The Forces of Light's Domain:...

By TheValkyrie13

296 7 5

In the year where humanity had finally travel across the stars, lived across worlds in their respective plane... More

The Forces of Light Faction Information:

Gabriel Angelos Character Information:

208 5 5
By TheValkyrie13

This idea had been started ever since I have watched one of WesHammer's videos about what if the Chaos Gods are the good guys and he had been given a thorough deep dive on the complexity of the Chaos Gods rather than being over-the-counter cartoonish villains where they embody both the worst and the best traits that makes them more than the one dimensional villains they were portrayed with Khorne being a violent yet honourable warrior who eschew deception, Nurgle being a caring grandfather-like being who's accursed gifts are superficial at best, Slaneesh being... well... Slaneesh and Tzeentch being an ambitious schemer yet one who also embody hope and change in either the worst or the best ways possible.

That and Helldivers 2 has come and I would like to do this premise. Remember Warhammer 40k where the Imperium of Man, human supremacist who are fascists, zealous and racists against the truly evil forces of Chaos and being a necessary evil against demonic monsters and insidious aliens?

Well, what if the Imperium of Man is taken to a more villainous light and the forces of the supernatural, the eldritch and the mythical are the actual good guys?

Thus comes this idea and I would like to do this idea because having the bad guys being sci-fi imperialistic fascists are just too good to be true for a potential story that is just awesome to come to fruition and thus comes this story.

This is likewise heavily inspired by not only Helldivers, especially it's sequel but also Starship Troopers as when I was a kid, I watched the movie for being the first scene of blood and gore which kind of shook me when I was a kid.

Obviously, I'm not going to do a crossover with them because I have no idea how it works so instead, our bad guys shall serve as the inspiration or obvious expy to the whole lot of it only, the villains being the Terran Union Federation are still portrayed as the lighter shade of black in comparison to other factions in the milky way galaxy because if you must know, it's going to get a whole lot more complicated than that.

Still, I don't know if I actually want to do this since I've already had two other Players in YGGDRASIL story that introduced to our self-inserts being angels (one of them being fairy angel hybrids) or whatever and comes with a far more unique and noteworthy race where it is an angel but it is fallen alongside wings that are broken and dead and having less holy power who used deception to actually gained a cult that will fight against a tyrannical galactic superpower.

But it's too late so let's go for broke with being an overpowered power fantasy self-insert with harems and all that because really, my hormones and my imagination are more important than my practicality and creativity.

Which means that I shall write the idea onto another story. Cause you know me, right?

Well, with that being said, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Overlord (2012). It belong to their respective owners. Especially what I am about to make an inspiration and expy of. They also belong to their respective owners.


PS: I swear, I don't know what keeps me from writing things better when the lines and words I make are either cringe or being stupid.

I blame it all on either Wattpad for their inability to think what I write is better or how I always write fast and as far as my imagination goes that I may have missed a lot of words in my plate lately.

What do you think? Do you guys have any problems with that sort of thing?


Name: Gabriel Angelos

Title: The Archangel of Freedom and Liberation

Race: Angel

Class: Paladin

Character Information:
In the galactic universe where humanity had thrived upon the galaxy, colonizing other planets and even meeting with other sentient life in a grand golden age of technological advancement and enlightenment, a portion of humanity from their home planet Earth or Terra as it is called had grew arrogant and more zealous as they then created a governing galactic power known as the Terran Union Federation as they preach the name of liberation and democracy but are in reality, fascistic elitists who must have all their people follow in their rule of governance, whether they like it or not and exterminate all alien life as they please.

From their immense war crimes and imperialistic conquest beneath their opulent and peacemaking actions, it's either to join the Terran Union Federation and be one of it's many brainwashed citizens or die as another casualty to them, none are spared from the likes of the Terran Union Federation with the only exception of other alien life and human resistance that will bring war upon the galaxy in a never ending cycle of death, destruction and violence, above all else.

Not when he had anything to say about it, that is.

One of the many players from the year 2138 where the Earth he knew has become a hell hole of death and corruption and his only form of escapism is being inserted into the DMMORPG known as YGGDRASIL where he played as his Avatar, Gabriel Angelos, an Angel Paladin, when the server is about to shut down, Gabriel thought that he would wake up in his own room where he shall live another life of misery and damnation like no other.

Instead, he wakes up in a clear plain of land in an Isekai scenario alongside his NPCs that he had created in YGGDRASIL and after that, he also found himself in a campaign where he is now ruling a world where tribalistic people are engaging in a war against each other through either primitive weaponry or little technology elsewhere as Gabriel had no choice but to do what he felt it.

Being a proud angelic paladin who shall unite this tribes to an age of peace, freedom and liberty and when space faring exploration are now possible, Gabriel shall find out that it is bigger than he ever thought.

Taking his Forces of Light to an interstellar war against an imperialistic fascists known as the Terran Union Federation, Gabriel shall make sure to bring peace and true freedom and liberation upon the galaxy as a whole and if it means lives shall be taken, so be it.


To look upon...

To speak upon...

To listen upon...

And to even seek upon the Great Archangel of Freedom and Liberation known as Gabriel Angelos is to know that Gabriel is one of great charisma, intelligence, beauty, attraction and many, many more that made him comes across as a likable, all-loving figure, through and through.

Although while a genuinely heroic character at heart, he is, in reality, very socially awkward and seemed to suffer from being rather nervous and cowardly in the way he acts although that is not to say that he isn't spineless or weak willed with a case of cold feet.

Becoming an angel has made Gabriel lose a sense of his awkwardness and begins to show more and more confidence and charisma as at first, there are many, many misunderstandings that he can't help but voiced it out but nonetheless accepts in the fact that it still follow his mortal boundaries but over time, Gabriel seemed to have embrace what he shall become as the god-like, charismatic and an all-powerful who is willing to use his newfound charisma to free everyone from the oppression and the sense of cynical nihilism like no other and for Gabriel, he is determined to make sure that he shall saved the galaxy and break the cycle of violence and death by any means necessary.

While still willing to follow his most noble and honourable code of conduct no matter what setting he is in, exactly. Although...

Even he should take things more pragmatically than it should, actually.

Powers and Abilities:

Don't let his rather kind and compassionate if not peace loving demeanor can do to fool anyone for Gabriel Angelos is a being that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying with the powers and abilities he has, at his disposal and is one of most powerful and dangerous beings that could ever walk upon the great cosmos in the milky way galaxy itself.

For one, Gabriel Angelos is an Angel Paladin, a combination fitting between a race that came from the domain of good and all that is light and holy to a class that also has powers used from a domain that is good and holy, a combination that, even before then, makes him a very powerful at the start of his playable career.

To start with, as an angel, Gabriel has a bonus to any and all holy magic in his arsenal alongside having the ability to fly with his wings, immunity to all holy magic and finally, some racial ability such as Light Beam, Healing Presence and Holy Aura which allows him to significantly damage demonic beings that comes close to him.

If they exist, that is.

And as a Paladin, Gabriel is not only a skilled swordsman with the weaponry at his disposal but also has many holy spells in his retinue which includes healing magic, light holy spells such as a conjuring a diskette of light, strengthening the strength of anyone he casted upon, calling upon lightning from either the sky or from his fingertips, conjure a light so bright that it can blind and stun his enemies and many more that he can show upon his enemies.

Overall, Gabriel is a blindingly powerful being that would look out of place in a setting that is steeped in a science fiction-like inspiration and as the Terran Union Federation had once faced off against underpowered resistance, bestial aliens or primitive aliens, barring a few that they don't want to mention, a living breathing angel with powers of biblical proportions and one that cannot be explained through scientific means shall also mean that Gabriel is a being that is way out of anyone's depth and those who think otherwise are warmongering fools who refuse to acknowledge the power of Gabriel Angelos.

Weapons and Equipment:

Gabriel is likewise notable for being very powerful with his magic alone and it does help that him being an angel has resulted in him being very charismatic as a result although what happened to him that made him lacking in social skills for his sense of goofiness does make one wonder at first.

Still, he isn't without being armed which includes:

• The Sword of Heaven's Fall:
The main weapon of Gabriel Angelos, appearing as a finely crafted sword that he constantly wields in battle, one might think that the sword itself is harmless since in a setting where people used guns that can shred people apart, only a fool would wield a sword in a gun fight.

Not so much with the Sword of Heaven's Fall where, combining his blinding speed especially his skillful usage of said sword as well as it's other powers at his disposal, the weapon itself is not to be underestimated, being a sharp and powerful weapon that can cut through anything with ease and even has the ability to fire a beam of concentrated lightning energy that can annihilate anyone with ease.

Did I forgot to mention that he also has two of them?

Gabriel Angelos is a being that is sincerely and genuinely friendly to anyone he meets and with his supernatural charisma and how he is revealed to be dorky underneath his gratefulness of being an angel, he is proven to be likable at best.

However, Gabriel is still someone that should not be underestimated or have his wrath incurred for what he can show upon his powers are biblical in it's proportions and all shall fear what he can upon those that earned his wrath.

The most of his relationship has include:

The Four Gods of Greater Good:

The four NPCs created by Gabriel during his time playing YGGDRASIL, the Four Gods of Greater Good are the beings that once made into makeshift bosses in his dungeon, now turned into truly powerful godly beings that Gabriel had once created and assisted him in his duty to spread freedom and liberation upon the galaxy.

While what they are truly is unknown with Gabriel being rather ambiguous on what their race really is although he could possibly say that they are either angels, empyreans, titans or just something that he made up along the way, the Four Gods are still very powerful beings that act in a way that makes them godly in their powers and abilities such as granting gifts, creating life and finally, how each of them are very powerful to the point where they appear as nigh-invulnerable beings that are invincible, up to this point.

Still, Gabriel urged them to take on a more subtle approach as he orders them to only used their might and power if it's absolutely necessary, such as if subtlety is no longer in question and just be an influential and supportive figure to his Forces of Light in the cult they have created around the whole galaxy where their influence is more far-reaching than anyone can actually imply.

But if they are no longer beholden by their command, woe betide to those who earned their wrath.

The members of the Four Gods of the Greater Good includes:

• Grandfather Nurgle, the God of Life, Growth and the Garden:

Appearing as a muscular and bearded old man that is large as he is big, Grandfather Nurgle is the God who embodies the deep sense of how the very universe is entropic and finite yet instead of seeing it with dread, it just sees it as an acceptance and one where people would cherish the life itself in it's many, many forms possible and Grandfather Nurgle is one shown to be the most nurturing and caring of the Four Gods of the Greater Good, hence the name, that is.

Those who worship Grandfather Nurgle are those who received the blessings that allows them to endure what any mortal would have died from if their bodies were to ever be killed and mutilated to shreds, having a body and organ that has transformed slowly to become plant-like with flowers and branches appearing all over their body.

Despite how they do appear as rather fragile, as stated before, anyone who are blessed by Grandfather Nurgle are shown to be the most enduring and durable of the worshippers of the Four Gods and Grandfather Nurgle's blessings usually appear as either spores from out of nowhere or trees that spawned edible fruits in themselves.

Those who worship and follow Grandfather Nurgle are those who had become capable Druids as they have the ability to grow plants in even the most irradiated of places, control and communicate with animals and transform into one that ripped straight from a fantasy.

All in all, Grandfather Nurgle is the most caring and nurturing who's kindness and compassionate demeanor is like how anyone's grandfather would act around children.

Except that these Grandfather is also a God and those who incur his wrath shall know how truly, truly terrifying he can be to those who dare to harm his children.

• Lady Slaneesh, the Goddess of Fertility, Art and Music:

Said to be the youngest and the only female of the Four Gods of the Greater Good although may think she maybe androgynous or capable of changing between genders at will, Lady Slaneesh is basically the Goddess who may seemed impractical and superficial with nothing useful or efficient being brought on the table, not helped by how she is considered the youngest and weakest of the Four Gods but she should not be underestimated it's entirety.

There are two sides of Lady Slaneesh in her personality; one that is stern and discipline and the other, inspirational and artistic and she embodied the art of perfectionism in it's entirety while also not one that likes to give stress in a work of their liking.

Those who worship Lady Slaneesh are said to be perfectly disciplined in the skills they honed, making them highly talented specialist while also sometimes be cunning spies, persuasive diplomats or agile dancers to a supernatural degree.

Those blessed by Lady Slaneesh usually appear as more beautiful, more handsome and finally, and I kid you not, more 'bishounen', basically described as being more anime-like if that makes any sense.

And those who are blessed may come across as something also straight out from an anime like running really fast, being really strong, being really talented or fight in ways that also felt-like they ripped straight from anime, once again if that even makes any sense, though.

All in all, for one described as the weakest of the Four Gods, Lady Slaneesh and her followers are not to be underestimated for in a world where the whole thing should be explained logically, a God and their powers are one that should not be explained in a logical term and must face value that the divinity, the myth and the supernatural are as real as ever.

Khorn, the God of the Harvest and Patron of Soldiers:

Appearing as an armoured knight in jagged armour, Khorn is said to be the strongest of the Four Gods, being one who embody war and violence in a universe teetering on the edge of violence, in and itself and it's entirety and he is a very violent one, at that.

But there is more to it than just violence to the aptly named War God.

For one, Khorn believes in hard work and those who worship Khorn are those who never stay complacent or even lazy, being hardworking, highly discipline and honourable workers or warriors or even farmers who did their harvest with all the hard work they have shown.

And for Khorn, martial honour is everything to the him thought in a way of being blindingly charging or even being stupid as Khorn is actually insulted if he were seen as some dumb brute or whatever.

To Khorn, honour comes in the form of respect and valour and his warriors are all brave who are willing to lay down their lives against any battle they are participating in and they intend on facing even the most terrifying of circumstances with their chin high, their chest puffed, grit their teeth and face against odds no matter what threat they faced.

All those who are blessed by Khorn were blessed with a body of pure unadulterated muscle that makes any warrior be a bulletproof superhuman that shows no fear and while they disdained range weaponry, magic or even cowardly tactics, they should not be underestimated as these warriors, through their sheer willpower, can survive through even barrage of firepower coming towards them and their enemies does fear them for how they are portrayed as psychopathic berserkers where, even if they're enemies have weapons more advance than their still advance yet archaic designed weaponry, the warriors of Khorn will make anyone widened their eyes in horror as these unstoppable juggernauts has come towards them and nothing you can do can actually stop them.

All in all, Khorn isn't the strongest of the Four Gods without a reason and thought portrayed as an angry dumb brute, Khorn is proven to be cunning than he is worth and as long as his worshippers fight until they last breath, none can withstand his wrath.

• Tzeentch, the God of Change, Magic and the Cosmos:

Appearing as middle aged yet eldritch in appearance of a man, Tzeentch is said to be the most powerful of the Four Gods as well as the most intelligent, being one who grants those who worshipped him greater knowledge, greater creativity and finally, powerful magic at their back and call.

And of all the Four Gods of the Greater Good, Tzeentch is always known to be one that gives the most outward of authority, being a scheming, manipulative, magnificent and constantly planning and plotting entity who controls the very fate and causality of the cosmos with nothing more than his will and power alone.

Those who worship Tzeentch usually has blue skin, glowing eyes and white hair, courtesy of those blessed by the God of Magic as they are knowledgeable sorcerers, wizards and other terms for magic users who always think first and strategize their next objective, basically being the perfect strategist and tactician who served as leaders in the forefront.

And overall, people who throw fireballs or lightning from their hands, conjure angelic beings from another dimension, teleport and other stuff they can do is a far cry from the science-fiction setting that everyone is accustomed to and while advance technology does help, those who know the mechanics shall also know how to unbend them with a simple spell and a little bit of creativity.

All in all, it is just Tzeentch had planned accordingly.


The Seraphims of the Archangel of Freedom:
A group of Gabriel's second-in-command, created to be his trusted generals, secretaries, lieutenants, custodians and more, the Seraphims are the highest ranking figures in the very military of the Forces of Light and are maybe second to Gabriel and the Four Gods in terms of power but are not to be underestimated as they are all figures of great power and charisma, all varied in their scope yet all are skilled in the speciality they posses and all of them being absolutely loyal creations of Gabriel himself as a whole.

And of course, as all of them are being females, there are times when Gabriel wants to have some... privacy on the matter.

Still, the most members of the Gabriel's Seraphims include:

Ra, the War Seraphim of Ambition:

One of the most powerful, charismatic, diligent, strategic and basically the most authorial of the Seraphims, serving as the leader and Gabriel's most trusted of his Seraphims, Ra is the foremost warmaster of the war effort against the enemies of Gabriel Angelos and the Forces of Light, and while her appearance doesn't appear much as just a bespectacled woman, she is not to be underestimated.

The strongest, the smartest, the most influential and the most charismatic, she spearheaded the crusading campaign in Gabriel's stead in taking worlds after worlds, spreading the truth and exposing the lies of the corruption of the government they once look upon and while she is a capable social orator, she is no slouch in battle, being a peerless general and fighter that knows how to get the job done through her might and skill like no other, combining might and wisdom as she battle her enemies into the forefront itself.

Still, while Gabriel is notable for his compassion, Ra is notable for her ambition and has no qualms committing acts of extreme actions if it means getting the job done, having tried to keep her actions a secret in order to spare him of what is necessary although contrary to what she thinks, Gabriel knows and thought he maybe disappointed, he also knows that there are things that an extreme hand must take action.

Only when Ra goes to far, however, does Gabriel stepped in and reprimand her for how far she will go in her perceived acts of the greater good.

Sanguine, the Crimson Seraphim of Nobility:

Another one of the Seraphims, said to be one of most talented, skilled, powerful and finally, the most noble and humane of the Seraphims under Gabriel's command, Sanguine appears as a very graceful and very beautiful if not kind of stern looking woman who's noble quality makes her downright heroic were it not for her... flaws, unfortunately.

Behind her nobility, her compassion, her care and how she can portray the best humanity in the most well-intentioned ways possible, Sanguine is unfortunately, a bloodthirsty and rage-inducing berserker who may be held in a behaviour of discipline and nobility but if she were to continue to fight in the battlefield, all hell's break loose as Sanguine showcase how utterly horrifying when her rage reach its peak, becoming a rage-fueled, near-mindless killer that will kill anyone close to her without mercy whatsoever.

And she is shown to be very, very dangerous, showcasing an impressive level of strength and speed that is either expected or exceeding even the likes of other Seraphims, enveloping in red lightning as she is a fast, almost teleporting berserker that can leave her victims in a very charred state to ash.

All in all, Sanguine is terrifying in and itself but despite this, she is a genuinely noble, kind and well-intentioned Seraphim who's immense strength, intelligence and power is proportional to her sense of humbleness and will always treat everyone as nicely and honorably as the thought that pretty much counts, if one can ignore her bloodthirsty, rage inducing behaviour, that is.

Phoenix, the Prideful Seraphim of Perfection:

Another one of the many beautiful members of the Seraphims under Gabriel's command, Phoenix is the prideful, narcissistic yet highly skilled, artistic, talented and creative member who's rather eccentric attitude of her vain beauty in herself does not exempt how very, very skillful she is at almost anything.

From being a skillful social orator to her charismatic brilliance, seductive acting and finally, being one of the most greatest swordswoman who ever lived, Phoenix backs up her boasts with how she can show it and always maintained a calm sense of superiority, no matter how much the odds are against her.

She is, however, proven to be immature at best, making her come across less like a many age old Seraphim and more like a spoiled and entitled teenager that just wants something if it's pretty, making her relationship with the other Seraphims pretty sour due to how they are basically dealing with a petulant woman-child like Phoenix in their stead, despite her accomplishment as it is.

Asirnoth, the Iron Seraphim of Fortitude:

A Seraphim notable for her pale skinned and a revealing set of grey-coloured iron armour, Asirnoth is a Seraphim who believed in the arts of attrition through the fortitude of one's will and is someone who follows a rather determinist philosophy that giving up isn't an option and if the situation isn't salvageable that defeat is assured, then one must also try and try again if it means the opportunity of victory are closer that you can grasp it to your arm's length.

Asirnoth is a deadly combatant at heart who's questionable armour does not assuage how almost indestructible she is and is a brilliant tactician and keen blacksmith and mechanic who create the best of the best weaponry one has to offer to her allies in the battlefield.

She is, however, not the nicest of the Seraphims, being described as 'having an iron rod sticking up her arse' and there is also her temperamental nature that makes her hard to talk to, even if behind her rude, crude, overly serious and no-nonsense attitude, she is still a loyal and honourable Seraphim in service to Gabriel himself.

• The Nightbringer, the Terrifying Seraphim of Judgement:

A Seraphim known for her twisted sense of justice, the Nightbringer is a violent, cold, ruthless, sadistic and generally unstable Seraphim who believes in the act of fear results in the action of true justice and liberation and has used fear and terror as her form of tactic against her enemies in every ways possible.

She likewise earned her reputation as a terror in the battlefield, having no qualms making an example by publicly showcasing her brutal methods upon her enemies in the form of scare tactics and it doesn't that her powers allows her to induce such an extreme case of absolute paranoia against her enemies at every turn.

Her skills revolves around her ability to disappear in a cloud of shadows that allows her to teleport to anywhere she sees and carrying a bow that she is accurate about it as well, with said bow and even her shadow arrows capable of piercing through even the hardest of metals in gusto.

Despite her immensely terrifying reputation as a cruel harbinger of terror who loves to satisfy her sadistic cravings, she is genuine in the arts of justice and peace and has made full usage of her fear tactics in the name of prolonging wars that results in thousands dead in a prolonged war.

To her, a few dead is worth it in the name of the many being spared.

• Prometheus, the Flaming Seraphim of Creation:

A Seraphim notable for her immensely powerful fire power, her ability to create the most advance weapons and war machines and finally, being a friendly, literally heart-warming Seraphim who genuinely care of the innocent in her path, Prometheus is one who loved to teach those under her employ to be the creative genius in mechanics they are and she is a caring, considerate and sympathetic figure who loved those she is responsible for as far as her flaming powers go.

Her flame powers may make her one of the most destructive of the Seraphims but she does have the ability in the manipulation of her flames to heal her allies from their wounds, one without burning and also projecting a powerful barrier from said flames itself.

She is also foremost in her creation of weapons and war machines that are used for the Forces of Light and is overall a Seraphim with a big heart who has no qualms burning anyone that dares to incur her wrath as a result of it.

• Urizen, the Golden Seraphim of Truth:

A Seraphim notable for her darkened skin and golden jewelry, Urizen is one who derived in the way of faith and belief and is on par to her fellow Seraphims in being a skilled, persuasive and charismatic social orator who preach about the divine benevolence of her creator, Gabriel Angelos and how those who follow her and the Archangel shall lived in a utopia of great benevolence like no other.

Despite how she comes across as pretty pacifistic, Urizen is still a Seraphim that's dangerous for anyone to deal with as she gets the job done in being a cunning and versatile fighter who doesn't hold back in showcasing her immense martial prowess and being a Seraphim of faith does mean that she has powers similar to Gabriel such as her ability to heal herself and others and the ability to throw a diskette of light in gusto like a boomerang.

All in all, Urizen is one who brings the optimistic side of hope in a galaxy brimming with constant wars and violence and to her, while she may not want to choose violence, she has no qualms showcasing it if it means to defend herself against any and all odds alike.

• Olympus, the Unyielding Seraphim of Iron Will:

A Seraphim who deals in the construction and mechanical speciality of siege warfare and defensive actions, Olympus is the highly skilled, highly talented, stalwart mistress in the arts of siege warfare against fortresses and defensive measurements from other siege warfare, a cunning tactician at heart, an expert in military strategic planning and finally, a powerful warrior who knows her way around making sure that her enemies either or surrender in the arts of attrition.

A stalwart and no-nonsense woman at heart, she is basically just like Asirnoth is terms of how similar their specialties are as well as their similar attitude but Olympus can at least be somewhat nicer than Asirnoth herself although she does have trouble with her social skills and underneath her sense of stoicism, Olympus seemed to be very miserable underneath thought what it is, however, remains uncertain.

• Vigilant, the Brutal Seraphim of Vigilance:

Another one of the Seraphim under Gabriel's command, a seriously blunt, no-nonsense yer literal minded, as her name implies, incredibly vigilant guardian to the Archangel of Freedom and Liberation himself, Vigilant  is the stalwart warrior who's seriousness to her role is proportional to being a very powerful and effective warrior that stands beside Gabriel almost all the time.

Wielding a massive blade that burned red hot and wearing a nigh-indestructible armour she constantly wears, Vigilant is an incredible swordswoman and fearless warrior who shows no fear against even the most terrifying of her enemies she faced and she maintained her of somewhat autistic stoicism without even screaming in pain and fear in equal measure.

She is, as stated before, very literal minded as she lacks a lot of social skills that makes her unable to actually understand how metaphors even work or even how people actually do or act without her thinking that they could do something very, very threatening as a result of it.

All in all, she is pretty problematic when dealing with negotiations but there is no denying that she is effective in how to keep anything problematic from being too problematic, as a result of it.


Well, there are all of it. If you have anymore ideas, let me know in the comments below.

As always...


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