Victor X - Season 1 - Revamped

By wylic001

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The Omniverse, a collection of different dimensions, is all centring around one of the most powerful devices... More

Victor Xavier Bio
Episode 1 - And then there were X
Victor X Theme Song Lyrics
Episode 2 - Jurassic Revolution
Episode 4 - Hunted
Episode 5 - Lucky Girl

Episode 3 - The Kraken

17 0 0
By wylic001


(A bright moon is lighting up the foggy forest below. A large lake, surrounded by trees and mist, stays undisturbed.)

Victor: (is wearing a pair of red swimming trunks) Cannonball! (Jumping into the lake, making a large splash. He then pops up back to the surface as Hop gives him a round of applause.)

Hop: (Imitating a sports commentator) "Judges score... yes! Perfect 10! Yeah! (Imitates crowd woo-ing.) The crowd loves him!"

Gloria: (Watching, unimpressed from the end of a pier, with a shining torch on hand. She is wearing a grey swimsuit with a pink stripe down the middle) "A perfect goofball" is more like it.

Hop: (jumps in. He is wearing a pair of purple swimming trunks.) Come on, dive in!

Gloria: ...Please! Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering around in there. (She shines a torch around the lake's surface to illustrate her point, landing the torch on Victor and Hop.) I rest my case.

Victor: What's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?

Gloria: I'm not afraid of getting wet. I just don't want to ruin your fun with Hop.

Victor: Sis, that's sweet of you... really. I don't want you to feel excluded, but if you don't want to join us, that's fine. Maybe next time.

Gloria: Yeah... maybe... Well then, I'll leave you two lovebirds to have your "fun."

Victor: What are you implying, Sis!? (Gloria doesn't respond and walks away.) Get back here!

Hop: Leave her, Vic. She's just teasing.

Victor: Why do our siblings have to tease us?

Hop: It's all good fun, Vic. Don't worry about it.

Victor: If you say so...

(The two boys swim around the lake until the water bubbles and splashes behind them, causing Victor and Hop to turn and see a gigantic silhouette of a monster rising out of the water behind them, shocking the boys.)


Victor: Is that a god damn sea monster!?

Hop: Vic, do something!

(Victor brings up the Omnitrix's holographic wheel and cycles to Gigantosauros' icon. He then taps the faceplate again, causing it to slide open, and the core to pop up before he slams it down, engulfing him in red light as he transforms into Gigantosauros.)

Gigantosauros: Gigantosauros!

Hop: Why not Jellitrcity?

Gigantosauros: And electrify the lake? Are you insane!?

(Gigantosauros looks up towards the monstrous silhouette lurching above him. A tendril from the figure shoots out at him, grabbing and launching him across the lake. Victor pops back out of the water and looks around him for the monster. As he does, something latches onto him and drags him under. While underwater, Victor gets a look at the monster's giant eye. Victor gasps and manages to break free of the tendrils to get back to the surface and reverts back to normal. Hop had quickly recovered and climbed out of the lake to get Gloria and Leon, who ran over, with Hop, to Victor. Hop places a warm towel on Victor's shoulders.)

Gloria: Did that thing hurt you?

Victor: No... but it scared the living daylights out of me.

Hop: Lee... Was that?

Leon: I don't know. Get some sleep. Remember, we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip.


(Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Leon walk along the coast, Leon with a fishing rod in hand. Hop comes across a bucket of wriggling worms. He shoves a handful of worms up to Victor's face.)

Victor: (He chuckles) Hop!

Hop: Haha! I got a laugh out of Mister Grumpy!

Victor: I'm not grumpy... just keeping a watchful eye.

Gloria: What even is that?

Leon: Bait.

Gloria: Yeah - Well, I think I'm gonna pass on the fishing thing, I'll stay here and catch some sun instead!

Leon: That's up to you... (Turns to greet the man in the boat beside them.) Captain Shaw?

Shaw: Who wants to know?

Leon: I'm Leon Lavington. This is my little brother, Hop, and his boyfriend, Victor. (Victor and Hop wave) we chartered your boat today for a fishing trip.

Shaw: Well, what're you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Get aboard, I ain't got all day.

(Victor excitedly moves to get on the boat, though Hop and Leon seem concerned. The ship sets off, down the lake.)


(The ship sails slowly)

Leon: Anything interesting out there to catch today?

Shaw: More than you can imagine... (Seeing Ben, with his head over the end of the boat) looks like your partner's using his breakfast as chum.

Hop: Vic? Are you feeling okay?

Victor: Yeah, I'm just keeping an eye out for the lake monster. That thing's not taking me by surprise this time! (Sees a monstrous silhouette in the water and gasps) There it is! (The silhouette becomes clear as it passes, revealing just a collection of brambles and rubbish.) Oh, my bad.

Leon: Now, Victor. This is a fishing trip, not a monster hunt.

Shaw: It's called 'the Krakken'.

Hop: You know it!?

Shaw: It's my business to know about it. (He hands Victor a photo reminiscent of the 'Loch Ness Monster' photo.) I've been on its tail for years. Folks say my rudder's not right. Sightings go back hundreds of years, on this very lake. Some say it's a myth... not me! I could take you to a spot where I personally laid eyes upon the beast. That is, if you've got the stomach for some real adventure!

Leon: (He looks at his very eager little brother and Victor.) I guess so...

Both: Alright!

Shaw: Sonar, high-def video setup, ultrasound. I got it all. And I will find it. Mark my words, it can't hide forever.

Leon: (Taking Victor aside.) Victor, I don't want you to put too much stock in what Mister Shaw says. I don't think he has both oars in the water, if you know what I mean.

Victor: We'll tread carefully, Lee. I promise. But, I need to know what 'the Krakken' actually is...

(The ship floats by, Shaw at the helm, paying attention to the sonar, as he comes up against a blockage of buoys and tape.)

Shaw: (Reading the tape.) "Do not enter"? What's going on?

Leon: Looks official. Maybe we should turn back!

Shaw: Nonsense, this is my lake, and I'll go wherever I -

Jonah: Fishing boat! Stop where you are. (Greeting Shaw and the crew friendlily, and pulling up alongside their boat.) I am Jonah Melville, the founder of 'Friends of Fish", we've closed this section of the lake for an environmental study. You'll have to turn your boat around.

Shaw: (Using a confrontational tone to Jonah and the other crew.) 'Suppose you make me, fish-hugger?

Leon: Well, since I chartered the boat for the day, I believe I'm in charge. Isn't that right, Captain?

(Captain Shaw grumbles and reluctantly makes his way up the boat.)

Victor: What about the Krakken?

Jonah: (Chuckling to himself) The Krakken? Not that old fish story? Look, I'm a marine biologist. Anyone who tells you they've seen a monster in this lake is casting without a hook.

(Shaw's boat travels back to the docks, trailing behind the 'Friends of Fish' boat. The ship's sonar pings, alerting Shaw.)

Shaw: The sonar! We've found something!

Hop: (Seeing a shark-like fin pop to the surface of the water) Or something's found us! Look!

(Shaw walks out and sees the fin dip below the water.)

Shaw: 'The Krakken'!

(The fin passes under Shaw's boat, revealing its true size and rocking the boat.)

Shaw: (Panicked) It's heading for the docks!

Victor, Hop, and Leon: Gloria!


(The Krakken's fin rushing towards the docks at a high speed, unbeknownst to Gloria, sitting at the end of the pier rocking her feet. The Krakken rushes towards land, and Captain Shaw tries to warn the dock-goers by ringing the ship's bell. The Krakken rears out of the water, slumping back down and crushing the pier to pieces, sending the people standing on it into the water. Gloria pops back up to the surface and screams.)


Shaw: I told ya! - It's real! The Krakken lives!

Leon: Sail now, gloat later. (To Victor) Someone's got to rescue those people.

(Victor nods before kicking off his shoes. He runs towards the side, pulling off his beanie, t-shirt, and socks, and throwing them to Hop. Victor leaps off the side of the boat into the water. Priming the Omnitrix to transform.)

Victor: Jellitrcity to the rescue.

(Victor dips below the surface and transforms with a red flash.)

Speedhyena: Speedhyena!? I said Jellitrcity! No matter, I can work with this!

(The Krakken dives, heading towards Gloria and the other civilians trapped in the water)

Speedhyena: Here goes something!

(Victor runs on the water's surface, almost slipping but reaching the people in trouble, snatching Gloria out of the way of the Krakken and to land.)


Speedhyena: You okay?

Gloria: (Coughing water) I think so, thanks for the save.

(Victor rushes and takes the other people in need back to land with Gloria.)


Jonah: Get us out of here!

(Jonah's crewmate, 'Duane' sails the boat away, with the Krakken taking notice and going after it, rearing up against it and rocking the boat greatly. The Krakken rushes towards it again but is stopped by Speedhyena, creating a water tornado on the surface, scaring it back. Victor jumps onto the boat. The Krakken swims to the front of the boat and tries to grab a crate off of it using its front tendrils.)

Jonah: No, you don't!

(Jonah leaps, hanging onto the crate to stop it from being taken. Victor decides to help by grabbing the Krakken's tendril and dragging it backwards to prevent the crate from being moved. The monster knocks Victor backwards and tries again to get the box, but Victor roots himself on the ship's ground, and uses Speedhyena's fast moving feet to kick the Krakken's jaw as it comes towards the ship. After being kicked in the underjaw, the Krakken reals backwards, roaring and retreats.)

Jonah: Thanks for the hand and the feet!

Speedhyena: What's so important in that crate that you'd risk your life for it?

Jonah: Um... Our lunch!

Speedhyena: You almost got munched for a few sandwiches?

(The Krakken jumps out the water and grabs the crate while they're talking, bringing it back into the water before it can be stopped. As it does, Victor's timer starts ticking.)

Speedhyena: Uh oh. Sorry, gotta run.

(Victor leaps off running towards Shaw's ship.)

Speedhyena: Almost there... I think I'm gonna - aah!

(Victor times out, transforming back into a human, still moving with Speedhyena's momentum and getting skidded across the water's surface like a stone, landing right behind the ship, and getting spotted by Hop.)

Victor: - make it.

Hop: Man overboard! Captain, Vic is overboard! Bring the boat around!

Shaw: Next time you're in my sights, you won't be so lucky...


(Campers and dock-goers are all packing up and leaving as it gets dark. Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Leon sit by a campfire, Victor is drying off with a dressing gown wrapped around him.)

Victor: I don't trust those "Friends of Fish" guys. I mean, why would the Krakken attack them for their lunch?

Leon: That is suspicious... but let's not make any rash decisions before we at least have some solid evidence.

Gloria: And I'm just the girl for the job.

Shaw: ...low-down no good fish kissers!

Hop: Captain Shaw, what is it?

Shaw: The nerve of those 'enviro-punks'! They shut down the entire lake! Nobody tells me where to sail, and nobody's gonna keep me away from reeling in the catch of the century. Nobody.

(Victor transforms into Gigantosauros without yelling his name. Captain Shaw backs up in fear.)

Gigantosauros: I am more than willing to help you find the Krakken, but capturing it is one step too far. There's a lot more going on here than your stupid trophy wall! I love fishing regular fish, but this Krakken is a real-life mythological creature, and I won't allow you to hurt it! If you try to fire a single spear or harpoon, then the deal's off. (He grows to full size) UNDERSTOOD!?

Shaw: (shaking in fear) Y-Y-Yes!

Victor: (Reverts back to normal) Good...


(A ship sails across the lake. Victor is watching Captain Shaw closely. Victor is wearing his red swimming trunks from earlier with a pair of oxygen tanks on his back with some scuba diving gear on as well.)

Shaw: She's probably been chased deep by our 'fishy friends'. There is only one way to flush her out... with a little live bait.

Victor: (throws Shaw's harpoon gun into the lake) No hunting it! I mean it, Captain.

(Captain Shaw dives through the ocean. He gets startled but reaches Krakken's nest without incident. Startling him again, Victor jumps out towards him. Shaw breathes a sigh of relief. The two are unharmed. Shaw dives back up to the surface, seeing another boat alongside his. As he climbs up, he's grabbed by a masked figure.)

Masked Figure: Don't you know night diving is dangerous, old timer? Unless, of course, you went with a friend.

Shaw:  I work alone. I ain't got no friends.

Masked Figure: ...and with a sparkling personality like yours?

(Victor pops up to the surface and spectates the confrontation.)

Shaw: I haven't anything worth stealing either.

Masked Figure: Ah, but you have us all wrong. All we want is information. Like, what did you see down there?

Shaw: Nothin'. Same as always.

(The masked figure punches Shaw to the ground, knocking him out. He takes off the mask to reveal he's Jonah Melville.)

Jonah: Well... I have to be sure.

Victor: (muttering) I knew it...

Jonah: Take 'Ahab' here with us. Find out if he knows anything back at the Cannery. We'll come back later with a mini-sub to snatch the rest of the eggs. (Jonah throws a tracker into the lake.) In the meantime, (Priming an explosive) I think his boat just got lost at sea.

(Throwing the explosive over into Shaw's ship and sailing off, it exploding behind them. The debris falls onto Victor, him dodging it and coming back up to the surface at a distance. Victor primes the Omnitrix, looking at the holographic wheel and seeing the face of Phantom Freeze be highlighted.)

Victor: It's hero time.

(He taps the faceplate and brings up the core before slamming it down. Ice chunks form on Victor's arms, legs, and chest. His toes morph together into two toes, and a toe sprouts on his heel. His eye expands and becomes bug-like while changing completely red. Four large, white, moth-like wings grow from his back, along with antennae. The wings and antennae fold into a cloak, and Phantom Freeze spins around. Phantom Freeze jumps up and opens his wings as a pose before being engulfed in a red light.)

Phantom Freeze: Phantom Freeze!

Duane: (Pointing, asking Melville and the other crew.) Is that a bird?

F.O.F Crew: Nah. Looks like a plane.

Phantom Freeze: (facepalms) A Superman reference? Really?

Jonah: (Seeing Phantom Freeze) It's a moth! Man, the harpoons!

(Jonah's crew fire lasers at Victor, with him going intangible to dodge, then he breathes ice, immobilising their weapons. Jonah unloads explosive barrels from the inside of the ship, some almost hitting Victor, blasting a tree and knocking Victor out of the sky into the water below. Jonah drives the ship towards him.)

Jonah: Let's squish that moth once and for all!

(Victor, now spotlighted, slowly swims away as Jonah's ship barrels towards him. He reaches a hunk of driftwood and turns to see the oncoming threat. He quickly recovers, going intangible and flying away.)

Jonah: (Circling the boat and looking around with a spotlight, unable to find Victor hiding behind the branch, but seeing a fin in the water.) It's getting too crowded around here. (Shining a light on an unconscious Shaw.) Dump the trash overboard.

(Captain Shaw is thrown overboard as Jonah and his crew boat away. Phantom Freeze, hovering above the water's surface, grabs Shaw before he sinks. He flies towards land, seeing the Starmobile on the shore.)

Phantom Freeze: Almost there... (The Omnitrix time-out beeps begin.) Aw, not again...


(Gloria peers through binoculars, searching for Victor.)

Hop: Any sign of Vic and Shaw?

Gloria: Not yet...

(The sound of Victor's alien form timing out catches their attention, looking upwards at Victor, who soon after transforms back into a human and begins screaming as he and an unconscious Shaw fall. The two land safely in the Starmobile's sun-shade.)

Victor: I hate that when that happens!


(From inside the Starmobile, Victor talks as Gloria taps keys on her laptop. Victor has changed into his regular clothes.)

Victor: ...and the Krakken's nest was full of eggs! No wonder she's been attacking everything, Jonah must be stealing her eggs!

Gloria: And I think I know who Jonah is. I did a little checking on "Friends of Fish" and found out it's not listed on any environmental website. But I did find this: (Gloria turns her laptop) Jonah Melville isn't a friend to any kind of wildlife, he travels around the world poaching rare animals. then crates them up and sells them to private collectors.

Victor: I knew something was fishy, pun not intended, about those crates earlier! I bet that crate, the Krakken took off their boat, had her egg in it!

Leon: Looks like we were both a little too hard-headed.

Victor: We've got to stop them! They said something about going back to a cannery.

Shaw: I've a spare boat down at the docks.


Gloria: (Clicking a button on her phone) It'll take a while until the police can get here.

(Shaw unties the boat, about to get on, but before he does so, the boat speeds off without him.)

Shaw: What're you doing? Get back here!

Victor: Sorry, Captain. But in my eyes, you're no better than Jonah Melville.

(The boat speeds off, leaving Shaw clenching his fist in anger. He shines a lamp around, seeing a much less glamorous rowboat off to the side of the pier. He takes a long, unbroken glare at it. A crane pulls up a submarine suit, holding an egg out of the water, setting the submarine down on the dock. Underwater, a clamp attaches to Melville's submarine pod, Krakken egg in tow, pulling him out of the water by a crane mechanism. It lowers him onto the cannery dock as he passes the egg to one of his crewmate.)

Jonah: Careful! Or you'll be cleaning up the world's most expensive omelette. (The crewmate dumps the egg in a cylindrical glass container with another before closing the lid. Jonah cradles the eggs through the container.) After we sell these babies to the highest bidder, we'll be kicking back on a beach in the Bahamas.

(Underneath, Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Leon arrive at a ladder entrance of the cannery. Hop, Leon and Gloria begin to climb.)

Hop: (Notices Victor pulling off his t-shirt and taking off his shoes and socks.) Vic?

Victor: See if you can find the eggs.

Gloria: What about you?

Victor: I'm gonna kick some Friends of Fish Tail.

(Victor primes the Omnitrix before dialling in Jellitrcity. He taps the faceplate again, causing it to slide open and pop up the dial. He then slams down the dial and is engulfed in red light. The Omnitrix glows on Victor's wrist, and red electricity swirls over it once. Victor's skin starts shifting to a pale, almost white, red. It continues this way up until it reaches his eyes, which are closed at first, but burst open with electricity curling out and around his head. The lightning transforms his eyes into Jellitrcity's, then the stream of energy flows down his back and over his arms; splitting and subsequently transforming them into Jellitrcity's tentacles The electricity travels quickly over his legs, transforming them as well. Jellitrcity poses hovered over the ground with each tentacle in a different stance.)

Jellitrcity: Jellitrcity!

(The Krakken shoots up out of the water, knocking the boat Victor hovers on aside, going up through the cannery dock flooring and coming face to face with Jonah.)

Jonah: The bigger the Krakken, the bigger the payday.

(Jonah runs to his submarine pod, as his crewmate opens fire on the Krakken. One guard runs off inside the building, while another stays, firing shots that bounce off the Krakken's skin. To get to the eggs, the Krakken smacks aside the gunner, but Jonah snatches the eggs through the crane operated sub before they can be reached. Opening fire, Jonah repositions himself, though stopping his firing, Victor as Jellitrcity darts out the lake and onto Jonah's machine's window, encompassing his view)

Jellitrcity: You want to mess with a monster? Try me on for size.

(Jellitrcity climbs down to the machine's grapple holding the eggs, Jonah moves to fire point blank, but Jellitrcity responds by electrifying the gunner arm off. The eggs get dropped, and Jellitrcity dives after them. Catching them mid-air, Victor gets punched by Jonah, causing the eggs to hit the floor and break out of their containers, landing on the dock below.)


(Leon, Hop, and Gloria sneak inside the cannery, coming to a corner with a Friends of Fish member round it. Leon pauses and tries to communicate to Hop and Gloria through hand signals. Below the cannery, Jonah's crewmate who had opened fire on the Krakken swims back to the cannery, climbing a ladder and coming up directly in front of Leon, Hop and Gloria, gun aimed.)

Leon: All right, buddy. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

(The crewmate smiles before walking towards the three of them menancingly, causing them to back up. Behind him, the side wall breaks apart, the Krakken's fin coming through.)

Hop: Go high!

(The three of them jump up onto the cannery's hooks, sliding along them as the floor beneath, along with the crewmate, is swept away by the Krakken's fin. Out the corner runs another, who is knocked down by Leon, Gloria, and Hop kicking him in succession as they jump off the hooks.)

Gloria: Is this the easy way or the hard way?

(Leon and Hop shrug and smile.)


(Outside, Jonah and the Krakken both dives for the eggs, but the Krakken scoops them up first.)

Jonah: My eggs!

(Jonah dives for the Krakken, but gets side tackles by Victor.)

Jellitrcity: They aren't your eggs.

(As Victor dives into the water with the eggs, Jonah detaches, falling directly onto him. Underwater Jonah beats Victor, continually punching him.)

Jonah: Rescuing babies? It's very heroic, but not very smart.

(Jonah scoops the eggs while Victor shakes off the beating. Victor gets back to his senses and shoots towards the escaping Jonah. The two fight, Victor latching onto the suit, while Jonah punches him away. Victor prying the eggs from him and rested them in his arms while fighting him off. The Krakken knocks Victor aside and swims off as Victor and Jonah race to it. Jonah lets out a sonic attack, causing the Krakken to reel and allow him to scoop the eggs. Victor smacks him to the ground but gets pinned by the throat. Struggling, Victor grabs an anchor off the sea floor, hitting Jonah with it, before being thrown off while shocking at him. Jonah scurries off while Victor looks down at the chained anchor. He grabs the chain and swings it around, sending it flying at Jonah, dropping the eggs, and letting Victor scoop them back as the Krakken follows)

(Victor as Jellitrcity, still being chased by the Krakken for the eggs, arrives at an open area along the sea floor. He places the eggs down in front of it, allowing it to take their eggs back. Jonah speeds towards them, narrowing on the eggs, but is grabbed by the Krakken's tendrils and has his submarine crushed around him. Now in the open without his machine, Jonah pulls a knife and stabs the Krakken, his knife breaking apart from the force, not affecting the Krakken at all. Jonah pauses as the Krakken roars, opening its jaw. Before it can eat him, Victor puts himself between the two. The Krakken understands and goes back to its eggs. Jonah exchanges a look with Jellitrcity before shrugging. Victor shocks him. On the surface, Victor hangs Jonah up on some debris.)

Jellitrcity: Hang here for a while until the police find a nice, dry cell for ya.


(Hop, Leon and Gloria look on from the lakeside, as a police boat nears Jonah. Jellitrcity surfaces before hovering onto dry land next to the others. The Omnitrix times out, transforming back into Victor.)

Victor: I think I had enough with mythological creatures and fish for one day.

(Hop and Gloria tackle him into a hug. Which he returns. Leon smiles at the three of them.)


Victor Xavier - Ben Thao
Gloria Xavier - Stephanie Southerland
Hop Lavington - Vargus Mason
Leon Lavington - Cedric Williams
Gigantosauros, Speedhyena, Phantom Freeze, Jellitrcity - Dee Bradley Baker
Captain Shaw - Captain Shaw
Jonah Melville - Robin Atkin Downes

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