still not over.

She was going to fight to save her dignity until she is alive.

But her struggles barely mattered to him.

He had a body of hulk.

Her futile attempt barely had an effect on him

Her face was red, eyes swollen, cheeks stained with tears overflowing her neck.

She was shaking her head like a madman.

Kissing down her breasts he reached her belly and tore the lingerie impatient to reach his awaited possession.

He sucked on his breath and his eyes filled with last seeing her southernmost part but his next action left her horrified.

He grabbed her pussy harshly making her scream in pain and looked into her eyes with a look which conveyed that he is ready to murder her.

"That bastard got to claim this before I could. Now I am going to make sure to ruin it for anybody else to use".

"You are mine.

Mine to love

Mine to use

Mine to fuck

Mine to ravish.

Your screams are mine

Your breaths are mine

Your moans are mine".

Feya could not stop crying listening to his barbaric words.

She did not even want to explain it to him that she is a Virgin.

She did not want to give him that satisfaction.

So she closed her eyes and spoke

"I'm never going to be yours.
This marriage means nothing to me
You are a monster
I will never forgive you
I hate-" but before she could finish her sentence she screamed so loud due to the pain that her vocal cords almost gave up on her.

Jungkook pulled down his boxers and did not bother wasting anytime and entered inside her before she could finish her sentence.

His hands pulled both her legs over her shoulder ignoring her painful screams and cries for help.

He was thrusting in her with so much force that she was sure her walls are going to be ruined.

She was so tight that his cock was almost suffocating inside her giving him intense pleasure.

He threw his head backwards and grunted in pleasure.

Rough and husky moans were coming out of his mouth but his eyes looked down as soon as he felt some liquid running down his cock out of her vagina.

It was blood.

He looked at her again and understood immediately what it meant looking at her face as he noticed her expressions.

She was a virgin.

She was pure.

Happiness filled inside his body.

He has never been this happy.

Not even even he married her infront of the entire world.

Fuck he is going to savour the entire night taking her in every position.

He is going to love and worship her body and take her as long as his heart desires.

Her body will submit to him tonight and he will feast on it with a stamina of a beast.


Finally the smut is here. How was it????. I have written it after such a long time. I'm aware that it needs some more experience but this is a mature story so there is going to be smut in almost every other chapter so from now on so I am going to improve slowly slowly.

Give me your thoughts on this chapter. I worked very hard on it. This is the longest chapter I've ever written.

This chapter's vote target is 35 votes.

Let's gooooo!!!!!!

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