My Best Friend's Brother

By edgarallenyo

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"All week, you've been on my mind, and I can't make it go away. Finally, after suffering in silence for so lo... More

My Best Friend's Brother
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

185 6 2
By edgarallenyo

"So, your hotel reservations are booked. Here is your plane ticket and there will be a rental car waiting for you when you get there." My assistant said as I gathered the last of my luggage.

"Sunnyfield doesn't have hotels, Dylan." I said although I knew that could've changed. Connie said the town has done some remodeling and I hadn't been in years to see for myself. They could've added a hotel and hopefully a cell tower. I needed to stay in contact with Rachel while I was away. Or she needed to be in contact with me.

"No, they didn't. I'm afraid it's a Bed & Breakfast." He replied tepidly as I dragged my bags out of my house. The taxi driver quickly leaned off the car to give me a hand.

"And don't forget you have a book talk, Q&A followed by signings at The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens on the 25th." He continued eagerly in my ear.

"Yes, I know. I will be back before then." I said knowing I wanted to spend the least amount of time there once I arrived.

Hanging up on him once he was finished reminding me of my schedule. Going back into my house for the last of my things made me sigh heavily beginning to realize what I had gotten myself into.

"It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. This is silly." I muttered to myself trying to calm my nerves. "You could just not go. Just say I have a uh, work emergency. I mean yeah some people could be bummed. Mainly Connie." I talked to myself pacing around my living room.

"I haven't seen any of these people in ten years anyways. Not like the whole town would care if I came to this reunion." I said, trying to convince myself not to go. I heard the taxi honk for me pulling me back to reality. It's a little too late to back out now.

Groaning as I grabbed my last piece of luggage, locking my door behind me. "Here goes nothing."

Once my plane landed in Alabama, I took another cab to my rural hometown which took another hour or so to get to. Passing the familiar ranches and large green hills of horses and cows before we finally entered Sunnyfeild.

Leaning towards the window watching everyone walk around town, running errands and chatting with friends and family. Banners and balloons were hung around advertising for the reunion as I continued to be overwhelmed by it all. It all came flooding back as I looked around at all the large southern architecture.

"Thank you." I said as he pulled up to the B&B I would be staying at. Grabbing my bags looking up at the large white building with beautiful planted flowers around the porch. An American and Alabama Flag hung on each side of the door as I walked inside.

"Hello?" I said into the empty lobby. "Be right with you!" An older woman said as I looked around at all of the brown and red country decor. "Hello, how may I help you?" She came out to greet me from behind the counter.

"I have a reservation. I'm here for the reunion." I walked further into the home with my heavy bags. "Oh?" She asked as she tried to place me. Her eyes roamed my face making me give a weak smile.

I know I've changed a lot over the years. Finally getting rid of my braces and acne and learning the types of products to tame my wavy hair. "Britney Loughrey." I said as the older woman's wrinkled eyes went wide.

"Bethany?!" She breathed in realization raking me up and down. "Oh, my- The rumors were true!" She beamed, making me smile weakly. "The famous author has come back to our small town." She gushed as I was desperate to collapse onto a soft bed.

"Suppose so. If I could just get a room-" I said politely, making her nod. "Yes, yes of course, darling. You must be exhausted. You have a big day ahead of you." She grinned, handing me the room key.

Stumbling up the stairs with my things before opening the room I was given. The room was decorated with loud pink floral prints on the bedding and framed decor. Looking around in amusement as I kicked the door closed.

Desperate to get out of these clothes and take a shower from the hours I've spent traveling. Once I finished blow drying and curling my hair I got dressed in a short, high waisted black and white plaid skirt with a matching olive green top. Slipping into my healed Mary Jane shoes before facing the rest of the town.

Walking down the busy streets of town as no one stopped to recognize me yet. Before now I hadn't realized how much I've changed on the surface.

The town looked the same as it did the day I left. Which was oddly comforting. Only a few of the architectural buildings were improved and painted. A few of the shops had changed owners but overall it looked like it had been stuck in time.

On the way here, I called my mother to tell her I would be in town for the reunion and that I would visit her. I hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving last year.

Grabbing a cup of coffee before running into Connie as I turned a corner. "Beth?!" She beamed before engulfing me in a tight hug. "Oof." I was caught off guard as I quickly hugged her back.

"Hey, Connie." I smiled as we pulled apart. "It's great to see you again. I'm sorry it's taken so long." I said, making her wave her hand. "Don't worry about it. You're here now!"

"And you can finally meet my boyfriend." She motioned to the attractive man standing beside her. "This is Bethany I was telling you about." Connie grinned leaning into him as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Our famous author. I'm Seth Harrison. It's a pleasure." He introduced. "We met when I needed my computer fixed. He's a software engineer." Connie gushed, grabbing his bicep, making me chuckle.

"There's a market for that here?" I asked, making him laugh. "We met at the hospital I work at." She explained.

"Oh, goodness, Beth, I'm so glad you're here! There is so much for you to catch up on." Connie said as I looked around.

"We're all going to Duke's Bar you should come with." Connie invited me as I hesitated. "Oh, come on! Everyone will be there. We're all looking forward to hearing all about your life." She beamed, linking her arm with mine as the three of us began to walk.

I followed in after Connie and her boyfriend as they walked inside with ease. The bar was full of dozens of conversations with loud voices, all of them competing with the loud classic rock music and the sports playing on the television. The crowd ranged from young to older folks sitting at the barstools.

This was the hangout place when we were kids. Of course then we were never allowed to order alcohol, we just came for the famous hot wings and burgers.

There was lively chatter coming from the tables and booths in the corner of the bar against the windows. A bartenders with rolled-up sleeves moving from one end of the counter to the other with his back towards me.

"Come on!" Connie motioned for me to walk further inside towards the large group of her friends. Noticing their familiar faces as they laughed and ate together, not yet noticing me. "Bethany?" Keith asked as his eyes met me.

"Keith? H-Hi!" I smiled as he quickly stood onto his feet. "You look great." I chuckled as his hair was now cut and styled neatly. All throughout high school he had a mullet and facial hair. He was the school's stoner and would occasionally sell it to students who wanted it.

But now he looked so put together it was strange. He looked healthy and happy. "Me? You look... amazing." He breathed pulling me into a hug making me chuckle as Molly rolled her eyes playfully.

"And I'm sure you remember Molly, Dave, Alex and Renee." Connie introduced me as I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. It was odd to now be accepted within the popular classmates I went to school with.

Molly and Renee were on the cheerleading squad and Dave and Alex were Aaron's best friends who hardly ever gave me the time of day back then. They only talked to me because Aaron did. Yet here they were being overly friendly towards me. It was a strange feeling.

"Bethany! We're so glad you were able to make it." Dave smiled as memories of him and Aaron flooded my mind. "Y-Yeah. Me too." I smiled honestly. "There is so much you have to catch up on." Keith said as he motioned to Molly's engagement ring.

"No!" I beamed sitting down across from them. "We got married two years ago." Molly's face lit up as she leaned into Keith. Wow, who would've guessed.

"It's beautiful. Congratulations!" I said as she showed me her large diamond ring. He must be doing well for himself. "And what about you? Anyone in your life Bethany?" Renee asked with a smug smile, clearly noticing I arrived alone.

"Hey! What can I get you guys? The usual-" Someone began thankfully interrupting me before I could answer her. "Bethany?" Susanna dropped her notepad and pen as her blue eyes met mine.

"Susanna! O-Oh, my God." I stood making the chair I sat in crape against the floor. I reached in for a hug as she instantly did the same. "You actually came." She smiled as I remembered the friend I would spend my days with reading and studying with. The things Connie couldn't be bothered to do.

"Yes. With some convincing." I nodded over at Connie making her chuckle. "You have to come to the football game tomorrow before the reunion! It's the talk of the town. Besides you of course." She laughed as my eyes furrowed.

"I-I don't know. Sports was never my thing." I hesitantly said, making everyone interrupt. "No, you have to!" "It'll be so much fun." "Everyone is going to be there." They said over each other, making me frown.

Why were they being so overly nice to me and insisting I spend time with them in town? Who knew showing up more attractive and in more stylish clothes would have finally made me one of the popular people. Unless the only reason they wanted to spend time with me now was because I had actually made a name for myself like I've always said I would.

"Maybe." I said confused before sitting back down. Susanna came back with our orders of drinks, fries and hot wings as I listened to everyone chat about their fulfilling lives.

Molly and Keith has a son and were expecting another child. Dave was widowed with twin girls, Alex was single visiting from out of state. And Renee was married to a real estate agent in town.

Telling them I was single seemingly without any sort of social life made them all look at me with pity. "Even after all this time you're still single? Don't worry. I'm sure someone will eventually come along." Renee gave fake sympathy making me scoff to myself taking a sip of my draft beer.

"This has been fun but I should really get some sleep. I'm still jet lagged." I stood once there was a pause in the conversations. "Yes, it was great catching up, Beth." Dave smiled. "Even though it seems like nothing really has changed for you." Renee continued tossing a french fry in her mouth. Humming as I gave a fake smile.

Feeling a little buzzed from the alcohol and conversation as I walked back to the Bed & Breakfast. The sun was long gone as the streets were now empty, the only light was from the lampposts and the blanket of moonlight illuminating everything in my path.

The humid Alabama breeze blew through my hair as I saw the Bed & Breakfast in the distance. Suddenly a revving truck pulled up to me on the side of the curb. "Do you need a ride?" The man asked, rolling down his passenger window.

I was unable to see his face in the dark as I tried to squint. "Uh, n-no thank you. My place is right up the street." I said as I continued to walk away clutching my bag.

Suddenly I heard the man get out of his car, closing his car door. "Bethany?" The man said barely above a whisper. "I have pepper spray!" I lied reaching into my purse as the man inched closer to me.

"It's me. Aaron." His familiar voice said as he came into the light under the lamppost. His poorly lit handsome features had the same qualities as when we were children just with a few signs of age.

His familiar light brown eyes burrowed into mine as we stared into one another for what felt like hours. "Aaron." I breathed in realization. Stepping closer to him to get a closer look as he did the same.

"Uh, h-hey. Look who it is. This- I-It's you." I stuttered unable to tear my eyes away from him. "Hey, Bethany." He smiled clearly amused by my anxious ramblings. "Hi. Hey, Aaron." I breathed.

"Long time." Aaron began as he stepped closer. "Yeah, very. And now we're here a-and it's... great. This is amazing." Muttering sarcastically mostly to myself.

I was regretting my decisions to walk home alone wishing I wasn't having this conversation with him now and here of all places.

For years I've practiced what I would say to him and the whole time I took traveling back here I thought of every possible scenario. Practicing my speech for when we met and practicing to be a newly confident and sophisticated woman. But that all flew out the window the moment I actually saw him.

"What are you doing here?" Aaron asked. "I guess there's some school reunion everyone keeps raving about." I smiled, making him do the same as he continued to look down at me studying me. "Sounded like fun." I shrugged.

"Where are you staying?" He asked. "The Bed & Breakfast. I didn't want to impose on my mom. Eddie moved back in with her and she turned my old room into her craft room." I chuckled, explaining loosely. And I wanted to be alone.

"Let me give you a ride." Aaron said as he turned to walk back to his truck. "Wow, you still drive this thing?" I smiled, reminiscing as he made his way around to the drivers side. "N-No, really it's fine." I continued.

"Betty, get in the car. I'm not going to leave you here on the side of the street." He insisted, as I reluctantly did as I was told. "Don't call me that."

We sat in his car in uncomfortable silence for a moment as he drove. "So, how have-" "How long-" Aaron and I said in unison, making us stop and chuckle nervously.

"Go ahead." I said as I internally face palmed at the awkwardness between us. "How long are you in town for?" He asked as he came up to a red light.

"Just for a few days. I have to get back to Los Angeles for an event." I explained. "Woah, look at you. You did everything you set out for." Aaron smiled warmly over at me.

"That's what everyone keeps saying." I said not agreeing with him. Lately I began to doubt everything I've ever thought I wanted since I was a child. "How about you? Did you accomplish anything?" I joked.

"Nothing as exciting as being well renowned." He replied, making me frown. I had remembered one of his dreams was to continue playing football and be recruited into major leagues. I wanted to ask him more about his life but he pulled up to the Bed & Breakfast.

"It was nice seeing you. And thank you for not pepper spraying me." Aaron smiled, making me roll my eyes. "Well, you shouldn't sneak up on a girl alone in the middle of the night." I replied matter-of-factly as I began to open the car door.

"It was nice seeing you too." I confessed softly through a smile. Memorizing his face as he did the same before I forced myself out of the truck.

Stumbling up to my room going over that small moment with Aaron and seeing him after all this time. These past ten years I expected him to have left town and traveled the world. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know if he was married with children like seemingly everyone else I've reunited with.

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