
By M4Y2L0T

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Who will HE be? More

Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX.
Chapter XI.
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV.

Chapter X.

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By M4Y2L0T

12:37 PM.

I wake up. Eli's still asleep. His arm is wrapped around me so it's a little hard to try to move, and I don't want to wake him up. So I just fall back asleep, I have a really bad headache anyways, let's hope it goes away by the time we wake up. Around an hour later I feel him get up. So I wake up.

Eli: Sorry ma, I ain't mean to wake you up.

Y/N: No it's okay, I woke up earlier but you were still asleep.

Eli: Ah. you feelin' good? You were really drunk last night.

Y/N: I'm good, just a little headache.

"little" more like MAJOR. My head aches so bad. I feel like it's about to explode.

Eli: Hm. I can get you ibuprofen, i'll be back ma.

Eli gets out of bed and leaves the room. I sit there trying to recall the night. The only thing I remember is drinking so much, not remembering why. I think maybe because I just wanted to turn up?
A couple minutes later Eli enters. He hands me ibuprofen and a water bottle.

Eli: I'm going to take a shower real quick and i'll be back.

Y/N: Alright, i'll be right here.

I smile at him, he winks back at me and goes to his bathroom. I sit there for a while trying to make the headache settle down. I swallow the pill he gave me, and lay back into bed.
I grab my phone and text my mom that i'll be hanging out with my "friend" for a while and i'll be home before 7PM. I put my phone down and slowly drift back to sleep.

A couple minutes later.

Eli: Ay ma.

I'm lightly shaken awake.

Y/N: hm..?

Eli: You need to wake up. Let me help you feel better.

I wake up fully and sit up. Eli sits down right beside me and gives me the water he gave me earlier and suggests that I finish it.
My head still pounding, I grab the water bottle and begin to finish drinking it. He looks at me as I drink the water. I finish and give him it. He gets up from the bed and tosses the bottle into his trash can he has by his door.

Thank god it's a Saturday.

Eli: I out your clothes to wash when we got to my house. You kinda threw up all over yourself

He chuckles a little. I look over at him slowly, blushing from embarrassment.

Eli: Oh mama, don't be embarrassed. It happens, and I gotchu.

Y/N: Thank you Eli.

Eli: Anytime ma. I'm just glad you didn't throw up on me

He laughs a little, making me let out a little giggle.

Y/N: What even happened last night? Do you remember?

Eli: Yes ma'am. We went to the party and you got a little too turnt up. You seemed a little stressed out though,  why was that?

Y/N: Uh.. I honestly don't remember. I kinda black out by the end of the night.

Eli: That's all good. Just know i'm always here for you baby.

He leans in closer to me and moves my hair out of my face. I look up at him, straight eye contact is being held. I can't believe this man came into MY life. He kissed my forehead and smile. He gets up and leaves.
I decide to get up and head towards the bathroom. I really had to pee, but with every step I take, my head pounds. Fuck this. I made it to the bathroom and pee. I sit there for a while not wanting to get up and experience that painful pounding I get every time I walk. Of course though, I get up and head towards the bed. I drift off back to sleep, hoping the headache will go away.

A couple hours later.

I feel someone gently shaking me. I wake up again, mad this time though.

Y/N: What do you want??!

Eli: Ay ma. chill. You need to eat. We can go out and eat together, or eat here. But it's late in the afternoon, your parents might want you home.

Y/N: Yeah. You're right. Can we please eat here? and then you can take me home?

Eli: Of course ma. and here's some clothes I found around you could wear.

Eli sets down some nicely folded clothes and heads downstairs. I get up from the bed and grab the clothes. I put them on. He gave me really long sweatpants and his shirt. They looked a little oversized, of course being from our height difference.
Eli then arrives with a plate in one hand and a drink in the other. I sit back on the bed, ready to munch. Elijah hands me the food and set the drink on the side table.

Eli: A sandwich, crackers, string cheese, and a nice fresh, cold apple juice my queen.

Y/N: Thank you

I smile at him and begin to eat the sandwich. It was good. As i'm eating, he turns the tv on and puts on a show. The show we watched when we first met, breaking bad.
It's a good show. A little boring but it's getting fairly. interesting. I watch as I eat the food he gave me. occasionally taking sips of the apple juice.
When i'm finished he grabs the plate and cup in one hand. With the other, he holds it out for me. It's time for me to go home. I grab his hand and get up from the bed. As we go downstairs, he sets the dishes in the sink and grabs his keys. We head for the door and leave.
As he's driving me home, I close my eyes. If i open my eyes and look at everything moving, I WILL throw up.

I'm never drinking again. Hangovers are the worst.

As we arrive to my house, he opens the door for me and walks me to the door. I put in the code to the lock and open the door.

Eli: I'll see you soon mama.

Y/N: I'll see you soon.

He slowly pulls me in for a kiss. He smiles and leaves. I go inside and head straight for my bed. This is not a great recovery so far. I set my phone down and don't open any of my texts. I take off my shoes and lay in bed. I drift off to sleep again.




End of chapter X.

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