Roomies... (a choni story)

By Ruby75650

69 7 5

Cheryl and Toni meet at college, cheryl hopes to get a nice girl as her room mate (she also wouldn't mind if... More

On the wayyy😆😆

College 😆😆

23 3 2
By Ruby75650

Previously on... Roomies

"Also wipe the drool of your lips"I said not turning back
"Oh ah wait what I'm not drooling" she wiped her mother and kept walking snickering to herself...
Cheryl POV: We made it to our dorm room and I unlocked the door, as we walk in we are amazed by the detail of this place we have our own lounge and each have a bedroom and there is one bathroom and a kitchen. I grab my bag off the other girl when I realised that I don't know her name...
"Cheryl" I put my hand out and smile my best HBIC smile.
"I'm Toni nice to meet you cutie" she says and I try and hide my face as a blush has risen upon my cheeks and she smirks.
"I'm gunna go decorate my room" Toni says with a smile
"Yes I will as well" I say trying not to let this girl go through my walls.

Still Cheryl POV sorry:
I was unpacking my clothes when I found this new lingerie "ugggg kevinnnnn" I yell as Toni runs in the room,
"Shit are you good" she says looking at what's in my hand a red lacy very cleavaged sexy  looking lingerie. She smirks at me as I try and hide it
"Hmm Whatcha got there" she looks at me with a smirk
"Ummmm nothing" I stumble across my words
She winks at me and walks out the room.
My checks go bright red as I cover my face in my pillow. Of course I mess up and let Keven pack my suitcase, I go though my stuff more and find more red lacy bras with matching panties may as well make the most of them so I walk to the bathroom, I try locking the door to find out that there is none
"Grate just grate"
it's getting late so I take a shower and wash my hair I love the feeling of the water on me.

Once I'm done I realise I forgot to bring a towel  I call out to Toni
"Toniiiiiii" I say loud enough for her to hear
"Yeah what's up" she says
"I forgot my towel can you grab mine from my wardrobe"
"Yeah sure" I say

ToniPOV: I was in my bed room just in a sports bra and shorts coz it was hot and then I hear Cheryl yell out to me.
"Toniiiii" she yells
"Yeah what's up" I say back
"I forgot my towel can you grab mine from my wardrobe"
"Yeah sure" I say rolling my eyes with a smile
I walk into her room and looks around at the newly decorated room I walk into the wardrobe and I do t have a clue were they would be so I look in a draw and all I can see are panties I close the draw a smirk playing on my lips thinking about her wearing them then I look in another draw and there they are I grab one and walk back to her,
"I got it" I say sorta asking how to give it to her
"Thanks" she opens the door a little so I can see her face and neck and WoW she is so beautiful even more without makeup on I just want to kiss her.
What no what am I talking about I just met her ughhh I have just never felt like this be for it feels like we have known each other forever. And that I want to always know her.
After I pass her the towel I went to the lounge and got some blankets and pillows and made the couch all cozy for movie night, I thought it mite be good to get to know each other more.

I'm on the couch just on my phone waiting for Cheryl since I haven't actually asked her about the movie night yet when I here someone in the kitchen its Cheryl in normal cloths I was confused because it's night time I would have thought she would change in pyjamas,
"Hey" I say
"Hey" she says back
"No pj's?" I questioned
"The one thing I forgot to pack Ill just buy some tomorrow" she says shrugging her shoulders
"Well if you want you can wear one of my oversized T's, it's probably not comfortable to sleep in normal clothes" I say sympathetically
"Are you sure" Cheryl says not wanting to invade my privacy
"Yeah yeah it's all good" Toni say walking into her room grabbing an oversized t-shirt with Topaz on the back of it. Walking back and handing it to Cheryl.
"Hey I was just about to watch a movie, you wanna join" I ask nervously
"Oh yeah I love movie nights" she smiled at me while taking her shirt off and putting the oversized t shirt I have her then tacking of her pants. I walked over to the couch to give her some privacy jumping on it and getting under the blankets as it's really cold.
"What's your favourite movie" I said loudly for Cheryl to here
"I love the movie 50 shades of grey" she says with a slight giggle 'ahh that giggle' I thought
"I love that movie too" a said with a small warming smile
She slowly walked over in just my over sized t and panties and got under the covers. I smile glad that she feels this comfortable with me. and I start to turn on the tv for us and we get comfortable...

We were about in the middle of the movie and Cheryl had some how snuggled up to the side of me and is asleep she is so cute I just want to kiss her 'maybe just a kiss on the forehead that won't hurt right' I thought as I lean down to kiss her head she snuggles closer to me if that's possible laying half on top of me with her head in the crease of my neck causing goose bumps in the area. I can feel the lace of her panties on my bare stomach giving me butterflies. I softly place my lips on her head careful not to wake the sleeping girl and give her a good night kiss with that I feel my eyes getting heavy so I close them and fall asleep.

AN: Hey guys sorry I haven't updated for a while I just had all my tests and I was really stressed but here you go Ik it's not grate but yeah also if you wanna give me ideals feel free. Bye gays and guys 😁😁😁

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