Varian x Reader Oneshots

By justalittlerando

311 2 0

Just a collection of oneshots about best boy More

Twisted Sister
Vampire's Can't Enter
It was my desicion
Magic and... Science??

Twisted sister part 2

31 0 0
By justalittlerando

"This is riveting, but could you get us out of here?" Cassandra said, not seeming very amused by the talk about Rapunzel. "Ha! Where is that neutralizing parti- Oh! C-Come get outta here! I am so sorry, Your Highness." You stared at Varian. He'd never been that formal with you. "Your Highness? Wait. You know who I am?" You're surrounded by idiots. "Uh, how could I not? Look at your hair! Ha! Your highness." Sometimes, you reconsider whether you should ask Varian out. When its not because you're a royal, its because of idiotic things like this. "Just call her Rapunzel, dimwit." You blurted out unexpectedly. "Wow. Really? Okay. So, fantastical stories of your hair returning have spread throughout . Yeah, people say it's magic, but personally, I don't really believe that. Now, as you have probably guessed, I am a man of science, - specifically, al-" 

Maybe, you should just stay in the background. Yeah, you're not really needed in this conversation. "Alchemy. We know. Now listen, kid. We need your help, but let me make something clear. What happens here stays here, you got it?" Did Cassandra have to be so cold? She was like ice, and normally, you'd let that slide, but Varian was too sweet for that! "Oh, yes, this this Ah is it's very long. Oh, no, don't worry, Your High . I am sure that I, Varian, can unlock the mystery of your hair with the power of science! No sweat, it's just a little-" Oh wait, did he just pass out?

God, you were bored. You could probably fall asleep. Infact, maybe you woul- ouch. You totally didn't fall on the floor. Cassandra just turned around and stared at you. "Wow, yeah, thanks cass, i feel so loved right now." You got up and just walked to a corner. It was probably better anyway. You also didn't want to talk to anyone, so, yay!


"Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine. Better?" Varian got cut. Sometimes, you wonder if you were crazy, narrating all these events in your head. Whatever. Wait, did Rapunzel's magicky hair not work? "Well, silver lining: We've acquired some critical data about your hair. It no longer possesses its legendary healing power. Progress! Now let's figure out exactly what this hair is made of. This machine can analyze any substance for chemical makeup, bitopic composition, and urgu-structural integrity. - I built it myself." Varian was so proud of his invention! He's such a sweetheart! "Nice!" Damn right, it was nice. You never took an interest in science, but it made Varian so happy! "If I'm right, this should tell us all there is know about your hair." Wait, hair? Oh yeah, you had cool hair too. Maybe Rapunzel's has a similar makeup to yours?  "Raps, are you sure you wanna - Rapunzel?" Rapunzel already strapped herself into the machine. "Yeah, Punzie! Do it, so i can reap the benefits too." You gained a confused stare from her. "What, i didn't say anything. Stop looking at me!" 

"Okay! Rapunzel. Now, um, this may get a little-" People really gotta stop cutting him off, just let the poor boy finish his thought! "Exciting?" No really, i didn't notice that by the giant blades. "Good enough Punzie, have fun or whatever." You slumped down onto the floor, fiddling with your hair. No one said anything to you the entire time you're here. The reality was that Rapunzel outshined you in every way possible. You'd gotten used to it by now. I mean, atleast Varian gave you an occasional glance and a smile.

You watched as the machine twisted Rapunzel's hair, snickering a few times. "And there we are! Done." Already? That was so totally not cool. "All right. Not super fun, but it's over." You were expecting the saw blades to be put to use. Kinda dissapointing. "Ha! Oh, sorry. Yeah, I- I meant done with the first test. But don't worry, only 86 more to go!" Oh, phew, you thought it was done for a hot second.  You noticed Eugene out the window. Boo! He was such a skeez, not to mention the fact that he ruined all the fun stuff for you. He was the worst older brother you ever had, and you've only had one! I mean, he talked to you sometimes, but that was it.

A saw bounced off Rapunzel's hair. "Amazing! You were right, it's absolutely unbreakable!" Eugene burst through the door. "But I'm betting you're not! Let her go!" You stepped in front of him. "Hey! Don't be rude to my boyfriend, i'll have you know that he wouldn't do anything to Rapunzel, and if he did, you wouldn't be alive to see it." Eugene gave you a confused look. Seriously, what is up with the weird stares today!? "Your what? I'm sorry, this is your boyfriend?" Wow, real mature Eugene. "Umm, y/n-" "Shut up Varian." Rapunzel gave Eugene an awkward smile. 

"Eugene! Hey!" Wow, great cover-up Punzie. He's totally not even more suspicious. "Blondie! You're okay! You wanna tell me what's goin' on here? You know what? I don't care. I'm gettin' you outta there." Boring again. God, why did no one do anything fun? "Hey! You're Flynn Rider!" Your fangirl senses are tingling. "No. You don't know what you're talking about. I've never seen you before in my life. You can't prove anything!" You sighed. No one here besides Varian earned your attention. "Y/n, you didn't tell me you knew Flynn Rider!" "I was not aware of the fact that he was the fictional character, Flynn Rider, until five seconds ago, so alas, i could not have told you." You turned to Eugene. "Um, he's your biggest fan, soo, do with that what you wish, but if you harm this cute, sweet little cinnamon roll, i will tear you limb from limb and devour your remains." No response. Not even to a threat. Wow. " Hey, now! Flynn Rider, nice to be met." You just decided to go to sleep in the corner, you were not here for this. 


Varian woke you up. "Hey, umm, y/n, would you wanna come with me and Flynn Rider to get the  spectrometric press?" You smiled. "Sure!" You, Varian and Eugene walked out. " Listen, buddy, I need you to tell me everything that the princess told you." You sighed. "Eugene, do you ever get out of people's buisness!? God, you're so...what's the word? Inquisitorial" "And this is coming from you?" "I know you're not talking, you're literally dumb and dumber combined! Anyways, Varian, if you're going to tell him, go ahead." "Oh, yeah. Well, okay, first, she said, "We're looking for Varian," and then I said, "I am Varian!" And then she said "Uh, hi, sorry to bother you, sir, but I wanna ask you about my hair." Wait, oh, I'm sorry, let me back up. I forgot to tell you about the raccoon trap. So, there was..." "Yes, that's great, but what I meant is, tell me all the important stuff she said." 

God, please shut up. You covered your ears and continued walking.


"Here it is! And, once the tests are done, it'll print the results on parchment paper."  "That's muy interesante, but getting back to what the princess said..." You smirked "Wow, didn't know you were intelligent enough to speak Spanish." "Anyway-" Eugene was cut off by the tremors in the ground.  "Why does that keep happening?" Varian got up and opened a trap door. "Flynn Rider, I believe I promised you a secret." You ran up to the door. "Awesome, i love secrets, can we go now?"


You walked down a ladder into some weird tunnels. "Now, if my dad knew I was down here, he'd kill me. Of course, if he knew what I was actually doing down here, he'd probably be impressed, or at least I hope he'd be impressed. These tunnels run through my entire village, which make them perfect for my project." Wait, all throughout the tunnels? Tremors? Oh.... "Varian, what exactly is going on down here?" Varian walked over to these HUGE MACHINES. "I'm gonna surprise my village by bringing the people hot, running water! I've constructed five of these babies all throughout the caverns." Wow, amazing, great, yeah, the kingdom is dying, but y'know this is cool too. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. These... these tremors... your machines are causing them?" No really? We didn't notice, you dumb -- scratch that thought.  

"No, no, no. My machines are not causing them. The chemical reactions they trigger do." You facepalmed. "Varian, thats virtually the same thing." Eugene seemed to agree with you, though he probably was worried about his girlfriend. "And no one else knows you're doing this? Okay, listen, kiddo. I'm no expert in... whatever this is, but anything that can cause earthquakes cannot be safe. We've gotta warn people about this." Varian immediately got defensive, though you weren't sure why. "No! We can't! Okay? You gave me your word you'd keep this a secret. And besides, I am an expert, and this is all perfectly safe." A bolt flew out the machine. "Yeah, it does...does that all the time." "Wow. How can you be so smart and so dumb?"


Ok, ill continue this in another chapter bc i have to manage both my company and writing this, and its already 1562 words

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